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Academic year: 2022

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110 年 1 月 14 日會議結論版


(109 年 12 月 25 日公告生效)

應備文件檢核表 新申請案

(109 年 12 月 25 日公告生效) 重新申請

外國特定專業人才具有『科技領域』特殊專長 主旨:公告修正「外國特定專業人才具有科技領


依據:外國專業人才延攬及僱用法第四條第二款 公告事項:

外國特定專業人才具有科技領域特殊專長者,須 符合下列條件之一:


一、曾經或現任於其他國家或於我國之科技產 業或領域,最近月薪達新臺幣十六萬元。


□從事科技產業或領域相關工作之薪資證明或 繳稅證明文件

□從事科技產業或領域相關工作之國內外服務 證明及個人履歷


□從事科技產業或領域相關工作之薪資證明或 繳稅證明文件

二、在各類軟體應用、軟體技術、奈米、微機電 技術、光電技術、資訊及通訊技術、通訊傳 播技術、自動化系統整合技術、材料應用技 術、高精密感測技術、生物科技、資源開發 或能源節約及尖端基礎研究、國防及軍事戰 略等尖端科技上具有獨到才能或有傑出研 發設計或有新創實績。

請先就 1 或 2 擇一,再就所選項目檢附全部文件:

1. 請全部檢附


□具 3 年以上相關領域工作經驗之國內外服 務證明


(1)證明文件須以任職機構開立之服務證明 或離職證明為憑,聘僱通知(Offering Letter)非屬正式服務證明文件。

(2)國內及國外服務證明,得擇一提供,惟 國內外相關領域工作經驗年資合計須具

得免再重新上傳左列應備文件,由「外國專業人 才申辦窗口平臺」自動帶入前核准案資料。




(109 年 12 月 25 日公告生效)

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(109 年 12 月 25 日公告生效) 重新申請

3 年以上。

□近 3 年之學術研究相關資料 2. 請全部檢附

□具 3 年以上相關領域工作經驗之國內外服 務證明


(1)證明文件須以任職機構開立之服務證明 或離職證明為憑,聘僱通知(Offering Letter)非屬正式服務證明文件。

(2)國內及國外服務證明,得擇一提供,惟 國內外相關領域工作經驗年資合計須具 3 年以上。

□技術證明(如國內外專利證書等)、技術移轉 證明(如技術移轉合約書等)或其他專業證 明(如學術著作、證照、獲獎證明等) 三、在人工智慧、物聯網、擴增實境、區塊鏈、

虛擬實境、機器人、積層製造等前瞻科技上 具有獨到才能或有傑出研發設計或有新創 實績。

請先就 1 或 2 擇一,再就所選項目檢附全部文件:

1. 請全部檢附


□具 3 年以上相關領域工作經驗之國內外服 務證明


(1)證明文件須以任職機構開立之服務證明 或離職證明為憑,聘僱通知(Offering Letter)非屬正式服務證明文件。


得免再重新上傳左列應備文件,由「外國專業人 才申辦窗口平臺」自動帶入前核准案資料。




(109 年 12 月 25 日公告生效)

應備文件檢核表 新申請案

(109 年 12 月 25 日公告生效) 重新申請

國內外相關領域工作經驗年資合計須具 3 年以上。

□近 3 年之學術研究相關資料 2. 請全部檢附

□具 3 年以上相關領域工作經驗之國內外服 務證明


(1)證明文件須以任職機構開立之服務證明 或離職證明為憑,聘僱通知(Offering Letter)非屬正式服務證明文件。

(2)國內及國外服務證明,得擇一提供,惟 國內外相關領域工作經驗年資合計須具 3 年以上。

□技術證明(如國內外專利證書等)、技術移轉 證明(如技術移轉合約書等)或其他專業證明 (如學術著作、證照、獲獎證明等)

四、諾 貝 爾 獎得 主 (Nobel Prize) 、 唐獎 得 主 (Tang Prize) 、 沃 爾 夫 獎 得 主 (Wolf Prize)、費爾茲獎得主(Fields Medals)或 其他相當資格之國際獎項得主。



