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Abstract. This paper presents the basic scheme and the log-normal, log-gamma and log- negative-inverted-gamma scenarios to establish the R´enyi function for infinite products of ho- mogeneous isotropic random fields on Rn; in particular for random fields on the on the sphere in R3. The motivation of this paper is the test of (non-)Gaussianity on the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMBR) in Cosmology. In the presentation, we need to employ spherical harmonics for some concrete computations.

1. Introduction

Multifractal models have been used in many applications in hydrodynamic turbulence, fi- nance, genomics, computer network traffic, etc; see Kolmogorov (1941,1962), Kahane (1985,1987), Gupta and Waymire (1993), Novikov (1994), Frisch (1995), Mandelbrot (1974), and Falconer (1997). Harte (2001) and Riedi (2003) contain an extensive bibliography of the subject. There are many ways to construct random multifractal measures such as via the binomial cascade, branching processes and other stochastic processes; see Kahane (1985,1987), Gupta and Waymire (1993), Frisch (1995), Taylor (1995), Molchan (1996), Falconer (1997), Jaffard (1999), Schmitt and Marsan (2001), Barral and Mandelbrot (2002), Shieh and Taylor (2002), Riedi (2003), Bacry and Muzy (2003), Schmitt (2003), Barndorf-Nilsen and Shmigel (2004), M¨orters and Shieh (2002,2004,2008). In these works of such Multifracal Analysis, the R´enyi function, which is also termed as the deterministic partition function or the moment-scaling function, plays a central role, as we may see in the seminal works of Mandelbrot (1974) and Kahane (1987). In a recent work, Mannersalo et al (2002) discuss R´enyi functions for random measures induced from infinite products of stationary processes. Their work has been much examined for several classes of exponential ( geometric ) processes by Anh, Leonenko, and Shieh (2008a,b, 2009a,b, 2010);

see also the results related to the topics in Shieh (2009) and Matsui and Shieh (2009,2012), and a simulation paper by Anh, Leonenko, Shieh and Taufer (2010).

The purpose of this work is to present a basic scheme and some important scenarios for the R´enyi function of the infinite products of measurable homogeneous and isotropic random fields, which may show the multifractality of such fields. Our scheme is novel in two aspects; the first one is that the process (one-parameter) case is not easily seen to have the field (multi-parameter) corresponding, and the second one is that our scheme may include the model needed for study on the problems in Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMBR); see a review paper by Marinucci (2004), a recent monograph by Marinucci and Peccati (2011), and the references therein. Moreover, our scenarios include several ones which are of intrinsic interest in previous mathematics and physics literatures.

The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we list some preliminaries and present the basic scheme. In Section 3, we provide some important scenarios. All proofs are given in the Section 4. In the concluding Section 5 we summarize our results and remark the possible statistical calibration of our model based on the dataset released by The Nine-Year Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP).

Key words and phrases. R´enyi function; infinite products; random fields; multifractality; singularity spectrum;

log-normal scenario; log-gamma scenario; log-negative-inverted- gamma scenario.



Acknowledgment. This work is initiated while both authors visited Queensland University of Technology, and is continued while N.-R. Shieh visited York University, Canada. The support and the hospitality is acknowledged. N. N. Leonenko is supported by the Australian Research Council grant DP0559807 and the EPSRC grant RCMT119. The authors thanks to the editor and the referee for their valuable comments which make the present version of the paper much more edged.

2. Infinite products of random fields: multifractal schemes

In this paper we consider a measurable homogeneous and isotropic random field (HIRF, for brevity) on the n-dimensional Euclidean space Rn, n ≥ 2 (the case n = 1, i.e. the process case, is already in literatures), that is

Λ = {Λ(x) = Λω(x), x ∈ Rn, ω ∈ Ω} ,

is a measurable separable mean-square continuous random field on a complete probability space (Ω, z, P ) , such that

EΛ(x) = m = const, VarΛ(x) < ∞, Cov(Λ(x), Λ(y)) = RΛ(kx − yk),

where RΛ(kx − yk), (x, y) ∈ Rn× Rn, is a continuous positive definite kernel, which depends on the Euclidean distance r = rxy = kx − yk only.

The Schoenberg theorem implies that a function RΛ(kx − yk) is the covariance function of a mean-square continuous homogeneous isotropic random field Λ(x), x ∈ Rn, if and only if there exists a finite measure G on the measurable space (R1+, B(R1+)) such that

(2.1) RΛ(r) =



Yn(ur) G(du),

To define Yn, let, for ν > −12, Jν(z) =




2)2m+ν[m! Γ(m + ν + 1)]−1, z > 0 be the Bessel function of the first kind of order ν, and we define

Yn(z) = 2(n−2)/2Γ(n

2) J(n−2)/2(z) z(2−n)/2, z ≥ 0, n ≥ 2.

See, for example, Leonenko (1999), for more details and proofs on the above facts.

The 2-dimensional and the 3-dimensional fields are physically important and the above dis- plays are then more explicit; thus, we list them in the below.

