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國立空中大學 110 學年度上學期期中考試題【正參】003 科目:實用英文


Academic year: 2022

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國立空中大學 110 學年度上學期期中考試題【正參】003

科目:實用英文 一律橫式作答 1 頁



1.A 2. B 3.A 4.B 5. A 6. A. 7.B 8. A. 9. A 10. B

11. B 12. B 13. A 14. B 15. B 16. A 17. B 18. A 19.B 20.A 21. A 22. B 23. A 24. B 25. A 26. A 27. A 28. A 29 A 30.B 選擇題題目:

I. Grammar (45%) 一題 3 分

1. A lot of books in the bookstores are made in the U.S. A. 主詞 B 動詞 p.132

2. The first day one guy was carried back to the ski lodge on a stretcher. A. 主詞 B 動詞 p.117 3. One native leader, King Philip, as he was called by the whites, waged a war against all Europeans to

drive them out of New England. A. 主詞 B 動詞 p.71 4. All we had to do was to show up. A. 主詞 B 動詞 p.118

5. Yard sales are often held outdoors in people’s yards. A. 主詞 B 動詞 p.136 6. It is different from learning science courses. A. 動名詞 B 現在分詞 p.2 7. I have been waiting for you. A. 動名詞 B 現在分詞 p.8

8. By understanding sentences, you will understand vocabulary and grammar rules better. A. 動名詞 B

現在分詞 p.2

9. In those places, do you need ropes and other mountain climbing equipment? A. 動名詞 B 現在分詞 p.107

10. But right now, the issue seems to be causing a lot of controversy. A. 動名詞 B 現在分詞 p.102-103 11. Thank you for (join) our meeting this morning. A. join B. joining p.10

12. I have been looking forward to (meet) you. A. meet B. meeting p.9

13. We haven’t seen you in such a long time. Have you (be) traveling or something? A. been B.

are p.15

14. Except for the fact that I was busy (move), things are pretty much the same. A. move B.

moving p.115

15. (ask) a favor from a friend is quite different from asking a favor from a stranger. A. ask B.

asking p.20

II. Vocabulary and the usage of prepositions (45%)

16. This guidebook says that along Michigan Avenue, called the “Magnificent Mile,” there are a lot of . A places of interest B. reverse p.74

17. Your cares and remain earthbound as the balloon rises gently and floats effortlessly on a gentle breeze. A. discriminated B. concerns p.81


18. In the U.S., there is often a focus on group activities in class where students learn to with each other and be less dependent on the teacher. A. cooperate B. most p.92

19. The quality of public schools can from place to place. A. sign B. vary p.93

20. The French speaking population in Quebec feels against by the English speakers. It seems that the English culture is too dominant. A. discriminated B. lightweight p.102

21. To talk me it. 說服我去做這件事 A. into B. to p.80 22. To get the point. 說到重點 A. behind B. to p.90 23. To fall 落後 A. behind B. in p.92

24. To chip 分擔一份(力量或金錢) A. off B. in p.130 25. To show 愛表現 A. off B. into p.119

26. When you arrive at Taitung, please get touch with my friend. A. in B. along p.6 27. I am afraid that I would not be able to make it the meeting today. A. to B. upon p.10 28. I enrolled an English course at National Open University this year. A. in B. to p.114 29. He moved to the other side of town and it’s kind far away. A. of B. in p.15

30. These pants are nice. Can I try them ? A. in B. on p.24


III. Reading Comprehension 以英翻中





國立嘉義大學附設實驗國民小學 103 學年度第 2 學期 資源班(六)年級 數學 領域教學計畫(含期末課程檢核). 資料來源

臺灣研究 參考工具 電子期刊 報紙 社會科學 文學 綜合. 國中小 高中職

(附件 6)110 學年度第 1 學期臺中市公立幼兒園契約進用駕駛人員甄選成績複查申請表及查覆 表。. (附件 7)110 學年度第

民國 104 年開始,身障生考試歷史考科將依據 101 學年度實施之「普通高級中學課程 綱要」之「歷史課程綱要」(簡稱「101 課綱」)命題

臺北市大理高級中學 第32試場.

自 111 學年度開始,「身心障礙學生升學大專校院甄試數學考科」將依據 108 學年度 實施之「十二年國民基本教育課程綱要國民中小學暨普通型高級中等學校—數學領域」

本「身心障礙學生升學大專校院甄試大學組生物考科考試說明」(99 課綱微調)的編

中學中國語文科 小學中國語文科 中學英國語文科 小學英國語文科 中學數學科 小學數學科.