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適足居住權於我國司法裁判之建構與落實 - 政大學術集成


Academic year: 2021

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(1)國立政治大學法律學系碩士班碩士論文. 指導教授:孫迺翊. 博士. ‧ 國. 學. 政 治 大 適足居住權於我國司法裁判之 立 建構與落實 ‧. The Establishment and Fulfillment of Taiwan. n. Ch. engchi. er. io. al. sit. y. Nat. the Right to Adequate Housing in Judiciary in i n U. 研究生:陳姵妤. v. 撰. 中 華 民 國 一 〇 六 年 二 月 二 十 三 日.

(2) 立. 政 治 大. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. Ch. engchi. i n U. v.

(3) 立. 政 治 大. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. Ch. engchi. i n U. v.

(4) 立. 政 治 大. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. Ch. engchi. i n U. v.

(5) . 謝辭 在論文寫到中後段時,心裡時常冒出謝辭的內容,或許是因為很想快點結束這 場惡夢;沒想到現在真的寫完、要離開學校了,想著謝辭二字卻是千頭萬緒,不知 從何下筆。 當初進研究所前,總是擔心自己怎麼可能有辦法寫出篇幅上百頁的論文(愛幻 想、焦慮無謂的事的老毛病) ,可是我真的做到了~而且這本論文還有點厚!回頭想 想還是覺得一切都不真實的很不可思議。一年多的寫作時間真的可以用髮蒼蒼視茫 茫來形容,中間還經歷了長達幾個月的健康危機,加上不時的卡關,說這本論文是 目前順遂人生中最大的挫折,一點也不為過。但其實能不負任何義務地享有這樣長 的一段時間深入研究有興趣的議題,真的是非常幸福的事情,也絕對是會讓即將進 入職場的我懷念不已的。. 政 治 大 雖然在就讀政大這漫長的一千多個日子裡,總有一些負面情緒和不開心的往事, 立 ‧. ‧ 國. 的回憶。. 學. 但我從不感到後悔,因為來到這裡讓我認識了好多很棒的人、經歷過好多畢生難忘. 首先最要感謝的就是迺翊老師了!那時做申請政大的備審資料時很斗膽的以老. y. Nat. er. io. sit. 師的文章為基礎,再自己天馬行空的延伸,開啟了和老師認識的機緣。雖然碩一修. n. 完二代保險的課後就被嚇跑,但還是因為很喜歡老師,繼續跟在屁股後面做了幾堂 a v. l C ni U h engchi 課的教學助理和科技部計畫助理。到現在都還記得那個被一群人拱去拜託老師收我 當指導學生、心臟乒砰跳緊張兮兮的下午,老師竟然一口就答應了,聽到當時想寫. 土地徵收的提議還哀嚎一聲,趴在桌上說我會加油。自此之後,就展開了一段老師 和學生之間相互折磨的過程……即便每次論文討論會回來,通篇內容都被改的亂七 八糟,哀怨到不行,但如果沒有老師,我現在應該還是一團不成形的爛泥。老師有 著非常深厚的功力和非常神奇的魔力,瞄幾眼就能找出我思考的盲點或認知的錯誤, 再給予精闢評價;在撰寫論文的過程中,對於老師縝密的邏輯和清晰的思路更是非 常佩服,不敢說學到了多少,但從每一次的討論會中真的獲益良多。除了做研究的 態度外,老師的待人處事對我也有非常深刻的影響,讓我過去衝動不經大腦的個性 收斂不少,也時刻提醒自己為人正直、思慮周全的重要性;而不論再忙再累再崩潰, 老師總會耐著性子陪我們熬過漫長的討論會,身體力行認真負責的做事風格,是常 常遇事就想逃跑的我的好榜樣。就要畢業、不能繼續糾纏老師了,真是捨不得啊~. i.

(6) . 老師您要健健康康的喔! 再來就是兩位辛苦的口試老師:傅玲靜老師和廖福特老師。有幸在傅老師剛進 政大時就擔任幾次老師的助理,私底下體會老師如同媽媽一樣的溫暖(還有許多好 吃的點心) ,每次有問題前去討論時,老師總會不厭其煩,很有耐心的花好幾個小時 循循善誘,讓你問到滿足為止。口試前雖然耳聞老師嚴厲的學術風格,但口試當天 老師仍以一貫熟悉的溫柔提點我許多應該改正的錯誤,真的有點受寵若驚,非常感 謝老師的提攜和包容!廖老師則是我在北大時的國際公法老師,當時就充分體會到 老師使生硬的課程變得生動有趣的舞台魅力;從德國交換學生回台後瀕臨破產,因 緣際會下擔任老師在中研院的兼任助理工作,得以請老師指點論文方向,也因此得 到邀請老師擔任口試委員的機會。老師在幽默風趣的談吐中精準指出我論文的缺失, 並且不吝嗇地給予鼓勵,讓我在懷疑中重拾對自己的論文信心,真的十分感恩。多 虧口試老師們的大力協助,才能讓我的論文有更佳的呈現,雖然礙於時間壓力無法. 政 治 大 把所有缺失修改的盡善盡美,但老師們的指點已經銘記在心,成為可以讓我受用一 立 ‧ 國. 學. 輩子的珍貴資產。. 也要感謝其他政大公法中心的老師:定基老師、詹老師、秦雯老師、元豪老師、. ‧. 佳和老師和貞如老師,修習老師們開設的課程總是收穫滿滿,更謝謝老師們對我擔. y. Nat. er. io. sit. 任公法中心總幹時的各種莽撞行事給予無盡包容。感謝黃程貫老師,非常喜歡老師. n. 的德文課程,還有超級逗趣的笑聲。謝謝顏玉明老師,總是如此親切和藹。 a v. l C ni U h engchi 謝謝孫門大會的大家,每個月陪我度過難熬的討論會時光,尤其是親愛的璧竹,. 我們擔任對方的與談人、一年來互吐苦水、一起崩潰、再一起振作,很開心我們能 夠攜手從頭走到終點,完成這項艱鉅的任務,如果沒有妳還真不知道該怎麼辦。還 有晁綱,每次跟你討論問題都會讓我覺得自己笨的想鑽洞,謝謝你總是願意花一堆 時間在電話中替我解惑,如果我的論文有因此看起來更像個樣子,那都是因為你的 功勞。感謝沛君學姊,總是很溫柔又直指核心的點出我論文的問題,還多次與我分 享重要文獻。 感謝公法中心的軍志、之昱、以璇、念儂、奕安、雪梅、幸彤、長江、鍾安、 明勳、紹萱、怡禎等學長姐、凌亞、王井、蘑菇、娙妤、宜璇、QN、小艾、品嘉、 黃柏。還有欣佑、肉包、明忠、老車、逸豪、小夫、威廷、哲瑋、懷慶,好懷念碩 一碩二常常可以聚在一起吃飯聊天打屁的時光,研究所生涯好幸運有你們在。也很 開心可以認識毛毛、老許、小龜、阿樂、小 mu、彥霖、星翰、儉忠、子靖、大秉、. ii.

(7) . 坤龍,還有其他好多好多人,謝謝你們豐富我的研究所生活。 讓我不害怕念法律甚至有興趣繼續攻讀研究所,必須歸功於啟蒙我公法學習的 文郁老師和銘輝老師。文郁老師可愛又親切,大三修行政救濟法時總是在下課時間 讓我天南地北的問問題;銘輝老師則是在我大四時加入北大,很幸運的能在考研究 所前旁聽老師精彩的憲法課,讓憲法學習更扎實。當時甚至唐突的請素昧平生的銘 輝老師替我和雅竣模擬政大口試,老師不僅爽快地一口答應,抽空為我們練習,也 給予許多實用的建議。即使畢業多年,遇到兩位老師時仍會得到非常溫暖的關心。 而我之所以有幸成為政大的學生,最不能忘記的就是三位辛苦帶領公法特戰部 隊的學長:大黑、阿邊和啟瑞了!讀書會的經費少之又少,學長們卻願意耗費無數 心血與時間在我們這群非親非故的學弟妹身上,甚至常常自掏腰包為我們影印補充 資料、忍受我各種無厘頭的提問,還要批改我鄉民見解般的考卷。當時的講義還有 看了會大笑的考試本都還好好的收藏在我的書櫃裡,那段時光真的非常令人懷念而. 政 治 大 且眷戀!短短幾行字無法表達對你們的感謝,沒有你們就不會有今天這本論文了, 立 ‧ 國. 學. 謝謝你們的無私付出,但願將來的自己也有這樣提攜他人的能力。也要謝謝特戰部 隊的每一個夥伴,特別感謝亞蒨一直以來的協助與鼓勵,還有摯友雅竣和強,和你. ‧. 們一起窩在四樓大桌子苦讀、看函授、討論問題,是我這輩子唸書最用功也最快樂. er. io. sit. y. Nat. 的日子。. n. 謝謝北大每個同學和學長姐,尤其是 97 級司法組和最愛的北大法律男籃大家 a v. l C ni U h engchi 庭,給我太開心溫暖的四年,讓我有熱情繼續走法律這條路。. 謝謝第 24 期第 5 梯第 5 組的律訓夥伴們,讓我得以暫時從論文的煩躁中逃脫。 謝謝孝宇、靖儀、Johnson、Seven、Joshua,還有其他陪我度過永生難忘的交換 學生生活的朋友們。 謝謝吳俊達律師,對從事律師工作很沒自信的我給予許多鼓勵,讓我有勇氣繼 續嘗試。 謝謝 Emma、杜彥萱、小喵、雅竣、侶揚、家聿、憲安、香玉、胡起綺、何憲、 肥任、杜昭、黃翊恆、小奈、駱駝楓、一智……族繁不及備載,雖然我是個不太會 主動聯絡朋友的人,但謝謝你們一直都在。 特別感謝我的家人:謝謝爸爸、媽媽給我一個適足到不行、最舒適溫暖的家, 讓我從小到大總是衣食無虞;這幾年當米蟲的日子雖然偶有爭執,但還是給予最大 的愛、包容和支持,如果沒有你們,我不可能這樣毫無後顧之憂地做自己想做的事。. iii.

(8) . 謝謝大姐,不管我幾歲了還是把我當小妹妹般的疼在手心,並且在求職或任何人生 的疑難雜症上提供我最多的協助和鼓勵。謝謝叡,同為念法律的一員常可以和你討 教旁人冷感到不行的話題。謝謝宗,雖然你真的很吵鬧,還一直在論文根本沒寫完 時就三不五時要檢查我有沒有在謝辭裡感謝你,但你還是常讓我霸佔大大的電腦螢 幕舒緩眼睛的不適,甘溫啦。謝謝阿嬤和爺爺,從小就對我們如此溺愛,要保持身 體健康喔~謝謝如同第二個媽媽的阿姨,也是這麼的寵我。謝謝一起玩耍、最多才 多藝的曉儒。謝謝總會指點我各種身心靈修養、待人接物態度的舅舅。 謝謝哲瑋陪我上山下海,滿足我的各種綺夢幻想,不論開心難過,你總是在身 邊陪伴。 最後,希望這本論文的小小研究成果能夠幫助到這塊土地上曾經、正在、或者 可能面臨迫遷威脅的人們,謝謝你們的犧牲讓我們看見問題。期許臺灣真的有朝一 日成為人人都能安居樂業的美麗之島。. 立. 政 治 大. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. Ch. n engchi U. iv. iv. 2017.02.22 在小小的書房裡.

