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The effect of corporate social responsibility on organizational identification and person-organizati 魏瑞良、倪家珍


Academic year: 2022

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The effect of corporate social responsibility on organizational identification and person-organizati


E-mail: 325017@mail.dyu.edu.tw


Corporate social responsibility not only stimulates corporate sales, promotes brand image, attracts more investors, lower operation cost, but also attracts and encourages employees, enhances employees’ recognition of organization values. In the modern era of knowledge economics, the biggest difference a corporate has in contrast to its competitors is ‘people’. The principal purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of employees’ attitude towards corporate social responsibility upon organizational

identification and person-organization fit.There are 323 questionnaires distributed with 298 returned and among which 282 samples are valid. Analysis yields as follows:(1) Promotion of corporate social responsibility by Corporate does affect organizational

identification but not conspicuously.(2) Promotion of corporate social responsibility by Corporate affects positively the person-organization fit in a conspicuous manner.

Keywords : corporate social responsibility, organizational identification, personorganization fit Table of Contents

中文摘要 ............................ iii 英文摘要...............

.............. iv 誌謝辭.............................. v 內容目錄

............................. vi 表目錄....................

.......... viii 圖目錄...................... ........ix 第一章 緒論..

..........................1 第一節 研究背景與動機................

.......1 第二節 研究目的..........................5 第二章 文獻探討....

......................6 第一節 企業社會責任.....................

...6 第二節 組織認同..........................16 第三節 個人-組織契合度...

...................20 第三章 研究方法.........................

.25 第一節 研究架構..........................25 第二節 變數的操作性定義.....

.................26 第三節 研究假設..........................27 第四節 研究變數的衡量工具.....................28 第五節 樣本與資料收集........

...............32 第六節 資料分析方法........................33 第四 章 研究分析結果........................35 第一節 樣本資料分析...........

.............35 第二節 各變數之信效度分析.....................38 第三節 各 變數與控制變數之相關分析.................42 第四節 組織認同之差異分析..........

...........45 第五節 個人-組織契合度之差異分析 ................ 47 第六節 知覺企 業社會責任與組織認同之關係..............49 第七節知覺企業社會責任與個人-組織契合度之關係 .

.........50 第八節 意外的發現.........................51 第五章 研究結論與 建議.......................53 第一節 研究結論...................

.......53 第二節 實務建議..........................54 第三節 研究限制與未來 研究建議...................57 參考文獻.........................

.... 58 附錄............................... 71 表目錄 表 3- 1 企業社會責任 問卷題項................... 29 表 3- 2 組織認同問卷題項.................

.... 30 表 3- 3 個人-組織契合度問卷題項................. 31 表 3- 4 組織聲望問卷題項...

.................. 32 表 4- 1 問卷發放及回收情形表................... 35 表 4- 2 有效樣本人口基本資料分析................. 37 表 4- 3 企業社會責任之信效度檢驗表...

............. 39 表 4- 4 組織認同之信效度檢驗表.................. 40 表 4- 5 個人

-組織契合度之信效度檢驗表.............. 41 表 4- 6 組織聲望之信效度檢驗表..........

........ 41 表 4- 7 各變數與控制變數之相關性分析............... 44 表 4- 8 組織認同對人口 統計變數相關之檢定............. 45 表 4- 9 個人-組織契合度對人口統計變數相關之檢定......


... 48 表 4-10 企業社會責任對組織認同的迴歸分析............. 49 表 4-11 企業社會責任對個人-組 織契合度的迴歸分析......... 50 表 4-12 製造業員工知覺企業社會責任與組織認同關係的干擾迴歸結果.. 52 表 4-13 服務業員工知覺企業社會責任與組織認同關係的干擾迴歸結果.. 52 表 5- 1 研究假設與實證結果彙整表....

............. 53 圖目錄 圖 3- 1 研究架構圖........................ 25 REFERENCES

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 Schools can administer APASO-II scales/subscales at diff erent times of the school year to achieve different purpose s, e.g.. to assess the effectiveness of an intervention progra

• The unauthorized disclosure of information could be expected to have a severe or catastrophic adverse effect on organizational operations, organizational assets, or

• The unauthorized disclosure of information could be expected to have a severe or catastrophic adverse effect on organizational operations, organizational assets, or

between the roles of the individuals (private sector) and the public or government in the provision of social care and health services responsibility of the government, e.g.

Microphone and 600 ohm line conduits shall be mechanically and electrically connected to receptacle boxes and electrically grounded to the audio system ground point.. Lines in

Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), brand image, product attributes, purchase intention, Structural Equation Models (SEM)... 誌

This research sets different backgrounds as variables of consumers of Miaoli County residents and whether their different life styles and corporate social

Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility, Eco-Industrial Park, Industrial Symbiosis, Environmental Management