• 沒有找到結果。

B2B企業之廣告主許多當關鍵字廣告(Ad Copy)與橫幅廣告(Banner Ad)在執行 與設計上所應該具備的特徵,讓廣告主能更精確的瞄準有效的網路使用者,以達到


告(Ad Copy)與橫幅廣告(Banner Ad)效果的因素,並指出「文化差異」與從心 理學之角度提出「自由需求(自由感)」之有無亦可能影響關鍵字廣告(Ad Copy)


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本研究與B2B企業研華股份有限公司(Advantech Corporation)合作,藉由實際 投放網路廣告-關鍵字廣告(Ad Copy)與橫幅廣告(Banner Ad),並以Google AdWords所產製之廣告成效報告觀察網路廣告點擊率,已充分反應關鍵字廣告及橫 幅廣告之點擊行為,但在研究過程中仍發現有下列限制存在,而這些限制則為未來 可研究之方向:

1. 關鍵字廣告(Ad Copy)方面,並無法透過Google AdWords之廣告成效報告了 解到,當網路使用者於Google搜尋引擎鍵入廣告所購買之關鍵字搜尋時,其對 於產品的涉入程度之高低。

2. 雖然是實際投放網路廣告,但無法透過Google AdWords之廣告成效報告蒐集到 網路使用者之人口資料(年齡、性別、教育程度等)。雖然大部分實驗的網路 廣告,其曝光率皆超過萬人,應足以代表試驗之母體(對該產品有興趣之顧客), 未來若能收集到網路使用者之人口資料,應能完整分析廣告點擊率之影響因素。

3. 本研究資料蒐集的時間範圍為30天,而其中關鍵字廣告(Ad Copy)之實驗(三)

因企業廣告預算之故,投放時間為20天。雖樣本皆為千人以上應足以代表試驗 母體(對該產品有興趣之顧客),但未來時間與預算許可下,建議將實驗廣告 投放時間設為一致,或具更長期(約60天)時間觀察,將使結果更具解釋力。

4. 因企業廣告投放預算及時間成本之限制,本研究無法連結至Google Analytics以 蒐集到網路使用者點擊後之行為,即無法追蹤與記錄使用者點擊廣告進入到達 頁面後之行為,未來的研究方向建議可追蹤網路使用點擊後之行為特性。


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5. 本研究所提出「文化差異」對於B2B企業之關鍵字廣告點擊率的影響,亦礙於 預算之故無法投放至更多國家以增加東西方國家之樣本。未來建議若預算許 可,建議分別增加東西方國家之樣本數,使「文化差異」此一變項對於點擊率 之影響力的程度高低,更具有說服力。


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Display Advertising Advertiser pays an online company for space on one or more of the online company’s pages to display a static or linked banner or logo.

Sponsorship Advertiser pays for custom content and/or experiences, which may or may not include ad elements such as display advertising, brand logos, advertorial, or pre-roll video. Sponsorships fall into several categories:

Spotlights are custom-built pages incorporating an advertiser’s brand and housing a collection of content usually around a theme

Advergaming can range from an advertiser buying all the ad units around a game or a “sponsored by” link to creating a custom branded game experience

Content & Section Sponsorship is when an advertiser exclusively sponsors a particular section of the site or email (usually existing content) re-skinned with the advertiser’s branding

Sweepstakes & Contests can range from branded sweepstakes on the site to a full-fledged branded contest with submissions and judging

Email Banner ads, links or advertiser sponsorships that appear in email newsletters, email marketing campaigns and other commercial email communications. This includes both ads within an email or the entire email.

Search Fees advertisers pay online companies to list and/or link their company site domain name to a specific search word or phrase (includes paid search revenues). Search categories include:

Paid listings – payments made for clicks on text links that appear at the top or side of search results for specific keywords. The more a marketer pays, the higher the position it gets.

Marketers only pay when a user clicks on the text link.

Contextual search – payments made for clicks on text links that appear in an article based on the context of the content, instead of a user-submitted keyword. Payment only occurs when the link is clicked.

Paid inclusion – payments made to guarantee that a marketer's URL is indexed by a search engine (i.e. advertiser isn’t paid only for clicks, as in paid listings).

Site optimization – payments made to optimize a site in order to improve the site’s ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs). (For example, site owner pays a company to tweak the site architecture and code, so that search engine algorithms will better index each page of the site).

Lead Generation Fees paid by advertisers to online companies that refer qualified potential customers (e.g., auto dealers which pay a fee in exchange for receiving a qualified purchase inquiry online) or provide consumer information (demographic, contact, behavioral) where the consumer opts in to being contacted by a marketer (email, postal, telephone, fax). These processes are priced on a

performance basis (e.g., cost-per- action, -lead or -inquiry), and can include user applications (e.g., for a credit card), surveys, contests (e.g., sweepstakes) or registrations.

