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貳、英文【第 26-50 題,每題 2 分,共計 25 題,佔 50 分】


Academic year: 2021

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中華郵政股份有限公司 104 年從業人員甄試試題 職階/甄選類科【代碼】:專業職(二)內勤/櫃台業務【G5201-G5222】、




注意:作答前須檢查答案卡、入場通知書編號、桌角號碼、甄選類科是否相符,如有不同應立即請監試 人員處理,否則不予計分。

本試卷正反兩頁共 50 題單選題,每題 2 分。限用 2B 鉛筆在「答案卡」上作答,請選出最適當答 案,答錯不倒扣;未作答者,不予計分。


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壹、國文【第 1-25 題,每題 2 分,共計 25 題,佔 50 分】


教「唆」犯罪 青年才「俊」

重山「峻」嶺 深潭「浚」谷


意不容辭 令人咋舌

人謀不贓 磬竹難書


致仕/登科 失恃/寡人

足下/弱冠 躊躇/猶豫







樑木其壞 風行草偃 雁行失序 鼓盆之戚







脣亡齒寒 齒白脣紅

不足掛齒 齒德俱尊


屈原 荊軻 岳飛 曹操






【2】10.「華而不實」乃運用反義字相對成詞,喻表面好看但無實際內容。下列詞語與此構詞方式不相同的 選項是:

秘而不宣 視而不見

譎而不正 述而不作


師說 古文八大家

詩中有畫,畫中有詩 匹夫而為百世師,一言而為天下法


「潰」不成軍 功虧一「匱」

不虞「饋」乏 「聵」贈禮物

【2】13.「有一個飲者自稱楚狂/不飲已醉,一醉更狂妄/不到夜郎已經夠自大/幸而貶你未曾到夜郎」。本詩 所歌詠的人物是:

屈原 李白

陶淵明 徐志摩


慎選環境 善用工具

勤奮不懈 勇於發問



酒 油 鹽 火


晚上七點到九點 晚上九點到晚上十一點

晚上十一點到凌晨一點 凌晨一點到凌晨三點


醫院 相命館

戲院 眼鏡行


光風霽月 火樹銀花

高山流水 落英繽紛












燕巢幕上/乳燕歸巢 投鞭斷流/軍隊眾多

米珠薪桂/物產豐饒 夢熊之喜/賀人病癒


令 呈 咨 函


公文用紙採 B4 尺寸紙張






甲乙丙丁 甲乙丁丙

乙甲丙丁 乙甲丁丙







貳、英文【第 26-50 題,每題 2 分,共計 25 題,佔 50 分】


【2】26. Jack is very ________ with this type of washing machine. He can fix it right away.

 popular  familiar  known  aware

【3】27. Mom was very surprised that Steve ________ to clean the kitchen yesterday. He had never done any housework before.

 realized  solved  volunteered  belonged

【1】28. The opening ________ of the Olympic Games is always interesting to watch.

 ceremony  amazement  career  degree

【4】29. Parents should teach their children to behave ________ in public.

 actually  accidentally  fortunately  properly

【2】30. For me, speaking in front of so many people is a great ________ because I get nervous easily.

 discussion  challenge  opinion  delight

【3】31. After five years of training, Noah ________ many difficulties and became the chef of a five-star restaurant.

 contained  preferred  overcame  offered

【2】32. Walk straight and you will see the ________ to the national park on your left.

 distance  entrance  humor  relation

【1】33. Before you see a dentist, you need to make an ________ in advance.

 appointment  attack  account  advertisement


【4】34. Mr. Lin doesn’t know ________ this new method to his teaching.

 how can he apply  how he to apply

 how should he apply  how to apply

【3】35. After I saw the movie, I was shocked by ________ humans have done to the earth.

 that  which  what  how

【2】36. After a day of work, Tom was ________ tired ________ walk home, so he took a taxi.

 so; that  too; to  so; as to  very; to

【2】37. Tastes differ. Some people love pop music, while ________ enjoy classical music.

 another  others  the other  all others

【1】38. An earthquake struck Japan yesterday, ________ many lives.

 taking  took  taken  to take

【2】39. We should keep our cellphones in the silent mode ________ the audience will enjoy the performance without interruption.

 which  so that  as if  unless

【1】40. Since I ________ from the university, I have lost contact with all my classmates.

 graduated  am graduated

 have graduated  had graduated


Singing in the KTV is popular with young people. But few people would give 41 to the inventor of the wonderful karaoke machine---Daisuke Inoue, a Japanese. He was employed at a nightclub and played the piano for customers who wanted to sing. Since sometimes he had trouble 42 unfamiliar songs, he tried to think of some ways to solve the problem. 43 this in mind, he successfully invented the karaoke machine. The machine, 44 his surprise, was so popular that it caused changes in entertainment world. Daisuke was then awarded the Ig Nobel Prize not only because of his creativity 45 because of the fact that the karaoke made people learn to tolerate each other in a new way.

【2】41.  criticism  attention  remedy  objection

【4】42.  to play  play  played  playing

【1】43.  Keeping  Have  To keep  To have

【2】44.  for  to  on  with

【3】45.  and  also  but  or


If someone has amnesia, they can’t remember things that happened before. Amnesia can happen when people have an accident and hit their head, or when people get a brain sickness. People with amnesia forget what happened to them and may even forget their names, where they live, or who their friends and family are. Amnesia usually goes away after twenty-four hours or so. After the shock wears off or the sickness passes, people’s memories come back to them.

Yet, Clive Wearing’s story is a most unusual one. In 1985, Wearing got a serious brain sickness that

wreaked havoc on the part of his brain that holds memories. Because of his sickness, Wearing can’t hold on

to new memories for more than a few minutes. He forgets everything as soon as it happens. He spends each day “waking up” every few minutes, because he has already forgotten everything he’s done that day---even waking up.

Wearing remembers little of his life before 1985. He knows he has children, but he can’t remember their names. He loves his wife, Deborah. Each time he meets her, he believes he’s seeing her for the first time in many years. He does this even though Deborah may have left the room just minutes before.

Having such a bad memory is hard to imagine. Of course, it hasn’t been easy for the Wearings, and Deborah has written a book about her husband’s amnesia called Forever Today, and Clive’s story has been told in a TV show. Because of his memory problem, Wearing can’t work anymore and now lives in a special home for people with brain injuries.

【2】46. According to the passage, what is amnesia?

 A brain cancer.

 Loss of memory.

 An illness that only old people will suffer.

 A person with brain injuries.

【1】47. Which is NOT true about Clive Wearing?

 He forgets he has children.

 He has an extreme case of amnesia.

 He continues feeling like he has just woken up.

 His brain injury is responsible for his amnesia.

【4】48. What can we infer from the passage?

 Clive Wearing feels sad about his life.

 Clive Wearing forgets the name of his wife.

 Clive Wearing needs his wife’s help to find his way.

 Clive Wearing experiences things like they happen the first time.

【4】49. Which is true about the book

Forever Today?

 It was broadcast live around the world.

 It is Clive Wearing’s life story written by himself.

 It has encouraged many people with brain injuries.

 It draws readers to the life of a victim of amnesia.

【3】50. What does wreaked havoc in the second paragraph mean?

 Left a message.

 Gave out light.

 Caused damage.

 Offered help.



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