得免再重新上傳左列應備文件,由「外國專業人 才申辦窗口平臺」自動帶入前核准案資料。

五、國家科學院院士、國家院士級學者。 請提供

□國內外院士證書或相當之證明文件 註:

1. 涵蓋國內外各領域之國家科學院。

2. 院士為各國設立的科學技術方面的最高學術

得免再重新上傳左列應備文件,由「外國專業人 才申辦窗口平臺」自動帶入前核准案資料。




(109 年 12 月 25 日公告生效)

應備文件檢核表 新申請案

(109 年 12 月 25 日公告生效) 重新申請



或研究機構之研究員及副研究員,在學術上 有重要貢獻或重要專門著作或最近 3 年內有 研究成果發表為國際所推崇者。

請先就 1 或 2 擇一,再就所選項目檢附全部文件:

1. 請全部檢附


□具 3 年以上相關領域工作經驗之國內外服 務證明


(1)證明文件須以任職機構開立之服務證明 或離職證明為憑,聘僱通知(Offering Letter)非屬正式服務證明文件。

(2)國內及國外服務證明,得擇一提供,惟 國內外相關領域工作經驗年資合計須具 3 年以上。

□近 3 年之學術研究相關資料 2. 請全部檢附

□具 3 年以上相關領域工作經驗之國內外服 務證明


(1)證明文件須以任職機構開立之服務證明 或離職證明為憑,聘僱通知(Offering Letter)非屬正式服務證明文件。

(2)國內及國外服務證明,得擇一提供,惟 國內外相關領域工作經驗年資合計須具 3 年以上。


得免再重新上傳左列應備文件,由「外國專業人 才申辦窗口平臺」自動帶入前核准案資料。




(109 年 12 月 25 日公告生效)

應備文件檢核表 新申請案

(109 年 12 月 25 日公告生效) 重新申請

證明(如技術移轉合約書等)或其他專業證明 (如學術著作、證照、獲獎證明等)

七、獲得博士學位後,繼續執行專門職業或於研 究機構從事研究工作或於科技機構從事科 技研發或管理工作 4 年以上者。

請先就 1 或 2 擇一,再就所選項目檢附全部文件:

1. 請全部檢附


□具 4 年以上相關領域工作經驗之國內外服 務證明


(1)證明文件須以任職機構開立之服務證明 或離職證明為憑,聘僱通知(Offering Letter)非屬正式服務證明文件。

(2)國內及國外服務證明,得擇一提供,惟 國內外相關領域工作經驗年資合計須具 4 年以上。

□近 4 年之學術研究相關資料 2. 請全部檢附


□具 4 年以上相關領域工作經驗之國內外服 務證明


(1)證明文件須以任職機構開立之服務證明 或離職證明為憑,聘僱通知(Offering Letter)非屬正式服務證明文件。

(2)國內及國外服務證明,得擇一提供,惟 國內外相關領域工作經驗年資合計須具

得免再重新上傳左列應備文件,由「外國專業人 才申辦窗口平臺」自動帶入前核准案資料。




(109 年 12 月 25 日公告生效)

應備文件檢核表 新申請案

(109 年 12 月 25 日公告生效) 重新申請

4 年以上。

□技術證明(如國內外專利證書等)、技術移 轉證明(如技術移轉合約書等)或其他專 業證明(如學術著作、證照、獲獎證明等) 八、在特殊技術或科技機構之科技研發或管理

工作上,具有獨到之才能,為國內外所少見 者。

請先就 1 或 2 擇一,再就所選項目檢附全部文件:

1. 請全部檢附


□具 3 年以上相關領域工作經驗之國內外服務 證明


(1)證明文件須以任職機構開立之服務證明 或離職證明為憑,聘僱通知(Offering Letter)非屬正式服務證明文件。

(2)國內及國外服務證明,得擇一提供,惟 國內外相關領域工作經驗年資合計須具 3 年以上。

□近 3 年之學術研究相關資料 2. 請全部檢附

□具 3 年以上相關領域工作經驗之國內外服務 證明


(1)證明文件須以任職機構開立之服務證明 或離職證明為憑,聘僱通知(Offering Letter)非屬正式服務證明文件。


得免再重新上傳左列應備文件,由「外國專業人 才申辦窗口平臺」自動帶入前核准案資料。




(109 年 12 月 25 日公告生效)

