選修部分 Elective Part (120小時hrs)
50 服務
18 Airport Passenger Terminal Operations 機場客運大樓運作
Hong Kong College of Technology (HKCT) 服務 / 款待服務
Services / Hospitality Services
本科目透過多元課堂實習訓練實踐相關理論,教授學員有關客運大樓運作的基礎知識和技巧,讓學員 從實踐中學習基礎營運科學、服務文化及行業相關法規等三個範疇。課程不但提升學員對相關學科的 興趣,而且透過導師及實境教學加強他們的基礎技能、思考能力、人際關係、價值觀和態度,以及與 職業相關的能力為未來升學及就業做好準備。
The objective of this course is to equip students with the basic knowledge and skills of the Airport Passenger Terminal Operations by going through the practice of multi-class classroom training. The course will help students understand and master the basic knowledge and skills. Students can also learn the basic operational science, service culture and industry-related regulations. The course not only enhances students’ interest in relevant subjects, but also strengthens their foundation skills, thinking skills, people skills, values and attitudes, and career-related competencies through the mentor and the actual environment to prepare for further studies and career development.
中文 或 英文 Chinese or English
實地考察香港國際機場客運大樓、與航空業相關的機構及監管組織、符合業界標準的模擬場地作實 習等
Field visits to the Hong Kong International Airport Passenger Terminal, aviation industry-related organisation and regulatory authority, and practice in a simulated venue with industry standard, etc.
升學路向 Further Studies
學員畢業後可申請由港專或其他院校開辦的旅遊及酒店款待(航空服務 / 旅遊及項目管理 / 款待)的 高級文憑或文憑課程
Students are eligible to apply for higher diploma or diploma programmes in tourism and hospitality management (airline services / tourism and event management / hospitality) offered by HKCT or other institutions
就業出路 Career Pathways
初級職位:例如飛行區運作主任、客運大樓運作主任、行李系統運作主任、客戶服務主任、空勤服務 主任、地勤服務主任、票務服務主任、空運貨物主任、物流主任。學員更可投考民航署的見習航空交 通管制主任
Junior positions, e.g. flight operations officer, passenger terminal operations officer, baggage system operations officer, customer service officer, flight attendant, ground service officer, ticket service officer, air cargo officer, logistics officer. Students can also apply for the Student Air Traffic Control Officer of the Civil Aviation Department.
管理職位:例如資深空勤服務主管、地勤服務督導、系統運作主管、飛行區營運督導、客戶服務經 理、項目經理、私人飛機租務經理、航空交通控制主任
Management positions, e.g. senior flight purser, ground service supervisor, system operations supervisor, airfield operations supervisor, customer service manager, project manager, private aircraft rental manager, Air Traffic Control Officer of the Civil Aviation Department.
模式一 Mode 1
開課日期 Commencement Date: 2021年9月 September 2021
時間Time: 星期六 Saturday 9:00 am - 1:00 pm / 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm (註:部分課堂將於暑假期間進行及全日上課。)
(Note: Some lessons will also be scheduled during summer holidays and will be arranged as full day lessons.)
地點Venue: 香港專業進修學校 (港專賽馬會馬鞍山校園)
Hong Kong College of Technology (HKCT Jockey Club Ma On Shan Campus)
Yiu On Estate, Ma on Shan, Sha Tin, New Territories 或 OR 香港專業進修學校(港專賽馬會本科校園)
Hong Kong College of Technology (HKCT Jockey Club Undergraduate Campus) 2 On Shing Street, Ma On Shan, Sha Tin, New Territories
模式二 Mode 2
Lessons will mainly be held at students’ own schools. Details will be confirmed between course provider and schools concerned.
