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授課老師: Li-Hua LI (李麗華 李麗華 李麗華 李麗華)


Academic year: 2022

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Technical Writing Technical Writing

(2) (2)

授課老師 授課老師 授課老師

授課老師: Li-Hua LI (李麗華 李麗華 李麗華 李麗華)

Information Management Dept.

Chaoyang University of Technology


Good writing styles (12) Good writing styles (12)

Gender fair language


 Gender-fair language minimizes unnecessary concern about gender

 It is better to write the sentence without pronouns.

 Use Gender-specific pronouns only to identify a specific gender or a specific person.

Use Gender-specific pronouns only to identify a specific gender or a specific person.

 Use Plural nouns and pronouns if they do not change the meaning of the sentence

 Use first- or second-person perspective

 Use a double pronoun, i.e., s/he, he or she, he/she, him and her

 Use an article instead of a possessive pronoun as a


Good writing styles (13) Good writing styles (13)

Place an asterisk after the name of the principal investigator.

If the researcher is the principal investigator, he should place an asterisk after his name.

Repeat the question for each subject so that he understands it.

Repeat the question for each male subject so that he fully

The principal investigator for this report has appended data tables to his summary.

I have appended data tables to the summary of this report.

understands it.

Repeat the question for all subjects so that they fully understands it.


Good writing styles (14) Good writing styles (14)

Each supervisor will be at his or her workstation by 8 a.m.

Each supervisor will be at his workstation by 8 a.m.

A user who makes a mistake may be disconnected

A user may be disconnected when he makes a mistake.

After filling out his class schedule, the student should place it in the registrar’s basket.

After filling out a class schedule, the student should place it in the registrar’s basket.


Good writing styles (15) Good writing styles (15)

If a student wish to avoid writing, he should do the homework.

The homework should be finished by any student who wishes to avoid writing.

最好能改寫如此例; 因為不得已,只好用被動式。

The effect of food has been studied extensively in man.

The effect of food has been studied extensively in human race.

The effect of food has been studied extensively in human race.

用people, person, humankind, humanity, human beings, human race, …來取代有特定性別的字.

The governor signed the workmen’s compensation bill.

The governor signed the worker’s compensation bill.


Good writing styles (16) Good writing styles (16)

Standard outline symbols

I. This is the I title II. This is the II title

A. This is A subtitle B. This is B subtitle

1. This is 1 sub-subtitle

1. This is the title 1

2. This is the title 2 2.1 2.1This is subtitle 2.1

2.2 This is subtitle 2.2 2.2.1 ……….

1. This is 1 sub-subtitle 2. This is 2. subtitle

a. ---- b. ---

(1) …..

(2) ……


(b) …….

2.2.1 ……….

2.2.2 ………….. … 3. This is the title 3

3.1 This is subtitle 3.1 3.1.1 ………

3.1.2 ………….



Good writing styles (17) Good writing styles (17)

The new regulations could cause problems for both the winners and for those who lose.

The new regulations could cause problems for both winners and losers.

Maintain parallelism


The objectives are as follows:

•Analyze the existing algorithms

•A new idea

•Implementing the system

•The results are discussed

The common problems of itemization

The objectives are as follows:

•Analyzing the existing algorithms

•Generating a new idea

•Implementing the system

•Discussing the results


Good writing styles (18) Good writing styles (18)

The objectives are as follows:

•Analyze the existing algorithms

•A new idea

•Implementing the system

•The results are discussed

The common problems of itemization

The objectives are as follows:

•Analyzing the existing algorithms

•Generating a new idea

•Implementing the system

•Discussing the results

修正 修正修正 修正修正 修正修正 修正


改成動詞型態 改成一般名詞型態


The objectives is to

(1)Analyze the existing algorithms, (2)Generate a new idea,

(3)Implement the system, (4)Discuss the results.

