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English Language Proficiency and Production of Prosodic Disambiguation: A Preliminary Study of Taiwanese English Learners


Academic year: 2021

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~語教學乞ngfis丘 'Teacliingr:ZLearning

34.3 (Fall 2010)


Many studies have investigated prosodic disambiguation in first

language (L1) production (Allbritton, McKoon, & Ratcliff, 1996;

Kraljic & Brennan, 2005; Lehiste, 1973; Lehiste, Olive, & Streeter,

1976; Schafer,Speer,Wa訂en , & White, 2000; Snedeker & Trueswell,

2003); however, few studies have addressed the issue of prosodic

disambiguation in second language (L2) (Hwang & Schafer, 2006;

Zhang, Li, Lo, & Meng, 2010). In addition, L2 studies have focused

exclusively on L2 learners' perception of prosodic disambiguation.

Therefore,to further understand L2 prosodic disambiguation,it is also

important to explore how L2 learners produce prosodic cues to

express appropriate meanings. Secondly, given the role of L2

proficiency level in L2 prosodic production (cf. Riazantseva, 2001),

L2 proficiency levels may a旺ect L2 learners' production of prosodic

disambiguation. Thus,these two concerns motivated the present study,

which examined whether limited and advanced English learners in Taiwan can produce prosodic cues to disambiguate syntactically ambiguous English sentences while reading them aloud. With the

findings indicated from the study, it is hoped that the relationship

between syntax and prosody of English education in Taiwan can be paid more attention to and then be more effective and efficient through explicit instruction.

Prosodic boundaries born by pauses, rhythm changes, or pitch

movements within an utterance are crucial to signaling its syntactic

break (Cooper & Paccia-Cooper, 1980; Klatt, 1975; Meng, Tseng,

Kondo, Harrison, & Viscelg間, 2009). Lehiste (1996) proposed the


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u; ';ll甘正;l ql l5 U!PUU lU;l P ;l10 囚;lql ‘;ll!nb ;ll 日耳SUl S ;l;)l nOS ;l l ;l A !l !U l5 0;) ;l 10 lU ;lq~ 'S "l\ SUl ;l ql10 Al!lU!l!lU U110正 l!X;l [dlU O;) 10 ;l;l l l5;l p ;l qlUO spu ;l d ;l pS ;l;)Jn OS ;l l ;l A !l !U l5O;) 10lU ;llU;l l!nb ;l l ;l ql10 ;l;l l l5;l p ;lq~ 'l;l SS;l ;)Old正 l!;)udU;)-P;l l!lU!I US! PU! lU uU lU nq ;l ql ‘ q;)uo1ddu l5 U!SS ;l ;)Old u0!l u囚 101U! (966I) S月 P;ll ;lH pUU u!I ql5 nU'p圳 Ol l5 U!P1 0;);)\f I 3呵呵 dUO~Fsod~ud lSjY gql qJ間必叫‘(£) SB qJnS SgJUBjgnn snon2~qum 正I]1? J~PBluA S lP~P Ol pg凹陀平的 U0!l的lU n田間 OJ ]1?!l UgjgPj g吐 1 。p~n2 IBpop~d B10 'ABlds~p]1? J~sAqd BJO SUBgl日 正q Spg肉° gAOW 0l jgqJlBW B pgprulSU~ 1Opgj~P B qJ月必 2u~mp 平的 U0!l的 ~unwwOJ IB !l UgjgJgj B UO pgZ~IBFdBJ (~OOZ:) UBUUgjH pUB J~fI即宣‘ SPUBWgp gA!l ~u2OJ IBU0 !l! PPB glBU~W~Ig 0 .1 '2U !II BJgj JO PBOI 2U~PUB田 gp gql 正q p叩 1日 dsn日 gjg必 SU0!l Jrulsu~ 2U~A~2 Ugqil九正 pOS01d2u~sn U~日1O ~ABqgq,日 jg帶 gdsg 凹的lBql gIq~日 sod正 jgA SI H'lUglXg jBEW~S 10gWBS gql 0l呵呵呵 Ug日 snon2~qwB 2U !II BJgjJO ){日的 gql ql~必 m~E閏月 gjg必呵 ~PlllSOil 九l gSgql U~suO~Prul 日U~ snon2~qwB gql gZPOWg 田 0l pglSgnbgj gjg必 oqil九 Sjg){ 昀 ds gql jgqlgqil 九 jBgpUn pgU~B叮叮 lI 1.loss93OId i〈113ed 即可pgl~W~I B S~pU~ 田uBwnq g可 lgJU~ 日 ‘SpUB 田gp gA9~u2OJ lBgj2 g){BW Sgg日臼 jPpB 0l suo~Prulsu~g 可l gA~2 pUB suo~Prulsu~ 日non2 阿田B gZI1 0Wg田 0.1 'suo~Prulsu~ 日non2~qwB 正lIBJ~PB lUAS pgZ~1O Wg田正 ISnO~Agjd gql 2U~A~2日 jg){昀 ds gql JO pBJ gql0l gnp gq正 Iq~ssodPlnOJ 日lInsgj pgX~WP 叩0 !lUg 田g10JB gq .1 'SgJUBjgnngql glBn2!q凹的 !pOllS~Xg lOU p~pU09BU 日0JU~ jgq lO Ugqil 九 pUB sg!l ~n2~qwB qJns JO gjBiI九 B gjg純正 gql Ugq瓜 反IUO Sgmpruls snon2~qwB正lI BJ~PBlUASgZ 正IBUB 0l 日gm J~posojd pgsn Sjg加 gds gql lBql pg必 oqs (£OOZ) lI g 純白 ru.1 pUB jg){gpgUs 'AIgSjgAUOJ 'gIqBI陀 AB SB M. U09BWjOJU~2U9Bn2!qwBs~p jgq lO jgqlgq此 JO gA9Jgdsgll~ 、W9 gql lI BOS p~p Agql lBql pUB gmpruls J9JBlUAS glBn2!qw肘 ~p °l 正pOS01d g日n P!P Sjg){昀 ds j~gql lBql punoJ (OOOZ) 'IB19 jgJBqJS 'SU0!l JrulSU~ gql iI九0 lIOJ 0lpgpggU oq M. gg日 SgjPPB UB10J uo!pnp01d (:1 U! u0 !l un l5 !q lU US!Q ;)!POS01 d 10 正pms 正1UU !lli![;lld \f :~UUλ


