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Application Guidelines for October 2021 Enrollment


Academic year: 2023

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Application Guidelines for October 2021 Enrollment


International Undergraduate Program

(Kyoto iUP)



1. Program Overview ... 1

2. Eligibility Requirements ... 4

3. Admission Process ... 5

4. Application and Enrollment Schedule ... 6

5. Application Fee ... 7

6. Application Documents ... 8

7. Qualifying Tests... 12

8. Scholarships and Support ... 12

9. Other Matters ... 12

10. Contact Information ... 13

Appendix 1 (List of Acceptable Standardized Tests) ... 14

Appendix 2 (Documents to be Submitted by March 12) ... 16


- These guidelines are correct as of July 6, 2020. Kyoto University reserves the right to make any necessary changes to matters such as application and tuition fees without prior notice.

- All dates and times stated in this document are in Japan Standard Time (JST).


1. Program Overview

Kyoto University celebrated its 120th anniversary in 2017. Since its establishment in 1897, the university has endeavored to provide high-quality education and advance the frontiers of scientific research. Through its general and specialized education programs, it seeks to cultivate global leaders for the 21st century.

Since its foundation, the university has maintained a tradition of respecting and encouraging academic freedom—a tradition which is at the heart of the Kyoto University International Undergraduate Program (Kyoto iUP), an innovative new undergraduate program for international students.

Kyoto iUP comprises a six-month preparatory course followed by a four-year undergraduate course. In the first two-and-a-half years, students develop an essential understanding of core subjects in both English and Japanese, and acquire sufficient Japanese language proficiency to attend specialized lectures and pursue advanced studies in Japanese in their final two years.

In addition to cultivating language proficiency and a multicultural mindset, the four-and-a-half- year program is also designed to encourage students to exercise initiative and develop flexible thinking. Upon completing the program, students will have in-depth expertise in their chosen field and an extensive understanding of the world. These qualities open the doors to leadership roles in various sectors of international society.

Kyoto iUP students receive comprehensive support during all phases of the program, benefiting from the experience accumulated by the university throughout its long history of fostering international students from around the globe and supporting them in their studies, research, daily life, and career development.

Key Features and Details

6-month Preparatory Course and 4-year Undergraduate Course

Kyoto iUP comprises a six-month preparatory course and a four-year undergraduate course. Upon graduation, Kyoto iUP students will be awarded a bachelor’s degree in their selected major.

Choose from a Wide Range of Faculties

Students on the program can enroll in any of the faculties and departments listed in Table 1 (on the following page). Applicants should select a faculty/department appropriate to their academic interests. If they are interested in more than one faculty/department, they can provisionally select up to three faculties/departments at the time of application. Their preferences will be discussed during the interview, and when they receive the notification of the second screening result, they will also be notified of the faculty in which they will enroll. They will be formally enrolled in the faculty after they have passed the Qualifying Test, which is taken after the Preparatory Course.


Table 1: Available Faculties*1

Faculty Department

Faculty of Integrated Human Studies*2 - Social Sciences and Humanities - Natural Sciences

Faculty of Education Faculty of Law Faculty of Economics

Faculty of Science*2

- Mathematical Sciences - Physics and Astrophysics - Earth and Planetary Sciences - Chemistry

- Biological Sciences

Faculty of Engineering*2

- Global Engineering - Architecture

- Engineering Science

- Electrical and Electronic Engineering

- Informatics and Mathematical Science (Computer Science) - Industrial Chemistry

Faculty of Agriculture*2

- Bioresource Science - Applied Life Sciences

- Agricultural and Environmental Engineering - Food and Environmental Economics - Forest and Biomaterials Science

*1 The program does not currently offer enrollment in the Faculties of Letters, Medicine, or Pharmaceutical Sciences.

*2 Applicants seeking to enroll in the Faculties of Integrated Human Studies, Science, Engineering, and Agriculture must specify the department(s) in which they wish to enroll at the time of application.

No Japanese language proficiency required

Japanese language proficiency is not required at the time of application. Students will be provided with intensive Japanese courses in the first six months of the program, followed by two years of advanced courses. Students will then have sufficient proficiency to attend regular undergraduate course lectures and seminars in Japanese from their third year.

