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A Study on Cross-cultural Adjustments of Taiwanese Female Expatriates in China


Academic year: 2021

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Appendix A. Interview questionnaire





本研究之訪談大綱分為兩大部分。第一部份為基本背景資料,第二部分 為訪談問題大綱。訪問請教時間大約兩小時以內,訪談內容將不會涉及工作 業務機密及個人隱私,並僅做為學術研究使用。為便於訪談後之資料分析,

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A Study on Cross-cultural Adjustments of Taiwanese Female Expatriates in China

訪談綱要 Interview Guide 背景 / Background

派外時間、派外任期、派外職務、在台工作時間、之前的派駐經驗(地 點)及時間長度。

Assigned time period, tenure, assigned position, prior assigned experience, and working experience in Taiwan.


Reasons and motivations for accepting assignment.

一般生活適應 / General life adjustment



The adjustment situation and difficulties on environment, diet, housing, safety, hygiene, medical care, transportation, weather, recreation, and education

剛到大陸時,對吃的東西適應嗎?現在呢?花了多久的時間多久才適 應?

Could you adjust well on local diet when you arrived in China? How is it now? How long did you get used to it?

剛到大陸時,對當地氣候適應嗎?現在呢?花了多久的時間多久才適 應?

Could you adjust well on the weather when you arrived in China? How is it now? How long did you get used to it?

安全的問題,曾經造成困擾嗎?如何因應這個問題?到大陸大概多久才 比較放心?

Were you worried about the public safety? How you cope with this problem?

How long did you get used to it?


Could you accept hygiene condition in China? How is it now? How long did you get used to it?



Could you get used to the medical care in China? How you cope with this problem?

交通上是否感到困擾?剛到時和後來使用的交通工具有何變化嗎?現 在習慣嗎?多久才比較習慣?

How was the traffic in China? What’s your transportation when you arrived and now? How long did you get used to it?


What’s your recreation in daily life? How was it when you arrived? Is there any adjustment problem in this point?


Does the education system and facilities affect your long-term planning in China? Why?


In general, what aspect was the most maladjustment when you arrived?

How is it now?


What daily life assistances that your company provided? Were they useful for you?


What other assistances that the company should provide?


The frequency and situation of interacting with local people, and the communication


What is the frequency of interaction with locals?


Do your Taiwanese colleagues affect your adjustment? How is it?

現在與當地人相處的情況?剛到大陸時和當地人的相處情況?有溝通 和相處上的困難嗎?

How do you interact with locals now? How was it when you arrived? Is there any problem in interaction and communication?


Do you have local friends? What are the topics you talked about?


The relocated families’ adjustment and problems


是否有隨行的家人?家人是否適應當地的生活?適應的困難在哪?多 久才適應?

Did your families relocate with you? What adjustment problems they encountered? How long did they spend to adjust?

家人對於您的外派有何反應嗎?家人的態度是否影響您在大陸的適 應?

How did your families react to your expatriation? did their attitude affect your adjustment in China?

當時被派遣過來,有什麼樣的顧慮嗎?是否考慮婚姻 家庭規劃的問 題?

What considerations you had when you decided this assignment? did you ever consider the marriage and family associated planning ?

文化適應/ Cultural adjustment


Could you talk about the difference of host culture and customs in China?

did you ever encounter any problem?

工作適應/ Work related adjustment

目前在大陸工作內容與環境和台灣的不同?(工作內容與職責、政府的 政策與制度、與當地員工和同事的互動、管理模式)

Could you talked about the difference of job content and environment in China?


What’re your job content and duty in Taiwan and China?


Did you have difficulties on assigned job?


Did the local policy and regulations affect your job or life?


The viewpoints that host employees hold toward female expatriates and their working attitudes


How the host employees treat female Taiwanese managers?

當地員工在工作上的態度?和台灣有什麼不同?是否影響您的管理方 式?

How were host employees’ work attitudes? Were there differences with


Taiwan? Did these differences affect your manage style?


How long did you spend to familiar with your job and management style in China?

在當地同事的相處和台灣相同嗎?有沒有什麼困難?多久後比較適 應?

How did you interact with local colleagues? Were there difference and problems? How long did you take to adjust?

對於目前外派工作表現的自我評價?如果有機會,是否願意再繼續留 任?

The self-evaluation on assignment and willingness of continuing assignment 對於目前工作表現的自我評價?

How you evaluate your assignment performance?


If possible, will you continue your assignment?


Are you willing to stay and work in China in the future time?


The assistances and trainings that company provided.


What assistance that company provided when you assigned to China?


Did company provide any orientation or training?


Were these trainings helpful? Was there any insufficient part?

其他/ Others

整體而言,您花了多久的時間適應在大陸的生活?若以十分為滿分,您 認為您現在適應的分數是幾分?剛到大陸時呢?

In general, how much time you spend to adjust your general life in China?

Could you score your adjustment level in China now and when arrived, using 10 as the best?

整體而言,您花了多久的時間適應在大陸的工作?若以十分為滿分,您 認為您現在適應的分數是幾分?剛到大陸時呢?

In general, how much time you spend to adjust your work in China? Could you score your adjustment level in China now and when arrived, using 10 as


the best?