應備文件檢核表 新申請案

(109 年 12 月 25 日公告生效) 重新申請

國內外相關領域工作經驗年資合計須具 3 年以上。

□技術證明(如國內外專利證書等)、技術移轉 證明(如技術移轉合約書等)或其他專業證明 (如學術著作、證照、獲獎證明等)

九、具有博士學位且其專長為國內所欠缺者。 請全部檢附:


□具 3 年以上相關領域工作經驗之國內外服務證 明


(1)證明文件須以任職機構開立之服務證明 或離職證明為憑,聘僱通知(Offering Letter)非屬正式服務證明文件。

(2)國內及國外服務證明,得擇一提供,惟 國內外相關領域工作經驗年資合計須具 3 年以上。

□技術證明(如國內外專利證書等)、技術移轉 證明(如技術移轉合約書等)或其他專業證明 (如學術著作、證照、獲獎證明等)

得免再重新上傳左列應備文件,由「外國專業人 才申辦窗口平臺」自動帶入前核准案資料。

十、具國外新創公司成功上市經驗之高階主管 或研發團隊核心技術人員。


□成功上市於國外證券交易所,需檢附公司上市 之相關新聞或佐證文件。

□高階主管為該企業單位主管以上之職位,需檢 附服務證明或離職證明相關文件。研發團隊核 心技術人員需檢附在該公司研發單位任職相

得免再重新上傳左列應備文件,由「外國專業人 才申辦窗口平臺」自動帶入前核准案資料。




(109 年 12 月 25 日公告生效)

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(109 年 12 月 25 日公告生效) 重新申請


十一、 具國外新創公司成功被其他公司購併 經驗之高階主管或研發團隊核心技術人員。


□需檢附公司被其他公司購併交易金額達 500 萬美元以上之相關新聞或佐證文件。

□高階主管為該企業單位主管以上之職位,需檢 附服務證明或離職證明相關文件。研發團隊核 心技術人員需檢附在該公司研發單位任職相 關證明。

得免再重新上傳左列應備文件,由「外國專業人 才申辦窗口平臺」自動帶入前核准案資料。

十二、 具投資國外新創或科技部相關計畫之 新創有實績之創投公司或基金之高階主管。

1. 請擇一或全部檢附:

□投資國外新創或事業達 500 萬美元以上之創 投公司或基金之高階主管。

□投資科技部相關計畫之新創達 100 萬美元之 創投公司或基金之高階主管。

2. 請全部檢附:

□高階主管為單位主管以上之職位,需檢附服務 證明或離職證明相關文件。

得免再重新上傳左列應備文件,由「外國專業人 才申辦窗口平臺」自動帶入前核准案資料。

十三、 其他對我國科技產業具貢獻潛力者。 □說明申請人專業或經驗之文件(如:國內外學

歷證書、服務證明、學術研究、技術證明、技 術移轉、獲獎證明等)。

得免再重新上傳左列應備文件,由「外國專業人 才申辦窗口平臺」自動帶入前核准案資料。



Eligibility/prerequisites and required documents for “Foreign Special Professionals Possessing Special Expertise in Science & Technology"

110 年 1 月 14 日會議結論版

Eligibility/prerequisites Required supporting document checklist

New application Renewal

Foreign Special Professionals Possessing Special Expertise in Science & Technology

Subject: Announcement of the amended “Foreign Special Professionals Possessing Special Expertise in Science & Technology," which will take effect from the date of announcement.

Basis: Article 4, Subparagraphs 2 of the Act for Recruitment and Employment of Foreign Professionals


Foreign Special Professionals Possessing Special Expertise in Science & Technology (FSPPSEST) must meet at least one of the following conditions:

Supporting document checklist

Article 1:

Applicant previously or currently holding a position at a technology company or in technological fields in a foreign state or in the Republic of China (hereafter referred to as

“Taiwan”) with a most recent monthly salary of at least NTD 160,000.

