• 沒有找到結果。


第三章 商業判斷法則之說明

第二節 商業判斷法則之要件操作與法律效果

本章將討論透過上文發展而來的商業判斷法則,在實務、法理中所發展出 來以及透過法條規範所推導出來的具體構成要件內容,然後在就符合該要件之 後發生的法律效果與不符該要件之下法律效果的變化加以討論。

第一項 商業判斷法則之要件


個別說明。蓋發軔於海洋法系之商業判斷法則,嗣後亦為大陸法系所接受,故 本文各取其具代表性之國家制度討論。區辨其異同,亦有助於後續關於商業判 斷法則本質與目的手段之討論。

ohne den unternehmerisches Handeln schlechterdings nicht denkbar ist.)

57 股份法第 93 條第 1 項第 2 句原文為:Die Vorstandsmitglieder haben bei ihrer Geschäftsführung die Sorgfalt eines ordentlichen und gewissenhaften Geschäftsleiters anzuwenden. Eine

Pflichtverletzung liegt nicht vor, wenn das Vorstandsmitglied bei einer unternehmerischen

Entscheidung vernünftigerweise annehmen durfte, auf der Grundlage angemessener Information zum Wohle der Gesellschaft zu handeln.

58 洪秀芬,同前註 54,頁 160-161。


第一款 美國法商業判斷法則之要件

商業判斷法則使董事行使職務,不因單純判斷錯誤而受法律之追訴。依美 國法院實務,其成立要件分為五項,即董事行為須符合:一、商業性決定(a business decision);二、無個人利害關係且具獨立性(disinterestedness and independence);三、已盡合理注意義務(due care);四、善意(good faith)

;五、無裁量權之濫用(no abuse of discretion)。惟董事之行為如具有詐欺、

不合法與越權(fraud, illegal and ultra vires conduct)及浪費(waste)等情形,

亦非法所允許,然前者違反法律,後者違反董事受託人義務(fiduciary duty)


,始有此一法則之適用。以下就前述五項積極要件分析該要件之內容59: 一、商業性決定(a business decision)

欲受商業判斷法則保護,須該判斷與商業經營有關。若系爭決定並非一商 業決策,則無商業判斷法則之適用。又商業的意義係指以營利為目的之經濟行 為。商業行為是指以發生交易為內容並符合法律規定之行為。惟商業行為的範 圍為何,一般是指董事職務行為活動,涉及公司「風險性的」或「經濟上的」

決定者。60 蓋經營判斷法則之建構目的即係為權衡董事經營上之風險,以調和 其所負擔之責任,則其適用自應以公司董事業務涉及經營風險,方有須權衡其 責任減輕之問題。

維吉尼亞州最高法院1995年於Lake Monticello Owners' Ass'n v. Lake61一案中 亦曾指出:「顧名思義,適用經營判斷法則之必要前提,須董事之決策係一商 業判斷,而非如本案中係對於成文法及公司相關規則之解釋與適用。」62 1993

59 陳錦隆(2011),〈美國法上商業判斷原則之概說〉,國立中興大學法律學系財經法研究中心主

編,《商業判斷原則與企業經營責任》,頁 41-65。台北:新學林。張詩芸(2008),〈經營判斷法

則之研究〉,法務部司法官訓練所主編,《司法官第 47 期學員法學研究報告》,頁 1240-1246,

台北:法務部司法官訓練所。劉連煜,同前註 44,頁 187-189。李維心,同前註 41,頁 139-165。戴志傑,同前註 42,頁 168-175。

60 李維心,同前註 41,頁 139。

61 463 S.E.2d 652 (Va. 1995)

62 463 S.E.2d 652, 656 (Va. 1995) (As the name implies, a necessary predicate for the application of the business judgment rule is that the directors' decision be that of a business judgment and not a decision, such as that in this case, which construes and applies a statute and a corporate by law.)


年之德拉瓦州最高法院在Nixon v. Blackwell63案表示:「商業判斷法則必須是一 個無私且獨立之商業決策者所做成的商業決策。」64 所謂商業決策之內涵,有 院曾於1984年Aronson v. Lewis65一案中表示:「…經營判斷法則僅適用於董事 之行為。技術上來說,在董事怠忽職守,或非故意性的消極不作為之情形下,

經營判斷法則並無適用餘地。然而在相同原則下,若為刻意決定不採取積極之 行為,該決定仍屬經營判斷之實踐而受此法則之保護。」66 德拉瓦州衡平法院

67 於1982年在GabelliProfit Sharing Plan v. Liggett Group, Inc.68案亦表示:「決定

63 626 A.2d 1366 (Del. 1993)

64 626 A.2d 1366, 1376 (Del. 1993) (In business judgment rule cases, an essential element is the fact that there has been a business decision made by a disinterested and independent corporate decisionmaker.)