整體而言,您花了多久的時間適應在大陸的文化?若以十分為滿分,您 認為您現在適應的分數是幾分?剛到大陸時呢?

In general, how much time you spend to adjust the culture in China? Could you score your adjustment level in China now and when arrived, using 10 as the best?


Could you talk about other female expatriates’ adjustment situation in China that you observed?


What problems these female expatriates compliant?


What suggestions you would like to provide for other female who are going to be assigned?


APPENDIX B. The Procedures of Coding Data

1. The following paragraph is an example of interview transcription.

2. The transcription is also the base of data analysis. The important information is marked at the first step. And then, the ideas are described in the left column, the coding numbers are also indicated for each idea.

03-03-14 一 群 人 出 去 很少落單

03-03-15 穿著不暴露 03-03-16 幾 乎 是 星 期 五晚上出去,吃飯、休

03-03-17 晚 上 很 少 在 外逗留

03-03-18 六 日 是 一 群 台幹搭車或包車出去

03-03-19 聽很多事,會 怕,減少外出

03-03-20 廠 內 福 利 不 錯,食衣住行都顧到

03-04-21 安全是蠻 OK


基本上我們都是一群人出去,我們很少落單,我們也不 會穿著太暴露,那打 D 阿或…,其實我們的頻率上幾 乎不會有單人出現,那我自己一個人出去…就是最少還 是會有兩個人,而且我們大概…因為我們公司有宿舍,

而且有門禁,那我們會出去幾乎都只是晚上…一到禮拜 五晚上,因為我們禮拜六還要開會嘛,所以出去幾乎都 是禮拜五晚上,大概六七點,出去吃個飯,然後可能就 是做些休閒活動,比如說按按腳啦,按背,就是一些生 理上的治療,然後就大概八九點回來,我們晚上很少 說,會在外面逗留,或去幹嘛,我們幾乎沒有,我們幾 乎不會去做一些…而且跑到偏僻的地方,那禮拜六、禮 拜天,如果有休假的話,幾乎都是一群台幹就是搭火 車,或包車,去哪個觀光區或定點去玩,所以安全上,

其實我們蠻…因為聽很多很多那種事件,那我們也會 怕,所以我們自己盡量減少外出,盡量待在廠內,因為 廠內對我們的福利也不錯,食衣住行都幫我們顧到,我 們也不用去擔心,即使我一個月、兩個月不出去,我也 不會餓死,我也不會冷死,那其實這個部分,對我們來 講是蠻 OK,出去就是看自己啦,

(恩,所以基本上對昆山這裡的安全是 OK,可是還是 會擔心,那是要自己去…)

我覺得要自己…那是自己的行為啦,只要說你不要在那 種很晚的時間、很沒有人的地方,或穿著很暴露,或你 財露白,那我覺得這其實都 OK 的。

Step 1:

Mark the important information.

Step 2: Describe ideas.

Step 3: Code a number.


3. Cluster the same or similar important ideas. Based on these data, a critical construct is formed.

4. Some different or opposite ideas are marked for further discussion.

適應面向 主題 關鍵概念

02-02-07 安全覺得還好 02-02-08 安全是一開始來的時 候比較不擔心的

03-04-21 安全是蠻 OK,看個人 行為

04-14-110 這裡治安不錯,

05-04-15 上海這邊治安不錯 06-03-16 這裡的安全,我覺得 OK

07-09-47 住家有警衛,安全 OK 09-03-14 住小社區,安全、管 理上好很多

09-03-19 這裡的治安比台灣好 01-03-08 安全一直都很擔心 08-02-05 住的地方治安很差 08-04-25 一開始沒有特別想到 治安的問題

08-04-26 之後才漸漸比較小心


03-03-17 晚上很少在外逗留 03-03-19 聽很多事,會怕,減 少外出

08-03-20 平常不太出門


01-03-09 出去不要招搖 03-03-15 穿著不暴露

08-04-22 安全上要自己小心

個人行事謹慎 General



03-03-14 一群人出去很少落單 群體行動 Step 4:

Cluster and form constructs.

Mark different or opposite ideas.


5. Gather the constructs and reassign their coding numbers.

6. Form a table to illustrate important research findings.

Code Adjustment Aspect

Code Topic Code Adjustment Strategy Item

A-01-01 Reduce eating outside

A-01-02 Ask cookers to modify flavor A-01-03 Choose Taiwanese restaurants 01 Diet

A-01-04 Gradually accept local flavor A-02-01 Use the heater

02 Weather

A-02-02 Reduce going outside A-03-01 Behaved themselves A-03-02 Collective action A-03-03 Reduce going outside A-03-04 Speak Taiwanese 03 Security

A-03-05 Avoid sensitive topics

A-04-01 Select dependable restaurants A-04-02 Reject to eat at local vendors A-04-03 Bear the uncleanness

04 Hygiene

A-04-04 Neglect the uncleanness A-05-01 Eat medicine brought from

Taiwan 05 Medical


A-05-02 Go back Taiwan to take medical care

06 Traffic A-06-01 Take company bus 07 Recreation A-07-01 Collective action A General


08 Education A-08-01 Expect better associated facilities



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