To applicants:

Applicants must have a strong motivation to learn the Japanese language in order to gain the proficiency required to understand classes in their chosen subjects taught in Japanese.

Online Application

The admission process comprises of two simple steps: document review and interview.

The application procedure, including the submission of documents, will be conducted online via the Online Application System. The interview will be held online or in-person.

Qualifying Tests

Students who perform sufficiently in the Japanese language studies and essential subjects of the Preparatory Course can go on to take a Qualifying Test prepared by the faculty specified in their admission offer. After passing the Qualifying Test, the students can proceed to study in the faculty.


After enrollment

Kyoto iUP students will be enrolled in the faculty as regular undergraduate degree-seeking students. In the first two years of the program, they will study liberal arts courses and major subjects of their choice in English and/or Japanese with other degree-seeking students. This will be followed by two years of specialized education in their chosen major subjects, which will be taught mainly, or exclusively, in Japanese.

Scholarships and Support

Scholarships that provide full or partial admission/tuition fee waivers and monthly allowances are available. Accommodation in a Kyoto University International House (dormitory) is available for the first 12 months.

Number of Places

Approximately 20 students will be enrolled in October 2021. They are expected to complete the four-year undergraduate degree course in March 2026.

For reference

Table 2: Number of students who passed the Kyoto iUP second screening Faculty/Department

Number of Kyoto iUP students who passed the second screening

2018 2019 2020

Faculty of Integrated Human Studies 1 1

- Social Sciences and Humanities 1 1

- Natural Sciences

Faculty of Education 1 2

Faculty of Law 1 1

Faculty of Economics 1 3

Faculty of Science 4 6

- Mathematical Sciences 1 1

- Physics and Astrophysics 1

- Earth and Planetary Sciences

- Chemistry 2 2

- Biological Sciences 1 2

Faculty of Engineering 2 9 8

- Global Engineering 1 1 1

- Architecture 1

- Engineering Science 2 1

- Electrical and Electronic Engineering 1 2

- Informatics and Mathematical Science (Computer Science) 2 2

- Industrial Chemistry 1 2 2

Faculty of Agriculture 2 1

- Bioresource Science

- Applied Life Sciences 1

- Agricultural and Environmental Engineering 1

- Food and Environmental Economics 1

- Forest and Biomaterials Science

Total 3 18 22


2. Eligibility Requirements

Applicants must satisfy both of the following requirements, 1 and 2:

1 Applicants must be non-Japanese citizens, and must have obtained “International Student” status of residence at enrollment.

2 Applicants must fulfill at least one of the following five conditions:

a) Have completed or be expected to complete at least 12 years of primary to secondary education, or less than 12 years of formal education that is recognized as equivalent by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), in a country other than Japan by September 30, 2021

b) Have completed or be expected to complete at least 12 years of primary to secondary education at an educational institution located in Japan, based on a non-Japanese education system and recognized by MEXT by September 30, 2021

c) Have completed or be expected to complete 12 years of primary to secondary education at an educational institution accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC), the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI), or the Council of International Schools (CIS) by September 30, 2021

d) Have been awarded an International Baccalaureate, German Abitur, French Baccalaureate or General Certificate of Education Advanced Level (GCE A Level) by September 30, 2021

e) Have an academic background that is recognized by Kyoto University as equivalent to a) above before the admission process begins. They must be at least 18 years old by April 1, 2022.

⇒ If applicable, please see Eligibility Screening Process

Eligibility Screening Process (Only mandatory for applicants to whom 2e), above, applies) Applicants who intend to apply with the eligibility described in 2e), above, must complete the eligibility screening process by submitting the documents listed below via email between July 6 and October 23, 2020.

Eligibility Screening Documents

1 Resume of educational history from primary to current institution, which includes the name, address, and URL of each institution, and enrollment/completion dates

2 Photocopy of the graduation certificate or certificate of expected graduation from the applicant’s secondary school/high school (Form A may be used)

3 Copy of passport pages containing the applicant’s name, photograph, passport number, nationality, and expiration date.

Note: Other applicants can voluntarily apply for the eligibility screening process, regardless of which eligibility requirements they meet.


