• 沒有找到結果。


在文檔中 碩 士 論 文 中 華 大 學 (頁 93-126)

第五章 結論與未來發展

5.3 未來發展

在文章精靈中未來可以開發更多不同的寫作結構,不僅是比較性文章而已更 可以延伸出更多不同的文章寫作方式,文章架構都可以透過文章精靈來依照步驟 來建置,日後學生可以選擇使用何種文章架構來進行寫作,使得寫作教學將變得 更靈活與廣泛應用。

在文章寫作中,寫作的介面以及文章的呈現希望能更豐富,例如:字形、顏 色等等。甚至未來對於圖片的輸入,是否能夠強化這方面的編輯,不在只是僅僅


文章寫作完成後,可以利用系統來進行文章的批閱,在批閱之後學生們可以 依照自己的權限來瀏覽自己的文章,瞭解老師對於文章有哪些評語,或者針對於 文章組織與架構有何種評價,在這樣的回饋機制當中應該可以得到更多學習知 識。

由於系統的實驗,僅僅的只有兩節課的時間,對於系統的熟悉程度不一,導 致使用上可能造成一些障礙,又礙於實驗時間有限受測者的時間分配會變的相當 緊迫,雖然實驗之後的結果比控制組來的優秀,如果受測者能夠長期的使用該系 統,更能夠看出在寫作上有長足的進步,因此往後可以將此些原因當作實驗的操 作因子進行探討。


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附錄 A


題目內容 平均值

1 我對英文寫作擁有高度興趣。 3.417

2 我對於英文寫作非常的熟練。 2.708

3 我平時就會透過討論來撰寫文章。 3

4 組員間討論的回應速度感到滿意。 3.708

5 這個系統操作簡單功能都容易瞭解。 3.583

6 使用過後,可以瞭解網站系統的流程。 3.458

7 這個網站的介面設計良好。 3.542

8 網站系統的流程不會造成負擔。 3.25

9 溝通的過程會阻礙協同寫作的進行。 3.083

10 我認為此系統對於協同寫作有所幫助。 3.75

11 這個系統所提供的功能有助於提升協同寫作的能力。 3.708 12 透過此系統的操作過程有充分的達到溝通的作用。 3.75 13 太多的溝通內容會阻礙協同寫作的流暢。 2.708

14 我對這個網站有很好的評價。 3.458

15 我對使用系統來輔助協同寫作趕到興趣。 3.458 16 我覺得使用本系統是很愉快的學習經驗。 3.792

17 如果可以往後還會繼續使用這個網站。 3.5

18 對於協同寫作討論的內容會有印象。 3.917

19 我會推薦其他人使用這個網站。 3.625

20 我有意願選擇本系統作為協同寫作的工具。 3.708

附錄 B


題目內容 平均值

1 我對英文寫作擁有高度興趣。 3.417

2 我對於英文寫作非常的熟練。 2.708

3 我平時就會透過討論來撰寫文章。 3

4 組員間討論的回應速度感到滿意。 3.708

5 這個系統操作簡單功能都容易瞭解。 3.583

6 使用過後,可以瞭解網站系統的流程。 3.458

7 這個網站的介面設計良好。 3.542

8 網站系統的流程不會造成負擔。 3.25

9 溝通的過程會阻礙協同寫作的進行。 3.083

10 我認為此系統對於協同寫作有所幫助。 3.75

11 這個系統所提供的功能有助於提升協同寫作的能力。 3.708 12 透過此系統的操作過程有充分的達到溝通的作用。 3.75

13 太多的溝通內容會阻礙協同寫作的流暢。 2.708

14 我對這個網站有很好的評價。 3.458

15 我對使用系統來輔助協同寫作趕到興趣。 3.458

16 我覺得使用本系統是很愉快的學習經驗。 3.792

17 如果可以往後還會繼續使用這個網站。 3.5

18 對於協同寫作討論的內容會有印象。 3.917

19 我會推薦其他人使用這個網站。 3.625

20 我有意願選擇本系統作為協同寫作的工具。 3.708

附錄 C


Content – is the content On the topic?



Of appropriate length?


Organization -Is there

Either block or point-by-point method of comparison/contrast development is used consistently?

One main thesis?

Adequate support of thesis?

A conclusion?



Mechanics –Did the group avoid Grammar problems?

Subject –verb agreement Verb tense

Fragments Comma splices Run-on sentences Word forms Word choice Articles Prepositions Capitals Punctuation Score

附錄 D


(鷹架式協同寫作) 實驗組 控制組 (會議室協同寫作) 評分方向 評分標準

A B C D E SUM AVG A B C D E SUM AVG Content On the topic? 10 10 7 10 8 45

9 9 10 9 10 8 46 9.2 – is the content Interesting? 6 9 7 10 6 38

7.6 6 9 6 7 6 34 6.8 Logical? 6 9 8 9 6 38 7.6 5 9 6 6 6 32 6.4

Of appropriate


7 9 10 9 7 42 8.4 6 10 5 5 6 32 6.4

Score 7 9 8 9 6 39 7.8 6 9 6 7 6 34 6.8

Either block or point-by-point method of

comparison/contrast development is used consistently?