(9) 摘要 我國已於 2009 年透過制定施行法的方式將兩公約內國法化,正式引進適足居住 權,然而多年來嚴重違反本權利要求的迫遷案件依然不斷上演,衝擊人民基本權利 與臺灣在國際社會上的人權信用甚鉅。由於司法部門係確認適足居住權定位並確保 其實踐的關鍵角色,本文乃以居住議題相關的司法裁判為核心,探討在我國究應如 何透過司法途徑建構及落實適足居住權。 經爬梳聯合國針對此議題作成的權威文件,本文整理出適足居住權的形成、發 展、監督落實機制、內涵、以及締約國應負擔的國家義務等內容,勾勒出對我國而 言尚屬陌生的適足居住權形貌。在我國採取接納說的一元論架構下,兩公約於經批 准後即容納為我國法律體系的一部,其規範效力並非取決於《兩公約施行法》 ;屬強. 政 治 大 權規定提升為基本人權層級後,與包含一般性意見在內的國際人權文件共同作為具 立 行國際法性質的人權條款具有憲法位階的高度,其餘則為法律位階,並得在系爭人. 體明確的違憲審查指標。而為了盡可能消弭經社文公約上的適足居住權規定與我國. ‧ 國. 學. 憲法基本權間的落差,本文檢驗了若干基本權條款,認為居住自由、遷徙自由、生 存權、財產權、文化權及環境權可共同承接適足居住權的內涵,使適足居住權得以. ‧. 提升至憲法位階,作為一項獨立的基本權,並指出過往與居住議題相關的大法官解. Nat. sit. y. 釋審查依據應有疏漏。. er. io. 確立憲法層次的適足居住權後,本文全面檢視我國涉及適足居住權的裁判並深. al. 入分析其中六則個案,嘗試歸納我國司法部門看待及操作適足居住權的模式,再指. n. v i n Ch 出引進適足居住權的意義——適足居住權不因屬經社文權利即不具備可司法性,司 engchi U 法者毋寧應於審理裁判時妥適運用合憲、合公約的法律解釋方法,甚至在系爭個案 為消極抵禦侵害、不涉有賴立法與行政兩大政治部門定奪的資源分配事宜時,賦予 公約條文直接適用的可能性。若衝突明確,無法透過解釋方式排除國內法律與公約 牴觸的疑義,大法官在釋憲時亦應充分衡量適足居住權的各該憲法規範依據。 本文最後並提醒,政治部門同樣必須承擔實踐適足居住權的國家義務,不論是 與居住相關的法令及行政措施的檢討改進、抑或政策及法令的制定,均有待其積極 作為,始能在實害發生前即充分滿足適足居住權的保障,避免事後救濟的緩不濟急。 關鍵詞:適足居住權、迫遷、經濟社會文化權利國際公約、兩公約、兩公約施行法、 內國法化、可司法性、合公約解釋、自動履行、直接適用、基本權第三人 效力 v.

(10) 立. 政 治 大. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. Ch. engchi. i n U. v.

(11) 1 1 4 6 10 12 15. 立. 政 治 大. 16 22 47. ‧ 國. 學. 55. 65. n. al. er. io. sit. ‧. Nat. 65. y. 63. Ch. engchi U. v ni. 69 75 80 83. 83. 、. 88 109 113 114 117 131 I.

(12) 200 217 217 220. 立. 政 治 大. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. Ch. engchi. II. i n U. v.

(13) 1 1 4 6 6 7 7. 立. 9. 政 治 大. 10 10. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. n. Ch. n U engchi. 11 12 12 12 15. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. 11. iv. 16 16 18 22 23. ・. ・. 26 27 30 32. 3. ・. 34 34. III.

(14) 36 37 3. 38. 3. 39 40 41 44 47 48 48. 政 治 大. 立. 49 49. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. n. 2. Ch 2. 1. engchi 2. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. i n U. v. 49 50 51 51 52 55 57 58 59 62 63 65 65 65 67 69 70. IV.

(15) 70 70 71 71 71 72. ・. 75 75 76. 立. 政 治 大. 77 78. ‧. ‧ 國. 學 sit. n. al. er. io. 10. y. Nat. 、. 76. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. 80 83. 83 88 88 88 90 91. 15. 93 93 94. 15. 96 96 97 98 98 V.

(16) 100 102 102 104 22. 104 106 109 113 114. 立. 117. 政 治 大. 118 122. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. n. al. er. io. sit. y. Nat. 709. Ch. engchi ─. i n U. v. 125 128 129 130 131 132 132 133 133 134 134 136 140 140 140 141. VI.

(17) 143 144. 3. 145 145 152. ─. 153 154. 3. 158 158 159. ─. 政 治 大. 3 立. 160 161. ‧ 國. 學. io. n. al. sit. 3. er. Nat. y. ‧. ─. Ch. engchi. i n ─U. v. 164 165 166 168 169 171 171 172 173 173. 3. 179 180 180 ─. 180 182 183. 3. 187 ─ VII. 188.

(18) 189 190. 3. 192 192 193. ─. 194 195. 3. 200. 3. 立. 3. 政 治 大. 203 204. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. 205 208 208 210 217 217 220 220 220 223 225 225 227. 3. 232 235. 1. 253. 2. 257 VIII.

(19) 3. 709. 263. 4. 265. 、. 5. 267. 立. 政 治 大. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. Ch. engchi. IX. i n U. v.

(20) 立. 政 治 大. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. Ch. engchi. X. i n U. v.

(21) 4-1 2009. 84. 、. 4-2. 107. 5-1. 151. 5-2. 102 103. 2598 1148. 159. 5-3. 166. 5-4. 179. 5-5 5-6. 立. 207. 政 治 大. 214. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. Ch. engchi. XI. i n U. v.

(22) 立. 政 治 大. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. Ch. engchi. XII. i n U. v.

(23) 5-1. 146. 5-2. 199. 立. 政 治 大. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. Ch. engchi. XIII. i n U. v.

(24) 立. 政 治 大. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. Ch. engchi. XIV. i n U. v.

(25) 3. ・. 1966. 12. 1. 16. International. Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, ICCPR 2. International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights,. ICESCR 3. ・. 1948. 3 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, UDHR. 4. International Bill of Human Rights 2009. 4. 政 治 大 12. 22. ” 5. 11. ‧. 、 6. 3. sit. y. Nat. ・ The Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, CESCR.. io. er. ・. 10. 學. 1. ‧ 國. 立. ・. al. n. v i n C h and accession byUGeneral Assembly resolution 2200A Adopted and opened for signature, ratification (XXI) of 16 December 1966, entry into forcee 23n March h iin accordance with art. 49. g c1976, 1. 2. Adopted and opened for signature, ratification and accession by General Assembly resolution 2200A (XXI) of 16 December 1966, entry into force 3 January 1976, in accordance with art. 27.. 3. Adopted and proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly resolution 217 A (III) in Paris on 10 December 1948. 4. 89. 54 2007. 5. 2. 1. 2013 43. ・ 2014 2011 2010 ・ 2010. ・. 1. 1 163. 2010. 6. ICESCR art. 11(1): ”The States Parties to the present Covenant recognize the right of everyone to an adequate standard of living for himself and his family, including adequate food, clothing and housing, and to the continuous improvement of living conditions….” 1.

(26) 4. ・. 7 (. 、 、 7. socio-economic rights. ・. 8. 、 eviction ・. 20. ” 9. 立. 政 治 大 ・ 10. 11. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. 7. Lilian Chenwi, Putting flesh on the skeleton: South African judicial enforcement of the right to adequate housing of those subject to evictions, 8 HRLR 105, 105-06 (2008); ICESCR, General Comment No. 4, para. 1, 7 (1992). 8. Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Fact Sheet No. 33: Frequently Asked Questions on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights 2 (2008), available at http://www.ohchr.org/Documents/Publications/FactSheet33en.pdf. 9. Joël Audefroy, Eviction trends worldwide – and the role of local authorities in implementing the right to housing, Vol. 6, No. 1 E&U 8, 10 (1994). 10. Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights & United Nations Human Settlements Programme, Fact Sheet No. 25: Forced Evictions 1 (Rev. 1, 2014), available at http://www.ohchr.org/Documents/Publications/FS25.Rev.1.pdf. 11. Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights & United Nations Human Settlements Programme, supra note 10, at 3-4. 2.

(27) 12. 13. 14. ・. 、15. 3 ”. 、. 政 治 大. 立. ‧ 國. 學. ”. ・. ‧ ・. n. al. er. io. sit. y. Nat. 12. ). C7%h. 1950 Act, 1951. 1913. e n g1950 chi. 1951 10. 、. 3. 155. i n U. v. Natives’ Land Act, 1913 Group Areas Act, Prevention of Illegal Squatting. 2014. 13. ・ ISIS. 170. 、 TVBS. 7 29 https://goo.gl/reC43c. 2015 2015. 5 7. 18. https://goo.gl/07el0D 2014 8. 2015 25. 29. 14. 20. ” 200 2007 11. 7 2015 7 29 http://www.coolloud.org.tw/node/3503 15. ・ 2008 http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/world/paper/166428 2007 6 7 2015 7 29. Joël Audefroy, supra note 9, at 11-12. 3.

(28) ・ 2013. 16. ”. ○ 17. ・. 40. ). 18. ・. 立. 政 治 大. ‧ 國. 學. n. er. io. al. sit. y. ‧. ─. Nat. . 19. Ch. i n U. 1940. engchi. ”. 20. 2015. 】. 2011. 16. http://www.coolloud.org.tw/node/72152. v. 7. 2012 31. 12. 28. 17. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B2kbgFrPJIpJZGJnWVdyWEJnc0U 18. 1900 5. 40% 2000. 1990. 75%. 20. 1956. 33%. 78% 26. 19. 2. 1 1 4. 3. 2003.

(29) 21. 45. 45. 、 ). 22. 2009. 12. 10 709. ・. 立. 、. ‧ 國 、. y. n. al. sit. 709. er. io 2011. 22. 45. ・. ‧. Nat. 21. ). 學. 】. 政 治 大. 12. Ch. 23. engchi. i n U. v. 30. 】. 】. http://lis.ly.gov.tw/lglawc/lawsingle?002E7DAC78990000000000000000014000000004000000^01290100 1213^00063001001 2016 11 21 23. ・ 、. 7 5. 2013.

