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Academic year: 2021

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彰化縣私立精誠高級中學 103 學年第一學期 第二次段考 國一英語 班級:_______座號:_____ 姓名:_________________

一、文意字彙 (15%)

1. ( ) Yuni often helps her mother wash _______ after dinner. (A) ducks (B) dishes (C) watches (D) bears 2. ( ) Lily likes to use a _________ to drink orange juice. (A) straw (B) stone (C) sock (D) short

3. ( ) The weather is getting cold, so I need to wear a warm ___________. (A) shoulder (B) shoe (C) soap (D) sweater

4. ( ) The polar bear like to eat ________ than vegetables. (A) ice cream (B) lettuce (C) meat (D) moon cake

5. ( ) The chocolate cake that Ting made tasted _________. Can I have more? (A) dirty (B) yummy (C) sick (D) funny

6. ( ) Students in Ching Cheng High School have to go to school in _________. (A) jeans (B) pants (C) dress (D) uniform

7. ( ) Don’t forget your __________ on rainy days.

(A) teenager (B) umbrella (C) brush (D) barbecue 8. ( ) Be careful when you are using a ________, or you’ll get hurt. (A) knives (B) knife (C) kitchen (D) cellphone

9. ( ) When people say “ It’s a piece of _____,” it means it’s very easy. (A) pizza (B) cake (C) candy (D) pie

10. ( ) It’s not healthy for students to go to school without eating ______. (A) puppy (B) meat (C) dumpling (D) breakfast

11. ( ) Please fasten your seat__________ when you drive. (fasten:繫緊) (A) bottle (B) belt (C) bell (D) band

12. ( ) Harry bought a gold ______for his girlfriend as a birthday gift. (A) ring (B) ham (C) fork (D) lettuce

13. ( ) If you don’t want to get flu, you’d better wear a _______to the hospital. (A) menu (B) man (C) mask (D) market

14. ( ) Foreigners use ________ to make lanterns on Halloween. (A) popcorn (B) spaghetti (C) sandwich (D) pumpkin 15. ( ) Excuse me! Please give me a pair of _______to eat dumplings.

(A) chopsticks (B) trousers (C) kites (D) frisbees 二、文法 (20%)

16.( ) Guys!!! Don’t be late. It’s not nice. (A) ╳ (B) not (C) don’t (D) isn’t

17.( ) Ted:Is ? Jason:No, he isn’t. He is sad. (A) the singer happy

(B) the happy singer (C) happy the singer (D) singer the happy

18.( ) Hey!!! turn off the light. It’s so dark here. (A) Please, don’t

(B) Not please (C) Please don’t (D) Don’t, please

19.( ) We had _______________ when we were on vacation. (A) wonderful weather

(B) a wonderful weather (C) a new furniture. (D) some new furnitures

20.( ) We are from ____UK. We are from Australia. (A) X (B) a (C) an (D) the

21.( ) Luffy: This is my brother, Ace. And_______is my sister, Ariel. Jack: Nice to meet you, Ace and Ariel.

(A) that (B) he (C) these (D) those

22.( ) Pay attention! Stand______ line, and_______make noise. (A) in; not (B) in; don’t (C) for; no (D) on; not

23.( ) Do you know something about that restaurant? The cook famous his special dishes. They are so delicious.

(A) are; from (B) is; by (C) are; with (D) is; for 24. ( ) Mia is a girl. She is not old.


國一英語 2


(C) thirteen-years-old (D) thirteen-year-old

25. ( ) Nami: old the twins? Jeff:They are 16. (A) What; are (B) What; is (C) How; is (D) How; are 26. ( ) Can I talk to you? I need some _______.

(A) advices (B) advice (C) job (D) apple

27. ( ) I am really tired. Could you give me ________________? (A) a bar of soap (B) a cup of coffee

(C) a piece of music (D) a bowl of rice

28. ( ) Vicky:________ the water in the pool? Sandy: Seven feet. (A) How tall (B) How high (C) How far (D) How deep 29. ( ) This is a nice office. __________desk is yours?

(A) What (B) Which (C) Where (D) Why

30. ( ) Do you think we should wait for Andy? No, _____________ (A) let’s not wait for him (B) let’s don’t wait for him

(C) let not wait for him (D) don’t let us wait for him 31. ( ) Petty: ________ is the popular singer from?

Leo: He is from Taiwan.

(A) Who (B) What (C) Where (D) How

32. ( )CoCo: ___________________

Ken: She is my aunt.

