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行政院國家科學委員會專題研究計畫 成果報告

使用者對緊急救助圖示的通用辨識與示意圖像設計之研究 (I)


計 畫 類 別 : 個別型

計 畫 編 號 : NSC 97-2410-H-011-022-

執 行 期 間 : 97 年 08 月 01 日至 98 年 08 月 31 日 執 行 單 位 : 國立臺灣科技大學工商業設計系

計 畫 主 持 人 : 林廷宜

計畫參與人員: 碩士班研究生-兼任助理人員:陳建成

報 告 附 件 : 出席國際會議研究心得報告及發表論文

處 理 方 式 : 本計畫可公開查詢

中 華 民 國 98 年 10 月 16 日


行政院國家科學委員會補助專題研究計畫 期末進度報告


An Investigation on Explanation Graphics for Emergency:

the Universe and Identification of Safety Information (I)

計畫類別:■ 個別型計畫 □ 整合型計畫

計畫編號:NSC - 97 - 2410 - H - 011 - 022 執行期間:2008 年 8 月 1 日至 2009 年 7 月 31 日

計畫主持人:林廷宜 共同主持人:


成果報告類型(依經費核定清單規定繳交):■精簡報告 □完整報告






處理方式:除產學合作研究計畫、提升產業技術及人才培育研究計畫、列管計畫及下列情形者 外,得立即公開查詢



中 華 民 國 98 年 10 月 15 日



本年度研究計畫著重於緊急處理步驟使用說明設計與應用的整體性分析調查,透過了解國 內外敘述緊急救助步驟、緊急救助過程、以及緊急救助圖示表現之相關策略與設計,從中分析 視覺語言及資訊架構,並透過理解程度問卷的規劃,以測驗受測者對緊急救助圖示的印象與辨 識程度,探詢受測者對於緊急救助圖示應用變化的辨識程度及意見回饋。本研究採用問卷調查、

設計實驗、以及訪談等方法來進行資料蒐集與分析,著重於歸納整理、視覺語言及資訊架構分 析,與問卷調查,以探討民眾對緊急救助圖示的視覺認識,根據現行研究所討論之結果,研究 團隊進行緊急救助符號之應用現況及個案識認性評估,緊急救助視覺應用與使用狀況之探究,


本研究團隊積極進行緊急救助視覺應用使用狀況之探究,以及使用者對現有緊急救助符號 之認知研究等方面的分析與整理,成果陸續發表於相關學術期刊及國內外研討會中。目前已有 1 篇論文被國際期刊所接受,已發表之國際研討會論文 3 篇,已發表之國內研討會論文 3 篇。

本研究在所有成員熱情努力投入研究工作下奠定了對緊急救助圖示與視覺資訊傳達設計的重要 基礎,並開始在學術舞台建立國際性的交流與機制。




In view of various forms of visual representation and explanation graphics, this investigation aims to understand the users’ degree of awareness on explanation graphics for emergency-and-safety as well as the effectiveness and efficiency of the design. To answer the research questions, data is collected and analyzed through the processes of survey, design experiments, and interviews. This investigation is establishing a systematic and a strategic view on explanation graphics for

emergency-and-safety from a visual information design perspective. With this effort, we will

understand how the uses of visual language and visual information structure in explanation graphics affect users’ understanding of the provided information. On the other hand, the results of the study will make comments and suggestions for the current explanation graphics design of

emergency-and-safety and this experiment will increase significant improvements on the development of visual information design.

The publications and experimental activities from our research group are continuously growing.

The research inspector participated in several international conferences, published papers, and gave talks. With those participations and interactions, participants from various countries and regions shared ideas, aroused inspirations, and sparked new thoughts. Moreover, the members of research team are devoting our energies to present works through journals and/or conferences.

Keywords: Visual Information Design, Emergency-and-Safety, Visual Literacy



本研究為「使用者對緊急救助圖示的通用辨識與示意圖像設計之研究」之第一年度計畫,本 年度研究計畫著重於緊急處理步驟使用說明設計與應用的整體性分析調查,透過了解國內外敘 述緊急救助步驟、緊急救助過程、以及緊急救助圖示表現之相關策略與設計,從中分析視覺語 言及資訊架構,並透過理解程度問卷的規劃,以測驗受測者對緊急救助圖示的印象與辨識程度,

