• 沒有找到結果。

第四章 閣樓裏的小花(Flowers in the Attic)

1. 重塑敘事者性格



It is so appropriate to color hope yellow, like that sun we seldom saw. And as I begin to copy from the old memorandum journals that I kept for so long, a title comes as if inspired. Open the Window and Stand in the Sunshine. Yet, I hesitate to name our story that. For I think of us more as flowers in the attic.

Paper flowers. Born so brightly colored, and fading duller through all those long, grim, dreary, nightmarish days when we were held prisoners of hope, and kept captives by greed. But, we were never to color even one of our paper blossoms yellow.

Charles Dickens would often start his novels with the birth of the protagonist and, being a favorite author of both mine and Chris's, I would duplicate his style--if I could. But he was a genius born to write without difficulty while I find every word I put down, I put down with tears, with bitter blood, with sour gall, well mixed and blended with shame and guilt. I thought I would never feel ashamed or guilty, that these were burdens for others to bear. Years have passed and I am older and wiser now, accepting, too. The tempest of rage that once stormed within me has simmered down so I can write, I hope, with truth and with less hatred and prejudice than would have been the case a few years ago.

So, like Charles Dickens, in this work of "fiction" I will hide myself away behind a false name, and live in fake places, and I will pray to God that those who should will hurt when they read what I have to say. Certainly God in his infinite mercy will see that some understanding publisher will put my words in a book, and help grind the knife that I hope to wield.49 (Andrews, 1979, p. 3-4)

Flowers in the Attic一書的敘事者是女主角Cathy。被困在閣樓多年的她,最 後順利逃脫,離開閣樓後展開全新人生,本書(以及後來的四部續集)可說是 Cathy的回憶錄。Flowers in the Attic正文前的這篇序言,就是Cathy的心情告 白。

在這段序言中,她表明自己寫下這本回憶錄,目的是要記下那段痛苦難忘 的回憶。儘管她已離開閣樓多年,後來在續集中也復仇成功,但在這段序言 中,讀者仍可看出她心中的憤怒以及怨恨。


(held prisoners),「淪為貪婪的俘虜」(kept captives by greed),間接指控

母親Corrine的惡行。毫無謀生能力的母親因貪戀祖父的鉅額遺產,不惜犧牲孩 子的自由、健康以及生命,把他們困在閣樓裡。

繼續往第二段讀,她又說自己在寫這部回憶錄時,「帶著血淚,心懷恨 意」(put down with tears, with bitter blood, with sour gall)。最後一段,Cathy道 出寫書目的,她說「那些理應覺得難受的人讀了我寫的東西會感到心痛」

(those who should will hurt when they read what I have to say),還表示未來一定 會有出版社將這堆文字印製出版,「協助我打磨那把亟欲揮舞的利刃」(help grind the knife that I hope to wield)。從這些字句來看,能發現Cathy心中的怨恨 仍未平復,傷痕尚未癒合。藉由此書,她希望自己的母親以及外祖母能夠感到 愧疚,為當年的所作所為付出代價。而全文最後一句話,Cathy將自己亟欲復仇 的心情喻為「利刃」,用字強烈,情緒濃厚。

在皇冠譯本中,這段序言遭到刪除,對Cathy的形象造成極大影響。若能在 閱讀本文之前先讀這篇序言,讀者就會更進入小說情節,跟著Cathy的心境與角 度來理解她的經歷。少了這段序言,讀者便無從得知Cathy內心的黑暗面以及恨 意。


"Maybe, maybe not. Life holds all sorts of surprises, Cathy, and some of them are unpleasant, as you are finding out. But remember always you were blessed to have for almost twelve years a father who thought you were something very special."

"Because I look like you," I said, still feeling some of that envy I always had, because I came in second after her. (Andrews, 1979, p. 23)


「也許會,也許不⋯⋯凱西,生命的本身就是一連串的意外,有些會令人 沮喪,像妳曾經歷過的,但是,記著,你已經度過了十二個幸福的歲


我問,我一直羨慕媽媽,希望能成為第二個她。(龔珊麗,1982,頁 27)

這個母親Corrine與女兒Cathy對話的段落位於小說前段。此時他們一家人剛 得知父親Christopher Sr.車禍身亡的消息,重新振作的母親Corrine試圖安慰心情 消沈的女兒。Corrine知道女兒很在意父親對她的評價與期許,便以此激勵她,


這時Cathy卻想反駁母親的言論,她認為自己會獲得父親寵愛,完全是因為 自己跟Corrine有幾分神似。她覺得自己的地位次於母親,只是她的替代品,感 到相當忌妒。

Cathy早熟的思想以及內心的陰暗面在這個段落中展露無遺。她以「因為我 長得像妳」(Because I look like you)反駁母親的論點,話語中酸意十足。語 畢,她又在心中暗自覺得自己在父親心中的地位「排在她後面」(came in second after her),因而感到羨慕嫉妒。

不過在龔珊麗譯本中,「因為我長得像樣妳」被譯成「像您一樣?」,除 了從原本反駁的語氣變成純真無邪的疑問句之外,還使用「您」這個尊稱。緊 接著編輯/譯者又把「排在她後面」這個充滿遺憾的語句,譯成「希望能成為 第二個她」如此陽光的句子。經過這兩層改動,原本嫉妒母親的Cathy,成了天 真無邪,向母親看齊的女孩。


Even I, now twelve years old, and almost a woman, could not comprehend why Momma didn't really look happy to be going home again to parents she hadn't seen in fifteen years. (Andrews, 1979, p. 31)