(30) 、. 、. . 立. 治 政 大 ・. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. Ch. engchi. …. 6. i n U. v.

(31) 709. 24. right to adequate housing. 25. 26. 27. 政 治 大. 28 29. 立. 709. 30. 學. ‧ 國. of housing. the right to adequate standard. 31. 32. ‧ sit. n. al. er. io. 、. y. Nat. 24. 33. 25. Ch. 709. 26. 709. 27. 709. 28. engchi. v i2013 n U 10. 6. 2013 17. 709. 2, 4. 2013. 2013. 『. 29. 709. 30. 102. 31. 1, 2, 5, 6 973. 102. 32. 2013. 103. 83. 887. 103. 166. 102. 2598. 100. 659 33. 103. 248. 102. 7. 632.

(32) 34. 35 36. 37 40. 38. 39. (. 41. 3. ・ 3 adequate. Oxford Dictionary 42. satisfactory or acceptable in quality or quantity. 政 治 大 11. n. al. 96. 3173 5334. 96. 35. 104. 36. C19h. e n g c h97i. 1974. 43 ・ 218. 38. y 1370. 97. 2014. 2013 104. ・ 2015. ・ 39. 12. 5. 5. 40. ・ 3 3 22. 709 2014 41. v i n U 140. 60. 2013. 37. sit. 3. er. io. 34. ・. ‧. ・. Nat. ). 、. 1. 學. ‧ 國. 立. ・ ・. 23. 42. Definition of adequate in English, Oxford Dictionaries, http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/adequate (last visited Aug. 16, 2015). 8.

(33) (. housing. 10. 、 adequate. 3 right to adequate housing right to. housing / housing right43. 政 治 大〉. 立. y. Nat. 3. 44. n. er. io. al. ”forced removal” 45. Ch. engchi. squatters. 43. “right to housing”. sit. ”removal”. Habitat International Coalition, HIC Habitat Terms. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. ”forced eviction”. ”housing right”. i n U. forced eviction. HIC-tionary of Key. v. 、. forced removal. 、 JESSIE HOHMANN, THE RIGHT TO. HOUSING: LAW, CONCEPTS, POSSIBILITIES 5-7 (2013). 44. 1976 3 ・ First United Nations Conference on Human Settlements, Habitat I http://www.hic-gs.org/about.php 2015 7 29 45. HIC. “Forced removal: refers to various forms of coercive and often-violent displacement of persons from their habitation or residence.” HIC-tionary of Key Habitat Terms, available at http://www.hlrn.org/img/documents/HICtionary.pdf. 9.

(34) 46. ・ eviction 】 47. 3 、. ( 3. 政 治 大. 立. ‧ 國. 學. 48. juridicity ”justicability”. ”juridicité”. 9 50. 3. ‧. 、. sit. n. al C. er. io. 46. y. Nat . justicability. hengchi. i n U. v. 52. 47. “Eviction: The act or process of evicting; or state of being evicted…Removal of a tenant from rental property by a law enforcement officer following the landlord’s successful lawsuit….” 48. 4-6. 19. 1. 2015. 49. 50. 50. 4. ICESCR, General Comment No. 9, para. 10 (1998), available at http://tbinternet.ohchr.org/Treaties/CESCR/Shared%20Documents/1_Global/E_C12_1998_24_3756_C.doc. 10. 18. 2012. 49.

(35) 51 52. 3 ・ Fact Sheets. 。. 政 治 大. 立. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. 53. (. n. al. er. io. sit. y. Nat. 51. ・. 37. ). Ch. ・ ・. engchi. 48 118 119. i n U. v. ・. 2015 2016. ・ 23. 52. 1 2012. 20. 4 5. ・. 51. 2 709. 【 22 79 53. 5 2014 ・ 2014 ・. 2010. ・ 104 2015. 12. 5 11. ・.

(36) 54. 55. 、. 、. 立. 政 治 大. (. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al v i n Chengchi U. n. . 54. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. 3. 5. 49. 5. 》 104. 2015. ・. 55. 26. 2012. 51 12. 12. 5.

(37) 、. 立. 、. 政 治 大. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. (. Nat. 3. n. al. Ch. engchi. 13. er. io. sit. y. 3. i n U 3. v.

(38) 立. 政 治 大. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. Ch. engchi. 14. i n U. v.

(39) ・. 、. 1. ・ ” 1776 1917. Bill of Rights. 2. 1918. 3. Karel Vasak. 1977. 3. 政 治 大 the second generation of human rights. ”A 30-year struggle”. 立. ‧ 國. 】. n. al. er. io. sit. y. Nat. ”. 5. ‧. ”. 學. 『. 4. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. 1. Theodoor C. van Boven, Distinguishing Criteria of Human Rights, in THE INTERNATIONAL DIMENSIONS OF HUMAN RIGHTS 43, 49 (Karel Vasak ed., 1982). 2. 84-90. 2002. 3. Imre Szabo, Historical Foundations of Human Rights and Subsequent Developments, in THE INTERNATIONAL DIMENSIONS OF HUMAN RIGHTS 11, 19 (Karel Vasak ed., 1982). 4. rights of solidarity —— Karel Vasak, A 30-Year Struggle—the Sustained Efforts to Give Force of Law to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, NOVEMBER 1977 THE UNESCO COURIER 29, 29 (1977). 5. Kristen David Adams, Do We Need a Right to Housing?, 9. NEV. L.J. 275, 276-287 (2009). 15.

(40) 6. 1948. 70. ”. 7. 8. 3. 、. . 立1940. 政 治 大. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. 、. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. 1945. 6. 25. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. 1. 7. 11 1 5 3 14 2 8 3 8 115 ILO Recommendation 155 Concerning Workers’ Housing Scott Leckie, The UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the Right to Adequate Housing: Towards an Appropriate Approach, 11, HUM. RTS. Q. 522, 522-24 (1989). 5. 8. 19 4 6 2015 Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, commonly known as “European Convention on Human Rights”, ECHR American Convention on Human Rights, ACHR African Charter on Human and People’s Rights, ACHPR. 16. 5-.

(41) 、 、. 9. habitual residence. post-war human rights programme 1941 freedoms. four. freedom of speech and expression. freedom of worship. freedom from want. freedom from fear 10 11. 、 12. ‧ 國. 學. 1948. 立. 政 治 大. y. n. al. sit. io. 15. 14. er. Nat. International Magna Carta. 1. ‧. 13. 、. 25. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. 9. Matthew Craven, History, Pre-History and the Right to Housing in International Law, in NATIONAL PERSPECTIVES ON HOUSING RIGHTS 43, 46-47 (Scott Leckie ed., 2003). 、 】 】 ・. 10. “…economic understandings which will secure to every nation a healthy peacetime life for its inhabitants everywhere in the world….” 11. Craven, supra note 9 in this chapter, at 43, 49.. 12. Loc. cit.. 13. UDHR art. 25 (1): “Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including…housing….” 14. 58. 3. 15. 2013. UNITED NATIONS HUMAN SETTLEMENTS PROGRAMME & OFFICE OF THE UNITED NATIONS HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR HUMAN RIGHTS, HOUSING RIGHTS LEGISLATION—REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL AND NATIONAL LEGAL INSTRUMENTS 1-2 (2002). 17.

(42) 16. 17. 1950. 3. Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees. 21. 18. 1965. 3. International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, ICERD. 5. 5. 19. 3. 20. 11. 1. 立. 政 治 大. 、. 3. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. 16. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. 17. 21. treaty, covenant, convention SCOTT LECKIE, FROM HOUSING NEEDS TO HOUSING RIGHTS: AN ANALYSIS OF THE RIGHT TO ADEQUATE HOUSING UNDER INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS LAW 7 (1992). 17. UN Doc. A/RES/429(V) (1950).. 18. 21. 3 、. 19. ICERD (5). 20. 5. 5. 3. 、 (iii). ・ ・. 18. 、 21. 17. 1 2. 18. 2013. 】.

(43) 1979. Convention on the. Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, CEDAW 8. 22. 14. 2. 1989. Convention on the Rights of the Child, CRC. 27. 1990. 23. 3. 、. International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families, ICMW. 1. 4. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, CRPD. 28. 25. 立. 43. 24. 2006. 政 治 大. 1. 26. ). ‧ 國. 學. Punishment, CAT. ‧. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or ・. n. al. er. io. sit. y. Nat. pogrom. 22. CEDAW. 23. CRC. 24. ICMW. 14. 27. 43. 2. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. 8. 3. 1. 4. 25. UNITED NATIONS HUMAN SETTLEMENTS PROGRAMME & OFFICE OF THE UNITED NATIONS HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR HUMAN RIGHTS, supra note 15 in this chapter, at 3-4.. 26. CRPD. 28. 1. “. 19. racist.

(44) 27. ・ 28. ・ ・ 29 30. 、. ・. ( 31 32. Convention for the Protection of Human. 政 治 大 American Convention on Human Rights, ACHR. Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, commonly known as “European Convention on Human. 立. 學. ‧ 國. Rights”, ECHR. 33. er. io. sit. y. Nat. 27. Hajrizi Dzemajl et al v. Serbia and Montenegro, CAT/C/29/D/161/2000 (2002). Roma,. al. n. CAT. 16. Ch. 1. engchi. i n U. v. ”. 2006. 1 、 JESSIE HOHMANN, THE RIGHT TO HOUSING: LAW, 8 14-16. CONCEPTS, POSSIBILITIES 46-48 (2013). 28. Hajrizi Dzemajl et al v. Serbia and Montenegro, CAT/C/29/D/161/2000, para. 9.2 (2002).. 29. ICESCR, General Comment No. 4, para. 1 (1992).. 30. ICESCR, General Comment No. 7, para. 4 (1997).. 31. ・. 、 ICESCR, General Comment No. 4, para. 9 (1992). 32. LECKIE, supra note 16 in this chapter, at 41.. 33. ACHR art. 21.. 8. 6. ・. Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. ・ 34. 34. ‧. Right to respect for private and family life. ECHR art. 8.. HOHMANN, supra note 27 in this chapter, at 67-71. 20.