再探詢受測者對於緊急救助圖示應用變化(包括圖像與背景變化、造形與色彩變化、以及與實體 環境的置放運用等)的辨識程度及意見回饋。

雖然警告標誌與警報的設置在我們的學習與工作環境、公共活動場域、甚至一般家庭用品 與工廠機械等處隨時可見,用以提醒的方式儘量避免災害的發生。然而,我們生活週遭隱藏著 的各式各樣危險仍然難以完全避免,防不勝防,雖然在預防上加強宣導以減少意外傷亡是重要 的,但意外總在許多難以避免的情況下發生,意外發生後隨即的緊急救護,便成為生命救助極 其重要的一環。緊急救護圖示的設計與使用可以分為事先預防教育用途和緊急措施處理之確認 與提醒兩種用途。前者如航空飛行給予一般民眾的緊急逃生資料,為了安全的考量,空中服務 人員一定要在飛機起飛前帶領乘客將資料內容講解提醒一遍,並實際示範以增進民眾的理解;

此時緊急救護圖示的表達是一種事前的教育,著重於對操作過程的確實了解,這些理解與練習 相當重要,許多緊急處理的常識與操作的熟悉度必須要作事先的學習與操演,並非等到事情發 生時才從頭學習,因為時間的緊迫往往來不及等學好了再處理;雖然也需要平時的教育與學習 準備,但後者,如 CPR 的流程與急救方法圖等,資訊提醒與確認可以避免因時間的緊迫與緊急 的氛圍所容易造成的步驟缺漏或錯誤判斷。因此,本研究針對緊急救護的跨文化與跨地域性的 特質加以定義與辨識圖樣,探討民眾對緊急救助圖示的視覺認識,探知受測者對於緊急救助圖 示應用變化的辨識程度及意見回饋,並分析圖示之使用功能與狀況。


本研究主要以視覺資訊傳達的觀點切入,探討使用現況、認識程度、示意圖像時效性、可 理解性及其應用模式。其主要之研究目的在於:(1) 調查國內緊急救護圖示之使用現況與現階 段全球通用的緊急處理示意圖像的認識程度,並針對各種不同形式的緊急處理步驟使用說明設 計與應用(如產品視覺應用、二維及三維空間環境之配合與應用)進行整體性的分析調查。(2) 評估緊急處理步驟使用說明設計的時效性與可理解性。此方面的研究以視覺資訊傳達的設計方 法發展步驟解說圖示,應用通用設計的概念以 PPP (Product Performance Program) 檢驗來進行資 料蒐集與圖示設計調整,以確定圖式設計與視覺語言應用的有效性。(3) 研擬以視覺資訊設計 概念下發展緊急救護示意圖像應用於事先預防教育用途和緊急措施處理之確認與提醒兩種用途 的概念設計模式,以提供視覺設計、安全規劃與教育推廣等專業人士建議與參考。

積極而言,正確而有效的資訊引導可幫助緊急救護處理者作正確的判斷與周全的處理;消 極而言,無論是否經過專業訓練,每個人皆可透過有效的視覺資訊尋得緊急救護的工具,在有 限的時間內作簡易的處理並馬上聯繫專業的支援。根據辨認經驗之關聯性以及民眾對緊急救助 圖示之意識與應對行為,探討國內居民對緊急救助圖示的視覺辨識與該示意圖像在通用設計觀 點下的現況,並對緊急救助與處理之相關視覺資訊教育提出建議。另一方面,思考示意圖像在 實際運用上之於辨認性與時效性的設計觀點,視覺資訊設計除了在一般主題表現上功能導向與 美感表現的平衡,本研究更是凸顯其全球通用視覺語言的使用的迫切性與重要性。



本研究採用問卷調查、設計實驗、訪談以及口語分析方法等方法來進行資料蒐集與分析,問 卷調查的目的一方面蒐集受測者的基本背景資料,另一方面則要了解其對現階段全球通用的緊 急處理示意圖像的認識程度以及對緊急救護圖示之使用現況。設計實驗旨在進行視覺資訊設計 與使用的測試,落實以使用者為中心與通用設計概念的實用性理念;而訪談的目的除了是要獲 得專業人士的建議和觀點外,亦希望獲得受測者進行實驗操作時的觀感反應,而口語分析方法 的運用可對受測者的感知辨識與對視覺資訊的理解作更深入的了解。本研究的成果將兼具學理 與應用的雙重價值。在學理上,本研究將建立起緊急救護圖示的系統性研究,將有助於視覺設 計師更進一步了解視覺語言應用與視覺資訊設計策略的使用如何影響使用者的使用、辨識與理 解。在實際應用上,本研究之成果亦可對發展視覺資訊設計概念及如何設計緊急救護示意圖像 提出建議。




