• 沒有找到結果。

第五章、 結論與未來展望

附錄 2- 2 遊戲階段

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首先由年齡最小的玩家作爲起始玩家,將四個房屋區域呈四宮格擺放在桌 面上,將升級卡放置在房屋區域的一角,中間的區域放入四副市場交易卡牌組,

並留一組大小的位置作爲棄牌堆,把四個不同種類的地契和建材排在房屋區域 的一側形成資源區域,紙幣則放在另一側形成銀行,接著每人挑選一組顔色的 房屋放置在靠近自己的桌面,然後分派每人 4 萬的金錢;開局設定完成後如下 圖。

寶島建設在遊戲裡總共會進行八個回合,每個回合結束後會順時針換下一 位起始玩家,每個回合由七個階段組成。

附錄 2-2 遊戲階段 階段(依順序)

每人依序挑選地契 從資源區域裡拿出四個不同區域的地契,玩家依順序挑選

每人獲得一份建材 自動獲得一份建材

競標最少房屋的土地 拿兩個最少房屋區域的地契來競標,首四回合運用公開喊價拍 賣,後四回合用維克裡拍賣

競標兩份建材 拿兩個建材來競標,首四回合運用公開喊價拍賣,後四回合用維


蓋房屋 這個階段所有玩家一起動作,以一個地契和建材在地契的指定房


升級區域 玩家依序升級區域,每區只能升級三次,升級區域會消耗地契和


挑選卡牌進行交易 從四張市場交易卡牌組中挑選一個能滿足其條件的市場交易卡進


回合結束 換下一位玩家當起始玩家

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附錄 2-2. 小幫手卡

1. 代號:____________

2. 性別:□ 男 □ 女 3. 年齡:____________

4. 職稱:____________

5. 科系:____________

6. 教育程度:____________


□ 其他:_______________________

5. 請問您平均每月玩桌遊的次數?

□ 超過10 □ 6-9 □ 2-5 □ 至少1次 □ 沒有玩過 6. 請問您玩數位遊戲(手遊、網遊、單機等)的頻率?

□ 時常 □ 普通 □ 很少 □ 沒有

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項次 內容 同意向度

1 我覺得《寶島建設》具有娛樂性。 5 4 3 2 1 2 我覺得《寶島建設》具有挑戰性。 5 4 3 2 1 3 我覺得《寶島建設》的操作方式容易上手。 5 4 3 2 1 4 我覺得《寶島建設》的互動機制設計良好。 5 4 3 2 1 5 我覺得《寶島建設》每一階段的邏輯容易瞭解。 5 4 3 2 1 6 我覺得《寶島建設》的介面有效地呈現遊戲資訊。 5 4 3 2 1 7 我覺得《寶島建設》有效讓我瞭解到資源的價格和需


5 4 3 2 1 8 我常常會迷失,不知道自己正處於哪個遊戲階段。 5 4 3 2 1 9 遊戲的音效適中,不會干擾正在進行遊戲的我。 5 4 3 2 1 10 我覺得《寶島建設》的操作過程流暢沒有問題。 5 4 3 2 1 11 我覺得《寶島建設》的遊戲時間太長讓我感到疲倦。 5 4 3 2 1 12 在「競標」的過程中,我逐漸掌握土地與建材的價格


5 4 3 2 1 13 在「蓋房」和「交易」的過程中,我逐漸掌握如何確


5 4 3 2 1 14 如果再玩一次,我相信我會比之前玩得更好。 5 4 3 2 1

* 您對於《寶島建設》的想法和建議:

c. 挑不需要對話的桌遊或遊戲來做(爐石,GameOfDice,皇室爭 霸),保有簡單的互動,六種簡單的表情 提高(Agricola,農家樂,Through the ages,Twilight Struggle)

b. 市場有需要數位桌遊,和同一群人玩久了會知道彼此的習慣想要找 不同的人玩,不同的遊戲變化,不同的玩家有不同的遊戲風格,不 同的方式去測試不同的路線會有什麼結果,透過裝置去和 AI 玩可以 測試自己的戰術(Adaptation)

c. 數位化是一個趨勢,實體銷售已經到了一個飽和點

a. 已有實體版的無懈可擊經典遊戲數位化:Twilight Struggle 做了兩 年,Agricola 一年多,Through the ages 打掉重練(外包給不同遊戲 公司製作),數位版的桌遊問題都出在介面,數位化的門檻 一個很好的體驗,是一個 adaptation,只有 digital 有音樂,是你對遊 戲情境的詮釋,讓你玩策略有一種運籌帷幄的感覺

f. 字體很重要,不算是問題,有無趁線的字體可以呈現不同的時代 感,沒趁線的字比較是現代的字

g. 會做 sketch,設計找 reference,把細節地方拉出來,讓畫的人可以 從你的 reference 去找到線索去畫你想要的圖;風格要自己覺得過得 去,希望可以表現一個時代風格的情境 供價格的基礎,像 modern art:可以估物價,他不會讓你亂估價,


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立 政 治 大 學

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附錄七、決策與操作記錄(第 8 組 P2)

附錄 7-1. Cherry 第 1 回合的操作與決策記錄(1)

附錄 7-2. Cherry 第 1 回合的操作與決策記錄(2)

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附錄 7-3. Cherry 第 2 回合的操作與決策記錄(1)

附錄 7-4. Cherry 第 2 回合的操作與決策記錄(2)

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附錄 7-5. Cherry 第 3 回合的操作與決策記錄(1)

附錄 7-6. Cherry 第 3 回合的操作與決策記錄(2)

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立 政 治 大 學

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附錄 7-7. Cherry 第 4 回合的操作與決策記錄(1)