Slg耳昀 dspg 必O Il它Sg~150IoPoqlgW 19q 1O S~glgqt;九 sg;)umgnn snon15~qw~ 15U~AIOSg1 SU~g田 ;)~pOS01d Ug可純正 IUO SU~g凹 ;)~pOS01d ql~t; 九日19){ 昀ds pgp~A01d Sg~150Iopoqlg凹 3山 OS 'pgldop~ Sg!150IopoqlgW lUg1gJJ~P JO nnSg1 它 gq lq15!W uO!l;)np01d 1'1叫 UO~l~n15~q凹的 ~p 羽pOS01d JO Sg~PlllS lU~Agp1 I日 01JS15U!PU~J lUgl日~sumu~ gql ‘ dn wn日 0 .1 'gg日 SglPP它 lUg日 gldm ~ 10 I~015gA~l~;)~UnWWO;) 它可l! 此平凹gql q15n01ql pgU陀 N0suo~snpuo;) 11g可 l lOJ 日Nnop 0l g日11 gAI15 日UOp 它IgAg1 gq .1 'SuoJP ;)~pos01d glO W q;)nw l日0;) lq15~w q;)~qt;九已 Sg;)凹 19nn SnOn15!qw~A Il~;)~P~lUAS g;)np01d u~ql 19q1它1 suo~PrulSU~ gA~15 0l SPlOt;九 Uop;)unJ I~UO~ldo 9日n 0l pgllgp1d正 pnlSl~gql u~ S lO pg1!Pg lO W l~qlpgI 昀Ag1 日UO~l 閉口n g gq .1 'SP10t;九 u09;)unJ I~U09do pgU叩 lUO;) l日gl gql pu~ snon15~qw 它 正Il~;)!P 的U 正S glg必當~' ~IuO 'APlll日 (~OOZ:) S,U~UU 刮目 pU它 ;)~rI盯)I U~ pgl!;)ng Sg;)U它19l 1llglq 它Z 正I~U 它8PZ gqlJO l~ql'lgAg 必oq ‘g lON 'U09~SlgAUO;) U! uO~l~n15問凹的 !pI~ml;)rul 日 lOJgm gIq凹 Ig1~ S它 gA1g日 U它 3正 pOS01dl它可 lpgpnpum 日nql U~UU刮目 pu~;)~rI 盯了>I'(g;)U 凹gnn gql JO 空白γ01 正q) SU09~lgldJ叮叮 19~J~POW lOJ pumgs gql u~ql 19UOqS pu~(g;)U~lgllll gqlJO % £' L I正 q)SUOP~lgl 也glU~ I~o15 10J PUO;)g日 gql u~ql 1915UOI S它純正 l~punoq dN lSl!J gql 'AIl ~;)q~;)gdS'Sg;)U~lgnn snon15~qw 它 l~gql JO sg~~punoq ;)~P~lUAS g可 lgl~n15~qw~S!P 0l sU1 gn~d I~U09 凹 np pgsn pggpU~ SlO pg1~P l~ql pg必 oqs Snnsg "M '.l VIS ()lfl uo S! lV lfll叫 svq ()lfl U! Sop ()lfl In el g;)UglUgS SnOn15!qw它 un gql U~P 割的!PU~ 叩 1日n[ ‘(pg;)~ld gq 0l s~ 150p g可 l glgqt;九 15m勾 ~;)gds "g'n I~o15它 s~ 10 '.l VIS ()lfl uo 1()可 svq叫 1U! 月lvlfl Sop叫 1 In el g;)UglUg日 snon15Nw~un gql U~Uti 九oqs s它 1日n[ ‘(..150p gql"(dN) gS~lqd unou gql15U! 勾 ~pOW "g'n 19日 ~pOW它叩 P叮叮 d1glU! gqPlnm "lg){S叫 gqlU~" dd lSl~J gql ‘(£) uI '1它1 日gql UO 19耳 s~q gql U~ 150pgqllnd (£) 'I~015~ s它 101g日 ~pOW~ s~19q1~g P叮叮由叮叮叫 Plnm“ 19平呵呵 lU~" (dd) (0 lOt: H£d) £'17£ 8uppvJ VJ7')J> 8u山 Jj 1js1J 8u~ 爺帶堂皇話


Yang: A Preliminary Study of Prosodic Disambiguation in L2 Production to use other infonnation available to clarify ambiguous utterances.

Furthermore,some methodologies require speakers to pay much more

computational attention when uttering ambiguous sentences whereas other methodologies did not require such effort from the speaker's part. Since methodologies profoundly affect the research on the

relationship between prosody and syntax, it is more feasible to

examine use of prosodic disambiguation in conditions where

production of prosodic cues is needed, such as reading aloud task at

sentence level.


Relatively, few studies have tackled the prosody in second

language (L2). One such study using a narrative topic and a cartoon

description, Riazantseva (2001) examined the relationship between

second language proficiency and pausing patterns in the speech of Russian-speaking learners of English. She found that L2 English proficiency affected the pause duration of intermediate and advanced

learners. Specifically, the advanced learners were more capable of

adjusting the duration of pauses in English to produce a nativelike

pause nonn. However, in this study, the author did not indicate

whether the pauses made by the L2 learners accorded with prosodic boundaries which signaled the syntactic structures of utterances in

their speech elicited. Moreover, Riazantseva did not deal with the

issue of prosodic disambiguation occurring in L2 learners' speech.

