• 沒有找到結果。


第二章 反傾銷協定與 SCM 協定發展歷史

第一節 反傾銷協定發展歷史

立 政 治 大 學

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第二章 反傾銷協定與 SCM 協定發展歷史

美國雙反案中,小組與上訴機構就反傾銷協定與 SCM 協定之關係意見分歧,

小組認為反傾銷協定與平衡稅協定各自有其規範範疇、互不干涉,且 SCM 協定 之目的只與平衡稅之課徵相關,而與反傾銷稅無涉4;然上訴機構認為會員於 WTO 協定下之義務應累積觀之,依某協定採取措施時,仍需留心該行為在其他 協定下之義務5

承上所述,小組有關同時課徵即使構成雙重救濟,但並未違反 WTO 規範之 立論,主要是倚賴反傾銷協定與 SCM 協定分立之事實,因此,本章將檢視從 GATT 至 WTO 以來反傾銷稅與平衡稅相關規定演變成兩分立協定之發展過程,以驗證 小組主張該二協定互不干涉,進而履行其一義務時,毋須考另一義務之觀點是否 有其道理,並以此作為後續章節檢視上訴機構裁決之基礎。

第一節 反傾銷協定發展歷史

1947 年關稅暨貿易總協定(General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1947,簡 稱 GATT 1947)第 6 條是第一個與反傾銷和平衡稅相關的多邊規範,其明確定義 傾銷為「自一國輸往他國之產品,如其出口價格低於在該出口國國內消費之同類 產品於通常貿易過程中之可資比較價格,即該產品以低於正常價格,輸往另一國 家進行商業銷售,視為本協定所稱之傾銷。」6如傾銷構成對國內產業的損害,

締約國得對其課徵不高於傾銷差額的反傾銷稅7。該條亦規範於特殊情形(出口 補貼)時,不得同時課徵反傾銷稅與平衡稅8

GATT 1947 第 6 條於 GATT 中只占據簡短的篇幅,未明確制定反傾銷措施執 行的細節,給予締約國極大的國內立法空間,且因 GATT 1947 暫行適用議定書 之祖父條款規定,允許締約國既有法律之續存,故即使締約國之反傾銷法與

4 Panel Report, USAnti-Dumping and Countervailing Duties (China), ¶ 14.122.

5 Appellate Body Report, USAnti-Dumping and Countervailing Duties (China), ¶ 570.

6 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, art. 6.1.

7 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, art. 6.6 (a).

8 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, art. 6.5.

(Antidumping Act of 1921)10卻只要求該傾銷對國內產業構成「損害」11。再者,

不僅是締約國國內法規與 GATT 1947 第 6 條間存在衝突,各國內法規彼此間亦 合談判首將非關稅措施納入談判議題中。國際商會(The International Chamber of Commerce,簡稱 ICC)於 1964 年提案非關稅措施的討論應包含反傾銷與平衡稅 的課徵,且建議 GATT 締約國應於遵從 GATT 1947 第 6 條或者盡快擬定新規約 兩者中擇一而行16。雖然 ICC 的建議含括反傾銷與平衡措施,但卻只有反傾銷被 納入此回合談判,此情形肇因於英國向締約國於 1964 年決議成立的反傾銷政策 小組提出的 1965 年反傾銷程序與實務國際規約草案(Draft International Code on Antidumping Procedure and Practice in 1965),英國代表表示若要於該規約草案中 加入平衡措施的部分,無論是合併於條文中或分開羅列都非常簡便,但最終該小

並發覺在美國之某一產業正受到或可能受到損害(in being or is likely to be injured),或被阻礙其 建立(is prevented from being established),而其損害係肇因於(by reason of)某類外國產品(a class or kind of foreign merchandise)之進口到美國,且其係以或可能以低於公平價格(less than fair value,

簡稱 LTFV)在美國銷售……。」參見羅昌發,美國反傾銷稅及平衡稅法中「損害要件」之研究,

1968 年甘迺迪回合反傾銷規約(Agreement on the Interpretation of Article VI of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade,簡稱 1967 Antidumping Code)生效,