(45) 35. ( 1986 36. Declaration on the Right to Development. 2007 10. 8. 1. Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. 37 38. 39. 1976. Declaration on Human Settlements. Vancouver. ). 40. 政 治 大. 立. ‧ 國. 8. ‧ y er. al. n. ・ 、. 1. io. 8 、. 5-10, 12-14. sit. 8. 36. ・. 37. 38. 42. Nat. 35. 10. 20. 3. 學. Guidelines for Action. 41. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. ・. 24, 31-32. 39. 1976 3 ・ ・ 1977 3 ・ ・ United Nations Commission on Human Settlements 3 United Nations Human Settlements Programme, UN-HABITAT 3 United Nations Centre for Human Settlements ・ UN-HABITAT https://goo.gl/CrSH8e 2016 4 8 40. LECKIE, supra note 16 in this chapter, at 15.. 41. 20. 23. 42. “Adequate shelter and services are a basic human right which places an obligation on Governments to ensure their attainment by all people, beginning with direct assistance to the least advantaged through guided programmes of self-help and community action. Governments should endeavour to remove all impediments hindering attainments of these goals….” 21.

(46) ・. 43 44. 3 、 ・. . 『. 立. 】 政 治 大. ). ‧ 國. 學. 》. ‧. 、. n. al. er. io. sit. y. Nat 3. Ch. e n g c h3i. i n U. v. 3. 43. HOHMANN, supra note 27 in this chapter, at 49-93. 44. 82. 110 20 22. 115 25-29.

(47) ・45. Association of Southeast Asian Nations, ASEAN 46. ・. 1. 3. 47. 3 3. 48. 3. 政 治 、 大. 3. charter-based mechanism. 立Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human. Rights, OHCHR. treaty-based mechanism. 、. 3. Economic and Social Council, ECOSOC 51. 3. 2006. ・. 3. ・ ・50. 15. 60/251. n. al. ・ ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community, ASCC. Ch. 3. engchi. er. io. sit. y. Nat 2003 ・. ・. ・. ‧. ‧ 國. 、. 學. 、. 49. 45. 》. i n U. v. ASEAN Community. ・ ・ http://www.aseancenter.org.tw/ASEANintro.aspx; http://www.asean.org/asean-socio-cultural/ 2016 4 46. 6. http://covenants-watch.blogspot.tw/2016/02/blog-post.html 2016. 3. 23. 47. Charter of the United Nations art. 1: “…promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion.” 48. 3 2016. 3. 49 50. 51. http://www.un.org/en/sections/what-we-do/protect-human-rights/index.html 4 14. ・. 1 3 ・. 68. ・ 、. ・. ・ ・. ・. ・ ・. ・. 23. ・.

(48) 52. ・53 United Nations Human Rights Council, UNHRC. 3 ・. ・ 55. ——. 3. High Commissioner for Human Rights. 1947. attorney-general for human rights ・. 3. 54. 3. 1993. ・. 56. 48. 3. ・. 57. 1993. 3. 58. 5. ・59 ・. 政 治 大. UN Doc. A/RES/60/251 (2006); 3 http://www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/HRC/Pages/AboutCouncil.aspx 、. ・ 、 14. 2009 ・ ・. a・la subsidiary3 organ of the General Assembly v i n Ch engchi U 4-5. 14. 3. 4 ・. y ・. n. 3. ・ ・. sit. 4. io. ・. ——. 3. 75 3. er. 54. 25. …. Nat. 3. 2016. ‧. 53. 學. ‧ 國. 立 52. 60. 1985/17. ・. 1985. ). 55. OFFICE OF THE UNITED NATIONS HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR HUMAN RIGHTS, WORKING WITH THE UNITED NATIONS HUMAN RIGHTS PROGRAMME—A HANDBOOK FOR CIVIL SOCIETY 75 (Rev. 1, 2008). ・ ・ 14 6-10. 56. ・ Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action, VDPA 3 Increased coordination on human rights within the United Nations system 18 ” The World Conference on Human Rights recommends to the General Assembly that when examining the report of the Conference at its forty-eighth session, it begin, as a matter of priority, consideration of the question of the establishment of a High Commissioner for Human Rights for the promotion and protection of all human rights.” UN Doc. A/CONF.157/23 (1993). 57. UN Doc. A/RES/48/141 (1993).. 58. 4. ・ 2008. 59 60. 16. 22. UN Doc. E/RES/1985/17 (1985). 24. 2. 4-9, 11-15.

(49) 61. ・ 、. 62. 3 ・ 3 193. ・. 、. 立. 政 治 大 3. 3. sit. n. er. io. al. 3 1. engchi. v. 4 2. 28-29 2012 、 ・. 3 62. Ch. i n U. http://www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/CESCR/Pages/CESCRIntro.aspx. 3. 2016. 3. y. Nat. 61. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. United Nations Human Settlements Programme, UN-HABITAT. ・ Sessional Working Group ・. 29-31. ・ 2014. ・. 3 〉. ・ 3. 25. 15.

(50) 、 ・63. 64. 1.. state reporting. 、. 2.. general comments. general recommendations. 3.. communications or petitions. 4.. conduct inquiries ・. ・. ・. 65. 18. 政 治 大. equitable geographical distribution. 立. 學. 3. ‧ 國. 63. to. ‧. International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, ICERD International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, ICCPR ・ International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, ICESCR Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, CEDAW Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, CAT Convention on the Rights of the Child, CRC 、 International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families, ICMW 、 International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance, CPED Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, CRPD 3 http://www.ohchr.org/EN/ProfessionalInterest/Pages/CoreInstruments.aspx 2016 3 4 optional protocol treaty bodies ・ Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination ・ Human Rights Committee ・ ・ Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights ・ Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women ・ Committee against Torture ・ Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture ・ Committee on the Rights of the Child ・ Committee on Migrant Workers ・ Committee on Enforced Disappearances ・ Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities ・ ・ 、 3 http://www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/Pages/TreatyBodies.aspx, http://www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/OPCAT/Pages/OPCATIntro.aspx 2016 3 4. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. 64. Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Fact Sheet No. 33: Frequently Asked Questions on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights 35 (2008), available at http://www.ohchr.org/Documents/Publications/FactSheet33en.pdf. 65. ・. ・ 61 26. 32, 34. ・.

(51) 66. the representation of different forms of social and legal systems ・. ・ 1985/17. ・ 21. ・ 67. 22 68. ・. 》 ——. ・. 立. 69. ‧ 國. 25. y. Nat. (. io. n. al. ・. sit. 】. er. 】. 66. ). ‧. 70. ・. 學. 16. 政 治 大. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. UN Doc. E/RES/1985/17 (1985).. 67. “The Committee shall submit to the Council a report on its activities, including a summary of its consideration of the reports submitted by States parties to the Covenant, and shall make suggestions and recommendations of a general nature on the basis of its consideration of those reports and of the reports submitted by the specialized agencies, in order to assist the Council to fulfil, in particular, its responsibilities under articles 21 and 22 of the Covenant.” 68. ・. 3. ・. ・ 28. 3 3. 69. periodical report http://www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/CESCR/Pages/CESCRIntro.aspx 70. 61. ・. 39. 35 27. 12. 2014 initial state report 3 2016 3. 22.

(52) 71 72. 73. 74. ・. concluding observation. 1. 15 、. 75. ” 76 77. ”. 政 治 大 78. 立. 71. ‧ 國. 3. 35. 學. 72. 61. ‧. chronological order the initial review function the monitoring function the policy formulation function the public scrutiny function the evaluation function 】 the function of acknowledging problems the information exchange function ・ 1 、 OFFICE OF THE UNITED NATIONS HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR HUMAN RIGHTS & UNITED NATIONS INSTITUTE FOR TRAINING AND RESEARCH, MANUAL ON HUMAN RIGHTS REPORTING: UNDER SIX MAJOR INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS INSTRUMENTS 21-24 (Rev. 1, 1997); ICESCR, General Comment No. 1, para. 2-9 (1989).. al. er. io. sit. y. Nat. 73. 2 3 ・ ・ ・ pre-sessional working group list of questions Office of The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Fact Sheet No. 16: The Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights 16 (Rev. 1, 2001), available at http://www.ohchr.org/Documents/Publications/FactSheet16rev.1en.pdf.. n. 16. 74. Ch. engchi. ・. i n U. v. ・. 75. ・ common core document. reporting guideline treaty-specific document 、. ” UN Doc. E/C. 12/2008/2. ・ (2009). 76. “Indicate: The measures taken to ensure access to adequate and affordable housing with legal security of tenure for everyone, irrespective of income or access to economic resources….” 77. “Indicate the legislative and other measures in place to ensure that housing is not built on polluted sites or in immediate proximity of pollution sources that threaten the health of inhabitants.” 78. “Indicate whether there are any disadvantaged and marginalized individuals and groups, such as ethnic minorities, who are particularly affected by forced evictions and the measures taken to ensure that no form of discrimination is involved whenever evictions take place” 28.

(53) 】 79. 、 3. 2012 80. 2013. ・( 81 82. 1. 16. 2017. 20. ・ 9. 政 治 大 83. 立『 84. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. al. er. io. sit. y. Nat. 79. v. n. “Indicate the number of persons and families evicted within the last five years and the legal provisions defining the circumstances in which evictions may take place and the rights of tenants to security of tenure and protection from eviction.” 80. Ch. engchi. i n U. ・ 16 215 220 2012 http://www.humanrights.moj.gov.tw/HitCounter.asp?xItem=283638&ixCuAttach=81334 81. 93-98 http://www.humanrights.moj.gov.tw/public/Attachment/32191158102.pdf. 82. 17. 2013. ・. 20 47 49 2013 http://www.humanrights.moj.gov.tw/public/Attachment/312259531585.pdf 83. ・. 37 45 2017 http://www.humanrights.moj.gov.tw/HitCounter.asp?xItem=459870&mp=200 84. 102. 4289. 29.

(54) 85 86. ・. ・. 21 recommendations of a. ・. general nature. 1987. ・. ・. ・. 87. 1989. ・. ・ 88. 89. ・. 立. 90. 政 2治 大. 1989. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. 91. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. Ch. 85. engchi. 40. 3. ・. UN Doc. E/RES/1987/5 (1987);. 61. 88. 61. 90. 23. 42-43 2016. 4. 26. 91. ・ 61. 29-31 30. general 27-28 28-29 131. ・. 89. v. ・. 61 87. i n U. 4. ・ 86. 23. ・. 2012.

(55) 92. 93. 11. ・. 4. 7 1. 3. 4. 2000 94. Global Strategy for Shelter to the Year 2000. ・ 95. 11 7. 2000. 21. 96. Agenda 21. 97. Habitat Agenda. Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action, VDPA ・. (. io. 14. 31-33. y. ・. Nat. 21. 61 ——. ・. al. n 、 12. 11 61. 37-38. 〇. sit. 】. ・. ‧. 、 93. ・. 2000. er. 1990. 政 治 大. 學. 92. ‧ 國. 立. 98. C h 15 engchi. i n U. v. ・. 94. ICESCR, General Comment No. 4, para. 2, 10, 12, 15 (1992). 2000 ・ 1987 12 42/191 12 43/181 2000 UN Doc. A/RES/42/191 (1987), A/RES/43/181 (1988). 95. 3. ICESCR, General Comment No. 4, para. 8 (1992).. 96. 21 1992 Conference on Environment and Development, UNCED.. 3 3. ・ United Nations ・ Earth Summit. 3 97. 3 1996 United Nations Conference on Human Settlements, Habitat II adequate shelter for all development in an urbanizing world 98. 58. ・. sustainable human settlements UN Doc. A/CONF.165/14 (1996).. 1993 ・ 、 UN Doc. A/CONF.157/23 (1993). 4-11 31. Second. ・.