Please attach all of the following documents:

□Documents verifying salary or income tax payment relating to employment at a technology company or in a technological field

□Personal curriculum vitae and document verifying domestic or foreign service relating to employment at a technology company or in a technological field

□Documents verifying salary or income tax payment relating to employment at a technology company or in a technological field

Article 2:

Those with unique talents or outstanding R&D

Please select either 1 or 2, and attach all documents required for the selected item:

You do not need to re-upload the required documents seen on the left. The Foreign



Eligibility/prerequisites Required supporting document checklist

New application Renewal

ability or innovation performances in such cutting-edge technological fields as software applications, software technology, nanotechnology, optoelectronics, information and communication, communication transmission technology, automation system integration technology, material application technology, high precision sensing technology, biological technology, resources development or energy saving, frontier scientific research, and national defense and military strategies.

1. Please attach all of the following documents:

□Domestic or foreign certificate of academic attainment

□Verification of domestic or foreign work experience in a relevant field for three or more years


(1) Verifying documents must consist of proof of service or proof of resignation made out by the employing organization; an employment notice (offering letter) does not constitute formal proof of service.

(2) When the candidate has both domestic and foreign proof of service, either one may be provided, but domestic and foreign work experience in relevant fields must total at least three years.

□Related academic research during the most recent three years

2. Please attach all of the following documents:

□Verification of domestic or foreign work experience in a relevant field for three or more years


(1) Verifying documents must consist of proof

Professionals Online Application Platform will automatically show the required documents that were approved during your previous application.



Eligibility/prerequisites Required supporting document checklist

New application Renewal

of service or proof of resignation made out by the employing organization; an employment notice (offering letter) does not constitute formal proof of service.

(2) When the candidate has both domestic and foreign proof of service, either one may be provided, but domestic and foreign work experience in relevant fields must total at least three years.

□Documents verifying technology (such as a domestic or foreign patent certificate, etc.), proof of technology transfer (such as a technology transfer contract, etc.) or other proof of expertise (such as academic works, licenses, and documents verifying receipt of awards, etc.).

Article 3:

Those with unique talents, outstanding R&D ability or innovation performances in forward-looking technologies such as AI, IoT, AU, blockchain, VR, robots, and additive manufacturing.

Please select either 1 or 2, and attach all documents required for the selected item:

1. Please attach all of the following documents:

□Domestic or foreign certificate of academic attainment

□Verification of domestic or foreign work experience in a relevant field for three or more years


(1) Verifying documents must consist of proof

You do not need to re-upload the required documents seen on the left. The Foreign Professionals Online Application Platform will automatically show the required documents that were approved during your previous application.



Eligibility/prerequisites Required supporting document checklist

New application Renewal

of service or proof of resignation made out by the employing organization; an employment notice (offering letter) does not constitute formal proof of service.

(2) When the candidate has both domestic and foreign proof of service, either one may be provided, but domestic and foreign work experience in relevant fields must total at least three years.

□Related academic research during the most recent three years

2. Please attach all of the following documents:

□Verification of domestic or foreign work experience in a relevant field for three or more years


(1) Verifying documents must consist of proof of service or proof of resignation made out by the employing organization; an employment notice (offering letter) does not constitute formal proof of service.

(2) When the candidate has both domestic and foreign proof of service, either one may be provided, but domestic and foreign work experience in relevant fields must total at



Eligibility/prerequisites Required supporting document checklist

New application Renewal

least three years.

□Documents verifying technology (such as a domestic or foreign patent certificate, etc.), proof of technology transfer (such as a technology transfer contract, etc.) or other proof of expertise (such as academic works, licenses, and documents verifying receipt of awards, etc.).

Article 4:

Nobel laureates, Tang Prize recipients, Wolf Prize recipients, Fields Medal recipients, or recipients of other internationally-recognized awards at an equivalent level.

Please provide

□Documents verifying receipt of internationally-recognized domestic or foreign awards or prizes.

You do not need to re-upload the required documents seen on the left. The Foreign Professionals Online Application Platform will automatically show the required documents that were approved during your previous application.

Article 5:

Academician at a national academy of sciences or scholar at an equivalent national level.

Please provide

□Domestic or foreign academician certificate or equivalent verifying document

1. Includes domestic and foreign national academies of science in all fields.

2. "Academician" refers to a nation’s highest academic title in various fields of science and technology, and is a lifelong honor.