‧ 國

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傾銷法只規定傾銷須對國內產業構成「損害」,故其反對「實質損害」和「主要 原因」的認定,且美國國會表明若 GATT 規約牴觸美國國內法,美國將不予配合 執行25

東京回合反傾銷規約(Agreement on the Interpretation of Article VI of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade,簡稱 1979 Antidumping Code)草簽於 1979 年,針對甘迺迪回合反傾銷規約再予檢討,改革實質損害、價格具結與反傾銷稅 課徵的認定,且將傾銷需為構成「實質損害」的「主要原因」之規範,消除「主 要原因」此一要件,惟仍保留「實質損害」的定義於附註26。同樣地此規約亦只 拘束締約國,構成簽署國與未簽署國間的適用爭議27

在 1986 年烏拉圭回合的準備階段,締約國多半認為反傾銷規約已無需做太 大幅度的改革,僅需於多邊貿易談判中考量該規約與 GATT 體系的一致性、開發 中國家的加入、與規約實際執行等面向,故其並未如補貼和政府採購等議題被各 別提出談判,只作為多邊貿易談判的其中一環28。然而,隨著回合談判之進行,

愈來愈多國家制定反傾銷法,而反傾銷措施運作的公平性也在在引起各國的高度 關切,相關提案漸增,各國主張不一,建議放寬或限制反傾銷稅適用、或者增進 適用程序明確性之主張皆有之,使談判呈現僵局,且於談判末期反傾銷相關爭端 劇增29

1991 年提出的草案雖然也讓許多國家不滿,但其致力於使條文明確、修訂 現存規約語意不清之處,縱未達全面改善既存規約之效,卻至少取得共識決議增 加透明化和程序性規定,是以現行的 WTO 反傾銷規範「1994 年烏拉圭回合談判 所 制 定 之 1994 年 關 稅 及 貿 易 總 協 定 第 6 條 執 行 協 定 ( Agreement on Implementation of Article VI of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994)」 雖未臻完美,然已能使各國主管機關決策程序更趨向一致性30

25 Id. at 1430-1433.

26 Id. at 1455-1461.

27 Id. at 1455.

28 Id. at 1690.

29 Id. at 1690-1691.

30 Id. at 1691.

GATT 1947 暫行適用議定書之祖父條款規定,故某些締約國得以主張其與 GATT 第二部分不相符的法律仍可繼續實施,如美國 1922 關稅法(Tariff act of 1922)33 第 303 條明述針對收受補貼的進口產品須強制課徵平衡稅,其並未將損害測試納 入條文規範,與 GATT 1947 第 6 條之規定有所衝突,然因其早於 GATT 1947 被 採用,故仍可續存34

31 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, art. 16, sec. A: “If any contracting party grants or maintains any subsidy, including any form of income or price support, which operates directly or indirectly to increase exports of any product from, or to reduce imports of any product into, its territory, it shall notify the CONTRACTING PARTIES in writing of the extent and nature of the subsidization, of the estimated effect of the subsidization on the quantity of the affected product or products imported into or exported from its territory and of the circumstances making the subsidization necessary. In any case in which it is determined that serious prejudice to the interests of any other contracting party is caused or threatened by any such subsidization, the contracting party granting the subsidy shall, upon request, discuss with the other contracting party or parties concerned, or with the CONTRACTING PARTIES, the possibility of limiting the subsidization.”

32 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, art. 16, sec. B.3: “Accordingly, contracting parties should seek to avoid the use of subsidies on the export of primary products. If, however, a contracting party grants directly or indirectly any form of subsidy which operates to increase the export of any primary product from its territory, such subsidy shall not be applied in a manner which results in that

contracting party having more than an equitable share of world export trade in that product, account being taken of the shares of the contracting parties in such trade in the product during a previous representative period, and any special factors which may have affected or may be affecting such trade in the product.”

33 Tariff Act of 1922, H. R. 7456, 67th Cong. (1922).

34 Tariff Act of 1922, sec. 303: “That whenever any country, dependency, colony, province, or other political subdivision of government, person, partnership, association, cartel, or corporation shall pay or bestow, directly or indirectly, any bounty or grant upon the manufacture or production or export of any