步驟、緊急救助過程、以及緊急救助圖示表現之相關策略與設計,從中進行視覺語言及資訊架 構之分析,並針對各種不同形式的就醫前緊急處理步驟使用說明設計與應用進行整體性的分析






在第一年期的研究計畫所進行的緊急救護圖示跨文化與跨地域性的比較與整理中陸續分別 以(A)以內容而言,以及(B)以文化地區而言之方向進行;在內容分項中包含與緊急救護圖 示相關之火警、交通、警告、指示、禁止、醫療、緊急處理、環境安全、公共資訊以及其他特 殊圖示等;在文化地區分項中對不同的國家或地域文化的設計與相關規定,作緊急狀況示意圖 像的使用與其他產品或環境之配合應用的歸納與整理,並蒐集國內外敘述緊急救助步驟、緊急 救助過程,以及緊急救助圖示表現之相關策略與設計,針對緊急救護的跨文化與跨地域性特性 加以定義與辨識圖樣。在個案研究中分別針對避難緩降機操作說明圖示設計與用藥圖像設計的 識認性進行實例研究探討,用以探討使用者對說明圖示的辨識與認知,對個案現況深度探救與 實驗,並探討圖解圖示以及視覺資訊傳達設計的原則與建議。以上述研究進度與討論為基礎,

除了持續對內容以及文化地區性的深度與廣度擴大,使之更加扎實且豐富外,本研究團隊即將 進行問卷規劃與問卷調查,以探討民眾對緊急救助圖示的視覺認識,藉著「緊急救助圖示意識 行為」及「使用與辨認經驗」問卷調查的進行,以及既有圖示使用之現況與民眾辨認經驗之關 聯性以及民眾對緊急救助圖示之意識與應對行為的分析,我們將深入探究受測者對於緊急救助 圖示應用變化的辨識程度及意見回饋。根據現行研究所討論之結果,研究團隊正進行(a)緊急



本研究透過對國內緊急救護圖示之使用現況與國人對現階段全球通用的緊急處理示意圖像 的認識程度,以及各種不同形式的緊急處理步驟使用說明設計與應用進行整體性的分析調查,

進行使用者對緊急救助圖示的辨識與圖像設計的策略方法的探究。目前已歸納整理緊急處理示 意圖像的使用與其他產品或環境之配合應用,並針對緊急救護的跨文化與跨地域性特性加以定 義與辨識圖樣。由所整理歸納出來的資訊反映現有存在的現象,可依此類資訊尋找出溝通或設


計的問題癥結,並尋求解決問題之方法,目的是讓視覺設計師與規劃人員了解現狀,為其在設 計工作上的考量提供參考。透過了解國內外敘述緊急救助步驟、緊急救助過程、以及緊急救助 圖示表現之相關策略與設計,從中進行視覺語言及資訊架構之分析。接下來即將進入探討民眾 對緊急救助圖示的視覺認識的階段研究,針對緊急救助圖示的視覺辨識,透過理解程度問卷的 規劃,以測驗受測者對緊急救助圖示的印象與辨識程度,再探詢受測者對於緊急救助圖示應用 變化(包括圖像與背景變化、造形與色彩變化、以及與實體環境的置放運用等)的辨識程度及意 見回饋。在問卷調查與經驗訪談工作完成後,分析既有圖示使用之現況與民眾辨認經驗之關聯 性以及民眾對緊急救助圖示之意識與應對行為,並依現況內容進行年齡、性別、教育程度與工 作環境等交叉比較,以深入了解使用者對緊急救助圖示意識行為及其使用與辨認經驗。