You do not need to re-upload the required documents seen on the left. The Foreign Professionals Online Application Platform will automatically show the required documents that were approved during your previous application.

Article 6:

The applicant has currently or has previously been a university chair professor, professor, associate professor, or research institution researcher or associate research researcher, has important

Please select either 1 or 2, and attach all documents required for the selected item:

1. Please attach all of the following documents:

□Domestic or foreign certificate verifying possession of a Ph.D. degree

You do not need to re-upload the required documents seen on the left. The Foreign Professionals Online Application Platform will automatically show the required documents that were approved during your previous application.



Eligibility/prerequisites Required supporting document checklist

New application Renewal

academic contributions or important professional works, or has earned recognition for published research results during the most recent three years.

□Verification of domestic or foreign work experience in a relevant field for three or more years


(1) Verifying documents must consist of proof of service or proof of resignation made out by the employing organization; an employment notice (offering letter) does not constitute formal proof of service.

(2) When the candidate has both domestic and foreign proof of service, either one may be provided, but domestic and foreign work experience in relevant fields must total at least three years.

□Related academic research during the most recent three years

2. Please attach all of the following documents:

□Verification of domestic or foreign work experience in a relevant field for three or more years


(1) Verifying documents must consist of proof of service or proof of resignation made out by the employing organization; an employment notice



Eligibility/prerequisites Required supporting document checklist

New application Renewal

(offering letter) does not constitute formal proof of service.

(2) When the candidate has both domestic and foreign proof of service, either one may be provided, but domestic and foreign work experience in relevant fields must total at least four years.

□Documents verifying technology (such as a domestic or foreign patent certificate, etc.), proof of technology transfer (such as a technology transfer contract, etc.) or other proof of expertise (such as academic works, licenses, and documents verifying receipt of awards, etc.).

Article 7:

Those who have received a Ph.D. degree and have continued to practice in their professional field, or who perform research at research institutions, or who perform technology research and development or management at institutions of science and technology for more than four years.

Please select either 1 or 2, and attach all documents required for the selected item:

1. Please attach all of the following documents:

□Domestic or foreign certificate verifying possession of a Ph.D. degree

□Documents verifying domestic or foreign work experience in a relevant field for four or more years


(1) Verifying documents must consist of proof of service or proof of resignation made out by the employing organization; an

You do not need to re-upload the required documents seen on the left. The Foreign Professionals Online Application Platform will automatically show the required documents that were approved during your previous application.



Eligibility/prerequisites Required supporting document checklist

New application Renewal

employment notice (offering letter) does not constitute formal proof of service.

(2) When the candidate has both domestic and foreign proof of service, either one may be provided, but domestic and foreign work experience in relevant fields must total at least four years.

□Related academic research during the most recent four years

2. Please attach all of the following documents:

□Domestic or foreign certificate verifying possession of a Ph.D. degree

□Documents verifying domestic or foreign work experience in a relevant field for four or more years


(1) Verifying documents must consist of proof of service or proof of resignation made out by the employing organization; an employment notice (offering letter) does not constitute formal proof of service.

(2) When the candidate has both domestic and foreign proof of service, either one may be provided, but domestic and foreign work experience in relevant fields must total at



Eligibility/prerequisites Required supporting document checklist

New application Renewal

least four years.

□Documents verifying technology (such as a domestic or foreign patent certificate, etc.), proof of technology transfer (such as a technology transfer contract, etc.) or other proof of expertise (such as academic works, licenses, and documents verifying receipt of awards, etc.).

Article 8:

Those who have special expertise or perform science and technology research and development or management work at institutions of science and technology, and whose distinctive abilities are very uncommon both in Taiwan and abroad.

Please select either 1 or 2, and attach all documents required for the selected item:

1. Please attach all of the following documents:

□Domestic or foreign certificate of academic attainment

□Verification of domestic or foreign work experience in a relevant field for three or more years


(1) Verifying documents must consist of proof of service or proof of resignation made out by the employing organization; an employment notice (offering letter) does not constitute formal proof of service.

(2) When the candidate has both domestic and foreign proof of service, either one may be provided, but domestic and foreign work experience in relevant fields must total at

You do not need to re-upload the required documents seen on the left. The Foreign Professionals Online Application Platform will automatically show the required documents that were approved during your previous application.



