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Planning for college conecert hall and post occupancy evaluation : 以東吳大學松誼廳為例 林佳儒、黃俊熹


Academic year: 2022

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Planning for college conecert hall and post occupancy evaluation : 以東吳大學松誼廳為例 林佳儒、黃俊熹

E-mail: 344947@mail.dyu.edu.tw


Some important factors that need to be taken into account for a successful concert hall include reverberation time, background noise, wall & floor resonance, noise control thru pipe chase. During planning, design & construction phase need good control the above factors and details which effect each orther, then can overall control & design quality concert hall. This research utilizes facts acquired from literature, interviews, questionnaires, and POE to investigate the interrelationship among music, acoustic sound, and architecture when designing a new concert hall. Furthermore, emphasis should be given during various stages of construction for a higher educational institution concert hall in order to meet expectations from end users, design architects and sound experts. The conclusion of the research is summarized below. 1. Emphasis on construction of a smaller scale school concert hall consists of the following:Planning Stage - analysis on the project site’s source of vibration and the environment’s background noise. Designing Stage - confirming concert hall’s function for setting reverberation time Detail Design and Construction Document Stage -

deciding on utilization of materials and setting standards for final inspection Construction. Stage - inspection process for construction change orders and solutions Final Inspection. Stage - use of actual numbers obtained from expert’s testing equipment as the final inspection result. Integration Stage – summarize interface and integration problems for future reference. 2. Integration of architectural planning is the correct method and key to control quality of a concert hall. With space management and budget estimates as the basis of planning construction of a concert hall, execution and integration of the acoustic standard within the confined architectural space is of utmost importance. Every possible factor that would influence the outcome of the concert hall during each stage of the construction should be thoroughly calculated so as not to exceed construction budget and jeopardize the quality of the concert hall. Furthermore, acquiring the knowledge of experts in the field can reduce the market risk and project cost and solve problems that may arise during construction.

Keywords : Architectural Planning、Concert Hall、Acoustic Quality、Post Occupancy Evaluation Table of Contents

中文摘要 iii 英文摘要 v 誌謝 vii 目錄 viii 圖目錄 xi 表目錄 xv 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究動機 1 1.2 研究目的 3 1.3 研究內容與 範圍 5 1.4 研究流程 5 第二章 相關文獻回顧 8 2.1 用語與定義 8 2.2 文獻資料回顧 11 2.3 國內案例探討 17 第三章 研究方法 30 3.1 文獻資料蒐集 30 3.2 問卷蒐集與統計 31 3.3 訪談意見整理 32 3.4 P.O.E (Post Occupancy Evaluation) 33 3.5 資料統計與 分析 33 3.6 音響計畫書及測試方法與完工後音響測試資料蒐集 34 第四章 研究案例探討與分析 37 4.1 建築計畫資料分析

─PL階段(Planning) 40 4.2 建築初步設計─SD階段(Schematic Design) 49 4.3 建築細步設計與施工圖繪製─DD&CD階段 (Design Development & Construction Documents) 59 4.4 施工階段疑議及因應對策 73 4.5 完工驗收階段 78 4.6 使用後評估調查 84 第五章 研究結論及建議 106 5.1 結論 106 5.2 後續研究與建議 109 參考文獻 111 中文部分 111 英文部分 112 網路部分 112 附 錄1 聽眾主觀測試問卷 114 附 錄2 演奏者主觀測試問卷 117 附 錄3 訪談大綱及訪談紀錄 120 表演者訪談紀錄表 121 聽(

觀)眾訪談紀錄表 124 管理單位訪談紀錄表 125 附 錄4 東吳大學都市設計審議意見 129 附 錄5 東吳大學音樂性空間初步建議 130 附 錄6 東吳大學音樂性空間修正決議紀錄 132 附 錄7 東吳大學音樂廳餘響時間模擬 148 附 錄8 東吳大學音樂廳聲響性 能完工驗收報告書 152 附 錄9 東吳大學音樂廳聲響性能完工驗收複測報告書 162 附 錄10 東吳大學音樂廳座位配置平面圖 164


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department hall union, discusses its good and bad points, and compares is the hall and the dormitory conformity with separates degree of satisfaction of the plan, finally