• 沒有找到結果。

Expressions for Ground Surface Displacements The focus of this study is on the horizontal and vertical


2. Mathematical Model

3.3 Expressions for Ground Surface Displacements The focus of this study is on the horizontal and vertical

displacements of the ground surface, z0, due to a periodic point sink. The transformed ground surface displacements ur

0; ,s

and uz

0; ,s

of the pervious half space are derived from equations (12a) and (12b) as follows:

0; ,


1 2

    


w r

Q cF s

u s exp h

Gk s

   

 

  

2 s

exp h


 

   , (14a)

0; ,


1 2

    


w z

Q cF s

u s exp h

Gk s

   

2 s

exp h


 

   . (14b) Applying the Laplace-Hankel inversion formulae lead to the following displacements:

     



, , 1 ; , ,


i st

r r


u r z t u z s J r e d ds


   

 

 

  (15a)

     



, , 1 ; , .


i st

z z


u r z t u z s J r e d ds


   

 

 

  (15b)

Using equations (15a)-(15b), the desired transient horizontal displacement ur


and vertical displacement uz


of the pervious ground surface due to a periodic point sink can be derived from equations (14a)-(14b) as follows:

     

 


2 2 3 2

, 0, 2 2 1

w r

r ct u r t Q

Gk r h

 

 

   

 

2 2

0 3

2 16 8

ct hr ct r h


    

  

 

2 2

0 1

8 8

r r

I I d

 

     

     

     

  

, (16a)

     

 


2 2 3 2

, 0, 2 2 1

w z

h ct u r t Q

Gk r h

 

 

   

 

 

2 2

2 2 3 2

0 2

ct h r h

ct erfc

r h

 

   

  

     

2 2

2 2



h r h

exp d

r h

 

 

   

    

, (16b)

where I

 

x is known as the modified Bessel function of the first kind of order  . The complementary error function is denoted as erfc x . The functions

 

 



 

ct in equations (16a) and (16b) are defined as below:

       

2 2 1

2 2

sin sin


d d


n cT n ct

cT cT

ct ct

cT n cT cT

 

   


   

2 2

1 cos n cTd 1 cos n ct

cT cT

 

   

     

 

  

  

, (17a)

     


2 2

1 sin d cos



n cT n ct

ct cT

cT n cT cT

 

   


   

2 2

1 cos n cTd sin n ct

cT cT

 

  

   

  

  

, (17b)

in which d

 

t dt 

 

t . Solutions of consolidation deformations due to groundwater withdrawal at a constant strength are derived from equations (16a) and (16b) by taking an appropriate limit Td  and using L’Hospital’s T rule. Carrying out the procedure, we obtain

, 0,

2 2



2 2

3 2


Q ctr

u r t

Gk r h

 


   

 

2 2

0 3

2 16 8

ct ct hr r h


   

  

 

附 115

2 2

0 1

8 8

r r

I I d

 

     

     

     

  , (18a)

   

2 2


2 2

, 0, 2 2 1 4

w z

Q h ct r h

u r t exp

Gk r h ct

  

   

     

 

2 2

2 2 3 2 2

cth r h

erf r h ct

  

 

   

2 2

2 2 2


h r h

erfc r h ct

  

 

   

, (18b)

where erf x

 

is known as the error function and

 


 

erf x  erfc x .

The long-term ground surface horizontal and vertical displacements are found when t . Let

 

lim , 0,

r r


u u r t

 and z lim z

, 0,


u u r t

 , then we have the closed-form solutions of long-term ground surface displacements.

For periodic pumping:

   

 


2 2 2 2

lim4 2 1


r t

hrf t u Q

Gk r h r h h

 

 

    , (19a)


  

2 2

lim4 2 1


z t

Q hf t

u Gk r h

 


  . (19b)

For pumping at a constant strength:


2 2

2 2

4 2 1

w r

Q hr

u Gk r h r h h

 

 

    , (20a)


2 2

4 2 1

w z

Q h

u Gk r h

 

  . (20b)

The maximum long-term ground surface horizontal displacement and vertical displacement of the half space due to a point fluid sink at a constant strength are derived from equations (20a) and (20b) by letting


r hh and r0 , respectively. Here, (1 5) 2 1.618

   is known as the golden ratio [17,18]. For the point fluid sink at a constant strength problem, the maximum horizontal displacement urmax and vertical displacement uzmax of the ground surface derived from equations (20a) and (20b) are

 


max 2.5

1 2 1

, 0, 4


r r

u u h Q


 

  

     , (21a)

 


 


0, 0, 1 2



z z

u u Q


 

    . (21b)

The maximum ground surface horizontal displacement is approximately 30% of the maximum ground surface vertical displacement, i.e.,

max 2.5 max

1 0.3003




u at r h. (22)

The value r h is derived when dur

r, 0,

dr is equal to zero. It is noticed from equations (21a) and (21b) that the maximum long-term ground surface horizontal displacement and settlement for pumping at a constant strength is not directly dependent on the pumping depth h of the point sink.