本年度的研究計畫中我們順利達成預期進度。本研究計畫主持人於 97 年暑假期間參加由 IIID (International Institute for Information Design)與 Mälardalen University 在瑞典所舉辦的 The International Conference of Application of Information Design 2008 國際研討會並發表論文(見參考 文獻 1),與來自世界各國在視覺資訊設計領域具翹楚地位的研究者和設計師等專家有了進一步 的交流,並與之分享研究團隊對於安全指引信息資訊的結果與心得(出席國際學術會議心得報告 及發表之論文請見附錄)。主持人更於 98 年暑期受邀由 OECD(Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development)與 IIID (International Institute for Information Design) 在巴黎所舉 辦的 DD4D(Data Design For Decision Making) 國際研討會,發表演說、分享相關研究,並參與 指導學生的活動(T42, Tea For Two),參與大會人員大多為歐盟各國及美洲地區在經濟文化占有 一席之地的專家學者以及在視覺資訊設計領域具領導地位的研究者和設計師;T42 是具有教育 傳承意義的創舉,大會將所有受邀的演講者規畫為引導者,將參與民眾及學生以自由報名的方 式規劃為訪問人,由大會配對於 OECD 咖啡廳進行咖啡對談,以一對一的聊天方式對視覺資訊 設計相關議題進行深入的討論及交換心得,總共交換對談對象 3 次,每一次均是因時間的限制 而意猶未盡的結束,可以在一個短短的下午與至少 3 位對專業議題面對面作深入探討,為對方 解答,並引導其在該領域如何創作與研究,是在大型研討會中少有的寶貴經驗!主持人並在同 一暑假期間前往韓國濟州參加亞洲基礎造形聯合學會韓國大會並發表論文。除了與國際相關領 域專家學者保持高度聯繫與討論,主持人在 97 年十一月份前往美國威斯康辛大學及舊金山州立 大學參訪,並於 98 年二月訪問新加坡和馬來西亞,保持國際間的交流與建立友好關係,更對不 同地域文化間視覺資訊設計的規劃與使用進行資料蒐集。

本研究團隊積極進行緊急救助視覺應用使用狀況之探究,以及使用者對現有緊急救助符號 之認知研究等方面的分析與整理,成果陸續發表於相關學術期刊及國內外研討會中。

目前已有 1 篇論文被國際期刊所接受,已發表之國際研討會論文 3 篇,已發表之國內研討會論 文 3 篇。本研究在所有成員熱情努力投入研究工作下奠定了對緊急救助圖示與視覺資訊傳達設 計的重要基礎,並開始在學術舞台建立國際性的交流與機制。



1. Lin, T. S. (2008). Graphical information and physical space: a study of “emergency-and-safety wayshowing” information design. The International Conference of Application of Information Design 2008, Eskilstuna, Sweden. June 25th-28th, 2008.


1.出席國際學術會議心得報告 2.發表之論文(see Appendix B-D):

會議名稱: International Conference of Data Design For Decision Making 2009

發表論文: The Visual Explanation of Qualitative Information: A case study on fertility rates

The Visual Explanation of Qualitative Information:

A case study on fertility rates Tingyi S. Lin

The International Conference of Data Design For Decision Making 2009 was held on June 18th-20th, 2009 in Paris, France, with OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development). In cooperation with the IIID (International Institute of Information Design), this conference gathered experts in the field of Information Design from all over the world. It provided a great opportunity for all participants, including professional designers, design educators, design students, and any other members who are interested in the topics to exchange experiences and opinions. Invited speakers covered various topics within the field, such as health care, cultural information, economic and financial information, public information systems, technical information, and wayshowing

information. With those participations and interactions, we shared ideas, aroused inspirations, and sparked new thoughts.

My talk was in the afternoon on June 19, 2009. Organization-Simplication-Visualization is the main theme of the day. Speakers shared varieties of research, case studies, and design projects (see Appendix A). This session includes co-creating visuals, maps for transcultural understanding, innovation in the use of statistics, visual language versus social messes, form data and measure for meaningful decisions, crating patterns that connect, qualitative information, and humor and wit in information graphics. I received lots of feedbacks and interesting attentions after my speech. The T42 activity created a great opportunity for participants to talk to speakers in person with a casual setting.

It is a fabulous experience in which everyone shared ideas and earned their answers in depth from the person they chatted with. Those formal and informal interactions with other speakers, students, and participants broadened my view more globally in the field of information design. It was a excellent experience participating in this international conference where gathered many intelligent people from all over the world. The commerce with academicians and professionals enriched my field of vision inside and outside of my discipline.


I had learned a lot from this high ranked conference held by OECD and IIID. It was an unforgettable experience to have personal contact with other professionals, to view magnificent scenes, and to experience Paris culture. With a sound result in attending the International Conference of Data Design For Decision Making 2009, I would very much like to have more opportunities to present my work globally by which not only share my ideas with other scholars from all over the world but also learn a great amount of experiences from them. For this coming academic year, I plan to share my research results at CAA (College Art Association). The annual conference will be help at Chicago in United States. I am sure those experiences will enrich my professional development much more. Moreover, I am glad to spread our Taiwan experiences overseas and to take precious perceptions back to share with my colleagues, students, friends, and communities.

Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude for the kind support from National Science Council in assisting me with attending this conference. This is an excellent opportunity for me to contribute the mission of visual information design research by sharing the latest ideas, technical information, and research findings. I look forward to having more opportunities to present my work internationally.