(56) 12. 1. 17 5. 5. 3. 99. ICERD 5(e)(iii) ( 100. 3. 3. 3. 立. The Vienna Convention on the Law of. ‧ 國. Treaties, VCLT. 、. 學. ・. 政 治 大. 26. ‧. ”. n. al. ). Ch. engchi. er. io. 101. sit. y. Nat. 、. i n U. v. ” 】. 99. 102. ・. 3. ” the right to housing”. 100. 61. 43. 101. 303-304, 306. 2009. 102. Optional Protocol to the ICESCR art. 1; Office of The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Fact Sheet No. 7: Individual Complaint Procedures Under the United Nations Human Rights Treaties 3, 21 (Rev. 2, 2013), available at http://www.ohchr.org/Documents/Publications/FactSheet7Rev.2.pdf. 32.

(57) 103. ─. complaint, 106. communication. petition 107. admissibility stage. 104. ・ 105. merits stage. ・ friendly settlement. 108. ・ 109. 、. ・ 110. interim measure (. 立. 政 治 大 ill-treatment. ‧ 國. 111. ・ Optional Protocol to. ・. ‧. 1990. intimidation. 學. 、. ・. the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. iv. n. al. er. io. ) Protocol to the ICESCR art. 2.. sit. y. Nat. 103. 104. n U e n Nations c h iHigh Commissioner for Human Rights, supra Office of The Unitedg. Ch. Optional Protocol to the ICESCR art. 3.. 105. Optional. note 102 in this chapter, at 4. 106. 3 3 admissibility ・ Optional Protocol to the ICESCR art. 4; Office of The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, supra note 102 in this chapter, at 7-9.. 107. ・. ・ follow up Optional Protocol to the ICESCR art. 6, 8, 9; Office of The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, supra note 102 in this chapter, at 10-11. 108. Optional Protocol to the ICESCR art. 7.. 109. Office of The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, supra note 102 in this chapter, at. 21. 110. Optional Protocol to the ICESCR art. 5. ・”. 2. 111. Optional Protocol to the ICESCR art. 13; Office of The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, supra note 102 in this chapter, at 21-22. 33.

(58) 3. 2008. ・. 12. 112. 10. 18. 『 3. 2013. ・ 113. 114. 22 40. ”. 115. 115. 政 ・治 Social 大 Forum. ・. 立. Forum on Minority Issues. Universal Periodic Review, UPR. ‧ 國. 學. 3. ”. mandate-holders. n UN Doc. A/RES/63/117 (2009).. 113. 2013. 5. 5. 3. 117. er. io. al. ・. y. ‧. Nat. ・. 112. Complaint. 116. sit. Procedure. Special Procedures. Ch. engchi. i n U. country-. v. 114. http://indicators.ohchr.org. 3. 2017. 2. 7 115. 2016. 3. ”. ” http://indicators.ohchr.org. 2016. 14 3. 168 68-69. 115 3. 28. 116. 14. 117. UN Doc. A/HRC/RES/5/1 (2007), A/HRC/RES/16/21 special rapporteur independent special representative working groups. (2011). experts. 2016. 3. 3 3 11. 13-24. http://www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/SP/Pages/Introduction.aspx. 34.

(59) specific. thematic 118. 『. ─. ・. 119. 2000. 2000/9. ・. 120. The Special Rapporteur on adequate housing. 、. as a component of the right to an adequate standard of living, and on the right to nondiscrimination in the context, 3 3. 3. 政 治 大 ”. 立. 121 122. 118. ‧ 國. ・. ・. 123 124. communications. ‧. country visit. ・. ・. 學. ・. 2001. sit. 14. 16-17. n. al. er. io. 119. y. Nat. 2015 3 27 41 14 3 http://www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/SP/Pages/Welcomepage.aspx 2016 3 4 Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, supra note 64 in this chapter, at 37. 120. UN Doc. E/CN.4/RES/2000/9 (2000).. 121. UN Doc. E/CN.4/2001/51 (2001).. 122. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. 2001 ・ 3 http://www.ohchr.org/EN/Issues/Housing/Pages/AnnualReports.aspx 2016 4 19. 123. 2002. 2013. ” 3 http://www.ohchr.org/EN/Issues/Housing/Pages/CountryVisits.aspx 2016 3 15 ・ ・ 3 http://www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/SP/Pages/CountryandothervisitsSP.aspx 2016 3 11 Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, supra note 64 in this chapter, at 37. 124. ”. ( the complaint procedure of the Human Rights Council individual complaints under the international human rights treaties OFFICE OF THE UNITED NATIONS HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR HUMAN RIGHTS, supra note 55 in this chapter, at 153-59. 35. ・.

(60) 125. the complaint procedure of the Human Rights Council ・. 2007 126. 、 127. working group on communications 128. working group on situations. 129. initial. screening ・. ・. ・. ・. ・. 130. 政 治 大. 立. 131. 、. ・. ‧ 國. 學. 125. ・. 126. ‧. UN Doc. A/HRC/RES/5/1 (2007); 3 http://www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/HRC/ComplaintProcedure/Pages/HRCComplaintProcedureIndex.aspx 2016 3 14. ・. sit. io. ・. Human Rights Council Advisory Committee. er. 127. y. Nat. OFFICE OF THE UNITED NATIONS HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR HUMAN RIGHTS, supra note 55 in this chapter, at 158-59. ——. n. al. i n U. v. ・ 3 http://www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/HRC/ComplaintProcedure/Pages/WGCommunications.aspx 2016 3 14 OFFICE OF THE UNITED NATIONS HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR HUMAN RIGHTS, supra note 55 in this chapter, at 169.. Ch. engchi. 128. ・ ・ 3 http://www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/HRC/ComplaintProcedure/Pages/WGSituations.aspx 2016 3 14 OFFICE OF THE UNITED NATIONS HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR HUMAN RIGHTS, supra note 55 in this chapter, at 169. 129. 130. 1.. 2. 3.. 4.. 5. OFFICE OF THE UNITED NATIONS HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR HUMAN RIGHTS, supra note 55 in this chapter, at 168-70. 14 18 3. 131. 14. 18-19 36.

(61) 132. interactive dialogue mechanism. 3. 、. cooperative. 3. ・. 、. 、. universality. 、 interdependence. indivisibility 133. interrelatedness 、. 3. 134. 、. 政 治 大 136. 立. 137. ‧ 國. 3. ・. 139 140. ・. 60/251. 、. io. sit. ・. 3. ・. er. 3. y. ‧. Nat 2006. 133. 138. 學. 】. 】. 132. 135. stakeholder 、. OFFICE OF THE UNITED NATIONS HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR HUMAN RIGHTS, supra note 55 in this chapter, at 140; 14 19. al. n. 134 135. Ch. engchi. i 3n U. v. ・. 136. OFFICE OF THE UNITED NATIONS HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR HUMAN RIGHTS, supra note 55 in this chapter, at 141-42.. 137. ・ 47. 138. 3. ・. ” http://www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/UPR/Pages/BasicFacts.aspx. 3 2016. UPR Working Group. 15. 139. OFFICE OF THE UNITED NATIONS HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR HUMAN RIGHTS, supra note 55 in this chapter, at 143-44; 3 http://www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/UPR/Pages/BasicFacts.aspx 2016 3 15. 140. 、. ( ・. ・ adopt ・( follow-up OFFICE OF THE UNITED NATIONS HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR HUMAN RIGHTS, supra note 55 in this chapter, at 144-45. 37.

(62) 141. 142. 3. 267. 、 5. 】. 143. ・ 、. ・. 144. 政 3治 大. 立. 145. 3. ・. 146. 3. n. al. er. io. sit. y. ‧. ・. Nat. 141. 3. 學. ‧ 國. Under-Secretary-General. ・. i n U. v. OFFICE OF THE UNITED NATIONS HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR HUMAN RIGHTS, supra note 55 in this chapter, at 144-45.. 142. 2011. 2008 193 ・. 7. 2011. Ch. e n g c192h i. 143. UPR-INFO 3. 5. 3 2016. 3. 15. http://www.upr-info.org/database/. 15. 144. 14. 21-24. 145. 58. 4-9, 11-16. 146. ・ 2012. 2016 11 http://www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/UPR/Pages/UPRmain.aspx 2016. 3. 1969. 3. Navanethem Pillay 68/268. ・. A/RES/68/268 (2014); 3 http://www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/HRTD/Pages/TBStrengthening.aspx. 38. 2009 2012 ・ UN Doc. 2016. 3. 16.

(63) 147. ”. 148. 3. 149. 、. 3. 2002. ・. 1. 1. 150. ・. 3. ・. 2030. 立. 151. 政10 治 大 6. ・ ・. ‧ 國. 2014. 學. 152. 2019. sit. io. n. al. 153. er. housing and slum upgrading. y. urban basic services. Nat. planning and design. Ch. engchi. i n U. 21 147. 58. 148. 40%. urban. ‧. urban legislation, land and governance. v. 25. 11 3. 3. ・、. 3 http://www.ohchr.org/EN/AboutUs/Pages/FundingBudget.aspx. 2016. 149. 3 58. 21-24. 150. UN Doc. A/RES/56/206 (2002).. 151. UN-HABITAT. https://goo.gl/XWKMae. 2016. 4. 7. 152. UN-HABITAT. https://goo.gl/XWKMae. 2016. 4. 7. 153. UN-HABITAT. https://goo.gl/xn24mn. 2016 39. 4. 7. 3. 16.

(64) 2015. 4. 25/6. ・. 『. International Guidelines on Urban and Territorial Planning. ”. 50%. 154. 、 、. 立. 10. 3 155. 3. 3. ・. 14. 3. ”. 1971. n. al. er. io. sit. y. Nat. ・. 2009. 『. ‧. 『. 『. ‧ 國. 8. 1967. 學. 6. 政 治 大 2009 5. Ch. engchi. 156. i n U. v. 、. 154. UNITED NATIONS HUMAN SETTLEMENTS PROGRAMME, INTERNATIONAL GUIDELINES ON URBAN AND TERRITORIAL PLANNING 1, 8-30 (2015). 155. 14. 133-35. 156. OFFICE OF THE UNITED NATIONS HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR HUMAN RIGHTS & UNITED NATIONS INSTITUTE FOR TRAINING AND RESEARCH, supra note 72 in this chapter, at 16. 40.