To realize effects of prosodic disambiguation on L2 learners,

the existing literature has focused specifically on how L2 learners


0l pgp!A Ol d SUOn~lgldI叮叮 ;mU~Ul gS gN!ssod o~九l pm .y Sg;mglUgS x!s 3可 lJ。可;)~百 'uon~npundlnoql!~ 九SlXgl g;)UglUgS可 S!l~U百 x!s pglUgSgld glg必 spgfqnsgSgU 阿;)g 可l 'ApnlS s!可 l uI '(900l) 19J~可 ;)Spu~ ~U~~九H JO l~ql Olg;)Ugp!Ag mE Ul !S U!~NO lOUP!P (01 Ol) 'l~ 19 ~u~qZ‘ 19A9必 oq 可S!l~U 百 JO Slgurugl ~U同自由剖叩月;) ~U!l~~!lSgAU! 即可此 ﹒正lSnO!Agld pgl~;)!ldxgS~ '~U!PU!j (WOl) S,~AgSlU~Z~!~ 可l! 必l!l!ds U!gU!l 叮叮l;)g 耳9 足;)Ug!;) 日old JO llnSgl g可.L 'pgS~gl;)U! 正;)Ug 口!jOld S~ pgS~gl;)U! SgSUOdSgl pgllO;) l~可 l punoJ oSl~S~ 此l!‘反n~Uomppv 'l~glg 純正3可 lPAgl 足;)ug!;) !jOld qS!l~U 直可 ;)!q~九 JOSSglPl~~gl 'Slgl 日開 1 l '1 gql正 qSgn!n~!q Ul~;)!P~lUAS JO ~U!ssg;)old gql 0l pglnq!lluo;)正 pOSOl d l~ql punoJ sloqln~ gq .L 'gmsoD gl~'1 10J‘, gl~nbs"l~ pu~glnsol;) 正P~ 百10J "SgAO Ul" l~‘訂閱 ql ‘gsn~p gl~U!ploqns gql l~pg;)~ld S~純正 l~punoq ;)!posold lSg~ml gq .L ﹒Slg){ 昀ds qS!l~U直叫 !l凹£1正 q平的 gUl~~ (OOOl) s , 'l~ 19 19~q;)S U! pgpgn0;)q;)ggds snogu~lU ods也 ~nb JOpglS!SUO;) SlUgUl ~mJsnOn~!q Ul~ nv 'gAOq~ U~九oqs S~ lsnf suon~nUnUO;) gmsoD gl~'1 10 AP~百 gql Ugg必 19q gsoq;) Agql Ugql ‘g;)! 划 Cgl~nbs gql SgAO Ul lB ql Ugq M." ‘'~'g) lUgUl ~~lJsnOn~!q Ul~q;)~g Pl~gq正 pnlS S!qlU! spgfqnsnv 'g月 00;) ~ 19lUnO;)Ug n月 /ρ'mnbsg 叩II SgAOUl l~qlUg 耳他:;)'1 'g月 00;) ~ 19lUnO;)Ug lEM. Ipmnbs呵 IIISgAO 山l~ql Ug可此:;)百("\7) !ln Ul nS l~ns!A qn Ul ns Al0 l! pnV ﹒(叭叭U~ 九oqs s~ q;)ns Sg;)U~lgnnqS!l~U 百(;)'1) gmsoD gl~'1 SnSlgA (;)百) gmsoD AP~百 gl~n~!q Ul ~S!P Ol gZ!S Al~punoq gAn~I白的 n 0l gN~ glg必 (~U!UU!~gqpu~ ‘gl~!pg UllglU! 'pg;)U~AP~ ‘pg;)U~AP~-~llXg "g'!)正 ;)ug!;)!jOl d qsq~u百 JO SlgAgl mOJ l~ qsn~u百 JO SlgUl ~gl~U! 耳凹dS-U~glO )ll~ql pg日 !lsnf (900l) 19J~q;)Spu~ ~U~~九H 可S~l UOn;)gl 的 -Uon~nUnUO;) g;)!oq;)-pg;)lOJ ~ ~U!Sn '~U!U叮叮 1 U! 呵呵凹gnn snOn~!qUl~正 n~;)!p~lU正 S gAlOSglOl sgm;)!posold gA!g;)lgd (OWl lIUd) S'pS But似抑了 7J> BUll jJ va ,L lfs1J Bu'3J 會帶堂皇話


Yang: A Preliminary Study of Prosodic Disambiguation in L2 Production

the subjects, such as indicated in (5).

(5) Context 1: Fred and John are arguing. They both want Mary

to be on their team. The fight is over Mary.

Context2: Mary doesn't know why everyone else has already

left theboxing 缸ena. The fight is over,Mary.

Upon hearing the speech recording, in which the prosodic cues

could serve to disambiguate between the possible semantic meanings,

each subject was asked to select the appropriate interpretation for the

sentence or select the option “I don't know." The accuracies ranged

from 4% to 83%. The authors argued that their subjects may generally be unaware of how pausing and intonational phrasing were used for

semantic disambiguation, or they were unable to perceive the relevant

prosodic realizations. Given that this study did not specify that all

Chinese subjects were at the same English proficiency level, the

distinctly different accuracies found may be a result of various

English proficiency levels. In other words, English proficiency level

is likely to correlate with perception accuracies on choosing the appropriate meaning for each sentence.

In spite of the inconsistent findings from the studies discussed

above, an individual's L2 English proficiency may be a factor that

affects his/her prosody use in L2 production and perception. The

present study would address the variable proficiency when

investigating prosodic disambiguation in L2 learners' speech



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34.3 (FaIl2010)

Table 1

Two Possible Interpretations for Each Sentence

Sentence 2 3 4 5 6 7 Interpretation Context 1. Only the dogs were little.

The little dogs and cats chased a ball. 2. Both the dogs and cats were little.

The little dogs and cats chased a ball. 1. Only the forks were silver.

The silver forks and spoons dropped from the table. 2. Both the forks and spoons were silver.