Appendix List:

Appendix A: Conference Program

Appendix B: Abstract for the conference

Appendix C: Presentation Content (selected pages) at the Data Design for Decision Making 2009

Appendix D: 出席亞洲基礎造形聯合學會韓國大會論文


Appendix A: Conference Program


Appendix B: Abstract for the conference


Appendix C: Presentation Content (selected pages) at the Data Design for Decision Making 2009

Tingyi S. Lin

Assistant Professor Dept. of Industrial & Commercial Design National Taiwan University of Science & Technology tingyi@mail.ntust.edu.tw Ph.D.

Multifaceted Graphics for Learning UW-Madison M.A. / M.F.A.

Graphic Design / New Media Design / Video Arts UW-Madison

The Visual Explanation of Qualitative Information:

A case study on fertility rates

Visual Information Design

The use of explanation graphics not only presents concepts and events across time and space but also disseminates information widely through various media.

Explanation Graphics

Information Architecture

Visual Language

Visual Culture

Human Learning & Information Processing

to make knowledge communication more effective through simple to complex visual language.

Creation & Analysis


Creation & Analysis

The Analysis of Graphical Information for Instructional Information

(e.g., escape sling, stroke-rapid-response)

Natural photograph

Pictorial illustration

Graphic rendering

Graphic symbolization

Abstract symbolization

Creation & Analysis: fertility rate



Visual Explanation for Fertility Rates

The Effectiveness of Visual Communication

Background story

1968 the promotion of family well-being

1969 Family planning methods and population policy

1971 November has become Family Planning Month

1984 Genetic Health Law enacted

In an effort “to enforce reproductive health, upgrade population quality, protect the health of mothers and children, and bring added happiness to families.”

1990 Gender equality & appropriate age groups to enter into marriage (22-30)


The shifts

Over the past three decades—

“More children, more fortune”

“Two children are just right”

“One child is not too few, two children are just right, and three children are more lively!” & “Two children maximize well- being; three children maximize excitement”

The population is declining…

Several issues has been taken note of:

1) The labor-shortage problems traceable to an aging population,

2) Seniors’ and offspring’s health care, 3) The effects of population decline on the

government’s fiscal balance,

4) The educational reform and development due to the relative or absolute decrease in the number of school children, and

5) The effects of population decline on eco-

environmental systems and sustainable development.


Appendix D: 出席亞洲基礎造形聯合學會韓國大會論文


Basic Elements and Concepts in Visual Information Design

林 廷宜

國立台灣科技大學 工商業設計系 助理教授 Tingyi S. Lin

Assistant Professor, Industrial & Commercial Design, National Taiwan University of Science & Technology

Keywords: Visual Information Design, Visual Elements, Visual Communication, Design Researc









Visual information design conveys multiple messages with various forms. This creativity has been playing a tremendous role for

allowing people to communicate and to exchange opinions and concepts. Its mergence within the lives shifts people’s minds,

changes human’s behaviors, and even somewhat directs the wills. Farewell to the era when people had to search and to record data

with a lot of efforts, the problem that we are facing now is to select and to organize information from numerous data. A visual

information designer therefore needs to understand the context deeper and to have the ability to arrange, to analyze, and to

visualize the information. This article provides a linguistic viewpoint to see how visual elements play their role and how they

establish complex relationships in the field of visual information design. Those relationships are established for higher level of

visual communication and metaphorical understanding. Several suggestions are also provided here for fostering well-prepared

information designers, as well as for providing a basis of critical thinking and design research.













視覺資訊設計(Visual Information Design)的概念結合美學基礎與造形原理,以視覺設計的專業技術呈現資訊架構,以新媒體


法則的視覺設計討論。Schriver (1997)針對文件設計 (Document Design) 曾提出圖文編排設計來自三大路線: (1)工藝傳統路

線 (The Craft Tradition),(2)美學浪漫路線 (The Romantic Tradition),與(3)修辭華麗路線 (The Rhetorical Tradition)。工藝傳統


個人情感與價值觀的表達,創作者的自我風格與特殊表現受到肯定,並鼓勵設計師應該建立自己的價值標準 (McCoy,



作能力與聯想力系列性延伸,如編排設計裡網格系統(Grid System)的運用 (Enos &Lauer, 1992; Neel, 1988)。


擔,例如視覺呈現的引領若缺乏完整的考量,將令閱讀者有不舒服感而必須調整閱讀行為與閱聽心境 (Facrizio, Kaplan &

Teal, 1967; Gregory & Poulton, 1970; Trollip & Sales, 1986),這些都是造成視覺資訊傳達與閱聽者有距離感的因素。為解決類







