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III. 工作經歷

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中山醫學大學心理學系 副教授 黃淑玲 彰化基督教醫院職業醫學科 主任 湯豐誠敬上

台中教育大學諮商與應用心理學系碩士班 研究生 許馨仁 敬上 附錄一 施測問卷

IV 中國人健康量表

V 工作滿意度


(12) 我曾經歷﹙或擔心會經歷﹚不好的工作變

附錄二 研究工具 ERI 使用同意書

From: Prof. Dr. J. Siegrist [mailto:siegrist@uni-duesseldorf.de]

Sent: 2005/8/9 [星期二] 下午 10:26 To: 106159(湯豐誠)

Subject: Re: Requesting your permission to use the questionnaire

Dear Dr. Tang,

I hereby give you permission to use our questionnaire measuring effort-reward imbalance at work (ERI) for research purposes (including intervention studies). As you know, you are not allowed to use the questionnaire for commercial purposes. You find more information on our website as follows:

www<uni-duesseldorf.de/MedicalSociology> username: <eritest> password:<


You may know that several researchers in Taiwan are currently working with the Taiwanese version of this questionnaire. It is probably best to contact directly Dr. Yawen Cheng at the Institute of Health Policy and Management, College of Public Health, National Taiwan University, Taipei (see also our paper in Int. Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, published online 15 march 2005.

Of course, my collegues and I would be interested in getting feedback from your study, once it is running.

With kind regards J. Siegrist