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道明中學 100 學年度第二學期第二次月考二年級英文科試題


Academic year: 2021

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道明中學100 學年度第二學期第二次月考二年級英文科試題

國二 班 號 姓名 一、文意字彙:20%(每題 2 分)

1. My brother is going to g________e from junior high school next month.

2. It was reported the Taiwanese-Japanese singer Makiyo and other two a______ses got themselves into trouble for refusing to fasten the seat belt (安全帶)on Feb.

3. It was snowing heavily, so we c______e not to go out.

4. It is c________n to see people in shorts on the beach during summer.

5. The basketball player is so tall. He looks like a g______t to me.

6. I am so good at computer, so I want to be a computer e_________r in the future.

7. On Chinese New Year’s Eve, a________s give kids red envelopes with money in it.

8. A: Let’s have a barbecue on the l________n.

B: Good idea. I like to sit on the grass and have good food.

9. Rolling eggs is a very popular a________y on Easter.

10. It’s truly a happy m_______t when the whole family gets together on Chinese New Year’s Eve for a big dinner.

二. 填入適當的動詞形式:10%(每題 2 分)

1. The English teacher had her students _ (rewrite) the article in class.

2. I help Mary __________(do) her homework all the time.

3. Peter’s father asked him _________( not go) out at midnight again.

4. The White House is the most famous place _________(have) the Easter egg hunt.

5. Students won’t have _________(wear) the uniform to school on Saturday. They are free to dress in causal clothing( 便服).

三、依提示填入適當的形容詞或副詞變化:16%(每題 2 分)

1. If people don’t have enough vitamin A, they can’t see things very __________(clear) 2. My sister can sing as _________(good) as a superstar.

3. Please bring in the clothes. It’s raining ___________. (heavy) 4. Pete can jump much _________(high) than any other boy can.

5. Who is ____________(slow), Frank, Judy or Sam?

6. The harder I work, the _________(happy) I live.

7. Of all the students, Tommy speaks ____________ ( serious) because he is giving a speech.

8. Kevin sings__________ (bad) than anyone else.

四 . :5 % ( 每 題 1 分 ) ( 從 下 面 單 字 中 選 出 正 確 的 字 填 入 at/ on/ in/ with/ for/ to/ over/


1. They had an interview ________ that famous writer yesterday.

2. Although my grandparents are over 80, they are still ______ good health.

3. They left _______ the party five minutes ago.

4.______ the help of the prince, the mouse is becoming healthier.

5. Many people painted eggs _______ beautiful colors on that day.


五、文法:30%(每題 1 分)

1. Annie always _____________ on her face and ______ wins people’s heart in her class.

(A) has a big laugh; easilier (B) gives a big hand; more easily (C) wears a big smile; easily (D) hides a big joy; easy

2. Excuse me, sir! I’d like to take a look at _______ pair. These shoes are too small.

(A)other  (B) some  (C) the one  (D) another

3. Mr. and Mrs. Huang have three daughters. One is a nurse who works in a hospital, another is a teacher, and _______ is a police officer. That’s my wife, Linda.

(A) another (B) other (C) the one (D) the other

4. The cold weather ______ the leaves ______ yellow. They look so _______.

(A) has; turned; pretty (B) made; turn; beautifully (C) has; turning; beauty (D) makes; turn; beautiful

5. I usually _______ my five-year-old son take a shower himself.

(A) get (B) keep  (C) ask (D) let

6. A: It’s cold today, my dear. ____________________. B: OK, Mom.

(A)Don’t forget to turn your coat on.  (B) Don’t forget to put your coat on.  

(C) Remember to try on your coat later.  (D) Remember to get on your new jacket.

7. _______ the right decision, you must understand yourself first.

(A) To make (B) To making  (C) Make  (D) Making 8. _______ yourself first, and you can make the right decision.

(A) To understand (B) To understanding (C) Understanding (D) Understand 9. ______ right is important, especially to young children.

(A) To Eats (B) Eat (C) Eating (D) Eats 10. A: Why did he look so _______ at the party?

B: Didn’t you see him look ______ at the girl next to him?

(A) sad; sadly (B) sad; sad (C) sadly; sadly (D) sadly; sad 11. _____ Tom ______ take out the trash every day?

(A) Does; must (B) Must, has to (C) Does; have to (D)Does; needs to 12. __________ on the desk ____ Helen’s.

(A)Most of money; are (B) Some of books ; are (C) One of the book; is (D) All of the money; is 13. Boys, you can choose one ball game out of the two. So some of you can choose basketball, and

______ will have to go for baseball.

(A) the other (B)others (C) the others (D) another

14. When John found it was already nine o’clock in the morning, he ______ the bed and ran to his office.

(A) got quickly up from (B)got up quickly from (C) got up quick from (D)got quick up from 15. Mother’s Day ______ on the second Sunday of May.