(65) 3. ・ 1946. information groups 157. 1991. ・ ・. local human rights committees. 3. ・ Principles relating to the. Status of National Institutions 3. Paris Principles. 158. ・、. 立 》. 160. ‧ y. sit. io. n. al. er. (3). Nat. (2). 3.. ‧ 國 ・. (1). 2.. 161. 159. 學. 1.. 政 3治 ・大. 1992. 4.. Ch. engchi. 5.. i n U. v. ・3. 6. 7.. 157. OFFICE OF THE UNITED NATIONS HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR HUMAN RIGHTS, NATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS INSTITUTIONS: HISTORY, PRINCIPLES, ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 7 (Rev. 1, 2010).. 158. UN Doc. E/CN.4/RES/1992/54 (1992); OFFICE OF THE UNITED NATIONS HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR HUMAN RIGHTS, supra note 157, at 174.. 159. UN Doc. A/RES/48/134 (1993); OFFICE OF THE UNITED NATIONS HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR HUMAN RIGHTS, supra note 157, at 174.. 160 161. ・. 25-26. 2011. OFFICE OF THE UNITED NATIONS HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR HUMAN RIGHTS, supra note 157, at 34. 41.

(66) 1971. 3. 1987. ”. 1999. 22. ・. ・ 2000. 。 10. ・. 162. 2010. 12. 10. ・163 2014 ・. ・. 政 治 大 National human rights institutions, NHRIs. 164. 、. 165. 學. ). nongovernmental organization. NGO. 166. y. Nat. 3 ・. national ”. ・. n. al. Ch. er. io. sit. human rights commission 3. ‧. ‧ 國. 立. ・. ・. engchi. i n U. v. ・. 3. 162. 2. ・. 163. 3. 82-83. http://www.president.gov.tw/Default.aspx?tabid=1412 3. 10. 2016. 3. 164. ・. 2014 2016. http://covenantswatch.org.tw/nhri/. 10. 165. OFFICE OF THE UNITED NATIONS HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR HUMAN RIGHTS, supra note 157, at 13. ” National human rights institutions are State bodies with a constitutional and/or legislative mandate to protect and promote human rights. They are part of the State apparatus and are funded by the State.” 166. OFFICE OF THE UNITED NATIONS HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR HUMAN RIGHTS, supra note 157, at 13-14. 42.

(67) ・ ・ 167 168. ・. ・. 3 “ 169. 、. 170. ・. 立. 171. 政 治 大. ・. ‧ 國. 學 y. 3. n. Ch. sit. (. er. io. al. i n U. engchi. 167. v. 1. ・. 168. ‧. 、. Ombudsman. 3. 105. 2012. http://www.president.gov.tw/Default.aspx?tabid=1415 4. ). ・172. Nat. 173. ・. 2016. 12. 169. 2. 170. 82. ・. 171. 8. 2016. 112. 2000 12. 2013. 9. ・. https://goo.gl/f0kpno. 1. 1. 4. 26. 172. 1. ・ ・. 】. 3. 2012 ・. ・ ・. 】. https://goo.gl/lwEgI2. 2016. 173. 160 43. 315. 12. 26.

(68) 174. ・. 17 ・. 1. (. (. 175. ・. ・ ・. ・ ・ 176. ・. 3. 立. ‧ 國. NGO. 174. 160. 175. sit. al. n. NGO. er. io. 178. y. Nat. ・. 177. ‧. NGO 、. 政 治 大. Ch. engchi. 1. ・ 2 3. 3 NGO 9 178. 3. 53-54. i n U. v. ・. 39-46. 176. 177. 學. 、. 3. 2012 54, 66-67 44. 2. 16-32. 2002.

(69) 179. 、. 180. NGO. shadow report. 2013. 181. 】. NGO. ・ ・182. ・ 15. 政 治 大. 立. NGO. 3. ‧ 國. NGO. 9. io. n. er. 12. 179. ・. sit. Nat. 2009. ・. y. 45. ・. al. ‧. ・. 184. 學. 185. 183. NGO. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. LECKIE, supra note 16 in this chapter, at 56-57.. 180. counter report. AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL, HOLDING GOVERNMENT TO ACCOUNT—A GUIDE TO SHADOW REPORTING ON ECONOMIC SOCIAL AND CULTURAL RIGHTS 1, 4, 7-9 (2014); 2002 6 http://www.humanrights.moj.gov.tw/HitCounter.asp?xItem=283633&mp=200 181. 124-125. 2. ・ 2013. 182. 125-126. 183. 127. 184. 95. 27. 2013. 185. 61 45. 100-101. 2013. 1.

(70) 186. NGO 187. 2009. 10. 500. ”. 188 189. ). 、 、 11. 3. 、. 81. Ch. engchi U. 191. 2014. 3. 9. 187. 167. 188. 102 ・ 2011 http://issuu.com/tahr1984/docs/tw-2100report/13?e=0. 『. 189. 80. 215. 190. 81. 96. 191. 220. http://covenants-watch.blogspot.tw/2015/12/201581.html 2016. 4. 25 46. 2015. v ni. http://covenants-watch.blogspot.tw/2015/05/blog-post.html 4. 、. y. al. n ”. 3. sit. io. 186. 、. ‧. 、. Nat. 12. 、. er. 190. (. 《. 學. ‧ 國. 立. 政 治 大. 『 2016.

(71) NGO. ・. ・. ・ ・. NGO 、. 192. 3. 11. ・. 、. 4. n. al. er. io. sit. y. ”. Nat. 193. 1. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. 、. 政 治 大. 立. . NGO. Ch. n U e n3 gchi. iv. 4 7. 194. ・ 、 、. 192 193 194. 3. 61. 54-55. HOHMANN, supra note 27 in this chapter, at 20. 20. 41 47.

(72) ・. 1991. 6. 4. ・ ・ ”. 195. 政 治 大 lease owner-occupation emergency housing 立 informal settlement legal security of tenure. 196. 197. ‧ 國. 學 198. ‧. n. al. er. io. sit. y. Nat. 195. Ch. ICESCR, General Comment No. 4, para. 7 (1992).. 196. 、. engchi. i n U. v. ”legal security of tenure” Oxford English Dictionary ”tenure” ”the action or fact of holding a tenement” ”the action or fact of holding anything material or non-material; hold upon something; maintaining a hold; occupation” ”tenure” ) ”tenure” ・ 3 Definition of tenure in English, Oxford English Dictionary, http://www.oed.com/view/Entry/199286?rskey=zAFEor&result=1#eid (last visited Sep. 12, 2016). 197. 、. ”A community or group of households within a recognisable boundary which do not have legal title to the homes in which they live nor to the land which they occupy.” UNITED NATIONS HUMAN SETTLEMENTS PROGRAMME & OFFICE OF THE UNITED NATIONS HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR HUMAN RIGHTS, MONITORING HOUSING RIGHTS: DEVELOPING A SET OF INDICATORS TO MONITOR THE FULL AND PROGRESSIVE REALISATION OF THE HUMAN RIGHT TO ADEQUATE HOUSING 62 (2003). 、 、 198. ICESCR, General Comment No. 4, para. 8(a) (1992). 48. 3.

(73) 199. availability of services, materials, facilities and infrastructure. 200. ・、. ” 、. 政 治 大. 201. 立. ・. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. affordability. n. al. y er. io. 、. Ch 202. 3. 3. sit. Nat. 3. 】. engchi. habitability. 199. HOHMANN, supra note 27 in this chapter, at 21.. 200. ICESCR, General Comment No. 4, para. 8(b) (1992).. 201. HOHMANN, supra note 27 in this chapter, at 23.. 202. ICESCR, General Comment No. 4, para. 8(c) (1992). 49. i n U. v. ・.

(74) 203. ・. World Health Organization, WHO of Housing. Health Principles. 204 205. ・ ・. 206. 立. 學. HIV. ‧. ‧ 國. accessibility. 政 治 大. n. al. ・. ・. er. io. sit. y. Nat ・. (. Ch. e・ ngchi. i n U. v. 207. right to land ・. 203. HOHMANN, supra note 27 in this chapter, at 25.. 204. WHO. 1989. 、 (. 、 205. ICESCR, General Comment No. 4, para. 8(d) (1992).. 206. Leilani Farha, Is There a Woman in the House? Re/conceiving the Human Right to Housing 14 CAN. J. WOMEN & L. 118, 129 (2002). 207. ICESCR, General Comment No. 4, para. 8(e) (1992). 50.

(75) 208. 〈. ・. location. 209. 、. ・ 210. resettlement ・. 立. 211. 政 治 大. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. cultural adequacy 212. y. Nat. sit. n. al. universality. ・ 、. 、. er. io. 、. 213. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. ・. 214. cookie-cutter. 208. HOHMANN, supra note 27 in this chapter, at 27.. 209. ICESCR, General Comment No. 4, para. 8(f) (1992).. 210. HOHMANN, supra note 27 in this chapter, at 27-28.. 211. 、. 、 ・ 、. 212. ICESCR, General Comment No. 4, para. 8(g) (1992).. 213. HOHMANN, supra note 27 in this chapter, at 28.. 214. HOHMANN, supra note 27 in this chapter, at 28-29. 51. 2-4 – 2-5. 2004.

(76) ・. ・. Commission on Human Rights. 1993/77 215. ” 】. ・ 216. 7 217. ・ 、 218. 立. 220. 學. indivisible. interdependent. ・. ”. n. al. er. io. sit. y. Nat. 223. ‧. 222. 221. ‧ 國. 219. interrelated. 政 治 大. ). 215. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. “Affirms that the practice of forced eviction constitutes a gross violation of human rights, in particular the right to adequate housing.” UN Doc. E/CN.4/RES/1993/77 (1993).. 216. ICESCR, General Comment No. 7, para. 1 (1997).. 217. UN Doc. E/CN.4/2004/48 (2004).. 218. “…the permanent or temporary removal against their will of individuals, families and/or communities from the homes and/or land which they occupy, without the provision of, and access to, appropriate forms of legal or other protection.” ICESCR, General Comment No. 7, para. 3 (1997).. 219. 220. Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights & United Nations Human Settlements Programme, Fact Sheet No. 25: Forced Evictions 3 (Rev. 1, 2014), available at http://www.ohchr.org/Documents/Publications/FS25.Rev.1.pdf. 221. Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action, para. 5 (1993).. 222. ICESCR, General Comment No. 7, para. 4 (1997); Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights & United Nations Human Settlements Programme, supra note 220 in this chapter, at 5-12. 223. ICESCR, General Comment No. 7, para. 10 (1997). 52.