For n = 2 formula (2.1) is

RΛ(r) =



J0(ur) G(du).

For n = 3 formula (2.1) is

RΛ(r) =



sin ur

ur G(du).

We begin with the following conditions:

A0. Let a given random field Λ = {Λ(x), x ∈ Rn} be a HIRF such that EΛ(x) = 1, VarΛ(x) = σΛ2 < ∞, Λ(x) > 0, x ∈ Rn, Cov(Λ(x), Λ(y)) = RΛ(kx − yk) = σ2ΛρΛ(kx − yk), ρ(0) = 1,


and Λ(i)(x), x ∈ Rn, i = 0, 1, 2, . . . be a sequence of independent fields re-scaled from Λ by Λ(i)(x)= Λd (i)(bix),

where b > 1 is a scaling factor, and= denotes equality in finite-dimensional distributions. Thatd bix denotes the product of a vector x by a scalar bi.

For the convenience, we will call the field Λ in the above condition A0 to be a mother field;

referring the sense that Λ generates our scheme presented in the main Theorem 2.1 in the below.

We denote the n-dimensional (n ≥ 2) unit ball as

Bn= {x ∈ Rn: kxk ≤ 1},

and we will use the spherical coordinates for x: x = (r, e) = re, r > 0, e ∈ Sn−1; the latter one denotes the unit spherical surface in Rn.

Now, we define a sequence of finite-product fields on Bn, k = 1, 2, . . ., by

(2.2) Λk(x) =




Λ(i)(xbi), and the random measure on Borel σ-algebra B of a unit ball Bn

µk(B) = Z


Λk(y)dy, k = 0, 1, 2, . . . , B ∈ B;

using the spherical coordinates, we may write the above as, µk(B) =



rn−1Λk(re)drde, k = 1, 2, . . . .

In the above, we have used the normalized Lebesque measure dy on the ball Bn and the normalized uniform spherical measure de on Sn−1 (normalized so that the total measure is 1).

We denote

µkD µ, k → ∞,

the weak convergence of the measures µk to some measure µ, that is Z


f (y)µk(dy) → Z


f (y)µ(dy), k → ∞, for all continuous functions f (y), y ∈ Bn.

For a random measure µ, the R´enyi function of µ is a deterministic function defined as

T (q) = lim inf






log2 B(m)l

where {Bl(m), l, m}, l = 0, 1, . . . , 2m− 1 and m = 1, 2, . . . , denotes the mesh formed by the m-th level dyadic decomposition of the unit ball Bn based on the spherical coordinates (note that this mesh is different from the rectangle-type decomposition; we thanks to the referee to remind this). The notation | · | denotes the normalized Lebesgue measure on Bn= {x ∈ Rn: kxk ≤ 1};

in the above and henceforth, the loga denotes the logarithm in the base a > 0.

Remark 2.1. R´enyi function plays a central role in multifractal analysis, since the multifractal formalism in the theory of random cascades can be understood in the sense that the Legendre transform of the R´enyi function

LT (z) =min

q (qz − T (q))


would be the dimension spectrum (in the sense of Hausdorff dimension) of the following sets (indexed by α)

Fα =n

x ∈ Bn: lim


B(m)l (x) / log2


= αo


where Bl(m)(x) is the sequence in the mesh {Bl(m), l, m} that contain x; it shrinks to x as m → ∞.

Our basic scheme can be summarized in the following statement.

Theorem 2.1. Suppose that the condition A0holds.

(i) Assume that the correlation function ρΛ(kx − yk) = ρ(r) of a mother field Λ satisfies the following condition:

(2.3) |ρΛ(r)| ≤ Ce−γr, r > 0,

for some positive C and γ. Then, when the scaling factor b : b > n


1 + σΛ2, on Bn the measures

µkD µ, k → ∞,

the random measure µ is non-degenerate, it has the finite second moment: Eµ2(Bn) < ∞, and it has the stochastic scaling-invariant (or say self-similar) property:

µ(dy) = b−nΛ(y)ˆµ(bdy),

where the measure ˆµ(dy) is independent of Λ and has the same distribution as µ(dy).

(ii) Assume that for some range

q ∈ Q = [q, q+],

both EqΛ(0) < ∞ and Eµq(Bn) < ∞, B ∈ B, then, the R´enyi function T (q) of µ is given by

(2.5) T (q) = q − 1 − 1

nlogbq(x) , q ∈ Q,

Remark 2.2. Our scheme, suppose n being reduced to be 1, is complementary to that in Man- nersalo et al (2002, p. 894); see the remark below the proof of Theorem 2.1. The scheme may be traced back to the “multiplicative chaos” theory of Kahane (1985, 1987), which lays a math- ematical foundation on Mandelbrot’s cascades; confer to the pioneering paper of Mandelbrot (1974) for the details of the physical theory.

Remark 2.3. The range Q in Theorem 2.1 at least contains [1,2]; while to determine the full range of validity for a given scenario is mathematically challenging, even in the classical cascades case; see Kahane (1985,1987).