(A) Is that woman your mother? (B) Is the woman young? (C) Who is your sister? (D) Who is that tall woman? 33. ( ) Zoe: Are those gifts for me? William: ___________

(A) No, they are. (B) Yes, they aren’t. (C) No, they aren’t. (D) Yes, they’re. 34. ( ) Jessie: Your puppy is so cute. ____________, I am Jessie.

ViVi: Nice to meet you, Jessie. I am ViVi. (A) Pardon me (B) By the way

(C) Long time no see (D) Excuse me. 35. ( ) Jones: The school bus is over there.

Fred: Let’s _______ the bus.

(A) turn on (B) climb into (C) hurry up (D) get on 三、克漏字(15%)

Rob began to clean. First, he found 36. old robot. He played 37. it. Next, he found a 38. toy car. He had to fix that. Then, he saw his teddy bear and he had to clean it. An hour later, his room was 39. ! His mother came in. She looked and said, “You have one hour to clean your room!” “OK, Mom,” said Rob. The he saw some old comic books 40. the bed. He smiled and sat down near the bed.

36. ( ) (A) a (B) an (C) some (D) many 37. ( ) (A) under (B) up (C) with (D) off

38. ( ) (A) beautiful (B) blind (C) busy (D) broken 39. ( ) (A) wonderful (B) wise (C) wet (D) worse 40. ( ) (A) under (B) at (C) upon (D) about

Kay liked to watch birds fly in the sky. She wanted to have a bird 41. a pet, but her mother did not like to keep any animals at home. On Friday, Kay made a paper bluebird in her art class. It had long wings. Kay colored the bird 42. blue paint. After school, Kay brought the bluebird home and showed 43. to her mother. Kay and her mother hung the bluebird from the ceiling over her bed. That night, Kay brushed her teeth and climbed into bed. She looked up at the bluebird and smiled. It was so pretty! It looked 44. a real bird in the sky. Then her mother 45. the light, and Kay closed her eyes. 41. ( ) (A) at (B) as (C) about (D) after

42. ( ) (A) by (B) in (C) under (D) with 43. ( ) (A) its (B) it (C) them (D) they

44. ( ) (A) with (B) about (C) under (D) like

45. ( ) (A) turned on (B) opened (C) turned off (D) close

It’s never comfortable to take a bus during rush hour 46. a hot summer day. All

my friends hate it. And I…, well, I used to hate it, too.

The story happened two months ago. I was on a bus that was packed with almost everyone in the city. I was going to meet my friend David to see a show. And then he



called and said he couldn’t come. “This is not what I planned for Friday!” I thought. The air on the bus was terrible; the man in front of me smelled 47. dead fish. While I was feeling sorry for myself, a girl called my name. I didn’t recognize her at first. Then I was surprised to find that she was Mary, my 48. neighbor. I hadn’t seen Mary in years. We used to play together every day when we were kids. We were happy to see 49. , so we decided to have dinner together. And that was the start of many dinners after.

With Mary, the bus ride has become something I love. The bus is still packed with people, but I enjoy the 50. every day.

 rush hour 尖峰時間 recognize 認出 used to 以前習慣於… hadn’t seen 許久未見 ( )46. (A) in (B) on (C) at (D) of

( )47. (A) under (B) about (C) like (D) with ( )48. (A) old (B) new (C) front (D) back ( )49. (A) others (B) the other (C) another (D) each other ( )50. (A) ride (B) drive (C) bike (D) hike 四、閱讀測驗 (20%)


A couple of days before Sara’s birthday, she asked her father, “Dad, can I have a kitten as my birthday present? “A kitten? I don’t know about that, Sara. Let’s see,” her father said. Two days later, it was Sara’s birthday. At breakfast, she got a new bracelet, a book and a box of different colored paints—but no kitten! She was so sad. Sara liked these presents, but she really wanted a kitten. That afternoon, Sara’s father picked her up from school. Sara got in the back seat. There was a cardboard box on the seat. “I have a surprise for you, Sara,” her father said. “Open the box and take a look in that box.” Suddenly, the box moved!

51. ( ) Which is true about Sara’s father? (A) He doesn’t love his daughter. (B) He likes to dress like a kitten.

(C) He wants to give his daughter a big surprise. (D) He wants to pick up many dolls for Sara. 52~54

(Below is what Kitty wrote in her notebook.)

Dec. 23

A very sad day. A school bus was hit by a train. Many children were badly hurt. A little

boy lost his life. His mom was the children’ teacher. We couldn’t bring her back, either.

Dec. 24

Lucy said she’ll wear all white to the Christmas party. I said she’s lost her mind. We wear white all the time. Who would still want to wear white on Christmas Eve?

