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Academic year: 2022

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榮譽第一 ※考試時間,請關閉手機


科目名稱: 實用英文

一律橫式作答 第一頁

注意: 請依照題號排列的順序作答。

一、選擇題 --- 60% (單選二十題,每題三分。請依據句子的意思為空格選出最適當的答案。) 1. In the U.S. teenagers take classes at school to learn ______.

1) how to drive 2) to drive 3) what to drive 2. Nothing to see ______ little houses, and nothing to do at night.

1) just 2) but 3) for

3. Mom, Dad and all the kids ______ in their beds as visions of sugar plums danced in their heads.

1) tucked 2) are tucked 3) were tucked

4. You’ve always wanted to keep a pet even though it ______ convenient in our flat.

1) haven’t been 2) hadn’t been 3) hasn’t been 5. There were eight little reindeer ______ at his sleigh.

1) pulling 2) pull 3) pulled

6. Suppose you have bought a new car. The car is not as good as you ______ . 1) expected 2) expecting 3) expect

7. You know, in the States, many people hang wreaths, circles made of pine branches and decorated with ribbons, on their front door. 這句子裡的 and 的連接哪兩部份?

1) branches 和 decorated 2) made of pine branches 和 decorated with ribbons.

3) hang wreaths 和 decorated with ribbons

8. 同上面第七題的句子,和 wreaths 相近意思的是哪一個字?

1) States 2) people 3) circles

9. Mrs. Roberts: If we hit snow, we need to put chains on the tires because the roads may be slick.


1) 遇到下雪 2) 撞到雪堆 3) 大雪壓境

10. Stuart: We’ve talked about all these things before. So let’s not go around in circles.

Joan: But that’s precisely it. I’ve been here before, I grew up in the countryside.


1) 正確地 2) 那是對的 3) 問題所在 11. Nicole: Or maybe they will go to a yard sale!

Mikki: Right on!

請問 Mikki 說的 Right on! 是什麼意思?

1) 往右前進 2) 剛好 3) 好呀!

12. Mr. Roberts: Maybe you won’t be so down-in-the-dumps after seeing your new niece, John.


1) 失望難過 2) 躲在垃圾桶下面 3) 翻不了身

13. I also miss the wide open space and the great views. 請問 and 連接哪兩部份?

1) space, the 2) the wide open space, the great views 3) open, great


科目名稱: 實用英文【副題】

一律橫式作答 第二頁

14. As I see it, you have two choices: either satisfy my above demands or your company will face legal actions. 這句子的主要結構是哪一部份?

1) As I see it,….

2) you have two choices….

3) you company will face legal actions….

15. That means you will come to an intersection that has no traffic light. 畫線的部份是形容詞子 句,是形容句子的哪一部份?

1) That 2) you 3) an intersection

16. Did you also notice, Tee-ying, that there are more people now in France who can speak English or at least a mouthful of English? 畫線的部份是形容詞子句,形容句子的哪一部份?

1) Tee-ying 2) people 3) France

17. 下面哪一個答案,是可以顯示出每一小分段意思完整性的合理分段?

1) I also heard // that the Chinese celebrate the Lunar New Year’s Eve // with a family meal // full of lucky food.

2) I also heard // that the Chinese celebrate the // Lunar New Year’s Eve with // a family meal // full of lucky food.

3) I also heard // that the Chinese celebrate // the Lunar New Year’s Eve with a family meal full // of lucky food.

18. John: That sounds good. I ate tacos for lunch yesterday.

Laura: Well, maybe my sister should buy us pizza, instead.

這段對話裡的 instead 所含的意思是:

1) 不買 pizza 2) 不買 tacos 3) 沒意思 19. Susan: What kind of topics are you talking about?

Carol: ___________________


1) No, I don’t know what you want.

2) I want to have some chapters on the major British cities.

3) Tell me more about it.

20. Jenny: We are planning a test market in New Zealand.

Jeff: That’s great. So, how can I help you?

Jenny: _______________


1) First, we need to know if we need a visa.

2) Please take the luggage for me.

3) Could you please do me a favor?


科目名稱: 實用英文【副題】

一律橫式作答 第三頁

二、閱讀測驗 --- 40% (每格四分。請依照 1,2,3,4,5,…..作答) 題目一

Nicole: Well, the prices aren’t too high, but I saw so many things that said: “Made in Taiwan.”

Laura: Where did you see that?

Nicole: I saw it on the labels in many of the clothes I looked at.

Laura: How strange to come to the United States and find that everything here is made in Taiwan.