7 10 9 10 7 43 8.6 6 10 7 7 6 36 7.2

One main thesis? 8 9 8 10 6 41 8.2 7 9 6 5 6 33 6.6 Adequate support of


6 8 7 9 5 35 7 6 9 6 5 5 31 6.2 A conclusion? 5 8 5 9 6 33 6.6 8 9 6 5 5 33 6.6 Transitions? 6 8 7 9 5 35 7 5 8 6 4 6 29 5.8 Organization -Is


Sore 6 8 7 9 5 35 7 6 9 6 5 5 31 6.2

Subject –verb agreement

5 7 9 8 7 36

7.2 8 8 7 5 7 35 7

Verb tense 6 7 9 7 6 35 7 8 8 7 5 6 34 6.8

Fragments 5 6 8 8 6 33 6.6 8 7 7 6 6 34 6.8

Comma splices 6 8 6 7 7 34 6.8 9 8 6 6 6 35 7

Run-on sentences 5 7 7 8 6 33 6.6 8 9 7 7 7 38 7.6

Word forms 5 6 6 7 6 30 6 7 8 6 6 6 33 6.6

Word choice 5 6 7 7 6 31 6.2 6 8 6 6 6 32 6.4

Articles 7 7 6 8 6 34 6.8 8 8 7 7 6 36 7.2

Prepositions 6 8 6 7 7 34 6.8 8 7 6 6 27 6.75

Capitals 8 7 10 8 7 40 8 9 10 8 8 7 42 8.4

Punctuation 7 7 7 8 7 36 7.2 9 8 7 7 6 37 7.4

Mechanics –Did the group avoid Grammar problems?

Score 5 6 7 7 6 31 6.2 7 8 6 6 6 33 6.6

附錄 E


實驗組 對話紀錄分配圖


主題相關 70%

社交訊息 27%

系統使用 3%

主題相關 社交訊息 系統使用

表E-1:實驗 E 組對會記錄分佈圖


主題相關 58%

社交訊息 36%

系統使用 6%

主題相關 社交訊息 系統使用


主題相關 59%

社交訊息 35%

系統使用 6%

主題相關 社交訊息 系統使用

表E-3:實驗 C 組對會記錄分佈圖


主題相關 59%

社交訊息 39%

系統使用 2%

主題相關 社交訊息 系統使用

表E-4:實驗 D 組對會記錄分佈圖


主題相關 58%

社交訊息 33%

系統使用 9%

主題相關 社交訊息 系統使用

表E-5:實驗 E 組對會記錄分佈圖



主題相關 58%

社交訊息 33%

系統使用 9%

主題相關 社交訊息 系統使用

表E-6:控制 A 組對會記錄分佈圖


主題相關 36%

社交訊息 58%

系統使用 6%

主題相關 社交訊息 系統使用

表E-7:控制 B 組對會記錄分佈圖


主題相關 38%

社交訊息 53%

系統使用 9%

主題相關 社交訊息 系統使用

表E-8:控制 C 組對會記錄分佈圖


主題相關 36%

社交訊息 61%

系統使用 3%

主題相關 社交訊息 系統使用

表E-9:控制 D 組對會記錄分佈圖


主題相關 42%

社交訊息 53%

系統使用 5%

主題相關 社交訊息 系統使用

E-10:控制 E 組對會記錄分佈圖

附錄 F


實驗 A 組文章

The Comparing and Contrasting of City and Country

1. Introduction 作者: 93451xx

City and country has several differences, but they are still has some similar places.

City and rural area are both the place where people live; people stay together and build a community gradually. Basically, city is more convenient, but people lives in city are less interaction between each other than people who stay in country side.

Also, the pollution in the city is very different to the country; there has many beautiful scenes and environment in the country. However, we can see nothing but pollution in the city nowadays.

2. The Coparison of City and Country:APlace Where People Live 作者: 95521xx

Living in a global village, people now live in a hurry tempo life, and because of that they will choose to live in a big city. Since there were became more and more convenient. They could use those conveniences to achieve their goals or their

desires. But no matter where we live, we could not avoid to staying with people. For example, we could see a lots building filled with people in city, and when we went to a small country, we could also see lots of people living together just like a big family. So even though our world now is changed a lot, and we choose different place to live. The only thing unchanged is that we still live with people.