The silver forks and spoonsdropped 仕omthe table.

1. Only the boys were fat.

The fat boys and girls ran on the playground. 2. Both the boys and girls were fat

The fat boys and girls ran on the playground.

1. Only the hats were pink

The pink hats and shoes attracted lots of attention. 2. Both the hats and shoes were pink

The pink hats and shoes attracted lots of attention. 1. Only the fans were excited.

The excited fans and reporters approached the movie star.

2. Both the fans and reporters were excited.

Theexcit廷dfans and reporters approached the movie star.

1. Only the cups were round.

The round cups and vases broke in the earthquake. 2. Both the cups and vases were round

The round cups and vases broke in the earthquake. 1. Only the butterflies were beautiful.

The beautiful butterflies and bees flied around the flowers. 2. Both the butterflies and bees were beautiful.

The beautiful butterflies and bees flied around the flowers.

Procedure and Data Analyses

All subjects in the study were recorded individually. Before

fonnal recordings, they were provided with the materials as shown in

Table 1 and were given enough time (i.e., depending on individual


~9 'grdumxg lOJ 、lXglUO::> UOqBlgl dI g lU! O M. lgIn Ul·SlXglU O:J uoqBlgldI叮叮 Ol 13U!P lO ::>::>B AlBA swgnBd rBuoqBmp lB l[ l pgl::>gdxg 何必 H


pu它 r Sg!lBpUnOHSB pgplB13g1 IElS SBtI九 uoqBmp pgU!qru O:J g l[ l ‘ g::>Ug!UgAUO::> lO d ·uoq凹 np g日 n它 d lU gnbgsqns Sl!0l pgPP它 S它必 13U!Ugl[ l 13Ug r正 mpunoqgld g l[ lJO uoqBmp g可 l 'Ug l[.L on它q 它pgSB l[::>日lB::> pUB




grn!rg l[.L


·g::>UBlgnn gl!lU g g l[ lJO l[ l13Ug rg l[ l pUB‘ z正 lBpunoH JO uoq它 mp gsn它 d gl[ lτ 正lBpunoH JO 13U!Ugl[ l 13Ug r 正lBpunoqgld g l[lJ O uoq它 mpg l[l ‘I 正1它 punoH JOuoqBmp gsnBdg l[ l '(9) u! pg::>它~JProq SB lsnf ‘ I Al它punoH JO 13U!Ugl[ l 13ug l 正mpunoqgld g l[ l JO UO!lBmp g l[ l 'AIgruBu ‘ glg l[ g::>u它19nn 19d gp它凹 gq Plno M. 日lUg 叮叮ns 昀凹 gA !j ‘ sn l[.L ·Sg!lBpunoq lU它 Agrgl JO uoqBmp gsnBd l[ ::>ns gZ正 IBUB Plnotl九正 pnlS 凹的gld gl[ l ‘(~OOZ) u它 UUgl日 pu它 ::>!fl它l)I 13U! M. 0n O d ·gsn它 d lU gnbgsqnsSl! JO l叫 l l[ l! M. uoqsgnbu! 13U!Ugl[ l13Ugr正 mpunoqgld g l[ l JO UO!lBmp g l[ l 13u呵 !qruO::> 正q UO!lBn13!qruBS!P ::>!posold p叫它 13qSgAU! Agl[ l ‘正pnlS (~OOZ) S,U 它UUgl 日 pUB ::>!fr它 1)1 ul "P10M. g l[ lJO s::>q日 !lgl::>它 ml[::> ::>qguo l[ dg l[ luo spugdgpl! 19u它 ll[ 13!l13u!Sn 它d 正q 10 plOtI 九B 13U!Ugl[l13ugl 正q pglB::>!PU!s! A1BpunoqIBmp nJ lsB 19 l[ lg l[M. lB l[ l pgU!Bldxg (ZOOZ) Bl!gngd 'AnBuoq!PP \f "Slg耳 mru ::>!pOSOld 19 l[ lOJO g::>Ug日 qB g l[ l u! UgAg 日gml::> nJl日 ::>q::>BlUAS IBU13!日 Sg::>UglgJJ!P I它 uoq它 mpl它可 l pgl它 ::>!PU! (£L6{) glS! l[ g 'l ·13U!日nBd pUB 13U!Ug l[ l13Ugr A1Bpunoqgld 13U!pnpU! 日gmSBgru IBuoqBmp glg必 uoqBn13!qru它 S!P ::>!pOSOld g即回它 Xg 0l glg l[ pg日n sgm ::>!pOS Ol d g l[.L .正n 它::>qsno::> 它um 口 lB盯 mp lUBAgIgl gl[叩 lPg 司n扣 O ∞::> pgdp l[ l[::>司!l[tI必九s13u 叫 !p戶 10 ∞::>glIB 它凹 I 田I耳UO 叮 IJg l[叩 llO叮 IJ pgsn S 叩Btl 必九‘ pgl[::>摺它盯 n 防 它 guol[ doω 1::>司1 凹它 q 叩l!凶必‘ (ω000 倪Z ')[U! 凹Ug 詢 gj 旭恤耳荐~ B凹 s 曰19叩 OHω) 3 司q昀 guol[ d gl[叩 l 13U! 凹UU 即 1 泊glndruo::> )[Ooqglou \f "g::>UglUg 日 SnOn13!qru 它 l[ ::>Bg lO J 13U!U昀凹 gl它 UdOl dd它 gl[ l pnOrB p昀 1 Ol SlU它 d!::>!l1 Bd g可 l gl!nbgl UO~l;) npOld ('1 U~ U091m'a月閻明 ~a ;)~POSOldJO 正pms Al問問 ~FUd V :'a m:.\


ogsnud 19:a:a ~qSUUg 山qsuys glqnoa 'P10 A\ u :au~Ugq~ :aUgY10J spuu~s uoyO;) 0正 lupunoqyum~;) nJ~s SglU ;)~PU!19q 山nN z ﹒正IgA~l:)gdsgl g:)U~lgnngl~lUg gqlJO ql '3 UgI 3可 1正 qpgp~A~P S~M.


