Performance Indicators
(Pre-primary Institutions) Domain on
Management and Organisation
Second Edition
Content Page
I. Foreword 1
II. A Framework of Performance Indicators for Pre-primary institutions in Hong Kong 3
III. Domain on Management and Organisation: Key Principles 5
IV. Profile of Performance Indicators on Domain of Management and Organisation 6 V. Domain on Management and Organisation (Area: Planning and Administration) 7 VI. Domain on Management and Organisation (Area: Leadership) 14 VII. Domain on Management and Organisation (Area: Staff Management) 19 VIII. Domain on Management and Organisation (Area: Utilisation of Resources) 25 IX. Domain on Management and Organisation (Area: Self-evaluation) 31
X. Source of Information 34
XI. References and Websites 35
(Except for commercial or advertising purposes, full or partial reproduction of this booklet with acknowledgement of the source is permitted.)
In its comprehensive review of the overall education system in Hong Kong in 1999, the Education Commission (EC) iterated the importance of early childhood education (ECE) as the foundation for life-long learning, and that the quality of ECE would have a far- reaching effect on the growth of the younger generation. To enhance the development of quality ECE, the EC recommended that pre- primary institutions should take various measures to build up a quality culture. To tie in with the aims of ECE, the Education Department (ED) published the document Performance Indicators (for Kindergartens) First Edition (the First Edition) in July 2000, which serves as reference for self-evaluation and external assessment.
To enhance the comprehensiveness and practicability of the Performance Indicators (PIs), ED started the refinement of the First Edition in phases, taking into account experience gained from pilot tests on the PIs, views collected from front-line ECE workers and current ECE developments. The first phase of improving the PIs in the Domain of Teaching and Learning had been completed, and the document Performance Indicators (Pre-primary institutions) Domain on Learning and Teaching, Second Edition (the Second Edition), was distributed to pre-primary institutions in September 2001. The refinement of the PIs in other Domains has also started.
In order to solicit as many views as possible from staff of pre- primary institutions (including kindergartens and child care centres), ED and Social Welfare Department (SWD), besides inviting stakeholders and experienced ECE workers to a working group on the development of PIs, have again launched a wide consultation through questionnaire surveys and seminars, so as to draw experiences and collect opinions on the development of PIs. In the light of the views collected, the refinement of the PIs, covering the Domain on Management and Organisation and Domain on Support to Children and School Culture has been completed. The Second Edition can serve all pre-primary institutions as reference to advance towards quality education.
Electronic versions of the PIs can be downloaded from:
Key Features of Performance Indicators Domain on Management and Organisation
Second Edition
Restructuring the ‘What to look for’ items
Overlapping and minor ‘What to look for’ items in the First Edition are removed and related components are integrated.
Hence, the Second Edition is more concise and precise.
Stating two levels of evidence of performance
The Second Edition provides, for each ‘What to look for’ item, substantial and specific evidence of performance as reference to assessing the performance of pre-primary institutions.
Elaboration of key principles and refinement of layout
In the Second Edition, an explicit account on the key principle of respective areas is given. The one for the Management and Organisation Domain is on Page 5. The column “Evidence of performance” appears side by side with the ‘What to look for’
column, and the “Source of information” and “Reference and websites” are listed on Page 34 and Page 35 respectively.
Way Forward
The ultimate goal of ED is to formulate a set of comprehensive, practicable, reliable and valid PIs as a reference for evaluating the performance of pre-primary institution. We believe that continuous empirical application, consultation and research are the driving forces in improving and developing the Pls.
Enquiries, comments and suggestions on the Second Edition are welcome. They can be directed to the Kindergarten Inspection Section, Education Bureau:
Address : Room 1216, 12/F Wu Chung House,
213 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong Telephone : (852)2892 5458
Fax : (852)3104 0865
Areas of Institution Work to be Assessed
To enable a thorough assessment on the performance of a pre- primary institution, PIs are designed to cover the following areas of work under four major domains.
Diagram I
Inter-relationship of the Domains of PIs
The PIs in Domains I to III are collectively known as Process Indicators, reflecting pre-primary institution’s capacity in providing a desirable learning environment conducive to the development of quality education. Those in Domain IV are the Outcome Indicators, covering the progress of children in different aspects, to reveal the effectiveness of the pre-primary institution. The four Domains are equally important and of mutual influence to each other, and are closely related to the context of individual pre-primary institutions when assessing its performance.