65 473 A.2d 805 (Del. 1984)

66 473 A.2d 805, 814 (Del. 1984) (The business judgment rule operates only in the context of director action. Technically speaking, it has no role where directors have either abdicated their functions or absent a conscious decision, failed to act. But it also follows that under applicable principles, a

conscious decision to refrain from acting may nonetheless be a valid exercise of business judgment and enjoy the protection of the rule.)

67 德瓦拉州衡平法院(Court of Chancery),設立於 1792 年,為美國歷史最成立最早的商事專業 法院,專責處理受託人義務相關糾紛。王志誠(2016),〈德瓦拉州商業法院之設立與啟發〉,《月 旦法學雜誌》第 250 期,頁 6。衡平法院不採陪審團制度,與採取陪審團制度的普通法院(德瓦 拉州最高法院 Superior Court of Delaware)雙軌並行,在法律的適用上也較普通法院彈性,得廣 泛地適用衡平原則,使德瓦拉州於公司法領域素孚盛名,吸引大量商業投資,其他州也有仿效 成立商業專業法院者,如加州與賓州。伍偉華(2016),〈美國之商事法庭〉,《月旦法學雜誌》第 250 期,頁 18。

68 444 A.2d 261(Del. Ch. 1982)



二、無個人利害關係且具獨立性(disinterestedness and independence)

董事於商業決策的過程中,若是基於個人或財務上之好處(benefit)並從中獲 得個人之利益(interest),則該董事將不受經營判斷法則之保護。70 蓋若董事於 交易中存在利害關係,則其通常無法根據其專業來獨立自主的為公司作出良好 的經營判斷,如此一來,商業判斷法則若仍然堅持推定認為董事是為公司最大 利益而為之經營判斷,將毫無意義。Aronson v.Lewis71案即曾對此表示:「為了 保障商業判斷法則之運用,董事不能有代表雙方間交易之行為,也不能期望在 自我交易意義過程中,將公司或股東的資源作為個人利益,就如同反對自公司 或所有股東受讓利益一樣。」72 然而公司之決策核心並非單獨之董事,而是整 體董事會。因而假設個別的董事雖具個人利害關係或缺乏獨立性,但該交易或 行為已經得到具備此項要件之其他董事過半數之同意,則該個別董事之要件欠 缺即可被治癒。換言之,只要在公司過半數董事沒有個人利害關係或缺乏獨立 性之情形,若系爭交易或行為係由過半數不具利害關係之董事會或委員會決議 通過,仍有商業判斷法則之適用。

至於所謂個人利害關係,是指董事將從交易中取得其他股東所無法分享之 個人財務上利益。若起訴之股東得以證明董事享有擔任董事之薪酬以外利益的 事實,則可推翻商業判斷法則之適用。惟所謂利害關係應限縮於「金錢利益或 經營權防衛」,同時原告如果要主張經營權防衛,則應舉證證明董事會為該交 易或行為之「唯一」或「主要」目的是為了要永保公司控制權。73至於單純利 害關係之主張、主張有特殊財務上利益卻未能提出具體事證、或主張某特定交 易或行為有可能延長董事之任期等等,均不足以推翻經營判斷法則之推定。

69 444 A.2d 261, 265 (Del. Ch. 1982) (a decision not to act is as much as a decision as an affirmative decision to enter into a specific transaction.)

70 戴志傑,同前註 42,頁 170。

71 473 A.2d 805 (Del. 1984)

72 473 A.2d 805, 807 (Del. 1984) (To have the protection he business judgment rule, a director can neither appear on both sides of a transaction nor expect to derive any personal financial benefit from it in the sense of self-dealing, as opposed to a benefit which devolves upon the corporation or all stockholders generally.)

73 張詩芸,同前註 59,頁 1241。

36 事實證明。此原則在實務上被一再重申,Aronson v. Lewis75判決見解認為:「


76 473 A.2d 805, 816 (Del. 1984) (It is not enough “to charge that a director is dominated and controlled merely because he was” nominated by or elected at the behest of those controlling the outcome of a corporate election.” because that is the usual way a person becomes a corporate director.

Rather, it is the care, attention and sense of individual responsibility to the performance of one’s duties, not the methods of election, that generally touches on independence.)