The proof of Theorem 2.1 will be given in the Section 4.

Motivated by CMBR problems (see Section 1), we consider the case when the the underlying random field is a 3-dimensional spherical one. Let the spherical surface in R3(as a 2-dimensional manifold) with a given radius r > 0 be

s2(r) = s(r) =x ∈ R3 : kxk = r ⊂ R3 while the Lebesgue measure (the area element on the sphere)

σr(du) = σr(dθ.dϕ) = r2sin θdθdϕ , (θ, ϕ) ∈ s(1) , r = kxk > 0 . A spherical random field, denoted by

T = {T (r, θ, ϕ) : 0 ≤ θ ≤ π, 0 ≤ ϕ ≤ 2π, r > 0} or T = n

T (x) , x ∈ s(r)e o


is a stochastic function defined on the sphere s(r). We consider a real-valued spherical field T with the mean m, and finite second moments such that it is continuous in the mean-square


sense and its (continuous) covariance function depends on the geodesic (or angular) distance between two points on the sphere. Under these conditions, the the isotropic random field on the sphere s2(r) can be expanded in mean-square sense as a Laplace series

(2.1) T (r, θ, ϕ) = m +


l=0 l



Ylm(θ, ϕ)alm(r) , where Ylm(θ, ϕ) represent the spherical harmonics, i.e.

(2.2) Ylm(θ, ϕ) = clmexp(imϕ)Plm(cos θ) , − l ≤ m ≤ l , l = 0, 1, ..., where

clm= (−1)m 2l + 1 4π

(l − m)!

(l + m)!


, − l ≤ m ≤ l , and Plm(cos θ) denotes the associated Legendre polynomial of degree l, m, i.e.

(2.3) Plm(x) = (−1)m(1 − x2)m/2 dm

dxmPl(x) , where

Pl(x) = 1 2ll!


dxl(x2− 1)l

is the Legendre polynomial. The spherical harmonics have the following properties Z π


Z 0

Ylm(θ, ϕ)Ylm0 0(θ, ϕ) sin θdθdϕ = δll0δmm0 , (2.4)

Ylm(θ, ϕ) = (−1)mYl−m(θ, ϕ) , Ylm(π − θ, ϕ + π) = (−1)lYlm(θ, ϕ) ,

where δll0 represent the Kronecker delta. The random coefficients in the Laplace series (2.1) can be obtained through inversion arguments in the form of mean-square stochastic integrals

aml (r) = Z π


Z 0

T (r, θ, ϕ)Ylm(θ, ϕ)r2sin θdθdϕ

= Z


T (ru)Ye lm(u)σ1(du) , u = x

kxk ∈ s(1) , r = kxk , (2.5)

see, for example, Leonenko (1999), for more details.

The field T (r, θ, ϕ) = eT (x), x ∈ R3, is said to be isotropic in R3, if E eT (x)2 < ∞, and its first and second order moments are invariant with respect to the group of rotations on the sphere, i.e.

E eT (x) = E eT (gx), E eT (x) eT (y) = E eT (gx) eT (gy) ,

for every g ∈ SO(3), the group of rotations in R3. The restriction of an isotropic random field T (x), x ∈ Re 3 on a sphere s(r) is an isotropic random field on the sphere. This is equivalent to saying that the covariance function ET (r, θ, ϕ)T (r, θ0, ϕ0) depends only on the angular distance θ = θP Q between the points P = (r, θ, ϕ) and Q = (r, θ0, ϕ0). The restriction of the isotropic field on the sphere is spherical field on s(r) if and only if

(2.6) Eaml (r)aml00(r) = δll0δmm0Cl(r) , − l ≤ m ≤ l , − l0 ≤ m0≤ l0 , or

(2.7) E|aml (r)|2 = Cl(r) , m = 0, ±1, ..., ±l .


The functional series {C1(r), C2(r), ..., Cl(r), ...} is called the angular power spectrum of the isotropic random field T (r, θ, ϕ). From (2.1), (2.5) and (2.6) we deduce that

(2.8) Cov(T (r, θ, ϕ)T (r, θ0, ϕ0)) = 1 4π



(2l + 1)Cl(r)Pl(cos θ) , where



(2l + 1)Cl(r) < ∞ ,

for every fixed r > 0. If T (r, θ, ϕ) is an isotropic Gaussian field on the sphere s(r), then the coefficients aml (r) are complex-valued independent Gaussian random processes with

Eaml (r) = 0 , Eaml (r)Eaml00(r) = δmm0δll0Cl(r).

A random field eT (x), x ∈ R3, with E eT (x)2 < ∞, is called homogenous (in the wide sense) if its first two moments are invariant with respect to the Abelian group of shifts in R3. The restriction of the HIRF eT (x), x ∈ R3on the sphere s(r) is an spherical field on s(r) if and only if

(2.9) Eaml (r)aml00(r) = δll0δmm0Cl(r, s) with

(2.10) Cl(r, s) = 2π2

Z 0

Jl+1 2(µr) (µr)1/2

Jl+1 2(µs)

(µs)1/2 G(dµ) , l = 1, 2, ..., where G is a finite measure on the Borel sets of [0, ∞) such that

σ2 = Var n

T (0)e o

= Z


G(dµ) < ∞ , and Jν(z) again is the Bessel function of the first kind of order ν.