Diagram II
(Process Indicators) (Outcome Indicators) Context of pre-primary
III Support to Children and School Culture I
Management and Organisation
II Learning and
IV Children’s Development
Caring and Supporting Services
Links with Parents and External Organisations School Culture
Cognitive Development
Physical Development Affective and Social
Development Aesthetic and Cultural
Development Planning and
Administration Leadership
Staff Management
Utilisation of Resources Self-evaluation
Curriculum Planning
Teaching and Caring for Children Children’s Learning
Assessment of Learning Experiences
III Support to Children and School Culture I
Management and Organisation
II Learning and
IV Children’s Development
Points to Note
Starting from the four domains with a macro view, the framework of PIs has been categorized and proceeds orderly from “Area”, “PI”,
“Aspect”, “What to look for” to “Evidence of performance”.
The following points should be observed when using the PIs to assess the performance of pre-primary institutions:
No single PI should be used in isolation in judging the performance of a pre-primary institution. Neither should the statements in the columns of “Aspect” nor "What to look for" be taken as checklists, lest the overall performance of the pre-primary institution will be overlooked.
PIs can be used to identify the pre-primary institution’s strengths and areas for improvement. Assessors can, in accordance with the practical needs of the pre-primary institution, designate specific
“Domains”, “Areas” or “PIs” for collecting pieces of evidence to evaluate the pre-primary institution’s performance in these particular aspects.
Professional judgement and experience are essential in the application and interpretation of PIs. Thus, PIs should be used flexibly and sensibly, and with the context of the pre-primary institution fully addressed.
Levels of Performance
In the course of pursuing quality ECE, PIs and their associated pieces of evidence of performance can be used as a tool to assess performance. They can also help reflect the stage of development of individual pre- primary institutions. All pieces of evidence of performance are provided at four levels (excellent, good, acceptable and unsatisfactory):
“Excellent” An exemplary level of performance which can be disseminated as good practices and regarded as a direction for the development of pre-primary institutions.
“Good” A good level of performance with major strengths identified in various aspects, but there is still some room for development.
“Acceptable” A generally satisfactory level of performance, but there is much room for improvement.
“Unsatisfactory” A generally unacceptable level of performance which requires immediate action for improvement.
To avoid being repetitious and fragmentary, and to enhance its flexibility in application, only the pieces of evidence for levels of
“excellent performance” and “acceptable performance” are provided in the Second Edition.
Good management and organisation would help enhance teaching and learning effectiveness in pre-primary institutions. To enable pre-primary institutions to be more effective in management and organisation, actions can be taken in the following five areas: Planning and Administration, Leadership, Staff Management, Utilisation of Resources and Self-evaluation. It is necessary for the management of pre-primary institutions to work closely with staff, parents and the community, and to establish an open and transparent management system so as to bring about continuous improvement and progress. The key principles underpinning the performance indicators for this domain are as follows:
Planning and Administration
The Ultimate Goal
To enhance the quality of learning and teaching in pre-primary
Staff Management Self-evaluation
Utilisation of Resources The pre-primary institution
has clearly defined goals and aims of education. It works closely
with its major stakeholders in formulating policies and developing a
proper administration system to enhance effectiveness in management.
The management of the pre-primary institution is visionary, capable and knowledgeable. They administer and develop the institution in an open and harmonious manner with
great devotion. They have a good understanding of various changes and
can lead the institution towards quality education through
concerted efforts.
Personal accomplishment of staff members and the development of the pre-primary
institution have been enhanced through training and appraisal system. Staff members understand the roles they play and are willing to cooperate and collaborate in teamwork
to enhance effectiveness in work.
The pre-primary institution has mechanism for planning and monitoring the allocation of
resources, so as to realize the development plans of the institution.
The institution carries out reviews and follow-up actions regularly to ensure
that resources have been effectively utilised to
meet children’s needs.
The pre-primary institution has devised specific mechanisms, strategies and procedures for self-evaluation.
Staff members are encouraged to play an active part and provide feedback to the institution, so as to
enhance the effectiveness of the institution.
