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Study on Management and Strategies in Development of Taiwan Enterprises for Children’s Educational Franchise Business i 楊明潭、劉原超


Academic year: 2022

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Study on Management and Strategies in Development of Taiwan Enterprises for Children’s Educational Franchise Business i


E-mail: 9314112@mail.dyu.edu.tw


ABSTRACT Since Mainland China government took the economic reform policy and opened the market to the whole world, the enpterprises all over the world tried to enter the huge market. Although Taiwan government took the “Don’t hurry, be patient”

policy keynote, it still couldn’t contain the basic appetite of Taiwan enterprises for profit. However, many Taiwan enterprises sustained great loss as they entered the China market precipitatly. Then they realized that the “Taiwan Exprience” wasn’t so useful as they expected. This study proposes to compare the enterprise environments and strategies of children’s educational franchise business in Taiwan to Mainland China by case study with Kid Castle Educational Institute. As the said study discuss below, enterprise strategy is composed of corporate strategy, business strategy and functional area strategy. After a thorough investigation into this case, we found that, to corporate strategy, it shows that the marketal environments were the same in both Taiwan and Mainland China-the customers had strong motives to learn English, since it was helpful to the enterprise in the early period of development. The corporate strategy of the enterprise was under the influence of geographic, social-cultural, economic and marketal environments, since they were different between Taiwan and China, and it made the corporate choose different types of franchise.

To business strategy, almost all business of the enterprise was influenced of the different marketal environment and related decree-law except the business of educational Internet. To functional area strategy, we found that the market strategy was affected decidedly by enterprise environment. Although the other functional areas were affected as well by the environmental factors which including human resource, marketal environment and geography. The enterprise still kept collaborating these functional areas to operate in the same pattern in the other hand. Keywords:

Keywords : Taiwan enterprise ; Taiwan Experience ; children’s education ; franchise business ; enterprise environment ; enterprise strategy

Table of Contents

目錄 封面內頁 簽名頁 授權書 iii 中文摘要 iv ABSTRACT vi 誌謝 viii 目錄 ix 圖目錄 xiii 表目錄 xiv 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究動 機與目的 1 1.1.1 研究動機 1 1.1.2 研究目的 3 1.2 研究方法及限制 4 1.2.1 研究方法 4 1.2.2 研究限制 7 1.3 研究範圍及對象 8 1.3.1 研究範圍 8 1.3.2 研究對象 8 1.4 研究問題與研究架構 10 1.4.1 研究問題 10 1.4.2 研究架構 12 第二章 文獻探討與分析架 構 14 2.1 連鎖經營 14 2.1.1 連鎖經營的定義 14 2.1.2 垂直行銷系統理論 20 2.1.3 依所有權集中程度分類 22 2.1.4 連鎖經營型 態之選擇與發展 28 2.2 經營環境 33 2.2.1 經營環境與經營策略 33 2.2.2 經營環境的界定及分類 34 2.3 經營策略 40 2.3.1 策略 之定義 40 2.3.2 經營策略之內涵 47 2.4 分析架構 52 第三章 台灣與中國大陸補教業經營環境特質之比較 55 3.1 總體環境特 質 55 3.1.1 地理自然環境 55 3.1.2 政治法制環境 57 3.1.3 社會文化環境 61 3.1.4 經濟金融環境 66 3.1.5 科技環境 72 3.2 產業 經營環境 80 3.2.1 市場環境 80 3.2.2 人力資源環境 83 3.2.3 兒童教育相關法令規範 87 3.3 小結 94 第四章 個案分析─吉的堡 文教機構 97 4.1 吉的堡文教機構之發展背景 97 4.2 公司層次經營策略之比較分析 100 4.2.1 台灣地區 100 4.2.2 中國大陸地 區 108 4.3 事業層次經營策略之比較分析 112 4.3.1 連鎖體系 112 4.3.2 出版發行體系 113 4.3.3 網路教育體系 114 4.4 功能部 門經營策略之比較分析 116 4.4.1 行銷策略 116 4.4.2 人才策略 120 4.2.3 研發策略 121 4.2.4 財務策略 122 4.2.5 加盟輔導策略 123 第五章 結論 125 5.1 兩岸經營環境與經營策略之比較分析 125 5.2 結語與研究建議 133 參考文獻 134 一、中文部份 134 二、英文部分 138


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