3. Admission Process Application Period: November 2 until 5 p.m. on December 7, 2020 (JST)

First Screening: Document Review

(Application deadline: 5 p.m. on December 7, 2020)

See page 7

The first screening will be a careful examination of the application documents and accompanying materials. The application documents must be submitted through the Online Application System. Following the document review, shortlisted applicants will be notified via the Online Application System on February 12, 2021.

To shortlisted applicants:

Shortlisted applicants must send their original application documents to the Kyoto iUP Admissions Office via registered mail to arrive by March 12, 2021. ⇒ See Appendix 2 on page 16

Note: the expenses required to send the application documents by registered mail must be borne by the applicant.

Second Screening: Interview (March 1–12, 2021)

Shortlisted applicants will be interviewed online or in-person. The interviews will be held between March 1 and 12, 2021.

Details of the interview procedures will be provided to candidates at the end of February 2021.


- It is the applicants’ responsibility to check their email for notifications about the interviews and application process.

- Travel expenses to attend the interview must be borne by the applicant.

Notification of Selection Results (April 9, 2021)

Applicants will receive an electronic copy of the result letter via the Online Application System on April 9, 2021. Official letters will also be sent to successful applicants via registered mail.


- Decisions regarding admission are non-negotiable.

- Admission deferrals will not be accepted.

- The Admissions Office will not respond to any inquiries regarding admission decisions.

Confirmation of Intent to Enroll (must be received by May 10, 2021)

Successful applicants must notify the Kyoto iUP Admissions Office of their intent to enroll by May 10, 2021. Upon receipt of the letter confirming the applicant’s intent to enroll, the Kyoto iUP Admissions Office will contact the applicant regarding the details of the enrollment procedures, including visa application.


4. Application and Enrollment Schedule

Apply for the First Screening (Document Review) November 2–December 7, 2020

(Application deadline: 5 p.m. on December 7, 2020) - All application documents must be uploaded to the Online Application System by the application deadline.

- The application fee (JPY 9,800) must be paid by December 6, 2020.

Note: Evidence of the payment must be sent with the application documents. See Page 7

Notification of the First Screening Result February 12, 2021

Second Screening (Interview) March 1–12, 2021 - The interview is conducted online or in-person.

- Shortlisted applicants must send their original application documents to the Kyoto iUP Admissions Office by registered mail to arrive by March 12, 2021. See Appendix 2 on page 16

Notification of the Second Screening Result April 9, 2021

Confirm Intent to Enroll By May 10, 2021

Prepare for Study in Japan Mid-May–Mid-September 2021 Arrive in Japan By the End of September 2021

Enroll in the Preparatory Course October 1, 2021 Take Qualifying Test for Chosen Faculty February 2022 Enroll in the Undergraduate Course April 2022

Check Eligibility Requirements ⇒ See page 4

If you satisfy Requirement 1 and 2e) is applicable to you If you satisfy Requirement 1 and

at least one of 2a), 2b), 2c), or 2d)

Eligibility Screening Process

The required documents must be sent by email between July 6 and October 23, 2020.

If you pass the first screening

If you pass the second screening


For the First Screening

5. Application Fee

The Kyoto iUP application fee is JPY 9,800. Application fee waivers are not available. The fee must be paid by either of the following methods (A or B) by December 6, 2020.

Note: the application fee is non-refundable under any circumstances.

A) Credit Card

Payment for the application and processing fees can be made with Visa, MasterCard, JCB, or Amex cards between November 2 and December 6, 2020. Instructions on how to make the payment are available on the following website:


B) Bank Transfer

To pay the application and processing fees by bank transfer, the payment should be made to the bank account detailed below. Payment by bank transfer will be accepted between November 2 and December 6, 2020.

Name of bank Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation

Bank code 0009

Branch name Kyoto Branch

Branch code 496

Swift code SMBCJPJT

Name of beneficiary Kyoto University, National University Corporation Beneficiary account type Savings

Beneficiary account number 496-8089507

Address of branch 8 Naginatahoko-cho, Karasumahigashiiru, Shijo-dori, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto City 600-8008, Japan

Telephone number of branch +81-(0)75-211-4131

Important Points to Note when Paying by Credit Card:

- When making the payment, please choose “Kyoto iUP” in the “Faculty Name” field.