IV. Profile of Performance Indicators on Domain of Management and Organisation
Area Code No. Performance Indicator Aspect
Planning and Administration
1.1 Management Framework Organisation framework
1.2 Policy and Development Mission and aim
Development plans
1.3 Administrative Affairs Safety measures
Management of daily operations Leadership 1.4 Professional Competence Professional knowledge
Skills and abilities
Working relationship with staff
Relationship with parents
Staff Management 1.5 Staff Qualifications and Duties Pre-primary educators’ qualifications and allocation of duties
Allocation of duties for other staff 1.6 Staff Development and Appraisal Effectiveness of staff development
Effectiveness of staff appraisal 1.7 Staff Coordination and Liaison Staff communication
Staff collaboration
Utilisation of Resources 1.8 Organisation and Use of Accommodation Arrangement and utilisation of space
Physical setting and facilities
1.9 Organisation and Use of Resources Provision and organisation of teaching resources
Management and use
1.10 Financial Management Financial planning and monitoring Self-evaluation 1.11 Self-evaluation System Self-evaluation framework
Staff participation
Procedures and follow-up
Performance Indicator 1.1: Management Framework
The pre-primary institution is required to comply with the guidelines and circulars issued by the Education Department/Social Welfare Department and relevant departments in running the institution, and observe the legislation related to education1.
Aspect What to look for
Evidence of Performance
Excellent Good Acceptable Unsatis-
factory Organisation
How does the Management Committee (MC) of the pre-primary institution state its objectives, as well as the roles and responsibilities of its members?
The MC of pre-primary institution has a specific constitution that states the mission of the institution, the objectives of the MC, as well as the roles and responsibilities of its members. The constitution is also recognized and supported by staff members of the institution.
(Performance at a level between “Excellent” and “Acceptable”)
In line with the mission statement of institution, the MC of pre- primary institution formulates its work targets and defines the roles and responsibilities of its members.
(Performance at a level below “Acceptable”)
What roles do members of the MC play in the pre- primary institution?
Through cooperation and regular consultation, members of the MC formulate long-term goals and essential policies with regard to the context of the institution. There is a sound mechanism to monitor the implementation of various plans, review their work progress regularly and take appropriate follow-up measures.
Members of the MC formulate the mission statement and long-term goals of the pre-primary institution and monitor the operation of the institution.
1 Legislation related to education refers to the Education Ordinance, Education Regulations, Child Care Services Ordinance, Child Care Services Regulations, Disability Discrimination Ordinance, Occupational Safety and Health Ordinance, etc.
V. Domain on Management and Organisation (Area: Planning and Administration)
Performance Indicator 1.1: Management Framework (cont’d)
Aspect What to look for
Evidence of Performance
Excellent Good Acceptable Unsatis-
factory Organisation
framework (cont’d)
How does the pre- primary institution define the duties and responsibilities of its staff?
In line with its aims of education and development as well as the resources available, the institution has set up flexibly a structural organisation to formulate and implement its development plans. The duties and responsibilities of staff are clearly defined.
In line with its aims of education and development, the institution has set up an organisation in which clear roles and responsibilities are stated for staff to follow.
Performance Indicator 1.2: Policy and Development
Aspect What to look for
Evidence of Performance
Excellent Good Acceptable Unsatis-
factory Mission and aims What are the aims of the
pre-primary institution?
The aims of the pre-primary institution align with the aims of education in Hong Kong. They cover the five aspects of children’s development, namely moral, intellectual, physical, social and aesthetic, that ensure the provision of an all-round education. Taking into account the mission of the institution, the institution succeeds in developing school- based development themes that lay a good foundation for life-long learning.
In line with the aims of education and its mission statement, the pre- primary institution has formulated its aims that cover the moral, intellectual, physical, social and aesthetic aspects of children’s development.
How does the pre- primary institution formulate its aims of education?
There is an open mechanism for the staff of the institution and parents to formulate its aims, vision and mission collaboratively through consultations. The mechanism is subject to regular review.
The aims of education are formulated through consultation.
V. Domain on Management and Organisation (Area: Planning and Administration)
Performance Indicator 1.2: Policy and Development (cont’d)
Aspect What to look for
Evidence of Performance
Excellent Good Acceptable Unsatis-
factory Mission and aims
How are the mission statement and the aims of education conveyed to its staff and the parents?