pu~ I sg~mpunoH JO uO~l~mpgsn~d g可 1‘ sl:)gfqns n~正 qp的 npOl ds 刮目可:)ggds lUglgJJ~P g可 l'3 u~月 I~UllO U JOgsodmd g可 l lO ti °q:)ggds‘ SlgW~gI可叮 I'3 uggSgU~ M.~~1,u~ uO~l~n'3~q Ul~s~p :)~posOl d JO uO~l~u~叫它 Xg g可 l 0l I~Pru:) 甜瓜z: pu~ I Sg~l~punoH JO uO~l~mp 的n~d gql JO uos~l~dUl O:) g可 l 'gIdUl ~xg s~可 l Ul01J '3u~ 必°n°tl 01 gm '3!t1 u~ pgA~Ids~p gm SUO~l盯 gldJ glU~ grq~ssod O M. l g可 l lO J SUl ~l'3Ol PgdS o I AmpunoH JO l~ql u~可 l 19口。可 s s~


Al~punoH JO uO~l~mp gsn~d g可 l snq 1, ogrn~I glg必 Sl~:) pu~ s '3 op gql可lO q l~可 l s~g:)Ug 凹的 gqlJO U09叮叮dJ glI月 gl~~dOl dd~ g可 l '(8) UI 0 I Al~punoH JO l~可 l 0l pgl~dUl ms~


Al~punoH JOu09mnp gsn~d 19 '3 uoI u~'3 umnSg1、 rn~I glg必 s'3 opg 可1 正IUO l~可 ls~ g:)UglUgS g可 l JO '3U~U~g UlpgpU 叮叮3 可l '(0 uI z( Z: lXglu0 :J) °n~q~ pgS~可:) S lB:) pu~


s '3 op II I:gIWI g可1, (8)


lXg lU 0 :J) °n~q~ pgS~可:) Sl~:)pu~ IIZ: s '3 :oP Pln~Ig 可1, (0 :Stl九0nOJ s~ gq Plno耶 I g:)UglUgSJO swgn~dI~uo~l~mp g甲 COWl nUd) £017£ Butω VJ了'J>' BuzY :JVJ j; YS lJ Bu ?!J ~身帶堂皇話


Yang: A Preliminary Study of Prosodic Disambiguation in L2 Production



The little dogs and cats chased a ball" for Interpretation Context I

9 他

(b) “The little dogs and cats chased a ball" for Interpretation Context 2

Figure 1

Spectrograms of Sentence 1

for Interpretation Context 1 and Context 2


喜事言喜歡學 'Eng反而 rJeacfiingrt{,Learning

34.3 (Fa1l2010)


Table 2 provides an overview of the three subject groups' percentages of the pause duration of Boundaries 1 and 2 within each utterance for the two interpretation contexts. To determine whether there were any differences in uttering the intended meaning for each

ambiguous sentence between different groups, a series of two-way

(2 x 3) ANOVAs with repeated measures were computed for the two

interpretation contexts. In addition,the factor boundary (Boundary 1

and 2) was the within-subjects factor and group (NES, LEPL, and

AEL) was the between-subjects factor.

Table 3 shows ANOVA results of the between-groups analyses

for the two interpretation contexts. For Interpretation Context 1, the

results showed that there was a significant effect of boundary,F




76.95,p < .001 , η2


.810,a significant effect of group,F (2




27.67,p < .001 , η2


.755,as well as a significant effect of interaction

between boundary and group,F (2,18)


37.67,p < .001 , η2



The analysis of Interpretation Context 2 revealed a significant effect

of boundary,F (1,18)


82.28,p < .001 , η2


.820,a significant effect

of group, F (2,18) = 143.61,p < .001 , η2 = .941, and a significant

interaction of boundary and group, F (2,18)


56.74,p < .001 , η2


.863. Since our results indicated a significant effect of group factor

and also a significant interaction with the factor group for both

Contexts 1 and 2, we continued to analyze the data from the three


Yang: A Preliminary Study of Prosodic Disambiguation in L2 Production

Table 2

Percentages of the Pause Duration of Boundaries 1 and 2

2-L 也 MWWW%%wwww%一%%%mWMW%2月布阿布阿布阿布兩%%一組 LM-3236722-0202939EJ6f2-J 山一 l-255092. 一15lo956-7985046-位 叫一 02112lo-0923009-203319QL-汀 2 一旦 lllIll--lIll--lIll--血 泊 -B 一 一 一 -訂 戶LV 一 一 一 -E ρ u n----E 。一 l 一 一 一 -y 一 -一 一 -E 尸lw c-rww%%ww%ww%一%wwww%%%%一月WWW%%%%ww-m -M-869513970273836-3329297-n 一叫一 4281028-2937908-5354556-K :J --w! 一些 2321322-9109lo--0122l24-汁 -Eal--Ill--IIll--2222222-n -B 一 一 一 -ny ----EIn -一 -E C 、。 -2 一 一 一 -到 -r%fmwwmww%昕一%%%MWMWWW%一%%%ww%%%-h -t 一, -4L 司 /ζ 心呵 /QOCy--J' , 17 ,『 dAY'1 勻 3-AEIζJζJ 可 / 0 0 . 一吋 -434257θ-4.6399337E47σ966-叫 -: ••• 阻 -﹒ : 一旦 2310303-8OQJOOO8-398QJoloJ-巾 l-o 一 lllIll--Ill--2lll221-m M-B 一 一 一 一 C 一 一 一 -E M--一 一 -L o--一 一 一 -P C-rwMMWWW%%%%一%%%%%%而且%%ww%wwwwww 一回 LK7 、 2 6 7 5 3 -3 5 6 7 l 7 3 -6 -J叫一 1.151686 一lol4028-8970 ,326-叮 叮 -9081091-09OLO92-3L9029a-汀 o-Ill--Ill---lIll--b B 一 一 一 -a 一 一 一 回 C 一 一 -E n y ---ECm e 一 一 一 -油 油 c 一 一 -E E n----lan m7123456771234567 一1234567-叫盯 住 一 , EK U 一 間 h -rs 一 刮 目 -n 叫 -一 -FU 3-dS 叫 -3 在 L E 泣 的 -E 直 Z N α k-N 正 A -n rt-VIta MV M 吋 Table 3

