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Comparative study on the difference of green consumption behavior between college students across th 鄭任傑、張玉明、李康文


Academic year: 2022

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Comparative study on the difference of green consumption behavior between college students across th


E-mail: 345187@mail.dyu.edu.tw


The research is based on a questionnaire survey of 237 copies from Taiwan and 209 copies from Mainland China, using Excel as the tool to gather, calculate statistics and design related charts, what’s more, I used the software- SPSS 12.0 to proceed ANOVA, which is about the diverseness of green consumption trend between Taiwan and China among the college students. The study questionnaire is divided into 5 parts, “basic information”, “the degree of knowing how much about the global/environmental protection”,”daily consumption habit”, “cognition and attitude about green consumption” and “classified investigation about green consumption”. In daily lives, the functions of products would be the dominant factor which influence the consumers both in Taiwan and China the most. The secondary factor toward consumers in Taiwan would be taste and sensibility. But different from Taiwan, the price would be the secondary factor in China. In the category of “cognition and attitude about green

consumption”, I found that almost every college student in cross-strait have heard about the green consumption, however, only 40~50 % of them indicate that they had the experience of green consumption. In “classified investigation about green consumption

”, the rates of whether be willing to pay more about green products or not in cross-strait are no much difference, and 35% to 40%

students think that green products in the category of 3C product, travel/fun, fashion and groceries should be 6% to 10% higher than normal goods, which indicates modern college students’ acceptance toward these 4 kinds green products is pretty high. Moreover, there are even 25 % students think that the price of green products 11% to 15% higher than normal ones is acceptable. Therefore, I suggest that in the category of fashion and groceries, which are with a lower unit price, we can make an 11% to 15% higher price than normal ones and a 6% to 10% higher price in the category of 3C product and travel/fun. In the analysis of ANOVA, I found that no matter in Taiwan or in Mainland China Universities, the environmentally friendly mobility in some particular women are comparatively better, and this phenomenon can be easily discovered in those departments with more female students, which is related to the awakening of feminist consciousness and female are more close to environmental protection affairs. Therefore, I suggest that in promoting green products, the enterprises can put more emphasis on female consumers. In those questions which are about supporting green products regardless of other factors, in Taiwan, the acceptance is higher in Department of Humanities, Law and Government, Foreign Language, but not in Technical and others. On the other hand, in China, after a cross-over analysis, the acceptance is higher in Business, Management, and Finance and Economics Colleges. Family Financial Status isn’t being connected with Green consumption. Though the statistics shows that those who would purchase green products are mainly from families with certain financial status, but the most important factor is that these people have more environmental consciousness.

Keywords : across the Taiwan Strait、green consumption、green marketing Table of Contents

封面內頁 簽名頁 中文摘要 iii ABSTRACT v 誌謝 vii 目錄 viii 圖目錄 x 表目錄 xii 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究動機 1 1.2 研究目的 2 第二章 文獻回顧 3 2.1 綠色消費定義 3 2.2 消費者行為概念探討 6 2.2.1 綠色消費行為 6 2.2.2 綠色消費者類型 7 2.3海峽兩 岸消費族群 12 2.3.1 台灣族群消費狀況 12 2.3.2 台灣年輕族群綠色消費狀況 21 2.3.3 中國大陸族群消費狀況 23 2.3.4 中國大 陸年輕族群綠色消費狀況 25 2.4 綠色行銷概念探討 31 2.4.1 綠色行銷定義 31 2.4.2 綠色行銷案例概述 34 第三章 研究方法 41 3.1 研究架構 41 3.2 研究流程介紹 43 3.3 問卷設計 45 3.3.1 研究樣本選擇 45 3.3.2 問卷設計與發放 45 3.3.3 問卷架構 46 3.4 信度與效度分析 56 3.5 資料分析方法 57 第四章 問卷分析結果討論 59 4.1 研究動機 59 4.1.1 一般問卷統計分析海峽兩岸 大學生比較結果 69 4.2海峽兩岸大學生差異比較分析 94 第五章 結論與建議 109 5.1 結論 109 5.2 建議 114 參考文獻 116 附 錄一 121 附錄二 128 圖目錄 圖2-1台灣民眾理財與投資風險比較圖 14 圖2-2台灣民眾消費品味比較圖 15 圖2-3台灣民眾消費 習慣與廣告影響力比較圖 16 圖2-4台灣民眾科技消費比較圖 17 圖2-5台灣民眾注重健康與飲食比較圖 18 圖2-6中國年輕一 代經常採取的環保措施 30 圖3-1 研究架構圖 44 圖3-2 研究流程圖 45 圖4-1海峽兩岸大學生認為21世紀人類所面臨最嚴重的 問題 70 圖4-2大學生認為台灣21世紀面臨最嚴重的課題 71 圖4-3海峽兩岸大學生認為所居住國家最嚴重的環境議題 71 圖4-4海峽兩岸大學生對環境保護的行動力I 74 圖4-5海峽兩岸大學生對環境保護的行動力I 74 圖4-6最能影響海峽兩岸大學 生購買意願的因素 76 圖4-7海峽兩岸大學生是否聽過綠色消費一詞 77 圖4-8海峽兩岸大學生綠色消費經驗 78 圖4-9海峽兩 岸大學生購買綠色消費品動機 79 圖4-10海峽兩岸大學生對綠色企業的認同感 81 圖4-11海峽兩岸大學生對企業是否真正重