電話 Tel: 2265 6986 / 2926 1222
電郵 Email: apl@hkct.edu.hk / enquiry@hkct.edu.hk 課程網址 Course Website: www.hkct.edu.hk/apl/index.html 課程提供機構
Course Provider 學習範疇 / 課程組別
Area of Studies / Course Cluster 課程簡介
Course Introduction
Medium of Instruction 學習活動特色
Learning Activity Highlights
Articulation to Further Studies and Career Pathways
Class Arrangements
查詢 Enquiries
1. 機場客運大樓簡介
Introduction to Airport Passenger Terminal (40小時hrs)
• 航空業
Aviation Industry • 願景、使命及核心價值
Vision, mission and core values • 組織架構與監管營運
Organizational structure and regulatory operations • 客運大樓營運原則和目標
Principles and objectives of passenger terminal operation
• 機場及客運大樓基礎設施
Infrastructure of airport and passenger terminal • 日常運作概覽
Overview of daily operations
• 經濟發展
Economic development • 從業員的專業角色、責任及操守
Roles, responsibilities, and work ethics of practitioners 2. 客運大樓安全及可持續發展
Safety and Sustainable Development (40小時hrs) • 可持續發展及環境保護
Sustainable development and environmental protection
• 安全守則、措施、評估和監測
Safety codes, measures, assessments and monitoring • 營運安全及科技創新
Operational Ssafety and technological Innovation • 簡介合約批授和公開招標
Introduction to contract approval and open tendering
• 租務管理
Leasing management • 職業安全與健康
Operational safety and health • 潛在風險和預防措施
Potential risks and precaution
3. 系統和科技
System and Technology Systems (40小時hrs) • 客運大樓工程和系統簡介
Overview of projects and systems of passenger terminal • 營運系統和控制原理
Operational system and principles of control
• 訊息系統
Information system • 行李運轉帶
Baggage carousel
• 無人列車
Automated people mover
• 個案討論
Case study 4. 服務及營運
Service and Operation (60小時hrs) • 客戶關係管理及優質服務文化
Customer relationship management and service culture • 國際文化議題
International cultural issues • 節慶和活動管理
Festival and event management • 日常運作和服務
Daily operation and service
• 事故處理
Incident handling
• 專題研習
Project learning
52 服務
19 Hospitality Services in Practice 酒店服務營運
School of Continuing and Professional Education, City University of Hong Kong (CityU (SCOPE)) 服務 / 款待服務
Services / Hospitality Services
本課程涵蓋了酒店業三個主要範疇的基礎知識,即酒店前台、酒店客房部及餐飲服務的營運。學生將 以實踐的模式學習,並到酒店交流,了解優質服務的重要性。
This course is designed to equip students with fundamental knowledge about three major aspects of the hospitality industry, namely front office, housekeeping, and food and beverage operations. Learning will be acquired through practice, and students will be given the opportunity to visit hotels to understand the importance of quality service.
中文 或 英文 Chinese or English
模擬客房服務學習、運用「Opera」物業管理系統模擬入住登記及房間分配、到餐廳學習西式餐飲服 務及餐桌禮儀、兩日一夜的酒店參觀、互動學習、角色扮演、個案研究、專題研習及口述簡報等。
Housekeeping practice in the mock-up guest room, use of “Opera” property management system to simulate check-in and room allocation, learning of western dining services and etiquette in a restaurant, an overnight hotel visit, interactive learning, role plays, case studies, research projects and oral presentations, etc.
升學路向 Further Studies
e.g. Courses related to leisure and tourism, hotel management, food production and services 就業出路 Career Pathways
• 款待服務 Hospitality services
例如:從事與休閒及娛樂、酒店及旅遊業、食品生產及服務、航班服務、展覽支援服務等相關的 工作
e.g. Careers in the fields of leisure and recreation, hotel and tourism, food production and services, airline services and convention support services
• 商業服務 Business services 例如:從事顧客服務等相關的工作
e.g. Careers in the fields of customer service 模式一 Mode 1
開課日期 Commencement Date: 2021年9月 September 2021
時間Time: 星期六 Saturday 9:15 am - 12:15 pm / 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm
(Note: Lessons as well as an overnight hotel visit will be scheduled during summer holidays.) 地點Venue: CityU SCOPE尖東教學中心
尖沙咀麼地道77號華懋廣場UG2及UG3 CityU SCOPE TST East Learning Centre
UG2 & UG3, ChinaChem Golden Plaza, 77 Mody Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon
模式二 Mode 2
Lessons will mainly be held at students’ own schools. Details will be confirmed between course provider and schools concerned.