ANOVA Results of the Between-Groups Analyses

Context 1 Context 2 Effect df F p 1]2 F p 1)2 Boundary (1,18) 76.95 .000*** .810 82.28 .000*** .820 Group (2,18) 27.67 .000*** .755 143.61 .000*** .941 Boundary X (2,18) 37.67 .000*** .807 56.74 .000*** .863 Group Note. ***p<.001 69


英語教學乞句俗丘 'TeacliingrtLLearning

34.3 (Fall 2010)

Native English Speakers. For the NBS data, we conducted

ANOVAs with repeated measures for Contexts 1 祖d 2 with the factor

boundary as the within-subjects factor. The analysis of the pause duration for Context 1 showed that Boundary 1 was shorter than Boundary 2 by

3.50% of the utterance,resulting in a significante旺ectof boundary,F (1,



12.62, p < .05 , η2


.678. For Context 2, Boundary 1 was longer

than Boundary 2 by 1.61% of the utterance, resulting in a significant

e旺'ectofboundary,F (1,6)=21.07, p <.01 , η2 =.778.

The results from our native English speakers replicate Lehiste's

(1973) findings. Like Lehiste, we found that the native speakers in

our study made an effort to use alterations of the prosodic grouping to convey the appropriate meaning for each ambiguous sentence when

no other means were available. That is,they produced a longer pause

of Boundary 2,as compared to that of Boundary 1,expressing that the

adjective modifies only the noun immediately following after it. On

the other hand,the pause of Boundary 1 was longer relative to that of

Boundary 2, reflecting the fact that the adjective modifies both the

two nouns after it. The results support the Informative Boundary

Hypothesis that

interpretation of a prosodic boundary is determined

not by its absolute size but by its size relative to relevant certain other

boundaries" (Clifton et a1. 2002,p. 87).

L2 English Learners. First, from the LEPL data, results of an

ANOVA with repeated measures proved no significant effects of

boundary for Contexts 1 and 2 respectively. More specifically,

Boundary 1 was longer than Boundary 2 only by 0.56% of the

utterance for Context 1, F (1, 6) = .50,p = .51, and Boundary 1 was

shorter than Boundary 2 only by 0.17% of the utterance for Context 2,


IL ZlX;}lUO:::>pue IlX;}lUO:::> .1 0 .1"lI eqe p;}seqJ SleJpue s~op ;}ll lH ;}q~" I ;}JU;}lU;}S .1 0 sum.I ~o.lp;}dS Z ;}.In~! 且 Z lXglUO:)101 "II它 q B pg日B4;) Sl它;) pUBSBOP g Ill!\ g4l" (q) (lXgluO:) 101 “ IIBqB pg日e 叫;) SlB;)pUB SBOPg Ill!\ g叫止" (的 ·g;)UB1gnn SnOnB!qwB UB10 g Jn l;)n .l lS ;)!口的UAS 叫肌IdO .ldd 它g41 dnOJB 01 sgsnBd .1 0 sgn;) ;)!pOSO .l d g;)np0.ld 正\qBqg .l lOU P!P s .l gu.mg\ 4SqBU3 pgl!W![ 3叫 l ‘S.l g有 Bgds gA!lBU g可 1 g河 !\U門 ·S.lgU. lBg\ pgl!山 q g41 10 gUO山 0.11 Z pU它 \ SlXgluO:) .1 01 “ IIBqB pg日B4;) SlB;)pUB SBOPg Ill!\ g叫止" \ g;)UglUgS 1I 011:mpo .l d l'1 1I 1 1I 011 p. nlllq Lllr. SI O JIPOSO .l d JO 正pms 正.IP.lI! LlII I;:J.l d V :llllr.入


~語教學 'Engfis反官acliingr:tL


34.3 (Fa1l201O)

Second,as indicated from the AEL data, the analysis of pause

duration demonstrated a significant e旺ect of boundary for both

Contexts 1 and 2. That is,for Context 1,Boundary 1 was shorter than

Boundary 2 by 9.23% of the utterance,F (1, 6)


256.99,p <.001 , ηZ


.977. For Context 2, Boundary 1 was longer than Boundary 2 by

10.62% of the utterance,F (1, 6) = 116.67,P < .001 , η2 = .951. The

results suggested that like the native speakers, the advanced English

learners used distinguished pauses to categorize the syntactic grouping of an ambiguous utterance when expressing its alternative


In sum, as Figure 3 shows, differences between the pause

duration of Boundaries 1 and 2 for Contexts 1 and 2 by the native

speakers were significant,indicating that they reliably used prosodic

cues to disambiguate syntactically ambiguous utterances. Like the

native speakers, the advanced English learners also produced

significant differences between Boundaries 1 and 2. More

interesting旬, the pause duration differences the advanced learners made were more distinguishable than those by the native speakers.