Dec. 25

People kept coming in and asked for our help because they got hurt. Why do people always do stupid things on holidays?

Dec. 26

The police brought in a young man who broke his leg when he was trying to enter a house. When taking care of his leg, I asked him why he wanted to enter another person’s house, and he said he just wanted to borrow a key. But Officer Bear said he’s been borrowing many keys from strangers’ houses.

Dec. 27

I knew my lunchtime was over when Francis came to my table. He’s a nice guy. But how many heads he’s cut open is the last thing I’d want to know when I’m eating beef sandwiches.

( )52. Where does Kitty work? (A) In a school.

(B) In a hospital. (C) In a restaurant. (D) In a police station. ( )53. Which is true about Kitty?

(A) She did not work on Christmas because she got hurt. (B) She does not like what Francis talks about at lunchtime. (C) She lost her little boy when the school bus was hit by a train.

(D) She liked Lucy’s idea about what to wear for the Christmas party.

( )54. What do we know from the reading? (A) The train driver died.

(B) Francis loves to have beef sandwiches for lunch.

(C) Lucy did not want to go to the Christmas party with Kitty. (D) Officer Bear did not think the young man was honest. 55~56

October 31 is Halloween. It is the end of summer and the start of the long, cold winter. Two thousand years ago, people believed that the spirits of dead people would come back to the living world on this day. They also believed that these spirits could help the living people see their future.

The day after Halloween, November 1, was known as "All-hallows." On this day people went to church to remember the great people who died for their religion. The night before "All-hallows" was called "All-hallows' Eve." The name later became "Halloween."


國一英語 4


( ) 55. What is the reading mainly about? (A) The history of Halloween.

(B) The terrible spirits on Halloween.

(C) The different ways to celebrate Halloween. (D) The famous people who died on Halloween.

mainly 主要地

( ) 56. According to the reading, which is true about Halloween? (A) It is also called "All-hallows."

(B) It is the first day of November. (C) It is celebrated at the end of winter. (D) It is about dead people and their spirits. 57~58

Have you ever been to Boston? Do you know why Boston is the center of history, education, and of course, sports in America? Many people think Boston is a city with long history because the American Revolution happened there. People in Boston feel proud of what happened in this city and always work hard to keep it. For example, the oldest ship in America can be seen in Boston. Besides, there are many famous schools in Boston. Every autumn, a lot of students from all corners of the world go to Boston for learning. The most famous school in Boston is Harvard University. Of course, Boston is also a city with gifts for sports fans. Baseball fans and basketball fans can have a lot of fun in the city. If you love jogging, you can join the Boston Marathon every April. With so many great things, Boston has been a popular city in America.

education 教育 American Revolution 獨立戰爭 Harvard University 哈佛大學 marathon 馬拉松

( )57. What CAN’T be seen in Boston? (A) Many students around the world. (B) Harvard University.

(C) Sports fans.

(D) The biggest ship in the world. ( )58. Which is NOT true about Boston?

(A) Many famous schools were built there. (B) It is a city with only modern buildings. (C) Baseball fans can have fun in the city. (D) Many students go there for learning 59-60

Hemingway is one of the greatest American writers. He was born in Illinois in 1899 and showed great writing talent when he was young. He worked as a reporter and a driver.

Then he decided to become a writer and started to write some famous novels. He lived a busy life and took trips to many places. By visiting different places he got new experiences and wrote about them in his novels.

The Old Man and the Sea is one of Hemingway's greatest novels. The story is about an old man who goes on the sea for 84 days without catching any fish. But he keeps working hard and catches a big fish on the 85th day. This book not only makes Hemingway world-famous, but also makes people remember him long after he died in 1961.

( ) 59. Why did Hemingway go to many places? (A) He wanted to show himself off. (B) He wanted to leave the busy city. (C) He wanted to sell more of his novels. (D) He wanted to have different experiences. ( ) 60. What is the best title for the two paragraphs? (A) Life On the Sea

(B) Take Trips and Write Well (C) Hemingway and His Novels (D) Great and Famous Reporters

paragraph 段落 refer to 指稱 五、 翻譯 (15%) (錯一個地方扣1分,包含標點符號錯一個地方也是扣1分) (注意:用鉛筆作答者一律零分計算!) 61. 這是我們要到巧克力工廠的巴士。(3%) 62. Peter,請關掉你的手機。(Please需放句首,否則全錯)(3%) 63. 才藝表演已經開始。我們遲到了。(3%) 64. Canada是以它的楓葉聞名的嗎?(3%) 65. 請把你的垃圾隨手帶走,不要把它留在這裡。(3%) ~The End~




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