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專業科目選擇題 50 題(單選題,一題 2 分,答錯不扣分) 。不得使用計算機。


Academic year: 2022

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勞動部勞動力發展署桃竹苗分署 105 年度自辦在職進修訓練第 03 期

國貿英文商業書信實務(六)班甄試筆試考卷 01

(105 年 9 月 3 日上午)

專業科目選擇題 50 題(單選題,一題 2 分,答錯不扣分) 。不得使用計算機。

號 試 題

1. 我國為表揚前一年出進口實績前十名及出口成長率前十名之績優廠商所頒發之獎項稱為①金商獎②金貿 獎③小巨人獎④磐石獎。

2. 我國目前已加入下列哪些「國際經濟組織」?a.WTO;b.APEC;c.ASEAN;d.EU①ab②bc③ac④bd。

3. 下列何者不是相對貿易?①易貨交易②補償交易③相對採購④委託加工。

4. 下列何種發票在貿易過程中最先出現?①Commercial Invoice②Proforma Invoice③Consular Invoice

④Customs Invoice。

5. 公證公司除提供客戶的檢驗服務外,同時也因應一些開發中國家要求,為防止走私及逃稅等,在出口國 執行①PSI 檢驗②PDA 檢驗③CNS 檢驗④DNA 檢驗。

6. 現行我國貿易管理制度採①負面表列②正面表列③完全自由④嚴格管制。

7. 大宗物資大多屬於①併裝貨物②包裝貨物③散裝貨物④整櫃貨物。

8. 有關承兌交單的貿易流程順序 a.簽訂買賣契約;b.出口商透過託收銀行取得出口貨款;c.貨物裝運取得 裝運單據;d.進口商向進口地代收銀行辦理匯票承兌取得貨運單據辦理提貨;e.出口商備齊單據,委託 出口地託收銀行託收;f.匯票到期進口商付款,下列敘述何者正確?①acebdf②acdebf③acedfb④ aecbdf。

9. 對於品質不良糾紛,仲裁地之選擇宜採①起岸地主義②被告地主義③第三國主義④離岸地主義。

10. 下列何者不是目前各國辦理仲裁的機關?①商會②商品交易協會③法院④國際商會。

11. 依據 Incoterms 2010 之規定,Carriage and Insurance Paid to New York,其 New York 係指下列何 者?①Port of Loading②Port of Discharge③Place of Destination④Place of Receipt。

12. Incoterms 2010 以下列何種貿易條件取代 DAF、DES、DEQ 與 DDU?①DAP、DAT②DAT、DDP③FAS、DDP


13. 有關 L/C 押匯單據之提示期限,若 L/C 未做規定,依 UCP600 第 14 條 c 項規定應於下列何時提示?

①裝運日後 3 日內②裝運日後 7 日內③裝運日後 15 日內④裝運日後不遲於 21 日為之。

14. 依 UCP600 第 6 條 c 項規定信用狀之簽發,不可要求以下列何者為匯票付款人?①受益人②保兌銀行


15. 進口商以 L/G 提貨,下列何者錯誤?①日後貨物有瑕疵不可拒絕受貨②押匯銀行提供之單據有瑕疵不得 拒絕受理③不可拒付貨款④可以扣留 B/L。

16. 下列哪一項係所有單據的中心,交運的貨品都以該文件上所載的內容為準?①B/L②Commercial Invoice

③Packing List④L/C。

17. 當貨物發生損壞,欲提出保險索賠時,下列處理方式何者最好?①立即逕行檢驗並自己作成報告②逕行 找公證行檢驗,作成報告③立即通知銀行找公證行,會同檢驗,作成公證報告④立即通知保險人找公證 行,會同檢驗,作成公證報告。

18. 出口商為避免因進口地發生戰爭致貨物無法進口或無法收取貨款之損失,則可選擇投保①兵險②全險③ 平安險④輸出保險。

19. 有關空運運送,下列敘述何者錯誤?①空運運送不可適用貨櫃運送②未向航空公司投保時,有關保險金 額欄位則記載為 NIL③若託運高價值貨品,可向運送人申報價值,但若未申報價值時,則標示 NVD④實 務上可將空運提單做副提單背書。