The objectives are as follows:

•Analysis of the existing algorithms

•Generation of a new idea

•Implementation of the system

•Discussion about the results



Good writing styles (19) Good writing styles (19)

1.1 The Related Work

The problem of communication is to …

No indent for the paragraph immediately after a chapter title or heading.

Indent the other paragraph

The problem of communication is to …

Do not put a stop at the end of a heading

2.3 Neural Nets for Image Classifications.

2.3 Neural Nets for Image Classification


Good writing styles (20) Good writing styles (20)

While I was walking up the hill, the wind blew away my umbrella.

Walking up the hill, my umbrella was blown away by the wind.


Avoid dangling modifiers or ambiguity

When using disk tree algorithms are found to be X

X When using disk tree algorithms are found to be particular poor.

When using disk, tree algorithms ere found to be particular poor.


Binary tree based data structure Data structure based on binary tree


Good writing styles (21) Good writing styles (21)

Moreover, for each path edges consist of deleted loops for the corresponding spanning tree.

Moreover, for each path, edges consist of deleted loops for the corresponding spanning tree.

修改 修改 修改 修改

This kind of binary sequences based on chaos orbits are called the chaotic binary sequence.

These kinds of binary sequences, based on chaos orbits, are called the chaotic binary sequences.

修改修改 修改修改


Good writing styles (22) Good writing styles (22)

A and B

A, B, and C A, B, C, and D A, B, C, D, and E A, B and C, and E

“And” and “or”; colons and semicolons;

A or B

A, B, or C A, B, C, or D A, B, C, D, or E A, B or C, or E

There are three kinds of lists: unlinked, singly-linked, and doubly-linked lists.

These small structure allow a large saving: the worst case is O(n).

However, one of the characteristics of digital images is that the data are redundantly stored


moderate processing on the image


Good writing styles (23) Good writing styles (23)

•Randomized data structure

•Array based data structur

•Sequence pattern mining

method based data processing

Hyphenation (“-”)

Randomized-data structure

Array-based data structure data Data processing based on the

method of sequence pattering mining


修正修正 修正修正 修正修正 修正修正

method based data processing

sub, non, micro, multi, and ultra should be joined to the words they modify.

For example: “subband,” “multimedia,” “nonsynchronous”




Good writing styles (24) Good writing styles (24)

“I don’t care,” she said.

She said, “I don’t care.”

Quotations (“”)

What do you think of Robert’s Forest’s “Design”?

特別是美國(US)的習慣 其它國家亦可以把標點符 號放外面.

What do you think of Robert’s Forest’s “Design”?

“I don’t care,” she said. “What do you think?”

注意此處design為特有涵意 不要隨便用


不要隨便用”” 因為這是另有意涵因為這是另有意涵因為這是另有意涵因為這是另有意涵 I think this event is very “机車机車机車机車”””. I think this event is very “shaky”.




Good writing styles (25) Good writing styles (25)


Describe simple and few numbers only.

Use graphs or figures for more complex numbers.


圖下 圖下 圖下 圖下 表上 表上 表上 表上

Should be open and uncluttered with ample white space

Do not run across a page.

Should have informative caption.


Good writing styles (26) Good writing styles (26)

Attack The proposed method

Kundur’s method

Blurring Y N

Sharpening Y N

Table 1: The PSNR after WaterMark embedding

Attack The proposed method Kundur’s method

Blurring Y N

Sharpening Y N


Table 1: The PSNR after watermark embedding



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嘉大附小教師陳佳萍 李昀達 李宜珊 方瑞貞 洪雪華... 1.認識博物館

指導老師:蔡佩芳 團隊組員:陳采君 張培琪 吳明憲 鄒夢雨 李佳馨 鐘啟榮 陳佳琳 楊巧薇 陳語婓 李宜靜 沈敬華

值得留意的是,西藏僧人比印度人更 加珍惜印度的佛教經典,喇嘛們對印 度佛教史也有自己的見解,早在 1868 年,德國學者施芙納(Franz Anton von

授課老師: 李麗華 教授.. 使用工具