3. Contrasting of City and Country: Pollutions 作者: 95521xx

One of those different points between city and country is that the air. Inside the city, it has many pollution there. The air pollution, water pollution and so on. In Taiwan, the air pollution in city is a really serious problem. It has even causes many people sick and get breathing diseases. In contrasting, the problem is more slight in the

country. Because of that, country people like to spend their free time to walk anywhere in order to touch so clearly air and relax themselves. The other different point is about water. The water in the city is so dirty that nobody dare to drink without boiling but it is not the same in the country. Country people can drink the water of the stream whenever they feel thirsty. With this two aspect, country has more advantages than in city.

4. Contrasting of Relation between Residents 作者: 95521xx

The humanness between city and country is very different. As the internet have been invent, the city residents usually met their friend on the net and they all have their business so that they did not have much time to visit other and it seems that city residents is more clammy. According the reason, we can found friendly and

humanness in the country. There is another reason to explain why city residents will more interaction than city residents. The country residents has more free time to met new friend, it is meant that country resident did not have too much business to do.

They did not have many odds and sods like city residents. They can control their time well because without the tautness commercials life. They can enjoy their life without bad traffic and tumultuous nightlife. They can make appointment with their friend to chat under the moonlight (it is hard to see the moon in the city because the terrible pollution) and play. The relationship of country residents is more firmly and friendly than city residents.

5. Conclusion 作者: 95521xx

In conclusion, there are many different and correspond things between city and country. Though most of people live in the city, make the city crowded. In addtion, the transport in the city is more convenience, therefore, making lots of pollutions in the city. Still others prefer to the country, since they like the rural life very much. It is all up to you that which place you would like to live in.

實驗 B 組文章


1. Introduction 作者: 95521xx

In Taiwan, there are kinds of transportation on land or in air. We got air-plane, cars, train, and latest MRT system. Today we will discuss the train and the MRT system with all our opinion. For old times, people usually take the train to school, or on business. It cost our long time to arrive on our purpose. But now is different, there is a new invention of transportation with the fastest speed and nice environment. With the MRT system you can go around everywhere in Taipei city. Go the tourist spot like Dan-Shui and Shi-lin night market. Did you want to know what differences between the old system train and the newest system MRT? There are some comparing and contrasting to the train and the MRT.

2. The trait of the train 作者: 95521xx

The train is the old way that people to use to go somewhere. But for some people, it still are the convenient transportation tool to take. The train in Taiwan just like MRT, the station is aphonic. But something it is different from MRT. The haul of the train is including the whole Taiwan, but MRT is not. We can take the train to any place in Taiwan. Besides, we can eat food on the train.There be banned to eat anything on the MRT.

2.1. TRAIN 的所有特點 作者: 95521xx

TRAIN 的所有特點

There are some characteristics of train that differ from other transportation

system.Such as the food and drinks are allowed on the train.There is even possoble for trains in some countries sell foods.Besides,when we need to travel or going on business to a place that is really far or costs us lots of money on the ticket.We may consider taking the train rather than other transportation tool.Speaking of its look,the shape of train always be long and thin due to the fact that it can deliver more

passengers and goods and moving on the rail.And for its safty ,train is considered much safe than other transportation tool.Without personal miastake,train may not have any accident at all.However, there is one bad point of train. That is “behind

schedule.” The late of train can make the passengers lose time and money as well.

What is more,train is a good place for passengers to admire the scene outside the window which is natural or popular.

3. The trait of the MRT system 作者: 95521xx

MRT is a kind of convenient transportation tool in Taiwan. First of all, people in Taiwan can take the MRT to travel the big modern Taipei easily and conveniently.

All you have to do is buy a ticket and then enjoy your trip with pleasure. Second, there are aptotic stations in the MRT system. The MRT system is fixed to stay in every station on time for about two or three minutes. The duration depends on the station’s importance and the location. Take the Taipei train station for example, its duration is the longest because it is the most important station and is the biggest road mark in Taiwan. In addition, in order to keep the MRT’s clean and comfortable conditions, both eating food and drinking drinks are not allowed when traveling by the MRT system. If someone eats or drinks in the MRT, he or she will have to pay the fine for the contravention. Therefore, it is important for us to conform to the MRT laws. In conclusion, all of the people in Taiwan have the duty to guard the convenient transportation tool and we can take the advantage of it well.

4. Conclusion 作者: 95521xx

With time went by, the train and MRT system are more popular than before. Though both train and MRT have their own benefits and disadvantages, they still play important roles in our daily life. For students and commuters,taking train and MRT are more convenient than taking the bus in the traffic jams. It can save a lot of time.

In addition, taking the public transit can reduce consumption of resources. In conclusion, train and MRT system are indispensable to us.

4.1. The conclusion 作者: 95521xx

The.trainsportation tool plays a important rool in nowadays,people ‘ordinary life are all rely on it.Without trainportation tool,our life will collapse and paralysis.

The trainsportation tool brings us a more streamlined life ; but in another word, It also means that our environment will be tainted. In my opinion,people should be awarnesswhat kind harm of developing of civilization will cause.

在文檔中 碩 士 論 文 中 華 大 學 (頁 93-126)