- When entering your email address, please be sure to use the same address that you entered into the Online Application System.

- The “Payment Certificate” (in PDF format) must be uploaded to the Online Application System.

- A processing fee of JPY 650 will be charged. Applicants are responsible for the payment.

Important Points to Note when Paying by Bank Transfer:

- The name of the person making the payment must be the same as that stated in the applicant’s passport.

The name must be written in the following order in the “Payer” space: last name, first name, middle name(s). “iUP” must then be added to the end of the name to indicate that the payment is for an application to Kyoto iUP. Example: “SMITH Andrea iUP.”

- If someone other than the applicant makes the payment, the name of the applicant + “iUP,” and the payer’s relation to the applicant must be entered in the “Message to Payee” space.

- Transaction fees vary depending on the policies of each bank. All transaction fees must be paid by the applicant.

- It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that the correct amount (JPY 9,800) is received by Kyoto University.

- Evidence of the payment must be uploaded to the Online Application System.


For the First and Second Screening

6. Application Documents

Application Period: November 2 until 5 p.m. on December 7, 2020.

All documents must be received by the Kyoto iUP Admissions Office during the application period. Applications, including the submission of the required documents, must be made via the Online Application System.

The application documents must be prepared in English. If documents are in a language other than English, the original documents and their English translation must be submitted together.

The English translation must be certified by the issuing school or by a notary office.

Some of the documents must be uploaded by the relevant school. It is the applicant’s responsibility to make the necessary arrangements to ensure that all required documents and information are uploaded to the Online Application System during the application period specified above. After uploading the documents and other information, please be sure to click the “Complete” button otherwise your application will not be received. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.

In addition to the above, applicants who pass the first screening must send original copies of the designated application documents to the Kyoto iUP Admissions Office via registered mail to arrive by March 12, 2021. For further details, please refer to Appendix 2.

Application and supporting documents submitted to the Kyoto iUP Admissions Office will not be returned.

Online Application System

Please apply through the Online Application System and upload the necessary documents and information to the system.

URL: https://admission.iup.kyoto-u.ac.jp

The application period is November 2 until 5 p.m. on December 7, 2020. The Online Application System will automatically close at 5 p.m. on December 7.


Documents to be Submitted by the Application Deadline

The application forms (Forms A, B, C, and D) can be downloaded from the following website:

URL: https://www.iup.kyoto-u.ac.jp/apply/

If it is necessary for a school to upload an application document, the applicant must send a request to the school via the Online Application System. It is not necessary for the school to create an account to log into the system. For details of how to send a request for the upload of documents, please refer to the “User Manual” of the Online Application System.

Document To be uploaded by Details 1 Digital identification


Applicant A digital photograph of the applicant taken within the last six months. The photo must be taken with no hat or head covering, unless there are religious or medical reasons for such.

2 Copy of passport Applicant Copied page(s) containing the applicant’s name, photograph, passport number, nationality, and expiration date. If the applicant does not have a passport, a copy of his/her official photo ID, which includes the applicant’s name and nationality and its English translation must be included. The English translation may be prepared by the applicant.

3 Application fee payment certificate

Applicant Evidence that the application fee of JPY 9,800 has been paid to Kyoto University by credit card or bank transfer.

4 School transcripts Applicant or School

Official transcripts/school records covering the applicant’s entire time at secondary/high school from his/her first year to the present/graduation. Higher education transcripts are also required if applicable.

These documents must be issued to the applicant by the school.

5 Form A (Certificate of


Expected Graduation)

Applicant or School

Form A must be completed by the secondary/high school from which the applicant graduated or is expected to graduate.

A copy of the original certificate of graduation or high school diploma can also be substituted instead of Form A.

The document must include the date of graduation/expected graduation from the secondary/high school and the name of the school. It must be issued to the applicant by the school.

