• 沒有找到結果。


第二章 國際公約下之國際航空運送

第二節 國際航空運送公約

臺灣雖非華沙公約體系之締約國,然國際運送航線飛經臺灣地區者 甚多,且大陸為某些國際航空運送公約之締約國,故而以下將簡介國 際航空運送公約,作為本文其後探討基礎。

國際航空運送人責任之主要規定在華沙公約體系,起源於華沙公 約,及嗣後歷次修訂華沙公約之海牙議定書、1961 年瓜達拉哈拉公約

9、「The Guatemala City Protocol ,1971」10(全稱為《修正修正華沙公約 的海牙議定書的議定書》,以下簡稱為 1971 年瓜地馬拉議定書)、1975 年蒙特利爾議定書之修正及補充之內容11。國際航空運送人責任,除包 括上揭華沙公約體系外,尚有 1995 年國際航空運送協會(下稱國際航 協)之「國際航空運輸協會關於乘客責任之運送人協議」(Intercarrier

8 賀元驥,論航空運輸的侵權責任,西南民族大學學報(人文社科版),2003 年第 11 期,第 350 頁。

9 1961 年瓜達拉哈拉公約為一獨立於華沙公約之文獻,非修訂、增補或擴展華沙公約者,然一般 仍將之列入華沙公約體系。

10 「The Guatemala City Protocol ,1971」即瓜地馬拉議定書尚未生效。

11 包括 1975 年蒙特利爾第 1 號附加議定書修正華沙公約、1975 蒙特利爾第 2 號附加議定書修正華 沙-海牙公約、1975 年蒙特利爾第 3 號附加議定書修正華沙-海牙-瓜地馬拉公約、1975 年蒙特利爾 第 4 號附加議定書修正華沙-海牙公約(貨物運送部分)。

Agreement on Passenger Liability,又稱吉隆坡協議12)、1996 年「關於 實施國際航空運輸協會運送人間協議措施之協議」(簡稱 MIA)13、1992 年 Japanese Initiative 等共同構成14

第一項 華沙公約

各國航空運送人責任經「華沙公約」之訂定而確立,已如前述,而 華沙公約目前仍為世界上多數國家所接受15,且內容涵蓋國際乘客運送 和貨物航空運送領域16。華沙公約之主要內容,包括:公約適用的範圍 與定義、運送文書及運送人責任與責任免責。以下就相關規定,詳述 之:


運送過程中,以乘客與運送人相較而言,處於訊息不均等狀態,且 在客觀上,於損害發生後,往往足以證明損害因果關係之證據均滅失 之情況,故基於航空運送之特殊性,華沙公約採取運送人「推定過失

12 國際航空運送協會(International Air Transportation Association,簡稱 IATA),係由各國飛行國 際航線之航空公司聯合組成。