There is a sound mechanism to systematically organise regular and well-planned activities to convey the aims, vision and mission of the institution to its staff and the parents. Channels are provided for newly recruited staff to share and express viewpoints on the vision of the pre-primary institution, so as to reach a consensus.
The pre-primary institution has regularly conveyed its aims of education to its staff and the parents.
Performance Indicator 1.2: Policy and Development (cont’d)
Aspect What to look for
Evidence of Performance
Excellent Good Acceptable Unsatis-
factory Development plans How does the pre-
primary institution formulate its development plans?
Taking into account its context and results of self-evaluation, the institution formulates its development plans that align with its established aims and mission.
The institution formulates its development plans according to its established aims and mission.
The development plans are target- specific, with clear and practicable contents which are supported with evaluation criteria.
How does the pre- primary institution inform the parents of its development?
The institution informs the parents of its characteristics, vision and mission, values and direction of development through various channels. Parents are encouraged to give feedback, so as to reach a consensus.
The institution has informed the parents of its development.
V. Domain on Management and Organisation (Area: Planning and Administration)
Performance Indicator 1.3: Administrative Affairs
Aspect What to look for
Evidence of Performance
Excellent Good Acceptable Unsatis-
factory Safety measures Are there any safety
measures in the pre- primary institution?
Taking into account its context, the institution formulates explicit and clear safety rules and measures that align with relevant legislation and guidelines to ensure a safe environment for children and staff. The staff are fully aware of the rules and abide by them.
The institution has formulated safety rules that align with relevant legislation and guidelines to ensure the safety of its staff and children.
The staff understand the contents of these safety guidelines.
How does the pre- primary institution manage crises?
Guidelines with clear and explicit instructions are laid down as preventive measures for conceivable crises. The institution functions well to ensure that effective, timely and appropriate actions with proper records and follow-ups can be taken in case of emergencies.
The institution manages to deal with emergencies and keep records.
Performance Indicator 1.3: Administrative Affairs (cont’d)
Aspect What to look for
Evidence of Performance
Excellent Good Acceptable Unsatis-
factory Management of
daily operations
How does the pre- primary institution enable its staff to understand and comply with legislation related to education and school operation2?
Through various channels, the staff of the institution is enabled to understand the related legislation;
there are clear guidelines for the staff to comply with and abide by law.
Relevant ordinances and guidelines are accessible to the staff.
How does the pre- primary institution manage daily matters?
The institution possesses clear logistic work procedures, and manages daily matters properly by assigning personnel to perform various duties. It handles daily matters flexibly and systematically to ensure smooth operation.
The institution assigns staff to handle daily matters.
How does the pre- primary institution keep files?
The institution has a good filing system. The files are appropriately and systematically arranged and well-kept in an orderly way. The computerized facilities allow easy and efficient retrieval and updating of information.
The files are kept in an orderly way and easily accessible to staff.
2 Legislation related to school operation refers to the Personal Data(Privacy) Ordinance, the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance, the Intellectual Property Ordinance, Disability Discrimination Ordinance, the Employment Ordinance and labour legislation, Occupational Safety and Health Ordinance, etc.
VI. Domain on Management and Organisation (Area: Leadership)
Performance Indicator 1.4: Professional Competence
Aspect What to look for
Evidence of Performance
Excellent Good Acceptable Unsatis-
factory Professional
knowledge Can the management3 lead the development of the institution with its professional knowledge?
The management has a good mastery of knowledge and a thorough understanding of the latest educational development. Its professionalism can be well observed by their competencies of leading the pre-primary institution.
The management masters the knowledge and has received relevant training that assists in leading the institution.
3 The management refers to principals and senior teachers of kindergartens, or supervisors and assistant supervisors of child care centres.
Performance Indicator 1.4: Professional Competence (cont’d)
Aspect What to look for
Evidence of Performance
Excellent Good Acceptable Unsatis-
factory Skills and
How do the leading echelons4 lead the staff of the institution set and achieve their targets?
The leading echelons value collaborative work. Together with its staff, the leading echelons formulate institution policies and set up mechanisms to evaluate their practices.
In formulating the policies, the leading echelons have consulted the staff of the institution. They are responsive to the changes in education.