6 Form B (Evaluation)

School Form B must be filled out by a staff member of the secondary/high school that the applicant currently attends or has most recently attended. The staff member must be familiar with the applicant in one of the following capacities: subject/homeroom teacher, principal/head of the school, or guidance/college counselor.


Document To be uploaded by Details

7 Either a specified English proficiency test result or Form C is required.

English proficiency test result*3


Cambridge English Scale)

Applicant Applicants are required to have their English proficiency certified by one of the English proficiency tests listed below. They must upload a copy of their test results to the Online Application System, and also make the following arrangements so that the Kyoto iUP Admissions Office can verify the results.

Note: the results submitted must have been awarded for tests taken after November 1, 2018.

- TOEFL (https://www.ets.org/toefl):

Applicants must request the test center to send the score report directly to Kyoto University.

Kyoto University’s TOEFL Institution Code is C447 (Kyoto University - International Undergraduate Program).

Note: MyBest scores and TOEFL ITP results are not accepted.

- IELTS (https://www.ielts.org):

Once the applicant has uploaded a copy of their score sheet (Test Report Form) to the Online Application System, no further action is required. The Admissions Office can verify the result via the IELTS website using the TRF number.

- Cambridge English Scale:

Applicants must enter their candidate ID and secret number in the Online Application System. The Admissions Office will then be able to verify the results.

For reference

Applicants are expected to have adequate English proficiency.

Although there is no specific minimum score for the English proficiency requirement, the following are typical scores of successful candidates:


IELTS Academic: 6.5 Cambridge English Scale: 180

Form C

(English Proficiency Evaluation Form)

School Applicants who are native speakers of English or who have/will have completed their secondary education in English* may submit Form C instead of an English proficiency test result.

*“Who have/will have completed their secondary education in English” refers to persons for whom all lectures and classes, except for language classes, were conducted in English for at least five years during their secondary education.


Document To be uploaded by Details 8 Standardized test


Applicant or School

Applicants must submit their official results for one of the standardized tests listed in Appendix 1. If the final score will not be available by the application deadline, an official predicted score certificate is acceptable.

If neither the final score or predicted score are available by the application deadline, applicants can complete their application without including the standardized test results. In this case, please select “Cannot submit any score” in the “Document Upload” section of the Online Application System and state the reason in the “Remarks”

column. Please note, however, that if the applicant passes the first screening, either a final or predicted score must be submitted before the interview.

Note: If applicants wish to submit the results of a test other than those listed in Appendix 1, please contact the Kyoto iUP Admissions Office by October 23, 2020 to confirm whether or not the test results will be accepted as part of the application. The results of tests other than those listed in Appendix 1 that are submitted without any prior confirmation will not be accepted.

9 Form D (Essay)

Applicant The essay must be written in English within 600 words, and submitted using Form D.

*3 Depending on the situation regarding the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, the requirements regarding the submission of the English proficiency test result and standardized test result may change.

Additional supporting documents such as those relating to extracurricular activities may be submitted via the Online Application System, but the Kyoto iUP Admissions Office cannot guarantee that they will be considered in the application process.


7. Qualifying Tests

Students who perform sufficiently in the Japanese language studies and essential subjects of the Preparatory Course can go on to take a Qualifying Test prepared by the faculty specified in their admission offer. After passing the Qualifying Test, the students can proceed to study in the faculty from April 1, 2022. The fee for the Qualifying Test is JPY 17,000. Fee waivers are not available.

8. Scholarships and Support

Scholarships and Fee Waivers

Merit-based scholarships that include full or partial admission and tuition fee waivers and a monthly allowance of up to JPY 120,000 for four-and-a-half years are available.

Admission Fee Tuition Fee

Preparatory Course JPY 28,200

Full waiver available

JPY 296,000 (6 months) Full waiver available Undergraduate Course JPY 282,000

Full waiver available

JPY 535,800 (Annual)

Full and partial waivers available


Accommodation in a Kyoto University International House (dormitory) is available for the first 12 months of the program. Please visit the following website for more information about the Kyoto University International Houses:


Student Support

Various forms of support for study, student life, and career development, including student tutoring services, are offered to all iUP students.