語言在視覺資訊設計中所建立之訊息傳遞的示意模式由文字、圖像、及符號三大元素所組成(Horn, 1998),其中可為獨立






文字本身即是一種視覺方式的溝通方式。雖然在非設計領域中時常將「文字語言」(textual language)和「圖像語言」(visual

language)分別指稱文字的直接紀錄(written language)與其他非文字的表達方式 (所有文字以外的視覺表現,包含圖案、符


一種語言,當它有(或留有) 直接文字紀錄,都將有視覺形式上歷史的演變與風格表現。文字設計(typography)中的字體族

群(font family)因此具有其形而上的粗細變化和直彎曲折,更有其形而下的歷史含意和間接意象。





段落(text block or paragraph) (林廷宜、陳建成,2009)。元素與元素之間由視覺上建構起了群組關係,之間的連結如之前所






風格變化與傳達辨識的功能有著微妙的關係,Decarlo & Santella(2002)針對現今數位製圖與設計的環境,對於圖像抽象化程







現( Kress & Leeuwen, 1996 )。


子如連環圖(sequential art),無論是簡意圖的並列或豐富多樣的連環漫畫,閱讀者有能力自動的在圖與圖之間建構當中的意



如之前所述,在將視覺語言形式二分法(文字語言(textual language)和圖像語言(visual language))的傳統概念裡,並沒有












視覺符號不僅有Ferdinand de Saussure所主張之意符 (signifier) 的語言形象和意指 (signified) 所代表的意義概念,符號法









提出資訊牆(mural)的概念,並在OECD和IIID所舉辦的2009全球訊息設計與決策大會(DD4D:Data Design for Decision Making,


Paris, France)闡述資訊牆不容忽視的提供解析環境的功能,認為資訊牆是陳列大量資訊量、分析複雜問題、訂定正確決策








圖1. 視覺語言構成元素與其可附加屬性架構圖 (林廷宜、陳建成,2009)



設計直接圖示意指的跨世代案例中帶給後來的發展極大的啟發,如Otto Neurath所曾經努力的世界通行視覺符號ISOTYPE

(Neurath, 1936)、法國物理學家Étienne-Jules Marey以圖像進一步測量與分析生物生理在時間上的變化 (Marey, 1994)、Charles

Minard所繪製的拿破崙東征圖 (1861) 被視為是專題製圖與敘事地圖的經典,以及Nigel Holmes所發展的以圖形圖表及動態

圖像解釋事物的創作 (Holmes, 1984; 2005)等。近年來,隨著科技媒體的蓬勃發展,視覺資訊設計在呈現的多樣化與影響

力與日俱增,創意者與設計師如Marshall McLuhan, Richard Saul Wurman, Edward Tufte, and Nathan Shedroff等不僅熱烈的討



















感謝行政院國家科學委員會專題計畫的部份經費支持,使得整體研究及相關工作得以順利完成,計畫編號: NSC



Decarlo, D. & Santella, A. (2002). Stylization and abstraction of photographs. SIGGRAPH 2002 International Conference on

Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques. Proceedings of the 29th annual conference on computer graphics and interactive

techniques, Pp.769-776.

Enos, R. & Lauer, J.M. (1992). The meaning of heuristic in Aristotle’s Rhetoric and its implications for contemporary rhetorical

theory. In J. L. Kinneavy (Ed.), A rhetoric of doing , pp.79-87. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press.

Facrizio, R., Kaplan, L., & Teal, G. (1967). Readability as a function of the straightness of right-hand margins. Journal of typography

research, 1, 90-95.

Gregory, M. & Poulton,E. C. (1970). Even versus uneven right-margins and the rate of comprehension in reading. Ergonomics, 13,


Holmes, N. (1984). Designer’s guide to creating charts and diagrams. Watson-Guptill Publications.


Holmes, N. (2005). Wordless diagrams. New York, NY: Bloomsbury.

Horn, R. (1998). Visual Language: Global Communication for the 21st Century. Bainbridge Island, WA: MacroVU, Inc.

Kress, G., & Leeuwen, T. V., (1996). Reading Images: The Grammar of Visual Design. New York, NY: Routledge.

Marey, E. J. (1994). Le movement / Etienne-Jules Marey. (L’ouvrage original a paru en 1894 aux éditions Masson). Nîmes, France :

Editions J. Chambon. 79-80, 204, 269.

McCoy, K. (1990). Professional design education: An opinion and a proposal. Design issues: history, theory, criticism, 7(1).