就連我自己,已經十二歲了,也無法了解媽媽就要回娘家了,為什麼看 來一點也不快樂,她已經有十五年不曾見過她的雙親了。(龔珊麗,




Corrine會感到憂鬱,是因為她當初觸犯禁忌,不得不與家族切割。但還不知實 情的小孩子卻無法體會她的心境。Cathy原本就是心智早熟的女孩,在這個段落 中,她表達自己「幾乎是個女人」(almost a woman),已經可以體會那種女兒 殷切期盼回娘家的普世心理,所以她不解為何母親的反應如此怪異。龔珊麗譯 本在處理這個段落時,獨獨漏掉“and almost a woman”這句話,使成熟世故的 Cathy變成單純的少女。


But I wouldn't be too stern with her. I would be sweet, understanding, the kind of mistress every servant desired-- unless she broke something I really

cherished! Then there'd be hell to pay--I'd throw a temper tantrum, and hurl a few things I didn't like, anyway. (Andrews, 1979, p. 37)


不過我一定不會薄待她,我要做一個甜蜜體貼的、讓每一個傭人都願意 侍候的那種女主人。(龔珊麗,1982,頁37)

父親車禍離世之前,Cathy過著富裕如公主般受寵愛的生活,也因此養成她 略為驕縱、自命不凡的性格。得知要搬去跟富可敵國的外祖父母同住之後,尚

不知厄運臨頭的Cathy,還以為可以在外祖父母的豪華大宅裡繼續當公主;不知 即將被關在閣樓的她,以為身旁會有許多僕人服侍。她先是說自己會是一位溫 柔寬厚的女主人,但話鋒一轉,卻表示如果僕人不小心毀損她心愛的器物,就 會小發脾氣(throw a temper tantrum),摔一些無關緊要的東西以示憤怒(hurl a few things I didn't like)。

這個段落展現Cathy的驕縱習性,從小被父親兄長捧在掌心的她,認為自己 是人見人愛、嬌貴的小公主,這個形象跟後段被祖母囚禁虐待的情景形成反 差。不過在龔譯本中,譯文只有點出她會做個甜蜜體貼,讓傭人心甘情願服侍 的主人,並將後段轉折刪除。從翻譯策略來看,顯然是想隱藏Cathy嬌貴傲慢的 性格。

這個段落列舉的四個例子來看,可見皇冠出版社的編輯與譯者確實刻意扭 轉敘事者Cathy的性格。從小說開頭到結尾,Cathy先是藉由序言展露內心的恨 意以及報復的渴望,接著再從童年幸福美滿的千金小姐,淪為閣樓中的俘虜。

她雖受到父兄的疼愛,但始終認為自己比不過高貴美麗的母親,甚至萌生嫉妒 之情。Cathy性格中的黑暗面以及早熟世故的性格,從字裡行間就能推敲發現。

而皇冠譯本卻透過刪節與改寫,試圖將Cathy塑造成單純甜美,懵懂無知的少 女。

(2) 刪改兄妹曖昧情愫


Unabashedly, we stripped off all our clothes and sun-bathed in the short time the sun visited our windows. We saw each other's differences, and thought little about them, and frankly told Momma what we did, so we, too, wouldn't die from lack of sunlight. (Andrews, 1979, p. 153)




外祖母Olivia因為有前車之鑑(女兒Corrine的亂倫之戀),因此制定許多規 範,要同在閣樓中的Cathy與Chris謹守分際,不得看見異性的裸體。然而剛搬入 閣樓的四個孩子仍處成長階段,需充分的日曬才能發育完全。深知這個道理的 Cathy與Chris有時會趁外祖母不在的時候偷偷脫衣照日。

在這個段落中,原文指出他們兩人脫掉「所有衣物」(stripped off all our clothes),親眼看著彼此身體器官的差異。但在皇冠譯本中,編輯/譯者卻把 脫掉全身衣物這句話,改寫成「脫掉衣服,只穿內衣」,並刪去描述兩人看見 彼此生理構造差異的句子。這段譯文刪改痕跡明顯,擺明就是要抹去兩人早已 坦誠相見的事實,企圖讓讀者以為Cathy與Chris仍謹守分寸,沒有任何踰矩的行 為。


A blush heated up his chest, on which my cheek was resting. It burned right through his pajamas. (Andrews, 1979, p. 211)



長期被困在閣樓中的Cathy與Chris,常常互相安撫排解憂愁。原本就相當親 近的兩人,因無處可去而變得更親暱。在這個段落中,Cathy躺在Chris的胸膛上 感受哥哥的溫度。原文說Cathy將臉頰靠在Chris的胸膛(on which my cheek was resting),但在龔譯本中,編輯/譯者卻把句子改成「胸口一起一伏的」。經

過改動,原本緊緊相依偎的兩人瞬間產生距離,「胸口一起一伏的」傳達出的 意象,像是Cathy站在Chris對面看著他。在這個例文中,可看出譯者/編輯試圖 抹去兩人之間親密曖昧的舉止。


Ask Momma. It's about time she told you. I've already noticed you're beginning to develop--and that's a sure sign." (Andrews, 1979, p. 220)


「去問媽媽,她會告訴妳,我在學校廁所裏聽高年級男生說過。」(龔 珊麗,1982,頁166)

Cathy與Chris兩人在閣樓中待了好幾年,從原本尚未發育的孩童各自長成婷 婷玉立、高大挺拔的少女少年。在進入青春期的過程中,Chris率先注意到Cathy 身體的變化,他叫Cathy去諮詢母親Corrine女生該如何因應青春期的生理變化。