The covariance function Cov n

T (x), ee T (y) o

of a mean-square continuous HIRF eT (x), x ∈ R3, depends only on the Euclidean distance

ρ = |x − y| = q

ρ21+ ρ22− 2ρ1ρ2cos γ , cos γ = < x, y >

kxkkyk , x = (ρ1, u1) , y = (ρ2, u2) , and by the addition theorem for Bessel functions can be represented as

B(ρ) = Z


sin(µρ) µρ G(dµ)

= 2π2


l=1 l



Ylm(u1)Ylm(u2) Z



2(µρ1) (µρ1)1/2



(µρ2)1/2 G(dµ) .

By Karhunen’s Theorem, each mean-square continuous homogenous isotropic spherical random field with zero mean has a spectral representation

(2.11) T (x) = m +e


l=1 l



Ylm(θ, ϕ)aml (r), with

(2.12) aml (r) = π√

2 Z




p(µr) Zlm(dµ) ,


where Zlm, −l ≤ m ≤ l, l = 1, 2, .., are the family of complex-valued random measures on Borel sets of [0, ∞) such that

(2.13) EZlm(A) = 0 , EZlm(A)Zlm00(B) = δll0δmm0G(A ∩ B) If there exists an isotropic spectral density g(µ) ≥ 0 such that

(2.14) G(dµ)

dµ = ks(1)kµ2g(µ) , µ2g(µ) ∈ L1([0, ∞)) , where ks(1)k = 4π(the area of the unit sphere). Then (2.11) holds with (2.15) aml (r) = (2π)3/2

Z 0



g(µ)Wlm(dµ) , where

EWlm(A)Wlm0 0(B) = δll0δmm0|A ∩ B| ,

that is Wlm, −l ≤ m ≤ l, l = 1, 2, ... is a family of white noise random measures (Gaussian is field is Gaussian). The restriction of an HIRF eT (x), x ∈ R3 on a sphere s(r) is an isotropic random field on the sphere. In this particular case, the covariance function of this isotropic field T on s(r) is representable in the form (2.8) with the angular power spectrum

(2.16) Cl(r) = 2π2

Z 0



µr G(dµ) , l = 1, 2, ...


(2.17) Cl(r) = (2π)3

Z 0

Jl+2 1 2


µr µ2g(µ)dµ,

whenever (2.14) is satisfied. For the correlation function of HIRF eT (x), x ∈ R3of the form ρ(r) = e−ar, r ≥ 0, the isotropic spectral density g(µ) = a(µ2+ a2)32/(2π32).

We introduce the following conditions for the spherical random fields on R3: A00. Let the mother field Λ = n ˜Λ(x), x ∈ s2(1)


, be isotropic random field and the sphere s2(1) =x ∈ R3 : kxk = 1 ⊂ R3 such that

E ˜Λ(x) = 1, Var ˜Λ(x) = σ2Λ< ∞, Λ(x) > 0, x ∈ s2(1), Cov(Λ(θ, ϕ), Λ(θ0, ϕ0)) = 1



(2l + 1)ClPl(cos θ) ,



(2l + 1)Cl< ∞ ,

and ˜Λ(i)(x), x ∈ s2(1), i = 0, 1, 2, . . . be a sequence of independent fields on x = (1, θ, ϕ) ∈ s2(1) such that

Λ˜(i)(x)= ˜d Λ(i)(bix),

where b > 1 is a scaling factor, and we interpret bix by bix := (1, bi×

π θ, bi ×

ϕ) ∈ s2(1), where the modulus algebra is used accordingly.

Define the finite product fields on s2(1) Λ˜k(x) =




Λ˜(i)(bix), and the random measure on Borel σ-algebra B of s2(1)


(2.18) µk(B) = Z


Λk(y)dy, k = 0, 1, 2, . . . , B ∈ B, in the 3-dimensional spherical coordinate, the above is then in the form

µk(B) = Z Z


Λk(1, θ, ϕ) sin θdθdϕ, k = 1, 2, . . . . We denote

µkD µ, k → ∞,

the weak convergence of the measures µk to some non-degenerate measure µ, that is Z


f (y)µk(dy) → Z


f (y)µ(dy), k → ∞, for all continuous functions f (y), y ∈ s2(1).

The R´enyi function of µ on s2(1) is now defined as

T (q) = lim inf



lµ S(m)l q

log2 Sl(m)

where {Sl(m), l, m}, l = 0, 1, . . . , 2m− 1, is the mesh formed by the m-th level dyadic decompo- sition of the spherical surface s2(1).

We then reformulate the R´enyi function T (q) in our basic scheme Theorem 2.1 in the fol- lowing spherical form. It is a direct consequence of Theorem 2.1 (the s2(1) is identified as a 2-dimensional surface) and thus the proof is omitted; we refer it as a theorem since its formu- lation is of individual interest.