Finally, the limited English learners did not create a significant

difference tendency in the pause duration of Boundaries I and 2 for


Yang: A Preliminary Study of Prosodic Disambiguation in L2 Production 12 . - Context 1 一﹒ Context2 10 」 o 』 〈、、4 T三3 C二 CD 「 8 u) Q) = c\d m ~ " τ, co E 由 6 0'一 日立的 令J EEEQ) τ三守“ 主 5 豆 U S 2 u C三 Q) 出 這二 i三3




. \ \ \ /


NES LEPL Groups AEL Figure 3

Differences Between Boundaries1 and 2 for Contexts 1 and 2






The pu中oses of the present study

whether Taiwanese English learners reliably use prosodic cues to disambiguate syntactically ambiguous sentences when reading them

aloud, and (b) whether English proficiency level leads to different

prosodic behavior patterns. The main results of this reading aloud task

at sentence level can be summarized as follows: (1) both native

speakers and advanced English learners reliably produced prosodic boundaries to convey the intended meaning of an utterance when

informed the ambiguous points in advance; furthermore,the prosodic

boundaries made by advanced learners were more distinguishable

than those by native speakers, (2) limited English learners did not


其語教學 'E物品'sfi '1主acfiil穆巴tLearning

34.3 (Fall201 0)

create prosodic phrasing effects in such a reading aloud condition,

and (3) English proficiency level did lead to different prosodic

behavior patterns.

Reliable Use of Prosodic Disambiguation by Informed Native Speakers

Prior studies have consistently indicated that informed native speakers are able to properly express the intended meaning of an ambiguous utterance by altering intonational phrasing. Based on the

prior research, Snedeker and Trueswell (2003) claimed that speakers

of a language share certain implicit knowledge about the relationship

between prosody and syntax? They argued, however, that speakers

do not necessarily use such implicit knowledge to produce prosodic boundaries to disambiguate syntactically ambiguous sentences. On

the contrary,the production of prosodic disambiguation relies mainly

on the fact that speakers know the ambiguity situation and think it is

needed. For example, if speakers are aware of the alternative

meanings of an ambiguous utterance, they might think of prosodic

means as needed. Or if no other means other than prosodic means are

available for syntactic disambiguation, speakers might consciously

produce prosodic boundaries. In this sense, use of prosodic

disambiguation in spoken language may occur under certain specific cIrcumstances.

To replicate the findings that informed native speakers reliably

use prosodic cues to disambiguate ambiguous utterances,we provided

3 According to Ellis(2008),implicit knowledge about a language takes place as a

result of children acquiring the language by engaging with their caretakers in natural meaningful communication


Yang: A Preliminary Study of Prosodic Disambiguation in L2 Production our native speakers with the possible meanings of an ambiguous utterance and enough time to prepare for the reading aloud task before

starting formal recordings. Like Lehiste (1973) and Allbritton et al.

(1996), we found that our native speakers showed prosodic phrasing

effects on syntactic disambiguation. Speci日cally, since the subjects

were informed of the ambiguities and had enough time to monitor the

reading aloud task at sentence level, they realized that they must

effectively lengthen a critical boundary so as to reflect the syntactic structure of an ambiguous utterance. These results provide evidence that our native speakers not only had some implicit knowledge about the relationship between prosody and syntax but they were also capable of using such implicit knowledge to disambiguate ambiguous utterances through prosodic grouping.

In summary, under the conditions where the ambiguities were

first pointed out in advance and when no other information was

available for syntactic disambiguation, the native speakers in our

study reliably conveyed the intended interpretation of an ambiguous utterance through prosodic cues or boundaries.

Developmental Stage of L2 Prosody

Previous studies have shown that L2 proficiency level is a

factor in the prosody of L2 production and perception. Inother words,

there is a developmental stage of L2 prosody. Such a developmental

stage is further justified by the present study. More specifically, like

native speakers, advanced learners could alter prosodic boundaries to

express the appropriate meaning for an ambiguous utterance. On the

other hand, limited learners behaved differently from native speakers

in that they were unable to produce prosodic boundaries.


-9t語教學!£句“正心acfii句“ ζearning 34.3 (Fall 2010)

First of all,when advanced learners wanted to read aloud the

meaning of which the adjective modified only the noun immediately

following 泣, they lengthened Boundary 2. By contrast, when they

read aloud the interpretation of which the adjective modified both the

two nouns after it, they lengthened Boundary 1. This suggests that

advanced learners, like native speakers, owned some knowledge

about the relationship between prosody and syntax in English.

Furthermore,they definitely made effective use of the knowledge to

produce prosodic cues to syntactic disambiguation.

It is interesting to find, however, that advanced learners used

more distinguished pause durations to produce prosodic boundaries

than native speakers. For Interpretation Context 1, the size of

boundary effect 切 2


.977) for advanced learners was bigger than

that 切 2


.678) for native speakers. Also,for Interpretation Context 2,

the effect size (η2


.951) for advanced learners was bigger than that



.778) for native speakers. The findings reveal that advanced

learners' knowledge about the relationship between prosody and

syntax in English was explicit,rather than implicit.

As mentioned previously, our advanced learners received

Chinese language schooling up until their university years. They were unlikely to acquire knowledge about the relationship between prosody and syntax in English by engaging with their caretakers in natural

meaningful communication when they were young. In other words,

unlike native speakers, these advanced learners learned the

knowledge explicitly rather than implicitly. In general, explicit

learning involves attention and draws on the conscious monitoring of

the behavior to be acquired or retrieved (Destrebecqz & Cleermans,


Yang: A Preliminary Study of Prosodic Disambiguation in L2 Production

Willingham, 2001). Thus, it is very possible that explicit learning

made advanced learners overproduce prosodic boundaries when they struggled to express the appropriate meaning of an ambiguous utterance. The possibility provides a reason why advanced learners

used more distinguished prosodic boundaries to resolve the

ambiguities than native speakers when reading them aloud.

Next, limited learne時, unlike native speakers, did not show

prosodic disambiguation when reading aloud the ambiguities. There are three possibilities to explicate the learners' prosodic behaviors. The first possibility is that they had not yet succeeded in learning concepts of the syntactic structure of an utterance or sentence.

Therefore, these learners did not know how to capitalize on prosodic

cues to syntactic disambiguation. The second is that even if they had

learned concepts of the syntactic structure of an utterance, they did

not have knowledge about the relationship between prosody and

syntax in English. Thus, the fact that prosodic features can help

clarify the syntactic structure of an utterance was a completely strange concept to them. The last possibility is that even if they had such

declarative knowledge, their declarative knowledge could not

successfully be converted into procedural knowledge. They,therefore,

failed to produce prosodic boundaries. Regardless of which

possibility led to the prosodic behaviors of limited learners, limited

English proficiency was doubtless a cause for their failure.