The leading echelons are visionary and crisis conscious. They are capable of devising effective strategic plans well in advance to meet challenges arising from social and educational innovations.
4 The leading echelons refer to members of the MC, supervisors and principals of kindergartens, or members of the management committee and supervisors of child care centres.
VI. Domain on Management and Organisation (Area: Leadership)
Performance Indicator 1.4: Professional Competence (cont’d)
Aspect What to look for
Evidence of Performance
Excellent Good Acceptable Unsatis-
factory Skills and abilities
How does the management guide its staff to plan and carry out the practices of the policies?
The management works collaboratively with its staff in formulating work procedures, implementation plans and assessment criteria. The staff carry out their work smoothly by following these plans and procedures.
The management prepares work procedures and implementation plans for the staff to follow.
The management works closely with the staff, gives them sufficient encouragement and support to promote their professional development.
The management gives guidance to the staff to complete their jobs.
How does the management foster the links between the leading echelons and the staff of the institution?
The management has established an effective mechanism in which policy decisions and their reflective viewpoints can be transmitted
through multi-directional communication channels.
The management has set up channels to enhance effective communication with the staff.
The management acknowledges the good work of the staff in a fair and proper manner according to the established procedures and effectively handles their discontent.
The management acknowledges the good work of the staff and handles their discontent.
Performance Indicator 1.4: Professional Competence (cont’d)
Aspect What to look for
Evidence of Performance
Excellent Good Acceptable Unsatis-
factory Working
relationship with staff
How is the working relationship between the management and staff of the institution?
The management is willing to listen, accept and respect the viewpoints of the staff, thus maintaining a harmonious working relationship with them.
The institution cares about the welfare of the staff. There are welfare facilities and incentive system to foster a sense of belonging amongst the staff.
The management and the staff maintain good working relationship. There are staff welfare services in the institution.
How does the management create a collaborative culture in
the pre-primary institution?
The management creates a pleasant working atmosphere whereby the staff can render encouragement and support to each other to foster good team spirit.
The management and the staff of the institution can cooperate with each other. Channels are available for the staff to express their views.
The management provides opportunities and sets up mechanisms to promote open discussions. The staff are encouraged to openly express their ideas and give feedback in response to the proposals put forth.
VI. Domain on Management and Organisation (Area: Leadership)
Performance Indicator 1.4: Professional Competence (cont’d)
Aspect What to look for
Evidence of Performance
Excellent Good Acceptable Unsatis-
factory Relationship with
How does the management build up partnership with parents?
Taking parents as collaborative partners, the management objectively accepts and value parents’ views, so as to solicit their support and to reach consensus on child education.
The management listens to parents’ views and invites them to participate in the activities of the institution.
Performance Indicator 1.5: Staff Qualifications and Duties
Aspect What to look for
Evidence of Performance
Excellent Good Acceptable Unsatis-
factory Pre-primary
qualifications and allocation of duties
What are the qualifications of pre- primary educators?
Pre-primary educators of the institution have received professional training, and the ratio of qualified educators employed meets the government’s requirements. The staff are enthusiastic in learning. Besides being professionally qualified, they possess various kinds of expertise.
Pre-primary educators of the institution have received professional training and the ratio of qualified educators employed meets the government’s requirements.
How are the duties of pre-primary educators allocated?
There is a mechanism to allocate duties and responsibilities of pre- primary educators according to their strengths, abilities, experience and qualifications.
The teaching and non-teaching duties are allocated to pre-primary educators according to their experience, abilities and professional training.
Appropriate allocation of teaching and non-teaching duties is made according to the institution’s developmental needs and preferences of the pre-primary educators. The duties and responsibilities among the staff are clearly delineated.
VII. Domain on Management and Organisation (Area: Staff Management)
Performance Indicator 1.5: Staff Qualifications and Duties (cont’d)
Aspect What to look for
Evidence of Performance
Excellent Good Acceptable Unsatis-
factory Allocation of
duties for other staff
How are the duties of other staff allocated?
Appropriate and balanced allocation of work is made according to the actual needs of the institution, as well as the abilities and preferences of the staff. The duties and responsibilities among the staff are clearly delineated.
The work is distributed according to the actual needs of the institution and the abilities of the staff.