13 IIA、MIA 二大要點:1.航空公司放棄華沙公約體系所規定之責任限額,2.未逾十萬元特別提款 權之乘客傷亡索賠,航空公司負擔無過失責任。董念清,中國航空法:判例與問題研究,法律出版 社,2007 年 4 月,第 121 頁。

14 何國雄,國際航空運送人責任之整合體制研究-一九九九年蒙特婁公約,國立中正大學法律研究 所碩士論文,2001 年 6 月,第 3 頁至第 4 頁。

15 D.M. Hall, Annal of Air and Space Law(Canada), 1981 p195-218.

16 Georgette Miller: Liability in International Air Transport-the Warsaw System in Municipal Courts, Kluwer, 1977, p.2.

責任」17(presumption of liability),即於航空運送過程中,發生乘客人

17 華沙公約 Article17:The carrier is liable for damage sustained in the event of the death or wounding of a passenger or any other bodily injury suffered by a passenger, if the accident which caused the damage so sustained took place on board the aircraft or in the course of any of the operations of embarking or disembarking.及華沙公約 Article20:(1)The carrier is not liable if he proves that he and his agents have taken all necessary measures to avoid the damage or that it was impossible for him or them to take such measures.(2)In the carriage of goods and luggage the carrier is not liable if he proves that the damage was occasioned by negligent pilotage or negligence in the handing of the aircraft or in navigation and that, in all other respects, he and his agents have taken all necessary measures to avoid the damage.過失責任主 義屬民事賠償法則之一,需損害之發生,由於運送人之過失,運送人始需負責。民事賠償法則另包 括:領受主義、通常事變責任主義;前者係指運送人一旦接受客或貨,不問原因為何,均需擔負傷 亡毀損之賠償責任,後者則指除因不可抗力、運送物之性質或乘客之過失所致者外,運送人均需負 擔乘客傷亡、貨物之毀損之賠償責任。

18 包括:1 在航空器上或上、下機過程中,乘客因死亡、受傷或受到任何其他人身傷害而蒙受損失。

(華沙公約 Article17:The carrier is liable for damage sustained in the event of the death or wounding of a passenger or any other bodily injury suffered by a passenger, if the accident which caused the damage so sustained took place on board the aircraft or in the course of any of the operations of embarking or disembarking.);2.航空運輸送到引起乘客、貨物或行李的損失。(華沙公約 Article19:The carrier is liable for damage occasioned by delay in the carriage by air of passengers, luggage or goods.);3. 於航空 運輸期間,任何登記行李或者貨物如因毀滅、遺失或損壞而蒙受損失(華沙公約 Article18:1.The carrier is liable for damage sustained in the event of the destruction or loss of, or of damage to, any registered luggage or any goods, if the occurrence which caused the damage so sustained took place during the carriage by air.)。

19 華沙公約 Article20:(1)The carrier is not liable if he proves that he and his agents have taken all necessary measures to avoid the damage or that it was impossible for him or them to take such measures.

20 吳玲琍,論航空承運人的法律責任,蘭州交通大學學報,第 24 卷第 5 期(2005 年),第 42 頁。

21 王守潛,國際航空運送與責任賠償的問題,水牛出版社,1990 年,第 91 頁。又航空器之危險性,


22 條第 1 項規定,運送乘客時,運送人對每名乘客之責任以法郎 12 萬 5,000 元為限,…但乘客可根據其與運送人之特別協議,約定一較高之 責任限額。22然引用上揭限制責任原則,以運送人負擔推定過失責任為 前提,因此運送人若欲引用有限責任之規定,則需證明其已採取所有 避免損害之必要措施,或其採取避免損害之措施有所不能。

若乘客可證明運送人有下列情形者,則排除限制責任之適用,運送 人需擔負無限責任:1.運送人未交予客票、行李票或航空運貨單或者所 簽發之航空運送憑證不合規格。2.運送人有華沙公約第 25 條規定之「故 意不法行為」或「由於運送人之過失,且該過失相當於故意不法行為 所致」(willful misconduct),則可依據華沙公約第 25 條之規定,排除 運送人採用責任限額之主張23

另外,若運送人可證明係因飛機製造商或機場空管部門之過失直接 造成航空事件者,則乘客或貨主對飛機製造商、機場空管部門之求償 額,則無華沙公約之賠償責任限額之限制,附此敘明。

次,限制責任制度有就各被害人之賠償額加以限制者,亦有就運送人之總賠償額加以限制者,而華 沙公約體系係採前者之見解;劉承漢,陸空運輸法概要,三民書局股份有限公司,1978 年 11 版,

第 188 頁。

22 華沙公約 Article22:1.In the carriage of persons the liability of the carrier for each passenger is limited to the sum of 125,000francs.Where, in accordance with the law of the Court seized of the case, damages may be awarded in the form of periodical payments, the equivalent capital value of the said payments shall not exceed 125,000 francs. Nevertheless, by special contract, the carrier and passenger may agree to a higher limit of liability.