Classifieds and Auctions Fees paid to advertisers by online companies to list specific products or services (e.g., online job boards and employment listings, real estate listings, automotive listings, auction-based listings, yellow pages).

Definitions of advertising formats



Rich Media Display-related ads that integrate some component of streaming interactivity. Rich media ads often include flash or java script, but not content, and can allow users to view and interact with products or services (e.g., scrolling or clicking within the ad opens a multimedia product description, expansion, animation, video or a “virtual test-drive” within the ad).

All IAB Rising Stars ad formats are considered Rich Media. Digital audio ads that appear before, during or after audio content (e.g., streaming radio, podcasts, etc.) are also considered Rich Media.

Video commercials that appear in video players are considered Digital Video Ads, not Rich Media.

“Interstitials” have been consolidated within the rich media category and represent full- or partial-page text and image server-push advertisements which appear in the transition between two partial-pages of content. Forms of interstitials can include a variation of the following terms:

Splash screens – a preliminary page that precedes the regular home page of a website that usually promotes a particular site feature or provides advertising. A splash page is timed to move onto the home page after a short period of time.

Pop-up ads and pop-under ads – an advertisement that appear in a separate window which automatically loads over an existing content window, without an associated banner.

Daughter windows – an advertisement that runs in a separate window associated with a concurrently displayed banner. The content and banner are typically displayed first, followed by the daughter window.

Superstitials – ads that are distinct from interstitials because of the much higher ad quality, and that they play instantly (ads are fully downloaded before they are displayed).

Digital Video Advertising Advertising that appears before, during or after digital video content in a video player (i.e. pre-roll, mid-roll, post-roll video ads). Digital Video Ads include TV commercials online and can appear in streaming content or in downloadable video. Display-related ads on a page (that are not in a player) that contain video are categorized as rich media ads.

Video Overlays are also categorized as Digital Video Advertising. Video overlays include small ads that appear on top of digital video content. They can appear to be display, video, rich media, text or another ad format but are contained within the video player.

Mobile Advertising Advertising tailored to and delivered through wireless mobile devices such as smartphones (e.g.

Blackberry, iPhone, Android, etc.), feature phones (e.g. lower-end mobile phones capable of accessing mobile content), and media tablets (e.g. iPad, Samsung Galaxy Tablet, etc.). Typically taking the form of static or rich media display ads, text messaging ads, search ads, or audio/video spots, such advertising generally appears within mobile websites (e.g. websites optimized for viewing on mobile devices), mobile apps (e.g. applications for Smartphones running iOS, Android, Windows Mobile or other operating systems), text messaging services (i.e. SMS, MMS) or within mobile search results (i.e., 411 listings, directories, mobile-optimized search engines).

Definitions of advertising formats (Cont.)



embedded system design truck tracking gaming processor

automation control fleet management gaming platform

industrial control vehicle mount computer gaming solution industrial automation solution rugged portable gaming intel

rackmount computers truck dispatching industrial gaming solution industrial system mobile data terminal secure gaming solution rack mounted computer rugged tablet

automated systems in-vehicle computer automation control system rugged mobile

Industrial Automation Computer Industrial Mobile Computers automation pc in-vehicle surveillance

automated pc pc para auto

high computer power

Embedded Automation Controllers Fanless box PCs

industrail controller IEC-61850 controller isolated serial communication

(3) 關鍵字廣告(Ad Copy)實驗廣告文案設計

Robust Automation PCs Robust Automation PCs www.advantech.com www.advantech.com

Fanless Design, IEC-61850 Certified Fanless Design, IEC-61850 Certified Rich I/O, nulti-slot. See SELECTION Most Trusted PC, Your BEST choice!

Advantech Vehicle BOX PCs Advantech Vehicle BOX PCs www.advantech.com www.advantech.com

Market Proven eBus Solution, Fleet Market Most Powerful e-Bus Solution Mgmt, In Bus Ad, vehicle surveillance In-vehicle surveillance & fleet mgmt

Secure Gaming Platform Secure Gaming Platform www.advantech.com www.advantech.com

High Performance & Reliability High Performance & Reliability, Intel Intel AMD processor, See Selection! i7, full I/O, COM set. Best Choice!

UNO 46




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(4) 橫幅廣告(Banner Ad)實驗廣告文案設計

方型(300 x 250)x 產品資訊 x 品牌

長條型(160 x 600)x 產品資訊 x 品牌

橫條型(728 x 90)x 產品資訊 x 品牌


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方型(300 x 250)x 產品資訊 x USP

長條型(160 x 600)x 產品資訊 x USP

橫條型(728 x 90)x 產品資訊 x USP


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方型(300 x 250)x 應用領域資訊 x 品牌

長條型(160 x 600)x 應用領域資訊 x 品牌

橫條型(728 x 90)x 應用領域資訊 x 品牌


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方型(300 x 250)x 應用領域資訊 x USP

長條型(160 x 600)x 應用領域資訊 x USP

橫條型(728 x 90)x 應用領域資訊 x USP