Theorem 2.2. Suppose that the condition A00 holds and the isotropic random field is the re- striction of the HIRF Λ(x), x ∈ R3 with correlation function ρΛ(kx − yk) = ρ(r) on the sphere s2(1). We assume the similar assumptions as those in Theorem 2.1.

The R´enyi function T (q) of the limit measure µ on s2(1) is given by T (q) = q − 1 −1

2logbq(t) , q ∈ Q.

3. Some important scenarios

In this section we consider several scenarios for multifractal random fields on the n-dimensional Euclidean space Rn, n ≥ 2. When n is reduced to be 1, they are consistent with the previous known results of the exponential OU-type stationary processes studied in a series of papers by Anh, Leonenko, and Shieh (2008a,b, 2009a,b, 2010).

Firstly, we provide the the lognormal scenario for multifractal products of HIRF’s, which follow the prominent lognormal hypothesis of Kolmogorov (1962) in turbulent cascades. In fact, this lognormal scenario has its origin in Kahane (1985,1987). We reformulate Theorem 2.1 for this special case in order to have a precise scaling law for the moments.

B0. Consider a mother field of the form Λ(x) = exp

Y (x) −1 2σY2


where Y (x), x ∈ Rn is a zero-mean Gaussian, measurable, separable random field with covari- ance function

RY(r) = σY2ρY(r), ρY(0) = 1.


Let us consider the following more specific case. The Gaussian solution of the stochastic Laplace or stochastic Helmholtz equation studied in Kelbert, Leonenko and Ruiz-Medina (2005);

the equation is in the from:

α2I − ∆ν/2

Y (x) = ε(x), x ∈ Rn, n ≥ 2, ν > 0,

where ε(x), x ∈ Rn, is white noise with variance σ2, ∆ is the Laplacian and I is identity operator. The authors show that the homogeneous isotropic solution to this equation has the covariance function RY(r), which belongs to Mat´ern class, as one can see Stein (2000, pp.

49-51), and takes the following form:

RY(r) = πn/2

α2ν−n2ν−n/2−1Γ(ν) σ2

(2π)nKν−n/2(rα)(rα)ν−n/2, r > 0, α > 0, ν > n/2, where

Kλ(x) = 1 2

Z 0

uλ−1e12x(u+1u)du, x > 0,

is the modified Bessel function of the third kind or McDonald function with index λ.For λ = r + 1/2, where r is an nonnegative integer, the Bessel function Kλ(x) has the closed form

Kr+1/2(x) =r π 2xe−x




(r + k)!

(r − k)!k!(2x)−k. Thus, for ν −n2 = 12, (up to constant)

RY(r) = const1

αe−αr, r ≥ 0,

and condition (2.3) holds; for instance, ν = 32 for n = 2, and ν = 2 for n = 3.

Under condition B0, we have the following moment generating functions:

M (ζ) = E exp


Y (x) −1 2σ2Y

= e12σ2Y2−ζ), ζ ∈ R1, M (ζ1, ζ2; kx1− x2k) = E exp


Y (x1) −1 2σ2X

 + ζ2

Y (x2) −1 2σY2

= exp 1

Y212− ζ1+ ζ22− ζ2 + ζ1ζ2RY(kx1− x2k)

, ζ1, ζ2 ∈ R1, It turns out that, in this case,

M (1) = 1; Mθ(2) = eσY2; σΛ2 = eσ2Y − 1;

Cov(Λ(x1), Λ(x2)) = M (1, 1; kx1− x2k) − 1 = eRY(kx1−x2k)− 1 and

logbEΛ(x)q= (q2− q)σY2

2 log b , q > 0.

Using Theorem 2.1, we obtain

Theorem 3.1. Suppose that condition B0 holds with the correlation function 0 < |ρY(r)| ≤ Ce−γr, r > 0,

for some positive C and γ.

Then, for any b > exp



, the measures

µkD µ, k → ∞,


and the R´enyi function of measure µ is given by T (q) = q

1 + σY2 2n log b

− q2

 σY2 2n log b

− 1, q ∈ [1, 2].

Moreover, for n = 3, if Y (x) in the condition B0, is a spherical isotropic random field ob- tained as restriction of the HIRF Y (x), x ∈ R3 with correlation function ρ(kx − yk) = ρY(r) on the sphere s2(1), then the random measures (2.18) generated by the spherical fields Λ(x) = expY (x) −12σ2Y , x ∈ s2(1), converge weakly to the random measure µ, with the R´enyi func- tion

T (q) = q

1 + σY2 4 log b

− q2

 σY2 4 log b

− 1, q ∈ [1, 2].

In the theory of turbulence cascades, the log-gamma scenario is known as an alternative to the lognormal scenario; see Saito (1992) for details and discussions. Now, we propose a homogeneous isotropic random field version of the log-gamma scenario. We will use a specific construction of the gamma-correlated random field Z(x), x ∈ Rn, as that in Leonenko (1999) and the references therein). However, for our present purpose, we will extend the construction in there to allow two parameters β > 0 and λ > 0 (in the usual literatures the parameter λ = 1).