(A) rolls (B) drops (C) hides (D) falls

16. Father: Now that we have a baby, we almost never go to a movie together.

Mother: Yes. We spend ____________of the time taking care of Andrea.

(A) either (B) many (C) most (D) any 17. Jeff: I think the cake is too sweet. I don’t like it.

Hanna: ____________

(A) I don’t, too. (B) I don’t, either.  (C) I never, either. (D) me, too.

18. Jay: Which one of these books do you like?

Karen: ______ of them is very interesting. I can’t decide.

(A)Each  (B) One  (C) Few  (D) Some

19. A: Must we go to school on Saturdays? B: No, we _______.

(A)don’t (B) don’t have to  (C) mustn’t (D) don’t need 20. My teacher said that Warren works ______ in our class.

(A)the harder (B) the hardest  (C) the most hardly (D) the hardliest

21. If we want an important word to stand out, we can draw a red line under it. The red color does


________ than the others. This is what my teacher tells me.

(A) the better (B) better (C) more goodly (D) more well

22. What children need ________ is their parents. Unfortunately, sometimes they are too busy to spend time with their children.

(A) many (B) most (C) more (D) much

23. He can _________ eat anything because he is very sick.

(A)lately (B) surely  (C) hardly (D) quickly

24. Jo likes summer the _______ because she has a serious problem sleeping in the summer heat.

(A) last (B) least (C) most (D) best

25. Hearing that her son got hurt in the game, Mrs. Black put down her work and ______ to school.

(A) hurried  (B) carried  (C) married  (D) worried 26. What do kids do for the Easter egg hunt?

(A)They roll the egg around the basket.

(B)They look for eggs and put them in the basket.

(C) They roll the egg with a spoon to the finish line.

(D) They look for eggs and put them at the finish line.

27. Which sentence doesn’t make sense? (下列哪句不適用 pick up 的片語) (A) The movie is so interesting. It makes me pick up a lot.

(B) Kids, please pick up the trash when you see it. (C) Anita picked up her daughter at school and then took her to hospital.

(D) My dad bought a new car. He will pick it up this Saturday.

28. Choose the correct sentence. (選出正確句子) (A) You will need to walk more fast than usual because we are so late. (B) Jason finished the exercise the quickly of the four. (C) Kids, don’t get too excited. It’s wrong to run around excitedly before the show.

(D) John lives in a more happily life than Bruce.

29. Choose the correct sentence. (選出正確句子) (A) Those people can’t talk or speak. It was wrong to laugh at them. (B) If the TV is on, the baby can’t sleep well. Please turn off it. (C) Julian was looking his camera for at that time.  (D)Let’s get the bus on and go to the island.

30. Choose the correct sentence. (選出正確句子) (A) Some people are playing the swing over there.   (B Look! The house is in fire. Let’s do something. (C) The firefighter can put out the fire and save people.  (D) Look! People are hunting the Easter egg over there.

六.克漏字: :5%(每題 1 分)

Did you try to move one of your eyes to the right and (1) to the left? I tried this long time ago, and of course, I didn’t (2) it because it’s almost impossible for people like you and me to do that. But there is an animal that can move its eyes __(3)___ different directions. It has four legs and a long curly tail. Its skin will __(4)__ into different colors when the weather is hot or cold. Now I think you know the answer __(5)__ the question. Yes, the answer is chameleon.

1. (A) another (B) other (C) the other (D) the others 2. (A)get (B) make (C) take (D) have

3. (A) for (B) at (C) in (D) with

4. (A)stay (B) become (C) make (D) turn


5. (A)of (B) in (C) to (D) with 七.閱讀測驗: :8%(每題 1 分)


Many people, teenagers especially, like to talk to friends on the cell phone at night. Be careful! The latest research shows that a cell phone’s electromagnetic waves would make it more difficult for a person to fall asleep and decrease sleeping time. The worst of all, it would cause headaches and disorder the brain.

This research makes people worry. Children and teenagers are the groups who need sleep the most, but studies show that they use cell phones at night most often. If children and teenagers don’t get enough sleep, their moods and character will change. They will have a condition of melancholy, suffer from attention deficit disorder, and show bad learning performance. Besides teenagers, grown-ups who love to talk on the cellphone at night will probably have the same symptoms, too. The research shows that cell phone’s electromagnetic waves also have a serious influence on their brains. Therefore, talk less on cell phones, especially at night.

1. electromagnetic wave 電磁波 2. decrease 減少 3. melancholy 憂鬱 4. attention deficit disorder 注意力不集中 5. influence 影響

1. Betty is a high school student. She often talks to Kelly from 8 to 10 pm. What problem will she have in sleep?

(A) She will fall asleep easily.  (B) She will feel hot during her sleep.