(77) 224 225. prima facie. ・ 3. 、 226. 、. 】. 227. 228. ”. ”. 229. 3. 政 治 大 230. 、. 立. 2.. ・ 、. 3. io. 224. sit. 3. al. er. 、. y. Nat. 3.. ・. 3. ‧. 1.. 231. 學. ‧ 國. 、. 225. n. UN Doc. E/CN.4/2004/48 para. 38-67; Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights & United Nations Human Settlements Programme, supra note 220 in this chapter, at 12-19.. Ch. e n g c h i7. ICESCR, General Comment No. 7, para. 1 (1997).. 393. i n U. v. 104 ”prima facie”. ”prima facie” ) ・ 226. “The prohibition on forced evictions does not, however, apply to evictions carried out by force in accordance with the law and in conformity with the provisions of the International Covenants on Human Rights.” ICESCR, General Comment No. 7, para. 3 (1997).. 227. ICESCR, General Comment No. 7, para. 11 (1997).. 228. 、. 229. “Undertaking major clearance operations only when conservation and rehabilitation are not feasible and relocation measures are made.” United Nations Conference on Human Settlements, The Vancouver Action Plan: 64 Recommendations for National Action, part B.8, para. c(ii) (1976). 230 231. ICESCR, General Comment No. 7, para. 11, 13, 14 (1997). ・. 3 ICESCR, General Comment No. 7, para. 14 (1997). 53.

(78) 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.. 」. 232. Housing and 233. Land Rights Network, HLRN. ・. Loss Matrix. 政 治 大. 234. 立. 3. ‧ 國. 學 235. ‧. Basic. Nat. y. 、. io. n. al. er. 236. sit. Principles and Guidelines on Development-Based Evictions and Displacement,. Ch. ・、. 7. engchi. i n U. v. 、. 232. ICESCR, General Comment No. 7, para. 15 (1997).. 233. MBA. http://goo.gl/d6HkWi. 2016. 4. 20. 234. UN Doc. E/CN.4/2004/48, para. 68 (2004).. 235. ICESCR, General Comment No. 7, para. 16 (1997); Annex I of UN Doc. A/HRC/4/18, para. 43 (2007).. 236. Annex I of UN Doc. A/HRC/4/18 (2007). Miloon Kothari 2006 3 15 5. 3. ・. 54.

(79) 237. ” 3. 238 239. 240. 、 ・. 立. 政】 治 大. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. Ch. 237. engchi. i n U. v. “The circumstances of forced evictions linked to development and infrastructure projects seldom allow for restitution and return. Nevertheless, when circumstances allow, States should prioritize these rights of all persons, groups and communities subjected to forced evictions.” Annex I of UN Doc. A/HRC/4/18, para. 64 (2007). 238. “When return is possible or adequate resettlement in conformity with these guidelines is not provided, the competent authorities should establish conditions and provide the means, including financial, for voluntary return in safety and security, and with dignity, to homes or places of habitual residence. Responsible authorities should facilitate the reintegration of returned persons and exert efforts to ensure the full participation of affected persons, groups and communities in the planning and management of return processes.” Annex I of UN Doc. A/HRC/4/18, para. 65 (2007).. 239. 、 11. 12 1 ・ 11. 」. ・. 2010. 240. 100-. 101 55.

(80) 241. ・ ”. 242. ・. 2. 、. 、. 3. ・. 立 2. 政 治 大 11. ‧ 國. 學. 、. 244. ‧. n. al. er. io. sit. y. Nat. 241. 243. 1. Ch. ・. engchi. i n U. v. 7. 2. 12-14. 2010. ) 、 ”. ・ 43. 861. 2014 ・ 】. 242. LECKIE, supra note 16 in this chapter, at 63.. 243. 20. 244. 2. 50-51 2. 】. 、 ・. 56.

(81) 245. 246. ” 11. 1 3. 2. 1. 】. 3. 、. 、 3. ( 247. right to food. 】. 3 ・. 3. 政 治 大 2. 1. 學. ‧ 國. 立3. 、. 2. ‧. n 2. y er. io. al. 1. sit. Nat. 2. C1 h. 3. engchi. iv n U 】. 、. 3. 、. 、. 245. 2. 3 、. 246. Gross National Product,. ”. GNP. ”. ”. WTO. 2. ” ・. 3 1. 247. 1. 19. 2011. LECKIE, supra note 16 in this chapter, at 63. 57.

(82) 248 249. 250. take steps all appropriate means. 、. 2. 政 治 大. 251. 立. (. 1. ‧ 國. 學. 252. ─. ・. 3. y. ‧. Nat. 】. ”. sit. 、. n. al. have important resource implications. er. io. courts are generally already involved in a considerable range of matters which 253. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. 248. 、 、 ICESCR, General Comment No. 3, para. 1 (1991); 20 52. 246. 249. 、 para. 1 (1991);. 11. ICESCR, General Comment No. 3, 246. 11. 250. ICESCR, General Comment No. 3, para. 2 (1991).. 251. ICESCR, General Comment No. 3, para. 3 (1991).. 252. ICESCR, General Comment No. 3, para. 5 (1991).. 253. ICESCR, General Comment No. 9, para. 10 (1998); 50 58. 4. 20 53 17-18 2012.

(83) 254. ・. 255. 3. 256. ・. 立 ・. 、. 學. ‧ 國. 257. to the maximum. ‧. of its available resources. io. 3. n. al. 3. Ch. i n U. ・. engchi. sit. 、. 3. y. 、. Nat. 254. 3. 、. er. 】. 治 progressively 政 achieving 大. ・ 55. 258. 56. v. 259. 】 20. 3 53 291-339. 2007. 255. 318-320 256 257. 253. 18. ICESCR, General Comment No. 3, para. 9 (1991).. 258. 3. 55. 、. 3. ・. ・. 3 56 3. 259. 、. ICESCR, General Comment No. 3, para. 14 (1991). 59. ・.

(84) minimum core obligation. ・ 、. 】 260. 261. ・. ”. ” ・ 262. 立. 263. ‧ 國. 265. 學. (. 政 治 大 264 266. ‧. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. Ch. engchi. 260. ICESCR, General Comment No. 3, para. 10 (1991).. 261. ICESCR, General Comment No. 3, para. 10 (1991).. i n U. v. 262. “…even where the available resources are demonstrably inadequate, the obligation remains for a State party to strive to ensure the widest possible enjoyment of the relevant rights under the prevailing circumstances.” ICESCR, General Comment No. 3, para. 11 (1991). 263 264. ICESCR, General Comment No. 3, para. 11 (1991). 20. 54-55. 265. UNITED NATIONS HUMAN SETTLEMENTS PROGRAMME & OFFICE OF THE UNITED NATIONS HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR HUMAN RIGHTS, supra note 15 in this chapter, at 22. 266. ) UNITED NATIONS HUMAN SETTLEMENTS PROGRAMME & OFFICE OF THE UNITED NATIONS HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR HUMAN RIGHTS, supra note 15 in this chapter, at 22-23; 20 51-57 ( 253. 14. 60. 12-.

(85) 1.. recognize/ respect 267. 3 slum. 3 268. squatter settlement. 269. 2.. protect ─. ・. 270 271. ‧ 國. 】. ・ Human Rights. 272. fulfil/ ensure. 、. ‧. 」. io. al. n. “. y. sit. Nat. supplementary. 273. er. 3.. 31. 、. 學. Committee. 立. 政 治 大. 274. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. 267. UNITED NATIONS HUMAN SETTLEMENTS PROGRAMME & OFFICE OF THE UNITED NATIONS HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR HUMAN RIGHTS, supra note 15 in this chapter, at 22; 253 13 268. LECKIE, supra note 16 in this chapter, at 64.. 269. LECKIE, supra note 16 in this chapter, at 64.. 270. LECKIE, supra note 16 in this chapter, at 65;. 253. 13-14. 271. UNITED NATIONS HUMAN SETTLEMENTS PROGRAMME & OFFICE OF THE UNITED NATIONS HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR HUMAN RIGHTS, supra note 15 in this chapter, at 22; 253 13-14 272. ICCPR, General Comment No. 31, para. 8 (2004).. 273. UNITED NATIONS HUMAN SETTLEMENTS PROGRAMME & OFFICE OF THE UNITED NATIONS HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR HUMAN RIGHTS, supra note 15 in this chapter, at 23-24; LECKIE, supra note 16 in this chapter, at 65. 274. LECKIE, supra note 16 in this chapter, at 64. 61.

(86) 4.. promote 275. 276. (. 3. 277. 2 2. 2. 】. ・. ‧ 國. ‧ ・. io. er. n. al. 253. Ch. engchi. 14 、. LECKIE, supra note 16 in this chapter, at 64-65. 1. 3. i n U. v. affirmative action. 、. 3. sit. y. Nat. 278. cross-cutting. 280. 、 277. 278. 學. immediate. substantive discrimination. 276. ). 279. formal discrimination. 275. 、. 政 治 3 大. 立. ・. 2. 3. 279. ICESCR, General Comment No. 20, para. 2 (2009).. 280. ICESCR, General Comment No. 20, para. 7 (2009).. 281. ICESCR, General Comment No. 20, para. 7-10 (2009).. 282. ICESCR, General Comment No. 20, para. 8-9 (2009). 62. 、. 281 282.

(87) 283. 284. ・ informal settlement 285. 2. 2. other status. place of residence. ・. 286 287. 、 、. 、. 政 治 大. 立. 學. . ‧ 國. 288. 3. ‧. 3. n. al. er. io. sit. y. Nat. ・. ・. ・. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. NGO. (. 283 284 285. 、 goods and chattels ICESCR, General Comment No. 20, para. 25 (2009).. 286. “A community or group of households within a recognisable boundary which have legal title to the homes in which they live and the land which they occupy.” UNITED NATIONS HUMAN SETTLEMENTS PROGRAMME & OFFICE OF THE UNITED NATIONS HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR HUMAN RIGHTS, supra note 197 in this chapter, at 60. 287 288. ICESCR, General Comment No. 20, para. 34 (2009). 145 63.

(88) 、. ”. 3 ). 立. 政 治 大. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. Ch. engchi. 64. i n U. v.

(89) 2009. 立. . ‧. ‧ 國. 學. 】. 政 治 大. 『. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. Ch. engchi. i n U. 、. v. ・ 1. 2. 、. 1. Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Fact Sheet No. 33: Frequently Asked Questions on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights 7 (2008), available at http://www.ohchr.org/Documents/Publications/FactSheet33en.pdf. 2. Imre Szabo, Historical Foundations of human rights and subsequent developments, in THE INTERNATIONAL DIMENSIONS OF HUMAN RIGHTS 29 (Karel Vasak ed., 1982). 65.