Jade: Well, not everything. Sometimes you will see labels in clothes that were made in Indonesia or Singapore, Hong Kong, Korea, Thailand…

Laura: Why is that?

John: Because the U.S. is a multi-cultural country.

Nicole: Oh, I get it. It’s because the United States has people from many ethnic backgrounds.

1. 在 shopping mall 裡,什麼東西最吸引 Nicole 的注意?(寫中文或英文都可)


2. Laura 對於 Nicole 的發現,有什麼看法?請把最能表現 Laura 心情的那一段英文完 整抄寫出來。(寫英文)_______

3. 哪一段和 many ethnic backgrounds 的意思相近?(寫英文)_______


Mr. Ormond: Let’s not argue. This is really important. One of my students will be here soon, we can do the accounting later.

Mrs. Ormond: You and your computer. You live only for your computer. Perhaps you should have married a computer.

(The bell rings)

Mr. Ormond: Saved by the bell! That must be my student, Hiroko. She is a Japanese.

4. Mr. Ormond 說的 we can do the accounting later. 的中文意思是什麼?(寫中文即可) ________

5. Mrs. Ormond 說的 you should have married a computer. 是用什麼樣的口氣說的?(寫 中文即可) _________

6. Mrs. Ormond 說 you should have married a computer. 是想表達她的什麼想法?(寫中 文即可) __________

7. 最後 Mr. Ormond 說 Saved by the bell! 是什麼意思?(寫中文即可) __________


Ellen: What are the radio programs like in Germany? Are there concerts and other things like that for young people?

Christa: Do you mean what music and radio programs we listen to at home?

8. Ellen 說的 like that 的 that 代表什麼意思?請把相對應的英文寫出來。(寫英文) _________


Joan: We should also be able to recycle a lot more things now that we are going to have such a big garden. But I know one other thing we must do, buy bicycles.

Stuart: Oh, no! You know I hate exercising!

9. Joan 認為除了 recycling 外,他們還得做什麼事呢?(寫英文) __________

10. Stuart 贊成 Joan 的提議嗎?為什麼?請完整抄寫出佐證的英文。(這一小題有兩個 問題,都要寫出來) _______________



一、選擇題 --- 60% (單選二十題,每題三分。請依據句子的意思為空格選出最適當的答案。) 1. (p127) 1) how to drive

2. (p166) 2) but 3. (P222) 3) were tucked 4. (p239) 3) hasn’t been 5. (p222) 1) pulling 6. (p217) 1) expected

7. (p255) 2) made of pine branches 和 decorated with ribbons.

8. (p255) 3) circles 9. (p147) 1) 遇到下雪 10. (p239) 3) 問題所在 11. (p138) 3) 好呀!

12. (p183) 1) 失望難過

13. (p157) 2) the wide open space, the great views 14. (p218) 2) you have two choices….

15. (p128) 3) an intersection 16. (p249) 2) people

17. (p255) 1) I also heard // that the Chinese celebrate the Lunar New Year’s Eve //

with a family meal // full of lucky food.

18. (p128) 2) 不買 tacos

19. (p227) 2) I want to have some chapters on the major British cities.

20. (p188) 1) First, we need to know if we need a visa.

二、閱讀測驗 --- 40% (每格四分。請依照 1,2,3,4,5,…..作答) 題目一


1. prices 和 things that said “Made in Taiwan”

2. How strange to come to the United States and find that everything here is made in Taiwan.

3. multi-cultural 題目二


4. 我們稍後再算清帳目 5. 生氣的口氣

6. 她覺得 Mr. Ormond 太迷電腦了,乾脆娶電腦為妻算了。

7. 門鈴響救了 Mr. Ormond,讓他鬆了一口氣,不必再聽 Ms. Ormond 的嘮叨。

題目三 p243

8. concerts 題目四


9. buy bicycles

10. 1) 不太贊成;2) Oh, no! You know I hate exercising!



與「行為能力」之敘述,下列何者錯誤?(1)滿十八歲為成年(2)受監護宣告 之人,無行為能力(3)未滿七歲之未成年人,無行為能力(4)滿七歲以上之未 成年人,有限制行為能力。 (出處

科目:工商心理學 一律橫式作答 共1頁. 選擇題:每題


壹、問答題 60%(五題任選三題,每題 20 分,共 60

選擇第 3 題超出範圍 393 頁,該題在 400 頁。. 選擇第

配合題 (60%,每題 5 分,共 12 題,每一題找出下列字母中最適當的答案,字母可重覆選,但務必只

壹、單選題:(一)三十題,題號自第 1 題至第 30

壹、單選題:(一)三十題,題號自第 1 題至第 30