• 沒有找到結果。

第五章  結論與建議

第二節  建議

第二節 建議 一、 適性化設計並增加學習內容與遊戲方式

從問卷中得到關於修改句子難易度、數量及提高獎勵點數的回饋,與前測成 績較高之學生花費較多時間使用遊戲練習句子的結果來看,可知不同學習成就之 學生對於遊戲的需求亦有所不同,若能讓遊戲設定符合各種學習成就學生之能 力,將對學生更有幫助。

本研究僅以「英語句子組合」概念設計幫助學生練習句型之遊戲,若未來能 加入更多可練習聽、說、讀、寫的遊戲內容,並依學生能力分級,將對學生更有 助益,讓學習成就較低的學生能由淺入深練習,學習成就較高的學生也能練習更 多較有深度的內容,且多元的遊戲方式亦更能讓學生樂於學習。

二、 增加討論區與線上交談功能

本研究為避免課堂實驗組學生花費過多時間互相交談,並未將此功能設計於 遊戲中,日後若需讓學生在課後使用遊戲練習,可考慮增設討論區與線上交談功 能,讓學生能尋求答案之管道更多元,不再侷限於課本。

三、 發展成遊戲式學習系統


再給予教師參考。若能將學習遊戲設計成遊戲式學習系統,方便教師與家長了解 學生的練習情形,讓教師可自由觀看學生的學習歷程記錄,針對學生感到困難、


容易犯錯的部份給予指導,家長亦能藉此對遊戲式學習感到安心。更甚者設計方 便讓教師與家長使用遊戲獎勵之功能,藉此鼓勵學生實際的課業表現,亦是讓學 生在學習過程中獲得樂趣與成就感的一種方式。


參考資料 中文部分:

吳雅慧(民 90)。國小英語教學活動與學童學習動機之研究--以仁仁國小四年甲 班為例。國立花蓮師範學院國民教育研究所碩士論文。

吳鏘煌(譯)(民 93)。讓孩子輕鬆學英語的 50 個遊戲 I(原作者:畠山晴雄、


李碧玉(民 94)。臺北地區小學英語文法教學之調查研究。國立高雄第一科技大 學應用英語研究所碩士論文。

尚俊傑、莊紹勇、李芳樂、李浩文(民 95)。教育遊戲之研究與應用@ CAITE。


房建軍(民 97)。英語語句結構分析。語文學刊(高等教育),6,78-79。

林富偉(民 96)。國小學童遊戲式英語數位學習環境研發暨實施之研究。國立清 華大學資訊系統與應用研究所碩士論文。

孫宇(民 96)。句型教學在英語教學中的作用。內蒙古電大學刊,12,90-90。

許扶堂(民 96)。遊戲融入兒童課後數學學習之行動研究—以國小五年級弱勢族 群兒童為例。國立臺中教育大學數學教育學系碩士班碩士論文。

簡幸如(民 94)。數位遊戲設計之教學模式建構。國立中央大學學習與教學研究 所碩士論文。

龐麗君(民 94)。電腦應用軟體輔助教學對臺灣國中生英語學習之效益研究。國 立高雄師範大學英語學系碩士班碩士論文。



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附錄一 句型前測測驗卷

本測驗卷共 15 題,作答時間限時 20 分鐘

請從 word bank 挑選正確的答案填入下面的題目中 (一個空格只能填入一個字)

★Word Bank


Q: Where are you?

A: _______ _______ _______

_______ _______ now.


Q: _______ _______ _______

_______ last night?

A: We _______ dinner.


Q: _______ he _______ _______

_______ last Friday?

A: No, he wasn't.

Š I, you, he, they, she, we

Š where, who, what, how, when

Š our, my, her, his, their, your

Š yes, no

Š do, does, don’t, doesn’t, did, didn’t

Š was, were, wasn’t, weren't, is, are, am, isn’t, aren’t

Š play, clean, water, climb, cook, paint

Š by, at, on, in

Š the beach, the mountains, the island, the lake, the sea, the river



Q: What _______ they do last night?

A: _______ _______ _______



Q: _______ he _______ _______

_______ last night?

A: No, _______ _______.