From the perspective of a developmental stage in second

language acquisition, it was predicted that advanced learners can

behave in a way more similar to native speakers than limited

learners could. The present study supported this prediction,which in

tum further implied the presence of a developmental stage of L2


~語教學 P.ng{is反侵acfiingef,Learning

34.3 (Fall 2010)

prosodic disambiguation production.

Explicit Instruction of Syntax and Prosody

The failure to use prosodic boundaries for an ambiguous

utterance impedes successful communication. Therefore,it is of prime

importance that English learners have the abilities of perceiving and producing L2 English suprasegmental features. The findings obtained in the present study provide pedagogical implications of English

education in Taiwan. First,it is necessary to enhance explicit teaching

of what syntactic structures or constituents are, such as verb phrases,

noun phrases, and prepositional phrases. This is an initial step to

cultivate knowledge about the relationship between prosody and

syntax. Selkirk (1984) indicated that syntax is the mediation of sound

and meaning.

Moreover, it is important for English teachers in Taiwan to

explicitly execute pronunciation training in terms of knowledge,

perception, and production of suprasegmental features such as

duration, stress, pitch, and intonation contour. The best way of

pronunciation training is to expose learners to native

English-speaking environments. However, it may not always be

feasible to create such environments in English classrooms. As for

this problem, Meng et al. (2009) and Zhang et al. (2010) suggested

that computer-aided language learning (CALL) platform may be a good alternative to native English-speaking environments. This is

because CALL is not restricted to any occasions and places. In brief,

explicit instruction is essential to English learners developing English

suprasegmental features, and further effectively perceiving and


Yang: A Preliminary Study of Prosodic Disambiguation in L2 Production


The present study is an initial attempt to explore production of

L2 prosodic disambiguation; nevertheless, it has several limitations.

For instance, to avoid overloading the cognitive resources of limited

English learners, the syntactically ambiguous utterances tested here

are less complicated and difficult,的 comparedto other types such as

“The shooting of the hunters was terrible," which involved genitive

ambiguity (Katz & Fodor, 1964,used in Lehiste, 1973). One possible

semantic interpretation of the genitive ambiguous utterance is that the hunters were terribly shot; the other is that the hunters made terrible

shooting. Next, since it is more uncertain to elicit the data needed

from spontaneous speech, reading aloud is the last resort to

investigating L2 learners' production of prosodic disambiguation.

Thirdly, owing to lack of English learners at elementary and

intermediate level,the findings obtained here cannot provide a more

comprehensive evidence for a developmental stage of prosodic

disambiguation in L2 production. Finally,the results from this small

sample size could only provide a tentative conclusion. Further research on production of L2 prosodic disambiguation is clearly needed.

In conclusion, our results showed that when informed of the

ambiguities in advance, native speakers could produce prosodic

boundaries to categorize the syntactic structure of an ambiguous

utterance in the reading aloud task at sentence level.The finding gives

credence to the argument that informative prosodic boundaries rely on conditions where speakers think the informative prosodic boundaries are needed. Advanced learners were able to adjust the pauses of


英語教學 'Eng(isli '1切clii~矽rtLLearning

34.3 (Fa112010)

critical boundaries to produce a nativelike prosodic disambiguation

norm, whereas limited learners were not able to. This supports a

developmental stage of L2 English prosody.


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Pi-Lan Yang is an associate professor of the Foreign Languages Education Center at National Kaohsiung Marine University. Her

research interests are second language acquisition, syntax, and



-9t.語教學 'Eng(is丘 'I主achingr::lLeami月8 34.3 (Fa1l2010) 初探臺灣英語學習者使用韻律 傳達歧異語句的適當意義 摘要 針對外語人士使用韻律澄清法來傳達歧異語句的適當意 義的研究,能夠協助揭示他們外語音韻能力的發展情 形。利用朗誦閱讀的工其,本研究試圖初步探討,當臺 灣英語學習者唸出歧異語句時,是否能像英語人士一 樣,確實地使用韻律邊界的策略,以表達出正確的意義。 並就英語學習者的英語程度和這種策略使用的關餘,做 進一步的討論。實驗結果顯示,在朗誦閱讀之前,就被 告知歧異語句的適當意義的進階英語學習者,能像英語 人士一樣,特意地拉長關鍵的片語結構邊界,即韻律澄 清法,以便傳遞歧異語句的過切意義,但低程度英語學 習者則沒有使用這種策略。這些發現支持英語學習者的 英語音韻能力,有其發展的不同階段。除此,本研究建 議臺灣英語教師明確地教導學生句法、音韻,和它們之 間的關餘,期待成功地玲養出他們的英語音韻能力。 關鍵詞:韻律澄清法 朗誦閱讀 韻律邊界歧異語句



To enhance English Panel Chairpersons’ understanding of their roles as curriculum leaders and their capacity to incorporate the major updates of the English Language Education

• Curriculum Leadership and Management for the English Language Education Key Learning Area: Holistic Planning and Implementation of the Secondary English Language Curriculum

As a Key Learning Area, English Language Education seeks to develop students’ English language proficiency for study, work and leisure; provide them with opportunities for

• Effective Use of the Learning Progression Framework to Enhance English Language Learning, Teaching and Assessment in Reading and Writing at Primary Level.

• to discuss effective strategies for planning and implementing the optimised senior secondary English Language curriculum (e.g. promoting creative and academic uses of English);

reading scheme, cross-curricular projects and RaC, etc.) in consideration of the pedagogy and connection with the curriculum of English Language from the case study of exemplars

reading scheme, cross-curricular projects and RaC, etc.) in consideration of the pedagogy and connection with the curriculum of English Language from the case study of exemplars

For example, the teacher librarians teach students reading strategies while English and Chinese language subject teachers provide reading materials for students to