77 634 A.2d 345 (1993)

78 634 A.2d 345, 362 (1993) (The Chancellor then defined a director's self-interest in a thirdparty transaction as not material unless sufficient to create a reasonable probability: (1) that the

independence of judgment of a "reasonable person" in the director's position would be affected; and (2) that such director's individual self-interest would have affected the collective decision of the board.)

79 李維心,同前註 41,頁 146。

80 509 A.2d 595 n.7 (Del. Ch. 1986)


產與大多數股東所涉4億4千萬美元之交易之比較,該130 萬美元之資產處分縱 與董事利益攸關,但此係無關緊要的瑣碎價值(de minimis value),而無重大 之衝突性,無需由法院加以審查。81 此外,法院在在Cinerama, Inc. v.

Technicolor, Inc.82案中認為對於董事之無利害關係及獨立性為審查時,應採「真 實人之標準(actual person standard)」,而非採取「理性人之標準(reasonable person standard)」。83 換言之,法院於審查時,不應該就客觀上評斷一個理性 (considering material information)。換言之,合理注意是要求董事在為經營判斷 決策時,應注重其決策之「程序」過程是否具合理性,是否已踐行資訊掌握與 了解之步驟程序。85 1986年美國聯邦第七巡迴法庭在Hanson Trust PLC v.

MLSCM Acquisition Inc.86案中表示:「董事在某程度上因其行為所顯示的商業 判斷而被保護,但法院應考量到他們的判斷內容與作成決定時的資訊。」87 是 故董事之注意程度,應著重在其是否充分獲悉作為決定基礎之資訊內容。因此


81 509 A.2d 595, 600 n.7 (Del. Ch. 1986) (the “de minimis value” of a $1.3 million asset to a majority shareholder in the context of a $440 million acquisition would not appear to create a material conflict.)

82 663 A.2d 1156 (Del. 1995)

83 663 A.2d 1156, 1167 (Del. 1995) (Thus, the “actual person” test requires an independent judicial determination regarding the materiality of the “given” director's self-interest. ... evidence that any of such directors in fact behaved differently in this instance than one would expect a reasonable person in the same or similar circumstances to act.)

84 Norman E. Veasey, The Defining Tension in Corporate Governance in America, 52 Bus. Law. Rev.

393 (1997) (Friendship, golf companionship, and social relationships are not factors that necessarily negate independence.)

85 戴志傑,同前註 42,頁 172。

86 781 F.2d 264 (2d. Cir. 1986)

87 781 F.2d 264, 275 (2d. Cir. 1986) (directors are protected to the extent that their actions evidence their business judgment, but this protection “assumes that courts must not reflexively decline to consider the content of their “judgment” and the extent of the information on which it is based.)

38 商業判斷法則之適用。聯邦法院曾於1990年In re Consumers Power Co. Derivative Litigation88一案中指出,「所謂合理注意之要求,並非要求董事須從事『理想 與完美之調查—預測所有的建議並經得起任何股東代表訴訟原告之批判及未來 具重大過失(gross negligence)。德拉瓦州最高法院1985年Smith v. Van Gorkom案

91、1989年Citron v. Fairchild Camera and Instrument Corp案92,亦均認為董事交

88 132 F.R.D. 455 (E.D. Mich. 1990)

89 132 F.R.D. 455, 483 (E.D. Mich. 1990) (Yet, for the business judgment rule to apply, a corporation is not required to undertake the ideal or perfect investigation--one that can anticipate all suggestions and withstand any criticism of derivative plaintiffs or of future court review. What is required is that the corporation makes a reasonable effort to reach an informed business decision. The determination of whether a business judgment is an informed one turns upon whether the directors have informed themselves "prior to making a business decision, of all material information reasonably available to them." What is reasonable depends on the circumstances and on the time, resources, and alternatives available. Also, in determining reasonableness, courts are not to second-guess the corporate decision

89 132 F.R.D. 455, 483 (E.D. Mich. 1990) (Yet, for the business judgment rule to apply, a corporation is not required to undertake the ideal or perfect investigation--one that can anticipate all suggestions and withstand any criticism of derivative plaintiffs or of future court review. What is required is that the corporation makes a reasonable effort to reach an informed business decision. The determination of whether a business judgment is an informed one turns upon whether the directors have informed themselves "prior to making a business decision, of all material information reasonably available to them." What is reasonable depends on the circumstances and on the time, resources, and alternatives available. Also, in determining reasonableness, courts are not to second-guess the corporate decision