Performance Indicator 1.6: Staff Development and Appraisal
Aspect What to look for
Evidence of Performance
Excellent Good Acceptable Unsatis-
factory Effectiveness of
staff development
How does the pre- primary institution formulate its staff development plan?
A staff development plan with clear objectives has been formulated. With good financial budgeting and resources fully utilised, the development plans keep pace with the development of the institution and meet the needs of the staff.
A staff development plan with clear objectives has been
formulated. Development opportunities are provided in various
The institution adopts a diversified staff development strategy that seeks to promote staff professional development, upgrade the quality of the staff at work, build up team spirit and extend the potentials of the staff.
VII. Domain on Management and Organisation (Area: Staff Management)
Performance Indicator 1.6: Staff Development and Appraisal (cont’d)
Aspect What to look for
Evidence of Performance
Excellent Good Acceptable Unsatis-
factory Effectiveness of
staff development (cont’d)
How does the pre- primary institution render support to the newly recruited and inexperienced staff?
A sound mechanism has been set up to assign experienced staff to support the newly recruited and the inexperienced staff to enable them to adapt to the working environment and the daily practices of the institution.
Support services are provided to the newly recruited and the inexperienced staff to enable them to adapt to the working environment and the practices of the institution.
The institution values collaboration. Peer observations and staff interactions are encouraged through diversified activities to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding amongst the staff.
Does the institution encourage and support its staff members to further their studies?
Information and opportunities for further studies are provided.
Assistance would also be provided to create space for its staff to enhance their professionalism when necessary.
The institution encourages and supports its staff to further their studies. Opportunities will be given when necessary.
Performance Indicator 1.6: Staff Development and Appraisal (cont’d)
Aspect What to look for
Evidence of Performance
Excellent Good Acceptable Unsatis-
factory Effectiveness of
staff appraisal
How does the institution assess the performance of its staff?
The clear objectives in evaluation and the staff appraisal system are set as reference for the development of the institution and serve as a basis for staff management policy.
The institution has its policy and practice on staff appraisal.
Does the staff accept the assessment items and the evaluation criteria?
The appraisal system set is fair and open. A self-evaluation mechanism is also established with emphasis on staff’s accountability. The assessment items and the evaluation criteria are accepted.
The staff in general accepts the assessment items and the evaluation criteria.
How does the staff appraisal correlate with staff development?
Through the appraisal system, the staff has a better understanding of their strengths and development needs. Explicit professional development plans are formulated to foster the professionalism of the staff.
The appraisal system identifies the strengths and the training needs of the staff.
VII. Domain on Management and Organisation (Area: Staff Management)
Performance Indicator 1.7: Staff Coordination and Liaison
Aspect What to look for
Evidence of Performance
Excellent Good Acceptable Unsatis-
factory Staff
How does the institution foster communication with its staff?
The institution has established open and multi-directional communication channels for the release of information to and collection of views from its staff.
Through frank discussions, discontent of the staff is properly resolved and consensus is reached.
There are formal communication channels to release information to and collect viewpoints from the staff.
Staff collaboration How does the staff collaborate and work as a team?
The staff are fully aware of their duties and responsibilities. They work as a team and collaborate and support each other with trust in an effort to achieve the educational aims of the institution.
The staff discharge their duties properly and cooperates with one another.
Performance Indicator 1.8: Organisation and Use of Accommodation
Aspect What to look for
Evidence of Performance
Excellent Good Acceptable Unsatis-
factory Arrangement and
utilisation of space
How is the space in the institution arranged to
facilitate the implementation of various learning practices?
Adequate space is provided in proportion to the number of children. All space is appropriately used to facilitate the implementation of various activities.
There is adequate space to conduct activities.
The institution is well equipped with assemble parts and movable furniture that facilitate the implementation of activities. A delightful learning environment is found.
Adequate facilities are provided for conducting activities.
How is the physical setting arranged to meet children’s needs?
Taking account of children’s needs, the arrangement of the physical settings helps arouse children’s learning interest. The facilities and the accommodation provided suit children’s height and developmental needs, interests and abilities so as to develop children’s potential.
The physical setting and the facilities in the institution are adequate and appealing to children. Facilities commonly used by children can generally suit children’s abilities.
