• 沒有找到結果。

第五章 結論與建議

第二節 建議

本節將根據研究結果與討論,以及實驗中研究對象所回饋的意見,試 圖提出建議供教學者及未來研究參考。


數位資訊的快速進步,促使各種可運用於英語教學的影片產生,隨著 行動載具的普及與教學方式的演進,將學習的主導權移轉給學生,落實以 學生為中心的教學方式指日可待,若學生可在自己的閒瑕時間利用行動載 具進行英語學習,那麼教學者將有更多課堂時間可以靈活運用。


本研究以 18 至 24 歲的大學生為研究對象,未來研究可將研究對象的 年齡範圍提高或降低,了解各個不同的年齡層對於無所不在學習結合影片 教學的影響是否會有不同。


本研究以 80 名的大學生為研究對象,未來可增加研究對象人數,取得







本研究之字幕呈現內容為單純之語意翻譯,若能加上標記關鍵或困難 字彙等字幕呈現內容上的設計,並加以深入探討,相信更可促進英語教學 之發展。




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江姃慈、黃培斌、蘇美旭(1997)。英文電影字幕在教學上之影響。嘉南學 報,23,133-143。



宋曜廷(2000)。先前知識、文章結構與多媒體呈現對文章學習的影響。國 立台灣師範大學教育心理與輔導學系博士論文,未出版,台北市。

何詩欽(2009)。多媒體教材在行動載具上不同呈現方式之學習成效探討與 評估﹣以高一生活科技為例。國立交通大學理學院網路學習在職專班 碩士論文,未出版,新竹市。

林麗雲(1996)。大一英文教室使用影片輔助教學:中文字幕與中英文字幕 影片之比較。華崗外語學報,3,179-205。


張謙楣(2005)。行動載具在支援高中國文科教室教學情境的應用。國立臺 灣師範大學資訊教育學系碩士論文,未出版,台北市。

洪美雪(2001)。字幕對外語學習成效影響之探究。國立成功大學教育研究 所碩士論文,未出版,台南市。

連寶靜、林朝清、周建宏、王曉璿(2011)多媒體之字幕呈現方式在英語 學習效益之研究。育達科大學報,26,1-30。

許耀升、羅希哲(2007)。智慧型PDA融入國民中學自然與生活科技領域教 學之行動研究。科學教育,296,2-17。




楊子奇、蔡佩珊、黃國禎(2006,4月)。U-Learning環境的建置與效益評 估-以單晶X光繞射研究人員培訓為例。論文發表於中央大學舉辦之「行 動與無所不在數位學習」學術研討會,桃園縣。

賴信川(2005)。運用行動載具輔助空間幾何學習。國立臺灣師範大學資訊 教育學系在職進修碩士班碩士論文,未出版,台北市。

謝財旺 (2006)。適性化學習環境中學習者訊息處理能力與內容媒體型態 的適配性對學習成效的影響。國立中山大學資訊管理研究所碩士論文,


蕭顯勝、吳姈蓉、洪琬諦(2009)。無所不在學習環境下的數學步道教學系 統之建置。理工研究學報,43(1),1-20。

蕭顯勝、蔡福興、游光昭(2005)。在行動學習環境中實施科技教育教學活 動之初探。生活科技教育月刊,38,40-57。

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附 錄


This listening comprehension test will test your ability to understand spoken English. In this test, each conversation, short talk and question will be spoken JUST ONE TIME. They will not be written out for you.

Part A

In part A, you will hear 15 questions. After you hear a question, read the four choices in your test book and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.


You will hear: Ms. Lewis has worked here for a long time, hasn’t she?

You will read: A. Yes, at three o’clock.

B. No, I don’t have a watch.

C. Yes, more than twenty years.

D. No. She’s working overtime.

The best answer to the question “Ms. Lewis has worked here for a long time, hasn’t she?” is C: “Yes, more than twenty years.” Therefore, you should choose answer C.