Accordingly, there exists a HIRF Z(x), x ∈ Rn, with given marginal density

(3.1) p (u) = λβ

Γ (β)uβ−1e−λu, u > 0, λ > 0, β > 0 and fixed correlation function γ = ρZ(τ ).

The bivariate density function of Z(x) can be constructed via the bilinear expansion p (u, w; γ) = p(u)p(w)


1 +






(3.2) = λ2p0(uλ, wλ; γ) , , 0 < γ < 1, where

ek(u) = e(β)k (u) = L(β−1)k (u)

 k!Γ(β) Γ(β + k)


, k = 0, 1, 2, . . . ,

where L(β)k (u) are the generalized Laguerre polynomials of index β for k ≥ 0, defined as L(β)k (u) = (k!)−1u−βeu dk


One can show that

e(β)0 (u) ≡ 1, e(β)1 (u) = (β − u) β−1/2, ...

It is known that

(3.3) p0(u, w; γ) = uw γ

β−12 exp

−u + w 1 − γ



√u · w · γ 1 − γ


Γ (β) (1 − γ), where

Iν(z) =



z 2

2k+ν 1

k! Γ(k + ν + 1).

being the modified Bessel function of the first kind of order ν. In our case γ = ρZ(τ ) . The existence of gamma-correlated HIRF with marginal density (3.1), bivariate density (3.3) and correlation function γ = ρZ(τ ) , in which ρZ(τ ) is a continuous positive-definite function with ρZ(0) = 1 can be proven by using the maximum entropy principle, see Joe (1997) or Dozzi and Leonenko (2011).


Let Z(x), x ∈ Rn, be homogeneous isotropic random field with one dimensional densities (3.1) and two-dimensional densities of the form (3.3), and let γ = γ(kx − yk) be a continuous non-negative definite kernel on Rn× Rn. Then becomes

(3.4) Ee(β)k (Z(x)) = 0, E e(β)m (Z(x)) e(β)k (Z(y)) = δkm γm(kx − yk).

As we shall see below this field can be given constructive for every α = p/2, where p ≥ 1 is integer. So the class of Gamma correlated random fields is not empty. To see this we consider the so-called χ -squared random field:

(3.5) Zp(x) = 1

2(η12(x) + · · · + ηp2(x)), x ∈ Rn, p ≥ 1,

where Y1(x), . . . , Yp(x) are independent copies of homogeneous Gaussian field Y (x), with EY (x) = 0, EY2(x) = 1, Cov(Y (0), Y (x)) = R(kxk), x ∈ Rn

Let the random variables (X1, Y1), . . . , (Xp, Yp) be i.i.d. with common standard normal bivariate distribution with correlation coefficient ρ. Then it can be shown that the r.v. 12(X12, Y12) has the characteristic function

(3.6) ϕβ(t, s, γ) = [1 − it − is − t s (1 − γ)]−β.

with γ = ρ2 and β = 12. Consequently, the function (3.6) is the characteristic function of


2(X12+ · · · + Xp2, Y12+ · · · + Yp2) with β = p/2. In what follows, the Gamma correlated random field Z(x), x ∈ Rn may be realized for β = p/2, γ(kxk) = R2(kxk), as χ-squared random field (3.5). Note that

(3.7) EZp(x) = p

2, VarZp(x) = p

2, Cov(Zp(0), Zp(x)) = p


The one-dimensional and two-dimensional densities of χ-squared random field ξp(x) are given by (3.1) and (3.3) respectively with β = p/2. We obtain

Ee(p/2)k (Zp(x))) e(p/2)m (Zp(x)) = δmk R2m(kx − yk).

Note that the positive definiteness is generally not sufficient for a given function to be the covariance function of a χ-squared random field (3.5), since the covariance function of the χ-squared random field (3.5) must be also nonnegative as it follows from (3.7).

B00. Consider a mother field of the form

(3.8) Λ(x) = exp {Z(x) − cZ} , cZ = log 1 1 −1λβ,

where Z(x), x ∈ Rn is a gamma-correlated HIRF with marginal density (3.1), bivariate density (3.3) and correlation function ρZ(r).

The covariance function of the general gamma-correlated random field then takes the form RZ(r) = β

λ2ρZ(r) .