VIII. Domain on Management and Organisation (Area: Utilisation of Resources)
Performance Indicator 1.8: Organisation and Use of Accommodation
Aspect What to look for
Evidence of Performance
Excellent Good Acceptable Unsatis-
factory Physical setting
and facilities
What are the sanitary conditions in the institution?
Guidelines on sanitation, fire precautions and safety measures are in place. All areas in the premises are well ventilated and well-lit with proper partitioning.
All facilities satisfy sanitary requirements and relevant regulations. A medical room is allocated and first-aid kits are provided to take good care of the sick or the injured.
The institution premises are regularly washed and all facilities are kept clean and tidy.
All areas, activity facilities, furniture and materials are regularly cleaned and sanitized.
What safety measures have been adopted in the institution?
Floor surfaces conform to safety standards. Exits are kept free from obstruction. Soft mats are placed on the floor surfaces of all outdoor play areas and underneath all large play equipment. Children’s playthings conform to international safety standards.
Due attention has been paid to children’s safety when considering the physical setting of the institution.
Performance Indicator 1.8: Organisation and Use of Accommodation (cont’d)
Aspect What to look for
Evidence of Performance
Excellent Good Acceptable Unsatis-
factory Physical setting
and facilities (cont’d)
How is space arranged for meals and afternoon naps in whole-day sessions?
The institution provides a healthy, tidy, clean, comfortable and quiet environment for afternoon naps and meals. Children’s daily life and health are well taken care of.
Meals and afternoon nap areas are properly provided for whole-day classes. Facilities provided are clean and tidy.
VIII. Domain on Management and Organisation (Area: Utilisation of Resources)
Performance Indicator 1.9: Organisation and Use of Resources
Aspect What to look for
Evidence of Performance
Excellent Good Acceptable Unsatis-
factory Provision and
organisation of teaching resources
How are the teaching resources provided to meet children’s needs?
Adequate and diversified teaching resources are provided to cater for the needs of child development.
Children’s creativity and potential can be developed and stretched.
Adequate resources are provided to meet the needs of child development.
How does the institution make use of community resources to support teaching?
The institution invites community support to the planning and organisation of its learning activities. Guidelines on the utilisation of community resources are available for easy access. Pre- primary educators can flexibly use these resources to conduct activities.
The institution is aware of the available community resources that can support learning activities.
How is parents’
assistance put to use?
Parental networks are organised so as to make good use of parents’
expertise and interests in planning and running activities.
Taking into account their expertise, parents are invited to assist in running activities.
Performance Indicator 1.9: Organisation and Use of Resources (cont’d)
Aspect What to look for
Evidence of Performance
Excellent Good Acceptable Unsatis-
factory Management and
How are teaching resources being stored,
maintained and replenished?
There is a mechanism to plan the exploitation and maintenance of the resources. Regular check-ups and replenishment of teaching resources can effectively monitor their effectiveness in facilitating learning activities.
Storage rooms are provided for keeping teaching resources. The resources are regularly tidied up or replenished.
Guidelines on the utilisation of resources are provided. Pre- primary educators can access and select, in accordance to children’s needs, relevant resources from the teaching resources room/
information bank.
How does the institution encourage its staff to make good use of its resources?
A mechanism has been set up to maintain a systematic record of the utilisation of teaching resources.
Information of the latest resources available are provided to staff through various channels.
Guidelines including inventory lists and user’s regulations are available for use.
VIII. Domain on Management and Organisation (Area: Utilisation of Resources)
Performance Indicator 1.10: Financial Management
Aspect What to look for
Evidence of Performance
Excellent Good Acceptable Unsatis-
factory Financial planning
and monitoring
How does the institution manage its finance?
A mechanism has been set up for the management and senior staff to prepare the institution’s budget.
Explicit procedures have been formulated to manage the institution’s accounts systematically.
A clear and accurate monthly record of the income and expenditure is maintained. The financial situation is reported to the management on a regular basis.
The management prepares the institution’s budget and submits it to the MC for approval.
Are the funds used properly?
All income and expenditure items are closely monitored so that they are used timely and flexibly to transform formulated plans into practice.
In line with the financial budgeting, the institution has utilised its funds to transform plans into practice.
How does the institution monitor its finance?
The finance is regularly monitored and clearly recorded. Monthly audit is conducted to compare the budgets with the actual expenses incurred. Adjustment to revise the budgets for various work plans can be done in the forthcoming year.