Neel, J. (1988). Plato, Derrida, and writing. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press.

Neurath, O. (1936). International picture language. London, UK: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., Ltd.

Schriver, K. (1997). Dynamics in document design. Canada: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Trollip, S. & Sales, G. (1986). Readability of computer-generated fill-justified text. Human factors, 28, 159-164.

林廷宜、陳建成(2009)。視覺資訊實務設計研究(I):中風 急救說明圖設計。2009 字體、圖像與設計國際研討 會。台灣:亞




1.出席國際學術會議心得報告 2.發表之論文(see Appendix B-D):

會議名稱: International Conference of Data Design For Decision Making 2009

發表論文: The Visual Explanation of Qualitative Information: A case study on fertility rates

The Visual Explanation of Qualitative Information:

A case study on fertility rates Tingyi S. Lin

The International Conference of Data Design For Decision Making 2009 was held on June 18th-20th, 2009 in Paris, France, with OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development). In cooperation with the IIID (International Institute of Information Design), this conference gathered experts in the field of Information Design from all over the world. It provided a great opportunity for all participants, including professional designers, design educators, design students, and any other members who are interested in the topics to exchange experiences and opinions. Invited speakers covered various topics within the field, such as health care, cultural information, economic and financial information, public information systems, technical information, and wayshowing

information. With those participations and interactions, we shared ideas, aroused inspirations, and sparked new thoughts.

My talk was in the afternoon on June 19, 2009. Organization-Simplication-Visualization is the main theme of the day. Speakers shared varieties of research, case studies, and design projects (see Appendix A). This session includes co-creating visuals, maps for transcultural understanding, innovation in the use of statistics, visual language versus social messes, form data and measure for meaningful decisions, crating patterns that connect, qualitative information, and humor and wit in information graphics. I received lots of feedbacks and interesting attentions after my speech. The T42 activity created a great opportunity for participants to talk to speakers in person with a casual setting.

It is a fabulous experience in which everyone shared ideas and earned their answers in depth from the person they chatted with. Those formal and informal interactions with other speakers, students, and participants broadened my view more globally in the field of information design. It was a excellent experience participating in this international conference where gathered many intelligent people from all over the world. The commerce with academicians and professionals enriched my field of vision inside and outside of my discipline.


I had learned a lot from this high ranked conference held by OECD and IIID. It was an unforgettable experience to have personal contact with other professionals, to view magnificent scenes, and to experience Paris culture. With a sound result in attending the International Conference of Data Design For Decision Making 2009, I would very much like to have more opportunities to present my work globally by which not only share my ideas with other scholars from all over the world but also learn a great amount of experiences from them. For this coming academic year, I plan to share my research results at CAA (College Art Association). The annual conference will be help at Chicago in United States. I am sure those experiences will enrich my professional development much more. Moreover, I am glad to spread our Taiwan experiences overseas and to take precious perceptions back to share with my colleagues, students, friends, and communities.

Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude for the kind support from National Science Council in assisting me with attending this conference. This is an excellent opportunity for me to contribute the mission of visual information design research by sharing the latest ideas, technical information, and research findings. I look forward to having more opportunities to present my work internationally.

Appendix List:

Appendix A: Conference Program

Appendix B: Abstract for the conference

Appendix C: Presentation Content (selected pages) at the Data Design for Decision Making 2009

Appendix D: 出席亞洲基礎造形聯合學會韓國大會論文


Appendix A: Conference Program


Appendix B: Abstract for the conference


Appendix C: Presentation Content (selected pages) at the Data Design for Decision Making 2009

Tingyi S. Lin

Assistant Professor Dept. of Industrial & Commercial Design National Taiwan University of Science & Technology tingyi@mail.ntust.edu.tw Ph.D.

Multifaceted Graphics for Learning UW-Madison M.A. / M.F.A.

Graphic Design / New Media Design / Video Arts UW-Madison

The Visual Explanation of Qualitative Information:

A case study on fertility rates

Visual Information Design

The use of explanation graphics not only presents concepts and events across time and space but also disseminates information widely through various media.

Explanation Graphics

Information Architecture

Visual Language

Visual Culture

Human Learning & Information Processing

to make knowledge communication more effective through simple to complex visual language.