Under condition B00, we obtain the following moment generating function (3.9) M (ζ) = E exp {ζ (Z (x) − cZ)} = e−cZζ

1 −λζβ, ζ < λ, λ > 1, β ≥ 1.

and the bivariate moment generating function is

M (ζ1, ζ2; kx1− x2k) = E exp {ζ1(Z(x1) − cZ) + ζ2(Z(x2) − cZ)}

= e−cZ12)/

 1 −ζ1

λ − ζ2

λ +ζ1ζ2

λ2 (1 − ρZ(τ ))


, ζ1 < λ, ζ2 < λ, λ > 1,


Thus, the correlation function of the mother process (3.8) takes the form (3.10) ρΛ(r) =



1 −λ2 +λ22 (1 − ρZ(τ ))β − 1

#, "


1 − λ1β − 1

# , where cZ is defined in (3.8). It turns out that, in this case,

logbEΛ (x)q= 1 log b


−q log 1

1 −λ1β − β log 1 − q


# , and we can formulate the following

Theorem 3.2. Suppose that condition B00 holds and λ > 2, and the correlation function 0 < ρZ(r) ≤ Ce−γr, r > 0,

for some positive C and γ.

Then, for any

(β, λ) ∈ Lβ,λ: b >

( 1 +

1 λ2

1 −λ2 )βn

∩ {λ > 2}, the measures

µkD µ, k → ∞, and the R´enyi function of µ is given by

T (q) = q 1 + 1

n log blog 1 1 −1λβ

! +


n log b


 1 − q


− 1, where

q ∈ Q = {0 < q < λ, λ > 2} ∩ [1, 2] ∩ Lβ,λ. B000. Consider a mother field of the form

(3.11) Λ(x) = exp {U (x) − cU} , x ∈ Rn, where

U (x) = − 1

Z(x), x ∈ Rn,

and Z(x), x ∈ Rn is a gamma-correlated HIRF with marginal density (3.1), bivariate density (3.3) and correlation function ρZ(r).

Note that the field U (x) = −Z(x)1 , x ∈ Rn has the negative inverted gamma marginal density p(u) = λβ

Γ(β)(−u)−β−1eλ/u, u < 0, whose moment generating function is

(3.12) M (ζ) = EeζU (x)= 2λβ Γ(β)

 ζ λ


Kβ 2√

λp ζ

, ζ > 0,

where Kλ(x) is modified Bessel function of the third kind or McDonald function We have then

(3.13) cU = − log Γ(β)

β/2Kβ(2√ λ). and

(3.14) logbEΛ(x)q = 1 log b


−qcU + log2λβ/2

Γ(β) + log{qβ2Kβ




, q > 0.


Theorem 3.3. Suppose that condition B000 holds with the correlation function 0 < ρZ(r) ≤ Ce−γr, r > 0,

for some positive C and γ. Then, for any

(β, λ) ∈ Lβ,λ: b >

Γ(β)2β2−1Kβ 2√

2λ λβ/2h

Kβ 2√



1 n


the measures

µkD µ, k → ∞, and the R´enyi function of measure µ is given by

T (q) = q(1 +cUlogΓ(β)β

n log b ) − 1

n log blogn

qβ2Kβ 2p


− (1 + logΓ(β)β/2

n log b ), q ∈ Q = [1, 2] ∩ Lβ,λ. 4. Proofs

Proof of Theorem 2.1.

For each Borel B ⊂ Bn, define Yk:=R

BΛk(y)dy. Then it is seen that Yk, k = 0, 1, 2, . . . , is a martingale. The assumption (i) asserts it converges both in the mean square and almost surely.

Indeed, we have

E(Yk− Yk−1)2= Z Z


E(Λk(y)Λk(y0))E([1 − Λk(y)][1 − Λk(y0)])dydy0, which is equal to



E(Yk− Yk−1)2 =X




"k−1 Y


1 + σ2ρ bi y − y0



y − y0

# dy dy0. We claim that, under the exponential delay assumption on ρ, for b > √n

1 + σ2 the above sum is finite.

Write ky − y0k = r, and assume the condition (i) that |ρ(r)| ≤ Ce−γr. For each k ≥ 1, we have the following estimates:



|1 + σ2ρ bi

y − y0  |



y − y0



1 + σ2


× σ2ρ


y − y0


1 + σ2k


σ2Ce−γbkr .

Using the spherical coordinates to integrate over y, y0 together with a change of variable γbkr = s, we have



E(Yk− Yk−1)2 ≤ const ×X


1 + σ2k


s=0e−ssn−1ds (γbk)n

 , the above sum is finite when bn> 1 + σ2. This asserts the claim.

By martingale L2 convergence, we see that Yk converges in mean square to a limit.

Allowing B to vary over the meshes of all dyadic decompositions of Bn in the spherical coordinate, we obtain the limiting measure µ. The measure µ is non-degenerate and Eµ2(Bn) <



The scaling-invariant property of µ is a consequence of the construction of the µk, indeed µk(dy) = Λk(y)dy=d

Λ(y)Λ(by) · · · Λ(bky)dy=d

Λ(y)Λ(y0)Λ(by0) · · · Λ(bk−1y0)b−ndy0, by = y0,

where= means the equality in the distribution. Thus the scaling invariance of µ is a consequenced of letting k → ∞; whenever it is permitted to take the limit, as we have shown above.

By the assumption (ii), both EΛq(0) < ∞ and Eµq(Bn) < ∞. Assume for simplicity that b = 2 in the following. The scaling-invariant property of µ asserts that

q(dy) = 2−nqq(0)Eµq(2ndy).

