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知識管理 Knowledge Management Credit


Academic year: 2022

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Fu Jen Catholic University 2007-2008

Department / Code


資管所/7400 管研所/7003

Course Code


G-7052-10849 / G-7451-10849 / G-7462-10849

Course Name


知識管理 Knowledge Management Credit



3 0

Course Objectives (課程目標)

This course is a result of a major research effort focusing on the important issue of managing knowledge within organizations and in cooperative strategies. As we move from the industrial age to the information age, knowledge is becoming increasingly critical for the competitive success of firms. In recent years economists and organizational theorists have claimed that the creation of wealth and profit is less dependent on the mechanistic control of resources than it has previously been. The key to success in today’s business is the application and development of specialized knowledge and competencies. This raises questions about how to define and study knowledge and how organizations can develop and manage knowledge. These are the kinds of questions we will explore in this course.

Prerequisites (先修課程)


Course Materials (課程教材)


Dhanaraj, C., Lyles, M. A., Steensma, H. K., & Tihanyi, L.(2004). “Managing tacit and explicit knowledge transfer in IJVs: the role of relational embeddedness and the impact on performance.” Journal of International Business Studies ,35(5), 428-442.


Grant, R. M. (1996). “Prospering in dynamically - competitive environments:

Organizational capability as knowledge integration.” Organization Science, 7 (4), 375-387.


Minbaeva, D., Pedersen, T., Björkman, I., Fey, C. F, & Park, H. J.(2003). “MNC knowledge transfer, subsidiary absorptive capacity, and HRM.” .Journal of International Business Studies, 34(6).


Nonaka & Katsumi (2006). 創新的本質,李贏凱、洪平河譯,高寶書版


Senge (1990). The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization (第五項修練,郭進隆譯,天下出版)


Zahra, S. & George, G. (2002). “Absorptive capacity: a review, reconceptualization, and extension.” Academy of Management Review, 27, 185- 203.


Nonaka & Takeuchi (1995). The Knowledge Creating Company (創新求勝-智價 企業論,楊子江、王美音譯,遠流出版)


Takeuchi & Nonaka (2004). 企業創新的螺旋:全球競爭下的知識創新架構,




Wegner, McDermott, & Snyder (2002). Cultivating Communities of Practice: A Guide To Managing Knowledge (實踐社群,黃維譯,天下文化出版)


Zahra, S. & George, G. (2002). “Absorptive capacity: a review, reconceptualization, and extension.” Academy of Management Review, 27, 185- 203.

11. 林東清(2003)。知識管理。台北:智勝文化。

12. 周恬如(2005)。會計師事務所之組織吸納能力及影響因素之研究。輔仁大學 管理學研究所在職專班未出版碩士論文。








(參考書目) Dalkir, Kimiz (2005), Knowledge Management in Theory and Practice, Elsevier Inc.

Evaluation (評量方式)

課堂之前測(Pre-test) % 期末報告/論文撰述(Team Paper/Theses Writing) 30%

課堂中的隨堂測試(Quiz) % 課堂參與(Class Participation) 30%

期中考(筆試)(Midterm Test) % 心得/作業撰寫(Assignment) 40%

課堂後測/期末考(筆試)(Final Test)

% 專題發表(Presentation) %

學生表現側寫報告(Profile Report) % 課堂上實作演練(Role Playing): BOSS %

個案分析報告撰寫(Case Report) % 專業團體之證照檢定(Certification) %

個別面試或口試(Oral Exam) % 其他(Others)分組討論貢獻與努力 %

Pedagogical Methods (教學方法)


個案教學(Case Study)


體驗教學(Project Adventure)

角色扮演實境教學(Role Playing)

企業競賽遊戲(Business Simulation Game)

管理電影(Theater Learning)

競賽讀書會(Study Group)

專題實作(Seminar on Field Research)


服務學習實作(Service Learning)

自主學習(Independent Study)

對話教學法(Dialogue Teaching)



Course Outline (課程大綱進度)


k Date Topic(林東清) Material 負責老師

1 9/18 課程簡介 自我介紹、分組


行動研究(流通大師)介紹:建構流通大 師在本課程內成功運作

KMS 網站建立: 以知識管理概念建構 行動研究知識庫(期末報告)

夏侯欣鵬 吳濟聰

2 9/25 引言 行動研究面臨的問題與解決之道

夏侯欣鵬 吳濟聰

3 10/2

組織知識管理的 科技觀點 知識管理演進與 概念

知識管理系統簡介 P1: Grant (1996) p.375~382 P1:

主:吳濟聰 輔:夏侯欣鵬

4 10/9 組織知識的定義 報告:定義行動研究所需知識

5 10/16 知識管理的資本 觀點

報告:知識盤點實務篇:盤點全班或 組內擁有行動研究所需的知識

主:吳濟聰 輔:夏侯欣鵬

6 10/23 組織知識的獲取 報告:如何獲取行動研究知識與優弊 得失之討論

7 10/30 知識的分享



P:呂宗晉(2007) Ch1, Ch3-Ch5 P:

主:吳濟聰 輔:夏侯欣鵬

9 11/6 知識移轉


P1:Dhanaraj, Lyles, Steensma, & Tihanyi (2004)


主:吳濟聰 輔:夏侯欣鵬

9 11/13 知識的創造

體驗學習:造大橋 P:Nonaka & Katsumi (2006)

10 11/20 期中報告 報告:提出各組的績效指標及初步評


11 11/27 知識的利用與儲


P:Minbaeva,Pedersen, Björkman,, I., Fey,

& Park(2003)

12 12/4 知識管理的評 估

衡量 報告:挑戰組提出指標的評估

13 12/11 知識管理的組織

與文化 管理電影院:衝鋒陷陣(一)

14 12/18 知識管理的組織 與文化

管理電影院:衝鋒陷陣(二) P:莊仲沼(2007) Ch1, Ch3-Ch5

主:吳濟聰 輔:夏侯欣鵬


Course Outline (課程大綱進度)

15 12/25 聖誕節 16 1/1 元旦

17 1/8 期末報告 吳濟聰


18 1/15 期末座談 徵求知識管理個案報告 吳濟聰


Contribution to Mission

(本課程與管理學院 使命之關係)

做中學 (Learning by doing)


(Human-centric values) 整合資源

(Resource integration) 創新知識

(Innovative knowledge) 國際視野 (International view)

Contribution to learning goals (本課程能達成開課 單位的哪些目標-院)


(Each student should be able to analyze and solve management problems. This learning goal is met through course embedded exams and a year long project course in the junior and senior years.)


(Each student should be able to perform a rational analysis and propose innovative ideas. This learning goal is met through a year long project.)


(Each student should be willing to show human compassion and render professional services as an ethical practice. This learning goal is met through service-learning activities.)


(Each student should be able to put theory into practice. This learning goal is met through a year long project.)


(Each student should be able to cultivate a global view. This learning goal is met through English language courses, courses taught in English, and courses taught by foreigners.)


(Each student should be able to use information technology to integrate resources. This learning goal is met through embedded exams in required IT courses.)

Contribution to learning goals (本課程能達成開課 單位的哪些目標-系)


(Each student should be able to use their management expertise to solve problems related to their specialty. This learning goal is met through a year long project.)


(Each student should be able to think innovatively and independently. This learning goal is met through case studies and a year long project.)


(Each student should be able use teamwork and collaboration in the accomplishment of group tasks. This learning goal is met through projects.)


(Each student should be able to explain management theory. This learning goal is met through course embedded exams.)


(Each student should be able to view management problems with an international perspective. This learning goal is met through courses taught in English, and courses taught by foreigners)


(Each student should be able to make the best use of information technology. This learning goal is met through embedded exams.)

Instructor (老師資料)

Name: 吳濟聰

E-mail: BenWu@im.fju.edu.tw Phone:(02)29053938

Office Hour: by appointment



Name: 夏侯欣鵬

E-mail: shiahhou@mails.fju.edu.tw Phone:(02)29053934

Office Hour: by appointment Room:SL466


1.課堂參與及出席(30%):上課前先閱讀當次的課程資料。內容陳述、自由發言 之頻率與討論皆作為評分標準(個人成績)。


(1)書本、Paper 與個案討論(大綱上標記 P 者):

(a)各組課前充分討論。若該次為英文 Paper(10/4、10/11、11/29、12/13),則由 各組碩士班一般生主讀,在職生則必須分享實務經驗。中文部份則全體 同學必須精讀。 (b)每次上課前,各組必須對該次書本、個案或 Paper 撰寫 值得深入探討的議題與心得,討論結果撰寫一頁~四頁左右(1000~4000 字為限)的書面報告,並於上課前一天 5:00pm 以前放在課程網站上讓老 師和所有同學下載。(c)書面報告請列印一份,並於該次上課時繳交給主 要負責老師。

(2)書面報告必須以 A4 紙,12 號字打字排版,一行約 30~35 字,一頁約 30 行。

3.學期作業(30%):基於各組的每週書面報告,每組必須歸納整理其他組之書面 報告及上課中的討論與心得,並串連各週議題整理分類為各組之”知識管理 知識庫”呈現於各組網站中。




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