Creation & Analysis


Creation & Analysis

The Analysis of Graphical Information for Instructional Information

(e.g., escape sling, stroke-rapid-response)

Natural photograph

Pictorial illustration

Graphic rendering

Graphic symbolization

Abstract symbolization

Creation & Analysis: fertility rate



Visual Explanation for Fertility Rates

The Effectiveness of Visual Communication

Background story

1968 the promotion of family well-being

1969 Family planning methods and population policy

1971 November has become Family Planning Month

1984 Genetic Health Law enacted

In an effort “to enforce reproductive health, upgrade population quality, protect the health of mothers and children, and bring added happiness to families.”

1990 Gender equality & appropriate age groups to enter into marriage (22-30)


The shifts

Over the past three decades—

“More children, more fortune”

“Two children are just right”

“One child is not too few, two children are just right, and three children are more lively!” & “Two children maximize well- being; three children maximize excitement”

The population is declining…

Several issues has been taken note of:

1) The labor-shortage problems traceable to an aging population,

2) Seniors’ and offspring’s health care, 3) The effects of population decline on the

government’s fiscal balance,

4) The educational reform and development due to the relative or absolute decrease in the number of school children, and

5) The effects of population decline on eco-

environmental systems and sustainable development.


Appendix D: 出席亞洲基礎造形聯合學會韓國大會論文


Basic Elements and Concepts in Visual Information Design

林 廷宜

國立台灣科技大學 工商業設計系 助理教授 Tingyi S. Lin

Assistant Professor, Industrial & Commercial Design, National Taiwan University of Science & Technology

Keywords: Visual Information Design, Visual Elements, Visual Communication, Design Researc









Visual information design conveys multiple messages with various forms. This creativity has been playing a tremendous role for

allowing people to communicate and to exchange opinions and concepts. Its mergence within the lives shifts people’s minds,

changes human’s behaviors, and even somewhat directs the wills. Farewell to the era when people had to search and to record data

with a lot of efforts, the problem that we are facing now is to select and to organize information from numerous data. A visual

information designer therefore needs to understand the context deeper and to have the ability to arrange, to analyze, and to

visualize the information. This article provides a linguistic viewpoint to see how visual elements play their role and how they

establish complex relationships in the field of visual information design. Those relationships are established for higher level of

visual communication and metaphorical understanding. Several suggestions are also provided here for fostering well-prepared

information designers, as well as for providing a basis of critical thinking and design research.













視覺資訊設計(Visual Information Design)的概念結合美學基礎與造形原理,以視覺設計的專業技術呈現資訊架構,以新媒體


法則的視覺設計討論。Schriver (1997)針對文件設計 (Document Design) 曾提出圖文編排設計來自三大路線: (1)工藝傳統路

線 (The Craft Tradition),(2)美學浪漫路線 (The Romantic Tradition),與(3)修辭華麗路線 (The Rhetorical Tradition)。工藝傳統


個人情感與價值觀的表達,創作者的自我風格與特殊表現受到肯定,並鼓勵設計師應該建立自己的價值標準 (McCoy,



作能力與聯想力系列性延伸,如編排設計裡網格系統(Grid System)的運用 (Enos &Lauer, 1992; Neel, 1988)。


擔,例如視覺呈現的引領若缺乏完整的考量,將令閱讀者有不舒服感而必須調整閱讀行為與閱聽心境 (Facrizio, Kaplan &

Teal, 1967; Gregory & Poulton, 1970; Trollip & Sales, 1986),這些都是造成視覺資訊傳達與閱聽者有距離感的因素。為解決類







Graphic Design / New Media Design / Video Arts  UW-Madison
Graphic Design / New Media Design / Video Arts  UW-Madison



 具有計畫主持人資格,且於國內外擔任教學、研究職務在

(二) 經彙整,111 年度運用本基金委託辦理具研究性質且經費達 80 萬元以 上之計畫合計 7

本專題研究目的旨在活用 kinect 捕捉人體動作,並設法順暢與 設備連動的方法;同時對 HTML5(少許)與 javascript 進行研究,設

本專題研究目的旨在活用 kinect 捕捉人體動作,並設法順暢與 設備連動的方法;同時對 HTML5(少許)與 javascript 進行研究,設

IRB 編號 SE19403A-1 計畫主持人 陳周斌 計畫名稱 大腸直腸癌患者的生活品質與創傷後成長的關係之追蹤研究 審查意見

編號 主持人 計畫名稱 審查結果 CF12202 許惠恒 在亞洲國家多中心隨機研究比較 Joint Asia Diabetes. Evaluation (JADE)

IRB 編號 CE18097A 計畫主持人 陳呈旭 計畫名稱 高風險個案相關醫療人員短期及長期心理壓力之評估研究 審查意見

 具有計畫主持人資格,且於國內外擔任教學、研究職務在