9. Other Matters

Fraudulent Statements and Information

It is the applicants’ responsibility to ensure that all information provided in their application, supporting documents, and interviews is truthful and accurate. If any reasonable grounds are found to indicate that false information has been provided, the application will be rejected immediately, or the student’s registration will be terminated.

Data Protection

The Kyoto iUP Admissions Office is responsible for the secure protection of data and information provided in applications and accompanying documents. Information provided will not be used for purposes other than admissions and program development.


10. Contact Information

Address: Kyoto iUP Admissions Office, Kyoto University

Yoshida International House Bldg. (B1), Yoshida South Campus, Yoshida Nihonmatsu-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan Email: kyoto_iup@mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp

If you have any inquiries, please first refer to the following website. If your inquiries are not answered by the information on the website, please send us your inquiries via the inquiry form on the website.

Kyoto iUP website: http://www.iup.kyoto-u.ac.jp/

FAQ: https://www.iup.kyoto-u.ac.jp/faq/

Inquiry form: http://www.iup.kyoto-u.ac.jp/contact/


List of Acceptable Standardized Tests

Applicants must submit an official report of the results of one of the standardized tests listed in the following Tables A, B, or C.

A. International Tests

Name of test Detailed requirements How to submit


(Scholastic Assessment Test)

The SAT Reasoning Test is required, but the essay is not mandatory.

In addition, the following subjects are also required for the Faculties of Science, Engineering, Agriculture, and Integrated Human Studies (Natural Sciences):

Math level 2

At least two of the following subjects:

Chemistry, Physics, Biology

Chemistry and Physics are required for the Faculty of Engineering.

The results of tests taken on or before December 5, 2020 are acceptable.

- Upload a copy of your results and

- Request the test institution to send a hard copy of your score report directly to Kyoto University (Institution code:

7741 Kyoto University IUP).


(Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students)

The following subjects are required for the Faculties of Science, Engineering,

Agriculture, and Integrated Human Studies (Natural Sciences):

Math Course 2


Chemistry and Physics are required for the Faculty of Engineering.

Note: the test may be taken in either English or Japanese.

The results of tests taken on or before November 8, 2020 are acceptable.

- Upload a copy of your results or test voucher, so that the Kyoto iUP Admissions Office can verify your score using your registration number.

If your results have not been issued at the time of application, please upload your test voucher.


(American College Testing)

The results of tests taken on or before October 24, 2020 are acceptable.

- Upload a copy of your results and

- Request the test institution to send a hard copy of your score report directly to Kyoto University

(Institution code: 1745).

Note: Scores issued by the AP (Advanced Placement) program are not acceptable.

B. International Qualifications

Name of test Detailed requirements How to submit

General Certificate of Education Advanced Level (GCE A Level) / International A Level

The certificate of the results or official predicted scores is required.

Note: IGCSE certificates are not acceptable.

- Upload a copy of your certificate*

International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma

The certificate of the results or official predicted grades is required.

- Upload a copy of your certificate*

*Applicants who pass the first screening must send the original document or a certified copy of the certificate to the Kyoto iUP Admissions Office via registered mail to arrive by March 12, 2021 (see Appendix 2). If

Appendix 1


C. Country Specific Standardized Tests

Country/region Name of test How to submit

China National Higher Education Entrance Examination (GAOKAO)

- Upload a copy of your results* France Baccalaureate (predicted scores are acceptable) - Upload a copy of your certificate* Germany Abitur (predicted scores are acceptable) - Upload a copy of your certificate* Hong Kong Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education

Examination (HKDSE) (predicted scores are acceptable)

- Upload a copy of your results*

Indonesia Indonesian National Examinations (Ujian Nasional)

Note: only applicants who have already taken the examination can apply, submitting their results.

- Upload a copy of your results*

Korea College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT) - Upload a copy of your results* Malaysia Malaysia Unified Examination Certificate


Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia (STPM) Peperiksaan Semester Program Matrikulasi (PSPM)

Note: in the case of PSPM, the examination results for the first semester are acceptable as predicted scores.

- Upload a copy of your results* or

(in the case of UEC 2020)

- Send your results via the message field in the Online Application System*

Myanmar Matriculation Examination

Note: only applicants who have already taken the examination can apply, submitting their results.