(C) It will be more difficult for her to fall asleep. (D) She will be worried about her friend more.

2. According to the reading, who needs a good sleep the most?

(A)The grown-ups. (B) Men (C)Women (D) Children and teenagers.

3. According to the reading, what does the word “symptoms” mean?

(A)sickness  (B) brain (C) sleep (D) cellphone (二)

It can’t be any more important for students to get good grades. They need to study hard and also develop good habits, which can help them do better on tests. Here are several tips about how to get better grades.

1. Delay having a boyfriend or girlfriend and stay away from video games, cellphones, the Internet, and junk food at fast food restaurants.

2. Quit the bad habit of twirling your pen.

3. Communicate more with your parents and tell them what you are thinking about.

4. Listen to some classical music before studying, but don’t listen to it while studying.

5. Don’t drink coffee, tea or sweet drinks.

6. Don’t eat or talk too much before a test.

7. Be kind to other people and animals. It’s good for your mind.

1. develop 培養 2. delay 延遲  3. twirl 轉 4.communicate 溝通


4. Which of the following helps you to get better grades?

(A) Listening to music while studying. (B) Talking more to your parents.

(C) Talking a lot with your Net friend.  (D) Drinking a quick coffee before a test.

5. Tom is the top student in his class. What might be true about him?

(A) He has a girlfriend.  (B) He cares about people around him.  

(C) he is good at twirling his pen with his fingers.  (D) He always drinks hot chocolate before going to bed.


6. What CAN’T one do on this page?

(A) Know more about something. (B) Look at some interesting pictures.

(C) Talk with friends from other countries. (D) Read about what’s happening around the world.

7. When you ask someone his nationality, what do you want to know?

(A) Where he lives now. (B) Where he comes from.

(C) What country he works for. (D)What country he is going to.

8. How many of the most asked questions are about people?

(A)One. (B) Two. (C) Three.  (D) Four.

八.翻譯 :6 %(每題 2 分)

1. 我無法打開檯燈。你可以幫我修它嗎?

2. 你要完成作業才能看電視(You…..until….) 3. 選擇一份正確職業是人生中最重要的事情之一

道明中學100 學年度第二學期第二次段考國二英語科答案紙

國二_____組_____號 姓名


I.20% (每題 2 分) Ⅱ.10% (每題 2 分)

Ⅲ.16% (每題 2 分)

Ⅳ. 5%(每題 1 分)

1 1 1 1

2 2 2 2

3 3 3 3

4 4 4 4

5 5 5 5

6 6

7 7

8 8

9 1 0

Ⅴ.30%(每題 1 分)(請於正確欄內打勾)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


2 1

2 2

2 3

2 4

2 5

2 6

2 7

2 8

2 9



Ⅵ.5%(每題 1 分) Ⅶ. 8%(每題 1 分)

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Ⅷ.6% 1. ____________________________________________________________________


2. _____________________________________________________________________


道明中學100 學年度第二學期第二次段考國二英語科答案紙

國二_____組_____號 姓名

I.20% (每題 2 分) Ⅱ.10% (每題 2 分)

Ⅲ.16% (每題 2 分)

Ⅳ. 5%(每題 1 分)

1 graduate 1 rewrite 1 clearly 1 with

2 actresses 2 do/to do 2 well 2 in

3 chose 3 not to go 3 heavily 3 for

4 common 4 to have 4 higher 4 with

5 giant 5 to wear 5 the slowest 5 in

6 engineer 6 more happily

7 adults 7 most


8 lawn 8 worse

9 activity

1 0


Ⅴ.30%(每題 1 分)(請於正確欄內打勾)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

A ˇ ˇ ˇ

B ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ

C ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ

D ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ

2 1

2 2

2 3

2 4

2 5

2 6

2 7

2 8

2 9


A ˇ ˇ ˇ

B ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ

C ˇ ˇ ˇ



Ⅵ.5%(每題 1 分) Ⅶ. 8%(每題 1 分)

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

A ˇ

B ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ

C ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ

D ˇ ˇ

Ⅷ.6% 1. I can not turn on the lamp. Can you help me fix it?

2. You can not watch TV until you finish homework.

3. Choosing a right career is one of the most important things in life.



The picture below shows how the cortisol levels rise and fall during the day.. From the news, which is a good time

臺北市大理高級中學 第32試場.

自 111 學年度開始,「身心障礙學生升學大專校院甄試數學考科」將依據 108 學年度 實施之「十二年國民基本教育課程綱要國民中小學暨普通型高級中等學校—數學領域」

開課前 課程第㇐年 首學年末 課程第二年 次學年末.


Consider 37 your social media notifications off during meals with family and friends or important meetings at work?. Also, pay attention to what you do and how you feel