電話 Tel: 3442 5441 / 3442 5433 電郵 Email: aplinfo@cityu.edu.hk
課程網址 Course Website: www.cityu.edu.hk/ce/apl 課程提供機構
Course Provider
學習範疇 / 課程組別
Area of Studies / Course Cluster 課程簡介
Course Introduction
Medium of Instruction 學習活動特色
Learning Activity Highlights
Articulation to Further Studies and Career Pathways
Class Arrangements
查詢 Enquiries
1. 酒店服務及未來趨勢概述
Overview of Hospitality Service and Future Trend (24小時hrs)
• 款待業發展
Overview of hospitality service and future trend
• 酒店業創新商業模式
New hotel business models • 共享經濟的影響
Impact of sharing economy • Airbnb的挑戰
Challenges of Airbnb • 服務水平與應用
Service levels and application
2. 酒店前台營運
Front Office Operations (52小時hrs) • 各部門之間的相互聯繫
Inter-department responsibilities • 電話溝通及銷售技巧
Telephone communications and sales techniques
• 客房預訂 – 比較網站
Reservations - Opaque websites • 入住登記 – 人工智能應用
Registration - AI application • 退房及結賬 – 流動支付服務
Settlement of accounts - mobile payment services
3. 酒店客房營運
Housekeeping Operations (34小時hrs) • 客房清潔
Guest room cleaning • 洗衣房管理
Laundry management • 客房庫存品管理
Inventory management • 員工配備及工作管理
Staff equipment and task management
• 安全措施、化學物品與保安管理
4. 餐飲服務營運
Food & Beverage Operations (46小時hrs)
酒店業餐飲 Hotel Dining
• 快餐
Fast food • 休閑式餐飲
Casual dining • 交通運輸餐飲 Transportation
• 到會服務
Outside catering
Basic Management Concept / Skills
• 菜單設計
Menu planning
• 成本控制
Casual dinning • 食物衛生
Food hygiene
• 菜單介紹
Menu description • 菜單類別及餐桌擺設
Types of menu and setting • 餐桌服務類別
Service methods • 餐飲服務技巧
Service skills
• 促銷技巧
Upselling skills
Beverage Service • 非酒精類飲品類別
Classification of
non-alcoholic beverages • 酒精類飲品
Alcoholic beverages
5. 實況體驗
On-site Experience (24小時hrs) • 知識與服務技巧整合及應用
(選修其中一個單元課題作專題硏習) Integrate and apply knowledge acquired for projects on one of the three modules
a 酒店前台(入住登記及房間編配)
Front office (Registration and room assignment)
a 客房部(房務服務技巧練習)
Housekeeping (Room inspection and bed making)
a 餐飲服務(餐桌禮儀及餐飲服務技巧
Food & beverage (Table setting and dinning etiquette)
• 體驗款待業最新發展趨勢(例如:環保 酒店概念、科技應用、電子營銷技巧)
Experience a contemporary trend in hospitality (such as green hotel
concept, application of technology and e-marketing technique)
54 服務
Hotel Operations
20 酒店營運
Vocational Training Council (VTC) 服務 / 款待服務
Services / Hospitality Services
學生將透過多元化的教學活動,提升對旅遊業及酒店營運的興趣,培養良好的服務文化、自律及團隊 精神,並加強解難、溝通和表達能力。
本課程已取得英國「款接服務學會」(Institute of Hospitality)的專業認可,學員修畢本課程後可自費 申請取得該會頒授之國際認可資格。
Through a simulated learning environment, students will acquire the basic knowledge of hotel operations and practical skills in front office, housekeeping, and food and beverage departments.
The diversified learning activities will develop students’ interest in the hospitality industry, and cultivate among them a service culture, self-discipline and team spirit as well as problem solving, communication and presentation skills.
This ApL course is endorsed by the Institute of Hospitality, UK. Graduates could apply at their own costs to receive international recognition.
中文 或 英文 Chinese or English
講授及示範、角色扮演、個案分享及小組討論、參觀業內營運實況、實務訓練、專題研習、技能競賽 等
Lectures with demonstrations, role plays, case sharing and group discussions, industrial visits, practical training, project learning, Skills Competition, etc.
升學路向 Further Studies
e.g. Courses related to hotel management, leisure and tourism, food and beverage service management
就業出路 Career Pathways
例如:從事與酒店服務、旅遊社、航空服務、飲食服務、主題公園服務、會所管理等相關的工作 e.g. Careers in the fields of hotel services, travel agency, airline services, catering services, theme park services, club house management, etc.
模式一 Mode 1
開課日期 Commencement Date: 2021年9月 September 2021 時間Time: 星期六 Saturday 9:00 am - 1:00 pm / 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm 地點Venue: 酒店及旅遊學院 (九龍灣) – 九龍九龍灣大業街46號
Hotel and Tourism Institute (Kowloon Bay)
46 Tai Yip Street, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon 或 OR 酒店及旅遊學院 (天水圍) – 新界元朗天水圍天河路11號
Hotel and Tourism Institute (Tin Shui Wai)
11 Tin Ho Road, Tin Shui Wai, Yuen Long, N.T.
模式二 Mode 2
如校內設施符合課程要求,課堂可主要在學生就讀的學校進行,有關詳情有待課程提供機構與學校 協定。
Lessons could mainly be held at students’ own schools subject to the equipment and facilities provided by schools. Details will be confirmed between course provider and schools concerned.
電話 Tel: 2836 1264
電郵 Email: apl-enquiry@vtc.edu.hk
課程網址 Course Website: www.vtc.edu.hk/apl 課程提供機構
Course Provider 學習範疇 / 課程組別
Area of Studies / Course Cluster 課程簡介
Course Introduction
Medium of Instruction 學習活動特色
Learning Activity Highlights
Articulation to Further Studies and Career Pathways
Class Arrangements
查詢 Enquiries