The institution prepares monthly financial statements on its income and expenditure. Reviews on the budgets and actual expenses are done.
Performance Indicator 1.11: Self-evaluation System
Aspect What to look for
Evidence of Performance
Excellent Good Acceptable Unsatis-
factory Self-evaluation
What is the self- evaluation mechanism of the institution?
In accordance with its progress, characteristics and resources available, the institution wholly reviews its development. It also carries out evaluations on its implementation policies and activities.
The institution has reviewed the effectiveness of its policies and practices.
Staff participation How does the institution encourage staff to participate in its self- evaluation work?
The institution makes use of different channels and training activities to enhance staff’s understanding of its self- evaluation system, and encourages them to participate in planning and formulating evaluation criteria, procedures and tools, and carry out the evaluation work.
The staff are given the opportunities to receive training on self-evaluation and are encouraged to participate in the self-evaluation process of the institution.
IX. Domain on Management and Organisation (Area: Self-evaluation)
Performance Indicator 1.11: Self-evaluation System (cont’d)
Aspect What to look for
Evidence of Performance
Excellent Good Acceptable Unsatis-
factory Procedures and
How does the institution determine the scope and the procedures of self- evaluation?
The institution determines the scope of evaluation in accordance to its development plans, annual targets and the resources available.
The scope of evaluation is determined according to the institution’s work plans.
Institution-based indicators and assessment criteria are formulated according to the strategy and scope of evaluation. Practicable work schedules are laid down to ensure that the evaluation work conducted at all interfaces is well coordinated.
The work programmes for evaluation are formulated according to the scope of evaluation.
Performance Indicator 1.11: Self-evaluation System (cont’d)
Aspect What to look for
Evidence of Performance
Excellent Good Acceptable Unsatis-
factory Procedures and
follow-up (cont’d)
Are follow-ups done in regard to the findings of self-evaluation?
The findings of self-evaluation are reported in well-organised details to the MC, parents, pre-primary educators and other external bodies through various modes and channels to enhance the accountability of the institution.
The findings of self-evaluation are used as reference to formulate plans for the forthcoming year.
Basing on the findings of self- evaluation, the performance of the institution is evaluated to show its strengths, weaknesses and work effectiveness. The development plans are revised for advancement towards self-improvement.
Regular reviews on the effectiveness of the self-evaluation mechanism are conducted.
X. Source of Information
In conducting self-evaluation and external evaluation, the use of multi-source information enables valid and reliable judgement to be made:
Observations : Observations of the environment and facilities of the pre-primary institution and the community.
Discussions and Interviews : Discussions and interviews with parents, members of the MC, principals and senior teachers, centre supervisors and assistant supervisors, section heads and other staff of the pre-primary institution.
Questionnaire Surveys : Questionnaires to parents, pre-primary educators and other staff of the pre-primary institution.
Scrutiny of Documents : Proposals/Reports
e.g.: profiles, newsletters, development plans, annual plans, staff development plans, financial statements of the pre-primary institution.
e.g.: policies and procedure manuals, teachers’ handbook, children’s handbook, rules/guidelines related to legal liabilities, safety precautions guidelines, crisis management and contingency guidelines of the pre-primary institution.
e.g.: Organisation chart and duty lists, staff qualification and development records (including professional and training records), documentation of staff appraisal policy and system, records of application for and allocation of funds, inventory of furniture, equipment and teaching resources, layout plans, fire drill records, maintenance and replacement records of safety equipment, safety and insurance certificates, children’s health records.
e.g.: constitution or similar documents of the MC, correspondence with parents and publications issued to parents, information on the filing system, procedures for data retrieval and updating, library/resource corner catalogue, homepage of the pre-primary institution.
Hong Kong Curriculum Development Institute (1996). Guide to the Pre-primary Curriculum. Education Department, Hong Kong.
OMEP-Hong Kong (1999). The Criteria for High Quality Programmes of Early Childhood Education and Care in Hong Kong, Second Edition.
Hong Kong.
Bredekamp, S. & Copple, C. (1997). Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs. Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children.
Performance Indicators ( for Pre-primary institution) (First Edition)
Basic Education (Curriculum Development Institute, Education Department)
Profile of Kindergartens (2001-2002)
Social Welfare Department Family and Child welfare Services