附錄 7-8. Cherry 第 4 回合的操作與決策記錄(2)

臉書/電郵: feofeona@hotmail.com


2014 2014 年臺灣行動遊戲新人獎(TMEA2014)Alien Art(首獎)

系統開發 Eclipse, Android Studio, Microsoft Visual Studio, Unity3D, Processing 圖形設計 Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Lightroom, Canva

文書處理 Word, Excel, Powerpoint 網頁服務 Slack, Trello, Github

其他 SPSS Statistics, Arduino, Rashberry Pi 目前想學習的項目

Status: Single

Birthdate: 28 March 1985 Nationality: Malaysia

Phone: +886 929980328 FB/Email: feofeona@hotmail.com


Easygoing, Friendly, Honest, Open-minded, Responsible, Fast Learner


Methodology Game Design & Testing, User Experience

Technology Web, App, Software Engineering, Interactive Design Business Business Model, Project Management, Management


2014 – 2017 National Cheng-Chi University, Master Degree in Digital Content

& Technologies.

2011 – 2014 Feng Chia University, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science.

2005 – 2008 New Era College, Associate Degree of Information Technology.


English Excellent, able to communicate, read and write fluently.

Chinese Good, able to communicate, read and write fluently.

Cantonese Fine, able to communicate and read.

Malay Fine, able to communicate, read and write.


2014 – 2016 Ministry of Education Common Scholarship for 2rd,3th,4th Semester during study in National Cheng Chi University.

2016 Global Chinese Conference on Inquiry Learning 2016 (GCCIL2016) Applying Data Collection to understand the Experiential Learning Progress of a Digital Board Game regarding Law of Supply and Demand ( First Prize )

2015 Taiwan Association for Education Communication and Technoogy 2015 (TAECT2015) in Proceedings - A Reduce Visual DaDaoCheng Mobile Guide Service

2014 Taiwan Mobile Elite Award 2014 (TMEA2014) First Prize Award – Alien Art


Programming Language

Web Html, Javascript, Php, MySQL App Unix, Java, C#

System Python, Unix, C, C++, C#

Applications & Tools

Development Eclipse, Android Studio, Microsoft Visual Studio, Unity3D, Processing Visual Tools Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Lightroom, Canva

Microsoft Office Word, Excel, Powerpoint Web Service Slack, Trello, Github

Others SPSS Statistics, Arduino, Rashberry Pi Skills plan to achieved

2D Animation, public speaking, presentation skill, LaTeX, leadership, growth hacking, japanese, caching, digital music production, digital marketing, copywriting


2014 – 2016 Facility Organizer, Digital Content & Technologies, NCCU - Managing Digital Art Center’s equipment

- Support event organized in Digital Art Center

2014 – 2015 Student Representative, Digital Content & Technologies, NCCU - Join Professors for DCT department meeting

- Support Department decision making & event planning 2013 – 2014 Quarry Site Manager, ST Technic Sdn Bhd, Malaysia

- Ensure production rate meets contract requirement - Manage staff and machines, handle routine documentation - Communicate and plan with other contractors and suppliers


2017 Intelligent Board Game: Applying Data Analysis in Understanding User Experience and Learning Progress (Master’s Thesis)

- Boardgame prototyping & testing

- Interview Professionals in Taiwan Boardgame Industry regarding Topic of Needs and Requirement on Digital Boardgame

- Build Digital Boardgame using Unity3D and Photon Unity Networking on Ipad - Build Web Server to receive data from Ipad’s Digital Boardgame

- Build Web Analysis Program to analyze user’s behavior and learning portfolio - Write and compose research process and findings into thesis

2016 Gamification of Taipei 101 mobile guide app

- Concept propose in combining gamification and mobile guide

- Build app at prototype stage, further development was pass to other engineer

2014 Alient Art (Mobile Game 3 days Hackathon) - Build Game Structure and AI with Unity3D

- Join discussion and provide solutions on urgent situation 2015 A Reduce Visual DaDaoCheng Mobile Guide Service

- Develop Mobile Guide App with Unity3D - Program Android App to receive IBeacon Signal

- Program Android App to send and receive signal with Arduino using Bluetooth - Map GPS to a customized map

- Handle project management and paper writing

2014 Intelligent Shelf: A box for book exchange with authentication - Build Web Server with PHP and MySQL

- Program Arduino to receive and process User and ISBN barcode from scanner - Send user barcode to Web Server for authentication using Python

- send ISBN to google books to retrieve book information and send to Apache Server and store using MySQL and PHP


Food Blogger Visit various places to explore and write about good food and culture Entreprenuer Research new products/services and search for new insight

Reading Philosophy, psychology, life sytles, critical thinking, business, design

Culinary Try different ingredient combination in cooking, watch Gordon Ramsay’s video ACG RPG, RTS, SLG, E-Sports, Boardgame, Comics, Novels

Home Decorate Have a special taste for furniture made of wood, metal and leather, feels good to survey furniture stores and checkup new design of closet and kitchen ware Eco-friendly Always be updated about sustainable energy, agriculture, eco cities and farms Sports Badminton, Table Tennis, Chinese kung fu, fitness

Mars One of my favourite topic, I always think of living in a time where humanity makes great breakthrough creating historical events


1. Remain calm and decisive during urgent situation, able to adapt and react to situation quick 2. Make friends with a wide variety of people from different culture, background, social status and profession; I heard much stories in different context which gaves me more insights in analyzing people and things.

3. Despite the lack of research methodology training, which I learned during my master degree, I spend a huge amount of time to life observation and understanding human behavior, it is easier for me to delve in situation or products/services with a much complicated context.