Summing ∆ over the class Dm of all members in the m-th level dyadic decomposition, and making backward recursion, we have



q(∆) = Eµq(Bn)2nm2−nmq(EΛq(0))m,

then, R´enyi function has the claimed expression with b = 2; we can use base b for any b > 1, by using decompositions based on b−1-adic base. 

Remark 4.1. The above proof on the martingale L2 convergence, suppose n being reduced to be 1, is complementary to that in Mannersalo et al (2002, pp. 892-3); in which the authors allow the weaker correlation decay ( power decay), yet the positivity of the correlation is essential there, and moreover the arguments there are restricted to the 1-parameter (the process) case.

Proof of Theorem 3.1 We consider the random field

ηq(x) = Λq(x) = Gq ˜Y (x)

 , where

Gq(u) = exp n

quσX −q 2σX2

o ,

and the Gaussian field ˜Y (x) = Y (x)/σX.has the covariance function ρY(kxk).

Let Hk(u), k = 0, 1, 2, ..., be Hermite polynomials with the leading coefficient equal to one, which form a complete system of orthogonal polynomials in the Hilbert space L2(R, ϕ(u)du), where

ϕ(u) = 1

√2πeu22 , u ∈ R.

Then Gq(u) has the expansion

Gq(u) =



(Ck(q)/k!) Hk(u),

Ck(q) = Z



2π equσXq2σ2yu22 du,



Ck2(q) k! = 1

√2π Z


e2(Xq2σy2)u22 du < ∞.

Taking into account the well-known formula E

Hk ˜Y (x))

Hj ˜Y (y)

= k!δkjRk(kx − yk), k, j > 1,


where δjk is the Kronecker symbol, we obtain RΛ(t, s) = Cov (Λq(x), Λq(y)) =



Ck2(q) k! ρkY(kx − yk), and

Ce−γrC12(q) ≤ RΛ(r) 6 Ce−γr



Ck2(q) k!.

This completes the proof.  Proof of Theorem 3.2

Similar to the proof of Theorem 3.1, we can show that the process Z(x) has continuous sample paths. We now consider the process Λ(x) as a non-linear transformation of a gamma-correlated process Z(x), that is,

Λ(t) = Gq(Z(x)) , Gq(u) = exp {qu − qcZ} . Let {ek(u)}k=0 be generalized Laguerre polynomials; then, for λ > 2,

Gq(u) ∈ L2((0, ∞) , p(u)du) , q ∈ Q = Q = {0 < q < λ, λ > 2}, and we have the expansion

Gq(u) =



Ck(q)ek(u), Ck(q) = Z


ek(u)e−qcXe−qu(λ−2)uβ−1du, where

Ck(q) = e−qcXλβ Γ(β)

Z 0

e−qu(λ−1)uβ−1ek(u)du, k = 0, 1, . . . and

Ce−γrC12(q) ≤ σ2ΛρΛ(τ ) ≤ Ce−γr




This completes the proof.  Proof of Theorem 3.3

The proof again follows the main steps of that of Theorem 3.1, with necessary modifications.

We only need to note that, in this case,

Λ(x) = G (Z (x)) , G(u) = eu1−cU, where Z(x) is a gamma-correlated process defined in A00. Then

EG2(Z(x)) = λβ Γ(β)

Z 0


= λβ Γ(β)e−2cX

Z 0


x 2/λ+

2/λ x


= e−2cXαβ2β/2 Γ(β) Kβ



< ∞ for all β > 0, λ > 0.

We have again

Ce−γrC12(q) ≤ σ2ΛρΛ(τ ) ≤ Ce−γr





where now

Ck(q) = e−qcXλβ Γ(β)

Z 0


This completes the proof. 

5. Conclusion and Perspective

In this paper, we address the R´enyi function, which is a central core of Multifractal Analy- sis, for the infinite-products generated by several random fields on the multi-dimensional, 3- dimensional in particular, sphere. The scenarios for the random fields presented in this paper are log-normal, log-gamma, and log-negative-inverted-gamma.

The main motivation of this paper is to provide scenarios which may test the possible non- Gaussianity for the statistical distribution of Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation(CMBR);

a challenging issue of cosmology presented for example in the review paper by Marinucci (2004) and the monograph by Marinucci and Peccati (2011, Chapter 1, §1.2).

There are statistical calibrations which are not able to present in this paper. The Nine- Year Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) data released at December 20, 2012 ( arXiv:1212.5226 ) could be an extremely valuable database for future statistical testing of the models.


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School of Mathematics, Cardiff University, Senghennydd Road, Cardiff CF24 4AG, UK. E-mail:


Department of Mathematics, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin N.T. China. On leave from National Taiwan University. E-mail: shiehnr@ntu.edu.tw URL: http://www.math.ntu.edu.tw/~shiehnr/




– Factorization is “harder than” calculating Euler’s phi function (see Lemma 51 on p. 404).. – So factorization is harder than calculating Euler’s phi function, which is




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