(90) 3. International Covenant on Human Rights. 3. ・. ・ ・. ・ 4. 、. 5. 、. 1950. 立. ‧ 國. ・. io. ”. n. al. “Covenant”. Ch. engchi. ”treaty, convention”. sit. y. Nat. 3. 8. er. 3. 7. ‧. ・. absolute. 學. 6. 政 治 大 enforceable. i n U. v. 、 14. 3. 25. 2010. 4. “Whereas the Covenant should be drawn up in the spirit and based on the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Whereas the Universal Declaration regards man as a person, to whom civic and political freedoms as well as economic, social and cultural rights indubitably belong…the enjoyment of civic and political freedoms and of economic, social and cultural rights are interconnected and interdependent…when deprived of economic, social and cultural rights, man does not represent the human person whom the Universal Declaration regards as the ideal of the free man….” UN Doc. A/RES/421(V)E (1950). 5. Theodoor C. van Boven, Distinguishing criteria of human rights, in THE INTERNATIONAL DIMENSIONS OF HUMAN RIGHTS 48-50 (Karel Vasak ed., 1982). 6. 3. ・ 274. 1. 2006. 7. Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, supra note 1 in this chapter, at 9.. 8. UN Doc. A/RES/ 543(VI) (1952). 66.

(91) 9. 10. 11 12. 『. 13. 】. ” 、. 3. ・. ・. 立 ・. ・. ‧ 國. 1967. 10. 學. 1971. ・ 治 政 大. 25. 3. ‧. n. al. er. io. sit. y. Nat. 9. 15. 2758. ・. 14. 10. 6. 12 27. Ch. 31 10. 11 14. engchi. i n U. v. 28. ・. 3. 14 22. 18 26. 25 30. 11. Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, supra note 1 in this chapter, at 9.. 12. Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, supra note 1 in this chapter, at 810; JESSIE HOHMANN, THE RIGHT TO HOUSING: LAW, CONCEPTS, POSSIBILITIES 7-10 (2013). 13. 10 、 14. 3 7-9. 3 15. UN Doc. A/RES/2758(XXVI) (1971). 67. 2013.

(92) ・16. 『. 17. 30 、. 2000. 。. ・ ・ 『 18. 2001. 1967. 『. 政 治 大. 『. 立. 2002. ‧ 國. 2007. 3. 23. 20. 2008. 1. 28. ‧. 0970600032 。. y. Nat. sit. 10. n. al. 12. 48. Ch. 『. er. io. 2008. 16. 學. 3. 0960600200. 2008. 19. e 26n g c h i. 329. i n U. v. 3. 31. 『. 3. 、. ) 17. 15. 3 2014. 18. http://goo.gl/qEuYxC. 。. 2016. 23 19. 1. 6. 8. 12 1 1. ・ 2011. 『 14. 24-28. 20. http://www.humanrights.moj.gov.tw/ct.asp?xItem=282266&CtNode=32739&mp=200 2016 3 23 68. 1. 5-6. 3.

(93) 5. 『 8. 『. 14. 6. 『. 3 3. 21. 3. 『 22. 4. 『 12. 22. 10. . 23. 政 治 大. 立. ‧ 國. 學. 24. ・. ‧. 25. ・. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. ・. Ch. engchi. 21. i n U 2009 2016. http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/focus/paper/352232. v. 11 20 3 23. 22. ・ http://www.humanrights.moj.gov.tw/public/Data/3318172248831.pdf. 2016. 4. 14. 23. 38 1 international conventions international custom the general principles of law judicial decisions and the teachings of the most highly qualified publicists of the various nations 24. Carlos Manuel Vázquez, The Four Doctrines of Self-Executing Treaties, 89 AM. J. INT’L L. 695, 700 (1995). 25. municipal law 279. 3 69. 2006.

(94) 26. ・ ・. 、. 〉 27. 28. 、. monism. 29 30. 立. 31. 政 治 大 ・. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. dualism. Nat. sit. n. al. 33. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. 13. 27. 、. 28. 9801. 、. er. io. 26. y. 32. MOJ-LAC3. 2009. 29. ・ 43. 845. 2014. 3 30. 3-4. 31. 104. 32. 21-22. David Sloss, Domestic Application of Treaties, in THE OXFORD GUIDE TO TREATIES 367, 370-71 (Duncan B. Hollis ed., 2012). 33. 29. 845. 28 70. 3. 2012.

(95) 34. ・ 35. 36. 政 治 大. 立. theory of incorporation. ‧ 國. 學. ”. 37. 38. sit. y. Nat. 、. ‧. ). io. n. al. er. 39. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. theory of transformation. 34. 28. 35 36. 31. 4 21-22. ( 25. 37. 287-292. Sloss, supra note 32 in this chapter, at 367, 373.. 55. 『 『. 31 38 39. 25. 22. 293. Sloss, supra note 32 in this chapter, at 367, 375-76; 71. 25. 293-294.

(96) ・. 40. ・. 41. 『. 、. 42. 】. 立. 政 治 大. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. 63. sit. y. Nat. n. al. 、. 、. er. io. 、. 44. 43. 141. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. 329. 、. 、. 40. 41. Sloss, supra note 32 in this chapter, at 367, 370-71; 25 294 31. 29. 22. 42. 104. 43. 31. 22. 44. 42. 38. 29 72. 38. 2012. 846-847. 845-846.

(97) ・. ・ 45. 46. 、. ). 『. 『. ・47 329 48. 『 『 26. 政 48 治 2 大 ” 3 ・. 2. 立. 3. 2 〇. io. ”. al. 2015. n 38. 46. 58. 、. y. Nat. 45. ‧. 49. 11. 『 〇. 『. ‧ 國. 3. 『. 學. 2009. (. Ch. engchi. 2. 7. sit. 『. 『. 27. er. 11. i n U. v. ・ ・. ・ 47. 29. 847-849. 247-248. 2009. 48. 28. 11. 1. 『. 『. 『 『. 27-29. 2. 『. 『 3. 『 49. 29. 848 73.

(98) 21 51. 1. 50. 4. 10425516930. 52 53. 1. 11. ・ 2. 11. 2. ”54. 2. 政 治 大. 『. 立. 56. 】. 學. ・. ‧ 國. 55. 、. 『. al. n 21. 51. 2015. 4. 6. ”. er. io. 50. ・. sit. Nat. ・. y. ‧. ・. 『. Ch. 12. engchi. 7. i n U. v. ”. 3. 52. 8 8・ 5 ・ http://lci.ly.gov.tw/LyLCEW/agenda1/02/pdf/08/08/05/LCEWA01_080805_00241.pdf 2016 3 23 53. 11. 1. 1. 『. 54. 『. ・. ・. ・ 183-. 3 184. 2013. 55. 3 82-87. 56. 29. 841 74. 2013.

(99) 】 (. 『. ) ”. 2015. 7. 、. 3. . ”. 政 治 大. 立. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. n. al. er. io. sit. y. Nat 329. 57. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. 2. ” 、. ” 『 329 58. 57. 179-180 58. 47. 249 75. 2014.

(100) 59. jus cogens. 60 61. 、. 立─. 政 治 大 (. ‧ 國. 8. 62. 63. n. al. er. io. sit. y. Nat. 59. 、. ‧. 4. 1813. 學. 72. 53. international law. Ch. e・n g c h i. iv n Uperemptory norm of general. accepted and recognized by the international community of States as a whole as a norm from which no derogation is permitted and which can be modified only by a subsequent norm of general international law having the same character 60. ・. 2010. 12-13. 61. 2010. 31. ・. 24-25. ” observance of. ” human rights 62. 13 4. 3 8 、. 63. 174. 19 226 2009 61-62 2010. 8. 『. 3 163. 76.

(101) 64. 、 international law. 65. customary. 、 ”. ” 66. 、 gross violations of internationally recognized. 】 67. human rights. 政 治 大. 立. ‧ 國. 141 69. ‧. Nat. 】. y. 68. (. n. er. io. al. sit. 、. 2. 學. 329. Ch. i n U. engchi. v. 64. 8 3. 65. 7. 25. 395 2002 92-93 2001. 27 1 12 1993. 44 3. 148-153 6. 2012 267-268. ( 1993. 66. 60. 14-17. 67. 60. 16. 68. 63-65. ・ 69. 29. ・ 2010. 852-857. 469 、 77. 48-50. 2015.

(102) 70. 71. 72. 73 74. ・. 75. 3. ” 76. 8. 政 治 大. 立. 、. n. al. 3. 70. 55. Ch. 87-88. engchi. er. io. 8. sit. Nat. 4. 77. y. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. ”. i n U. v. 2 、 71. 1. 72. 2. 73. 8. 74. 1 1. 2. 60. 75. 2. 13-14. 141 3. 3. 76. ・ 24. ・ 77. 104. 103 1110. 4847. 2015. 102 99. 86 55. 78. 12. ・ 12. 13.

(103) ・. ). 政 治 大. 立. ). 78. ‧ 國. 學. 26 ─. 、. 22. 79. ‧. 、. Nat. n. al. er. io. sit. y. 80. C h、 engchi. i n U. v. 3. 78. 79 80. 26 29. 856-57 709. 10 79. 2013. 22.

(104) 81. 82. 22. 8. 、. ). 83. 、 、. 3. 立. ‧ 國. 學. ‧. . 政 治 大. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. ・. Ch. n U e n g c h i 329. 、. iv. 2009 14. 『. 5. 2009. ”. 12. 10. 81. 16. 509. 11 22. ─ 、. 82 83. 92-93. 2002. 105 27 ICESCR, General Comment No. 9,. para. 3 (1998). 80.

(105) ). ”. 、. ”. 2. 立. 政 治 大. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. Ch. engchi. 81. i n U. v. 、.

(106) 立. 政 治 大. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. Ch. engchi. 82. i n U. v.

(107) 、. 1. convergence 2009. 2009 政 治 大. 立. ‧ 國. ‧. n. al. er. io. sit. y. Nat. . 709. 學. (. 、. 2009. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. 743 2. 26. 2009 4-1. 1. 、. ・ 242-246. 2009 2. 1. 1. 742 ・. 3 ・ 105. ・. ・. 3-10. ・ 83. 2016. 12. 24. ・.

(108) 4-1. 2009. 、 2009. 2009. 14 12 10 8 6 4 2. 政 治 大. 立. 0. ‧. ‧ 國. 學 sit. io. al. n. 709. 2009. er. 2009. y. Nat. 3. 15. 4. 、. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. ” 15. 3. 425 409. 513 4. 571. 607 709. 732 709. 732. 516 743. 739 739 84. 652. 731 440. 742.

(109) 、. ・ 2013. 4. 26. 2009. 12. 10. 709. 5. ・. 政 治 大. 立. ‧. ‧ 國. 學 y. Nat. n. al. er. io. sit. 、. Ch. engchi U. v ni. 6. 7. ─. ・ 8. 5. 『. 、. 6. 709. 2. 7. 709. 10. 8. 709. 2013 2013 14-15. 85. 2013.



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人權教育(Human Rights Education)的目的,是要使人們了解「作為人 與保持作為人的權利」(the rights to be human and remain human),並且依 世界人權宣言第