Q: Where is she?

A: _______ _______ _______

_______ _______ now.


Q: _______ _______ _______

the _______ last night?

A: Yes, we _______.


Q: _______ _______ _______

a _______ last Sunday?

A: No, she _______.


Q: Was she by the sea last night?

A: No, _______ _______.



Q: Did she _______ the _______?

A: Yes, _______ _______.


Q: Did _______ _______ _______

_______ last night?

A: No, she _______.


Q: _______ _______ _______

_______ _______ last Sunday?

A: No, I _______.


Q: _______ you _______ _______

_______ last night?

A: Yes, _______ _______.


Q: What _______ you do last night?

A: _______ _______ a _______.


Q: _______ _______ _______

the sea last weekend?

A: Yes, they _______.

圖片來源:康軒文教事業(民 98)。圖片資料庫。於 Hello, Darbie! 8 多媒體教學資源光碟。



附錄二 句型後測測驗卷

本測驗卷共 15 題,作答時間限時 20 分鐘

請從 word bank 挑選正確的答案填入下面的題目中 (一個空格只能填入一個字)

★Word Bank


Q: Where are they?

A: _______ _______ _______

_______ _______ now.


Q: What did she do last night?

A: _______ _______ _______.


Q: _______ _______ _______

last Friday?

A: He _______ _______ the mountains.

Š I, you, he, they, she, we

Š where, who, what, how, when

Š our, my, her, his, their, your

Š yes, no

Š do, does, don’t, doesn’t, did, didn’t

Š was, were, wasn’t, weren't, is, are, am, isn’t, aren’t

Š play, clean, water, climb, cook, paint

Š by, at, on, in

Š the beach, the mountains, the island, the lake, the sea, the river



Q: Was he on the island last night?

A: No , _______ _______.


Q: What did you do last night?

A: _______ _______ _______



Q: Where _______ they last Sunday?

A: _______ _______ _______

_______ _______.


Q: _______ _______ _______

the _______ last weekend?

A: Yes, we _______.


Q: _______ you _______ a tree last night?

A: No, _______ _______.


Q: _______ _______ _______

_______ last night?

A: I _______ _______ _______.



Q: _______ _______ _______

_______ _______ last night?

A: No, I _______.


Q: _______ you _______ the sea last Monday?

A: No, _______ _______.


Q: _______ _______ _______

_______ _______ last night?

A: Yes, they _______.


Q: _______ _______ _______

_______ last night?

A: They _______ a tree.


Q: _______ _______ _______ now?

A: I am _______ the _______.


Q: Did he _______ _______ last night?

A: Yes , _______ _______.

圖片來源:康軒文教事業(民 98)。圖片資料庫。於 Hello, Darbie! 8 多媒體教學資源光碟。




附錄三 遊戲題庫


編號 遊客詢問 使用者回答

a1 Where are you I am by the sea now a2 Where was he last night He was at the beach

a3 Where were they last night They were in the mountains a4 Where were you last night I was on the island

a5 Was he by the river last night No, he wasn't a6 Were they by the sea last night No, they weren't a7 Were you in the mountains last night Yes, I was

a8 What did he do last night He climbed a tree a9 What did he do last night He painted the fence a10 What did she do last night She cleaned the table a11 What did they do last night They cooked dinner a12 What did you do last night I watered the flowers a13 What did you do last night We played a game a14 Did he water the flowers last night Yes, he did

a15 Did they play a game last night Yes, they did


編號 使用者詢問 遊客回答

q1 Where are they They are in the mountains now q2 Where are you We are by the river now q3 Where is he He is by the lake now q4 Where was she last night She was by the sea q5 Where were you last night I was by the lake q6 Where were you last night We were by the river q7 Was she at the beach last night Yes, she was

q8 Were they on the island last night No, they weren't

q9 What did she do last night She watered the flowers q10 Did he clean the table last night No, he didn't

q11 Did he paint the fence last night Yes, he did q12 Did she cook dinner last night Yes, she did q13 Did they climb a tree last night No, they didn't q14 Did you play a game last night Yes, we did q15 Did you water the flowers last night No, I didn't