視環境保護的認同感 81 圖4-12海峽兩岸大學生購買3C/家電產品考慮之因素 82 圖4-13大學生旅遊/玩耍考慮之因素 83 圖4-14海峽兩岸大學生購買服裝時尚會考慮之因素 84 圖4-15海峽兩岸大學生購買生活用品會考慮之因素 85 圖4-16海峽兩 岸大學生購買3C/家電類綠色產品之意願 86 圖4-17海峽兩岸大學生購買旅遊/玩耍類綠色產品之意願 87 圖4-18海峽兩岸大 學生購買服裝時尚類綠色產品之意願 87 圖4-19海峽兩岸大學生購買生活用品類綠色產品之意願 88 圖4-20海峽兩岸大學生 在不管其他因素,只要是3C/家電類綠色產 品就購買之意願 89 圖4-21海峽兩岸大學生在不管其他因素,只要是旅遊/玩耍 類綠色產品就購買之意願 89 圖4-22海峽兩岸大學生在不管其他因素,只要是服裝時尚類綠色產品就購買之意願 90 圖4-23 海峽兩岸大學生在不管其他因素,只要是生活用品類綠色產品就購買之意願 90 圖4-24海峽兩岸大學生支持3C/家電類綠色 產品願意多支出金額之意願 91 圖4-25海峽兩岸大學生支持旅遊/玩耍類綠色產品願意多支出金額之意願 92 圖4-26海峽兩岸 大學生支持服裝時尚類綠色產品願意多支出金額之意願 92 圖4-27海峽兩岸大學生支持生活用品類綠色產品願意多支出金 額之意願 93 表目錄 表2-1 綠色消費定義 4 表2-2 台灣民眾綠色行為意識比較表 21 表2-3 兩岸年輕族群綠色消費與態度比較 表 31 表2-4 綠色行銷案例 40 表3-1 綠色消費相關研究 48 表3-2 填答者資本資料、問卷內容 50 表3-3 對生活周遭之關心程度 問卷內容 51 表3-4 日常生活消費習慣問卷內容 52 表3-5 綠色消費認知及態度問卷內容 53 表3-6 綠色消費調查-3C/家電類 54 表3-7 綠色消費調查-旅遊/玩耍類 55 表3-8 綠色消費調查-服裝時尚類 56 表3-9 綠色消費調查-生活用品類 57 表4-1海峽兩 岸大學生綠色消費態度調查統計結果 60 表4-2 ANOVA分析(性別) 94 表4-3男女環保行動之交叉比對表 95 表4-4 ANOVA分 析(就讀年級) 97 表4-5各年級環保行動之交叉比對表 98 表4-6 ANOVA分析(學院) 100 表4-7台灣地區大學生各學院間相關性 分析 102 表4-8中國大陸地區大學生各學院間相關性分析 102 表4-9各學院環保行動之交叉比對表 104 表4-10 ANOVA分析(

家庭經濟) 105 表4-11家庭經濟與環保行動之交叉比對表 106 表4-12 ANOVA分析(家長學歷) 108 表4-13 ANOVA分析(戶籍 地) 109


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