Eligibility/prerequisites Required supporting document checklist

New application Renewal

least three years.

□Related academic research during the most recent three years

2. Please attach all of the following documents:

□Verification of domestic or foreign work experience in a relevant field for three or more years


(1) Verifying documents must consist of proof of service or proof of resignation made out by the employing organization; an employment notice (offering letter) does not constitute formal proof of service.

(2) When the candidate has both domestic and foreign proof of service, either one may be provided, but domestic and foreign work experience in relevant fields must total at least three years.

□Documents verifying technology (such as a domestic or foreign patent certificate, etc.), proof of technology transfer (such as a technology transfer contract, etc.) or other proof of expertise (such as academic works, licenses, and documents verifying receipt of awards, etc.).



Eligibility/prerequisites Required supporting document checklist

New application Renewal

Article 9:

Holders of a Ph.D. degree who possess special expertise that is lacking in Taiwan.

Please attach all of the following documents:

□Domestic or foreign certificate verifying possession of a Ph.D. degree

□Verification of domestic or foreign work experience in a relevant field for three or more years


(1) Verifying documents must consist of proof of service or proof of resignation made out by the employing organization; an employment notice (offering letter) does not constitute formal proof of service.

(2) When the candidate has both domestic and foreign proof of service, either one may be provided, but domestic and foreign work experience in relevant fields must total at least three years.

□Documents verifying technology (such as a domestic or foreign patent certificate, etc.), proof of technology transfer (such as a technology transfer contract, etc.) or other proof of expertise (such as academic works, licenses, and documents verifying receipt of awards, etc.).

You do not need to re-upload the required documents seen on the left. The Foreign Professionals Online Application Platform will automatically show the required documents that were approved during your previous application.

Article 10:

Those who have been a senior executive or core

Please attach both of the following documents:

□Media coverage or other supporting information

You do not need to re-upload the required documents seen on the left. The Foreign



Eligibility/prerequisites Required supporting document checklist

New application Renewal

research & development personnel that has led an overseas startup company to IPO.

of the startup company being listed as a public traded company in a foreign stock exchange.

□Proof of employment or resignation of the senior executive being a unit supervisor in the startup company; or proof of employment of a core research & development personnel in the startup company.

Professionals Online Application Platform will automatically show the required documents that were approved during your previous application.

Article 11:

Those who have been a senior executive or core research & development personnel who has successfully led an overseas startup company to be merged or acquired by other company.

Please attach both of the following documents:

□Media coverage or other supporting information of the startup company being merged or acquired with USD 5,000,000.

□Proof of employment or resignation of the senior executive serving as a unit supervisor or any higher hierarchy in the startup company; or proof of employment of the core research &

development personnel in the startup company.

You do not need to re-upload the required documents seen on the left. The Foreign Professionals Online Application Platform will automatically show the required documents that were approved during your previous application.

Article 12:

Those who have been a senior executive of a venture capital firm or a fund, who has investment performance in an overseas startup company or a startup company that is supported by any of the Ministry of Science of Technology (MOST) programs.

1. Please attach either one or both of the following documents:

□Proof of employment or resignation of the senior executive of a venture capital firm or a fund that has USD 5,000,000 investment in a non-Taiwanese startup company/team.

□Proof of employment or resignation of the senior executive of a venture capital firm or a fund that has USD 1,000,000 investment in a startup company / team, affiliated to any program of

You do not need to re-upload the required documents seen on the left. The Foreign Professionals Online Application Platform will automatically show the required documents that were approved during your previous application.



Eligibility/prerequisites Required supporting document checklist

New application Renewal


2. Please attach the following document:

□Proof of employment or resignation of the senior executive serving as a unit supervisor or any higher hierarchy in the startup company.

Article 13:

Other potential contributors to Taiwan’s science and technology fields.

□Document explaining the applicant's expertise or experience (such as a domestic or foreign certificate of academic attainment, or proof of work experience, academic research, technological expertise, technology transfer, or receipt of awards, etc.).

You do not need to re-upload the required documents seen on the left. The Foreign Professionals Online Application Platform will automatically show the required documents that were approved during your previous application.



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