D. Yes, it’s an interesting lesson.

7. A. Yes, she’s in good shape.

B. No, rich desserts are bad for you.

C. Yes, you should quit smoking.

D. No, just exercise every day.

B. Yes, the staff has been very helpful.

C. Yes, it’s in the downtown area.

D. Yes, we’ll arrange a convenient time.

10. A. Yes, it turned out to be a sunny day.

B. Oh! I completely forgot about that.

C. No, I was too tired on Friday night.

C. Sorry, the show has been cancelled.

D. In fact, he gave the money to me.

14. A. You should run faster.

B. More guests are coming.

C. But I just filled up the tank.

D. Let’s try to reduce expenses.

15. A. In the large conference room.

B. The date hasn’t been finalized yet.

C. About issues related to AIDS.

D. He seemed quite impressed.





題 號

非 常 同 意

同 意

普 通

不 同 意

非 常 不 同 意

31 考慮到這次學習的困難程度和我的個人技巧,我想我




附錄三 英語學習成就測驗

Newsquiz - October 11, 2012

Part A 在正確的發音下打勾

1. consulate cancer late 2. affirmative action affective action

3. el lagarto alligator 4. articulate articular

5. courageous courage 6. judgment chargement

7. spreading spread 8. Congress Congressman

9. policies pathes 10. cheese cheesy

Part B 選出正確的答案

( )1. On September 11th, how many Americans including the U.S. ambassador to Libya were killed in a violence?

(A) 7 (B) 13 (C) 4 (D) 41

( )2. According to the video, CNN quick poll results were pretty definitive. 94 percent of spectators said race should not be a factor in college admissions.
What that race mean?

(A) Biology a population within a species that is distinct in some way, especially a subspecies.

(B) A competition between runners, horses, vehicles, boats, etc., to see which is the fastest in covering a set course.

(C) All of the above.

(D) None of the above.

( )3. What day is the 11th of October?

(A) International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples (B) International Day of Rural Women

(C) International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women (D) the International Day of the Girl


( )4. Malala is a blogger and an ______ for education and women`s rights. One Pakistani official described Malala as an icon of courage and hope.

(A) educationalist (B) activist (C) athlete (D) academic

( )5. how old is malala ? (A) 8

(B) 12 (C) 14 (D) 18

( )6. The area where Malala lives, had experienced a lot of violence from the Taliban, it’s a _______ group, and one of its goals is to stop girls from going to school.

(A) minority (B) conservative (C) financial (D) militant

( )7. Originally, the U.S. vice president was the runner-up in the presidential election. Is that correct?

(A) Partially correct (B) Correct

(C) Incorrect (D) Not mentioned

( )8. Who are the Democratic nominees for vice president?

Joseph Biden(D) (A) Paul Ryan (B) Patrick Ryan (C) Jacob Biden (D) Joseph Biden

( )9. Who is chairman of the House Budget Committee (A) Paul Ryan

(B) Patrick Ryan (C) Jacob Biden (D) Joseph Biden


( )10. According to the video, what is the Mouse Trap?

(A) The Mousetrap is a murder mystery play.

(B) A specialized type of animal trap designed primarily to catch mice.

(C) A classic board game that has been enjoyed by kids.

(D) None of the above.



Newsquiz - October 15, 2012

Part A 在正確的發音下打勾

1. uncongennes unconscious 2. estableless established

3. nobel noble 4. anon announced

5. historic history 6. endeavour andever

7. earned hurdled 8. sheatering shattering

9. fiber viber 10. squires squirrels

( )1. Is the following sentence true or false? On October 9, Malala was targeted and shot by the Taliban. Thousands of people showing their support for Malala and speaking out against the Taliban and its strict policies.

(A) True.

(B) False.

(C) Not mentioned.

( )2. According to the video, the European Union have __ member countries.

(A) 7 (B) 17 (C) 27 (D) 37

( )3. Chairman of the Nobel Committee: Over a 70 year period, ___ and ___ had fought three wars. Today, war between ___ and ___ is unthinkable. This shows of true well aimed efforts and while building mutual confidence, historic enemies can become close parties.

Which country are these two historic enemies?

(A) Italy and France.

(B) United Kingdom and Italy.

(C) Germany and United Kingdom.

(D) Germany and France.

( )4. Interest rates to austerity measures and unemployment eventually leads Spain’s economy _________.


(A) getting better and better.

(B) went from boom to bust.

(C) has taken off.

(D) never change.

( )5. Hispanic heritage month introduced tomato, chocolate latté and ‘atun’. What’s

‘atun’ mean in English?

(A) Chicken (B) Cow (C) Fish (D) Sheep

( )6. According to the video, the space shuttle Endeavour was crawling along the roads of ____.

(A) Arizona (B) California (C) Kentucky (D) Virginia

( )7. Felix Baumgartner set the record for the highest jump, he broke the speed of sound as he hurdled toward earth. Is that correct?

(A) Correct (B) Incorrect (C) Partially correct (D) Not mentioned

( )8. How many years did Felix Baumgartner and his team spent of exhaustive testing?

(A) 3 (B) 9 (C) 7 (D) 5

( )9.Did Felix Baumgartner set a record for the lowest jump ever?

( )9.Did Felix Baumgartner set a record for the lowest jump ever?