23 華沙公約 Article25:1.The carrier shall not be entitled to avail himself of the provisions of the Convention which exclude or limit his liability, if the damage is caused by his willful misconduct or by default on his part as, in accordance with the law of the Court seized of the case, is considered to be equivalent to willful misconduct.2.Similarly the carrier shall not be entitled to avail himself of the said provisions if the damage is caused as aforesaid by any agent of the carrier acting within the scope of his employment.此為英國、美國採取之版本,所謂故意不法行為(willful misconduct ),在大陸法國家,

則改採 dol,然二者之差異並未造成嚴重困難。黃居正,航空運送人之「故意或重大過失」-最高法 院 90 年台上字第 1365 號判決評釋,臺灣本土法學雜誌,第 80 期(2006 年 3 月),第 23 頁。


華沙公約第 19 條規定,運送人對乘客、行李或貨物在航空運送期 間因遲到造成之損害負有限責任24

關於遲到之定義,於華沙公約內並未有明文規定。有學者因而以為 需以法院地法解釋航班遲到之賠償責任25。另有中國學者以為可以下列 3 種含意加以解釋:1.僅限於飛機在空中飛行的延誤、2.航空運送期間 的延誤、3.整個航空運送過程中未能按約定時間將乘客、行李或貨物運 抵目的地,一般法院都是按照第 3 種定義來解釋,於必要時兼以第 2 種定義。

關於遲到,依華沙公約第 22 條第 1 項規定,運送人對每名乘客之 責任以法郎 12 萬 5,000 元為限,…但乘客可根據其與運送人之特別協 議,約定一較高之責任限額。26換言之,就遲到與乘客傷亡部分,運送 人均可引用責任限額之規定。



27,空運提單應載明事項包括下列 17 項:1.空運提單填寫之地點、日

24 華沙公約 Artcle19:The carrier is liable for damage occasioned by delay in the carriage by air of passengers, luggage or goods.

25 Diederiks - Vershooe: An l Introduction to Air Law, 2001, Kluwer Law International. p.82.趙理海,國 際航空法,社會科學文獻出版社,2000 年,第 349 頁。

26 華沙公約 Article22:1.In the carriage of persons the liability of the carrier for each passenger is limited to the sum of 125,000francs.Where, in accordance with the law of the Court seized of the case, damages may be awarded in the form of periodical payments, the equivalent capital value of the said payments shall not exceed 125,000 francs. Nevertheless, by special contract, the carrier and passenger may agree to a higher limit of liability.

27 華沙公約 Article9:If the carrier accepts goods without an air consignment note having been made out, or if the air consignment note does not contain all the particulars set out in Article 8(a) to (i) inclusive and (q), the carrier shall not be entitled to avail himself of the provisions of this Convention which exclude or limit his liability.


28 華沙公約 Article8:The air consignment note shall contain the following particulars(a)the place and date of its execution;(b)the place of departure and of destination;(c)the agreed stopping places, provides that the carrier may reserve the right to alter the stopping places in case of necessity, and that if he exercises that right the alteration shall not have the effect of depriving the carriage of its international character;(d)the name and address of the consignor;(e)the name and address of the first carrier;(f) the name and address of the consignee, if the case so requires;(g)the nature of the goods;(h)the number of the packages, the method of packing and the particular marks or numbers upon them;....(q) a statement that the carriage is subject to the rules relating to liability established by this Convention.

29 華沙公約 Article5:2.the absence, irregularity or loss of this document does not affect the existence or the validity of the contract of carriage which shall, subject to the provisions of Article 9, be none the less governed by the rules of this Convention..

30 Lawrence B. Goldhirsch, The Warsaw Convention Annotated: A Legal Handbook, Kluwer, Boston, 2000,pp47-49.

8 條第 1 項至第 9 項及第 17 項之記載事項,屬於強制性項目,其餘記 載事項,則屬任意性記載項目。31

另觀華沙公約第 11 條規定,於無相反證據之情況下,空運提單為 乘客、運送人訂定運送契約及約定運送條件之證明,32可知空運提單為

另觀華沙公約第 11 條規定,於無相反證據之情況下,空運提單為 乘客、運送人訂定運送契約及約定運送條件之證明,32可知空運提單為