20. 運送人簽發清潔提單後,若有下列何種狀況運送人可以不賠?①部份貨物數量不足②部份貨物嚴重破損

③部份貨物外包裝完好,但箱內貨物短缺④提單未加註 shipper's load and count。

21. We would be delighted to ______ business relations with you.①enter②establish③open④set。

22. Your order No. A231 is now being processed and should be ready for ___ by next week.①deliver


23. Please return the damaged goods. We will replace them free of ___.①expense②charge③pay④ payment。

24. As the photocopier is still under ______, we'll repair it for free.①warranty②standard③ instruction④construction。

25. We would like to know whether the firm is ____ in settling its accounts promptly.①reasonable


26. As the time of shipment is fast approaching, we must ask you to fax the L/C and shipping ______immediately.①advice②documents③manual④instructions。

27. At the fair, we will ______ some of our newly-developed products.①secure②procure③exhibit


28. The package ______ the dinner plates appeared to be in good condition.①containing②maintaining


29. We have ______ from the Chamber of Commerce in Boston that you are a leading manufacturer of waterproof watches in Taiwan.①known②learned③told④written。

30. We are a rapidly ______ multinational company.①expanding②extension③expanded④extended。

31. ______ our latest catalog and price list for your reference.①We are enclosed②Enclosed are

③Enclosed is④Enclose。

32. We have arranged with our bankers to open a letter of credit ______.①for your benefit②in your interest③in your account④in your favor。

33. We have enclosed our price list but should point out that prices ______ as the market for raw materials is rather unstable at present.①likely to change②are changed possibly③are subject to change④maybe changing。

34. As this model is ______, we would recommend that you accept this offer as soon as possible.

①in great supply②in great demand③out of stock④out of order。

35. _________ if you could send some samples of the material.①We would appreciate②We would be appreciated③It would be appreciated④We would grateful。

36. ______, we are enclosing our catalogue and price list.①As requested②As request③As requiring

④As requires。

37. Please confirm the order ______ email and send us the shipping information along with your invoice.①by②in③on④through。

38. Unfortunately, there is no manufacturer that we know of who can _________.①make your requirements②meet your needs③take your demand④satisfy your want。

39. We specialize in ______ footwear.①fashion and cheap②fashionable and affordable③elegance and inexpensive④beautiful designed。

40. Our prices are relatively low in comparison with ______.①they②them③their④theirs。

41. May we suggest that you visit our showrooms in Los Angeles______ you can see a wide range of units?①that②which③, which④where。


42. We can ______ and will have no trouble meeting your delivery date.①supply from stock②provide the good③settle the account④immediate delivery。

43. We enclose our check for $1,530.75 ______ your invoice number A531.①for pay②for payment

③in payment of④to settle of。

44. Three cases in the consignment ______ on arrival.①damaged②were missing③were short shipping


45. Please ___ the overdue payments immediately.①solve②pay③settle④exchange。

46. Our delivery will be a week early, so we'd like to ______ the payment date as well.①move up

②look forward③put off④call off。

47. We have the pleasure to introduce ______ as an import agent.①you②yourselves③us④ourselves。

48. A: How would you like your coffee? B: _________①Well done, please.②Very well, thank you.

③Not for me, thanks.④Black, please.。

49. A: Where do you know Jack from? B: _________①I used to work with him.②He is from England.

③I've heard a lot about him from my boss.④He works for IBM.。

50. A: Can I speak to Mr. Johnson please? B: I'm sorry but he's not here right now. ______①Can I leave a message?②Can I take a message?③I'll put you through.④I'll call back later.。


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科目:工商心理學 一律橫式作答 共1頁. 選擇題:每題

一、本試題計 50 題,每題2 分,共100


壹、問答題 60%(五題任選三題,每題 20 分,共 60

(一)初試:採筆試方式,題目類型為選擇題,每科目題數各 50 題(每題 2 分,各題未作 答不予計分,答錯倒扣 0.6 分) 。初試成績達參加複試標準(初試科目其中

下列敘述何者錯誤? (A)連線同一個網頁即代表同一個 Session (B)Session.IsNewSession 屬性可檢 查目前是否為建立 Session 物件的新連線 (C)預設 20 分鐘之後 Session 會自動失效並且刪除 (D)