- Upload a copy of your results*

Singapore Singapore-Cambridge GCE (Advanced Level) Examination

(predicted scores are acceptable)

- Upload a copy of your results*

Taiwan Taiwan General Scholastic Ability Test (GSAT) Note: if you wish to enroll in a faculty related to

social sciences, it is preferable that you include social science in the test subjects. If you wish to enroll in a faculty related to natural sciences, it is preferable that you include natural science in the test subjects.

- Upload a copy of your results* or

(in the case of GSAT 2020) - Send your result via the message field in the Online Application System*

Thailand Ordinary National Education Test (O-net) Note: only applicants who have already taken the

examination can apply, submitting their results.

- Upload a copy of your results*

Vietnam Vietnam National High School Graduation Examination

Note: Only applicants who have already taken the examination can apply, submitting their results.

- Upload a copy of your results*

*Applicants who pass the first screening must also send the original documents or certified copies to the Kyoto iUP Admissions Office by registered mail to arrive by March 12, 2021 (see Appendix 2).

Note: if applicants wish to submit the results of a test other than those listed in Appendix 1, please contact the Kyoto iUP Admissions Office by October 23, 2020 to confirm whether or not the test results will be accepted as part of the application. The results of tests other than those listed in Appendix 1 that are submitted without


(Only for shortlisted applicants)

Documents to be Submitted by March 12, 2021

In order to ensure the authenticity of submitted documents, shortlisted applicants are requested to submit the original copies of the following documents. For documents that can only be issued once, such as diplomas and academic transcripts, certified copies* are acceptable in place of the originals. All documents must reach the Kyoto iUP Admissions Office via registered mail by March 12, 2021.

*A certified copy is a copy of the original document that has been deemed equivalent to the original by means of an official seal from a school or by a notary office.

Type of document What is required to be submitted

1 School transcripts Original documents or certified copies 2 Form A

(Certificate of Graduation/

Expected Graduation)

Form A/Certificate issued by the school

Original document

Graduation diploma Certified copy

3 Form B (Evaluation)

Original document

The document can be sent directly from the school by registered mail, or by the applicant. If it is sent by the applicant, it must be officially sealed in an envelope by the school, so that the applicant cannot see the contents.

4 English proficiency test result/

Form C

TOEFL If you have already requested the test institution to send the score report directly to Kyoto University, no further action is required. (Institution code: C447)

IELTS No further action is required.

Cambridge English Scale

No further action is required.

Form C Original document

5 Standardized test result

SAT If you have already requested the test institution to send a hard copy of your score report directly to Kyoto University, no further action is required.

(Institution code: 7741 Kyoto University IUP)

EJU If you have already uploaded a copy of the score sheet or voucher to the Online Application System, no further action is required.

ACT If you have already requested the test institution to send a hard copy of your score report directly to Kyoto University, no further action is required. (Institution code: 1745)

GCE Advanced Level/

International A Level (including predicted


Original document or certified copy

If the predicted scores are submitted, the final scores must be submitted at a later date when requested by the Kyoto iUP Admissions Office.


(International Baccalaureate) (including predicted


Original document or certified copy

If the predicted grades are submitted, the final grades must be submitted at a later date when requested by the Kyoto iUP Admissions Office.

Country Specific Standardized Test

Original document or certified copy

Address: Kyoto iUP Admissions Office, Kyoto University

Yoshida International House Bldg. (B1), Yoshida South Campus,

Appendix 2


How to create a certified copy of a document 1. Prepare the original document.

2. Have your school or a notary office make a copy of the original.

3. The school or notary office will add a comment together with their official seal in the margin or on the back of the document certifying that the copy is equivalent to the original.

Note: A copy of a certified document is not acceptable.

Original Document

Copy of

Original Document

Copy of

Original Document Comment Seal

Example: I hereby attest that this is a true copy of the original document.


Name of Institution Official Seal


Kyoto University

Kyoto iUP Admissions Office


Email: kyoto_iup@mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp



Compared with their bulk phases, the ferromagnetism in the thin-layer structures two–six layers can be greatly stabilized due to the enhanced carrier density and orbital shifting by