4. Numerical Results

The long-term elastic consolidation subjected to pumping at a constant strength is numerically analyzed. The profiles of normalized horizontal and vertical displacements at the ground surface z0 for isotropic saturated half space are shown in Figures 3 and 4, respectively. The ground surface reveals significant horizontal displacement. The example in Figure 3 shows that the maximum ground surface horizontal displacement is about 30% of the maximum ground settlement at

1.272 r hh.

Figure 3. Normalized horizontal displacement profile at the ground surface z = 0 for pumping at a constant strength.

附 116

Figure 4 shows that the ground surface vertical displacement is around 61.8% of the maximum ground surface vertical displacement at radial variable r h, where the maximum ground surface horizontal displacement occurred.

Figure 4. Normalized settlement profile at the ground surface z = 0 for pumping at a constant strength.

5. Conclusions

Closed-form solutions of the elastic consolidation due to periodic pumping from pervious saturated elastic half space were obtained by using Laplace-Hankel transformations. Transient ground surface horizontal displacement and settlement of the half space aquifer were investigated. The solutions can be used to evaluate numerical models and numerical simulations of the elastic consolidation settlement near the sink point. The results show:

1. The maximum long-term ground surface horizontal displacement and vertical displacement of the half space due to a point fluid sink at a constant strength are derived from equations (20a) and (20b) by letting


r hh and r , respectively. 0

2. It is noticed from equations (21a) and (21b) that the maximum long-term ground surface horizontal displacement and settlement are independent on the pumping depth h of the point sink at a constant strength for the isotropic elastic half space.


This work is supported by the National Science Council of Republic of China through grant NSC100-2221-E-216-025.


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b i Body forces (Pa/m)

c Parameter, ck nw(m2/s)

 

erf x Error function (Dimensionless)

 

erfc x Complementary error function (Dimensionless)

 

f t Periodic function (Dimensionless)

 

F s Laplace-Hankel transforms of f t  (m2s)

G Shear modulus of the isotropic porous aquifer (N/m2)

h Depth of the periodic sink point (m)

r, z

i i Unit vector in r/z direction (Dimensionless)

 

I x Modified Bessel function of the first kind of order  (Dimensionless)

 

J x Bessel function of the first kind of order

 (Dimensionless)

k Permeability of the isotropic porous aquifer (m/s)

n Porosity of the porous aquifer (Dimensionless)

p Excess pore water pressure (N/m2)

p Laplace-Hankel transforms of p (Ns) q Rate of water extracted from the saturated

porous aquifer per unit volume (1/s) Q 0 Strength of the periodic pumping (m3/s)

r, , z

Cylindrical coordinates system (m, radian, m)

s Laplace transform parameter (s-1) t Time variable (s)

T Pumping period (s)

T d Duration of groundwater withdrawal in one period T (s)

r, z

u u Radial/axial displacement of the porous aquifer (m)

r, z

u u  Laplace-Hankel transforms of u u (mr z 3s)

max, max

r z

u u Maximum long-term ground surface horizontal/vertical displacement (m)

r , z

u u Long-term ground surface

horizontal/vertical displacement (m)

w, s

v v Velocity of pore water/solid matrix (m/s)

Compressibility of pore water (m2/N)

w Unit weight of groundwater (N/m3)

 


Dirac delta function (m-1)

ij Kronecker delta (Dimensionless)

 Volume strain of the porous aquifer (Dimensionless)

ij Strain components of the porous aquifer (Dimensionless)

 Parameter,  


 

1 2


 Poisson’s ratio of the isotropic porous aquifer (Dimensionless)

Hankel transform parameter (m-1)

ij Total stress components of the porous aquifer (N/m2)

 Golden ratio, 1.6180339887...


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附錄 9

參與本計畫案之兼任研 究助理謝適任同學的碩 士論文:單井抽水所引 致軸對稱彈性沉陷之研 究

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