• 沒有找到結果。


第五章 結論

第二節 研究限制與建議

由於社會網絡問卷採記名方式進行資料分析,因此發問卷前須事先告知受測 者,並須受測者高度配合。為求樣本具有代表性,因此使用台灣團體與外籍團體 作為受測樣本。但台灣現有明確團體規範之外籍團體較少,且社會網絡問卷需記 名才得以分析,外籍團體樣本取得不易,因此本研究樣本數不足,無法進行樣本 信、效度檢驗分析,使本研究邏輯推論有所限制。且由於採問卷記名方式,許多 受測者拒絕填答,因此影響網絡正確性與完整性。

本研究有一研究限制在於台灣團體全部為台灣同班大學生且長期相處;但外 籍團體組成較複雜,有多國學生樣本例如美國、加拿大、澳洲等各國樣本,因此 台灣團體比起外籍團體,樣本較具同質性。樣本結構是影響研究結論重要因素。

因此建議日後研究能更加強樣本之同質性,其研究結論會更有價值與更加準確描 述不同團體社會網絡結構差異性。

研究建議為可分別探討文化與個人特質對不同性質之社會網絡之影響,如文 化與個人特質是否會分別對友誼網絡、諮詢網絡、情感網絡等不同型態網絡造成 影響。且除了使用問卷記名方式取得樣本數據外,建議加入質性訪談,了解受測 者想法,將使社會網絡數據更完整。



一、 中文文獻

劉軍. 整體網分析講義——UCINET 軟體應用[R].第二屆社會網與關係管理研討 會資料 ,哈爾濱:哈爾濱工程大學社會學系,2007,1,18


Borgatti, Everett and Freeman. 2002. UCINET 6 for Windows. Harvard:

Analytic Technologies. www.analytictech.com It is free for 30 days.

Brown, L. 1961.Communicating Facts and Ideas in Business, Englewood Cliffs, N. J.:Prentice-Hall.

C.Harry Hui, Candice Yee(1994). The Shortened lndividualism-Collectivism Scale: Its Relationship to Demographic and Work-Related Variables Chao C.Chen, Xiao-Ping Chen, James R.Meindl,1998, How Can Cooperation Be

Fostered? The Cultural Effects of Individualism-Collectivism, Academy of Management Review, p.285-304

Freeman, (1979). Social Networks

Greet Hofstede, Culture’s consequences: International Differences in Work-Related Values, 1980

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Gudykunst, W. B., Matsumoto, Y., Ting-Toomey, S., Nishida, T., Kim, K.,

& Heyman, S. (1996). The influence of cultural

individualism-collectivism, self-construals, and individual values


on communication styles across cultures. Human Communication Research,Vol 22, 510-543.

Hanneman, Robert A. and Mark Riddle. 2005. Introduction to social network methods. Riverside, CA: University of California, Riverside ( published in digital form at

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Yueh Ting Lee (1993). In-group Preference and Homogeneity Among African American and Chinese American Students



附錄一 文化-中文問卷



這是一份以了解「個人特質與人際往來問題」為研究目的的學術問卷。所 有資料僅供學術研究,絕不對外公開,請您放心填寫。

填寫這份問卷大約需要 10 分鐘左右的時間依照指令填答。答案沒有好壞 或對錯的分別,只需選擇最符合您實際情形的選項即可。




國立臺灣師範大學管理所 指導教授:沈永正 老師 研究生:方辛榕



題 目 代號 1 代號 2 代號 3 代號 4 代號 5 範


最常連絡的? 13 2 19 27 40 1 對您來說,班上哪些同學是值


2 我和班上哪些同學經常同組作 業,或是討論課業問題?


我最常和班上哪些同學一起參 加班上的活動、出去遊玩或相 約吃飯?

4 你認為在班上誰是你重要的朋 友?



並依附錄資料,寫下目前和您同班同學的代號,至少三位,至多五位。(不同 問項可重複填寫同一人名代號)

本部份採以代號記名方式填答,您所提供自己或他人的姓名資訊僅供社會 網絡學術分析之用,不會出現在任何公開場合,此問卷資訊會妥善處理並嚴加 保密,再次感謝您的協助!







請依照下列指示,填上您的個人基本資料 。

1. 您的姓名代號 ___________________________________

(此代號為資料分析之必要資訊,缺少此資料則無法進行分析,務請填寫您 的真實姓名代號。代號目的只為學術用途,不會公開並嚴加保密)

2. 性別


女性 3. 年齡







Over 50



附錄二 文化-英文問卷

【PART 1】

There are some statements provided below. Please answer by using the five-point scales from 1(Strongly Disagree) to 5(Strongly Agree). Please mark the most appropriate answer.

Strongly Disagree 1 Very Disagree Disagree Agree Very agree Strongly agree

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 The motto “”sharing in both blessing and

calamity”” still applies even if one’s friend is clumsy, dumb, and causes a lot of trouble

Dear all,

This is a research project on people’s interpersonal relationships and personal characteristics. We need your help to fill out this questionnaire.

The questionnaire takes about 10 – 15 minutes to complete. Simply follow the instruction in the beginning of each section and fill out the questions to the best of your knowledge. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.

Please note that your response will be kept confidential for sure and only used for academic purpose. Again, thank you very much for your help with this research.

Best wishes,

National Taiwan Normal University Graduate School of Management Mia Fang


Strongly Disagree 1 Very Disagree Disagree Agree Very agree Strongly agree

1 2 3 4 5 6 2 I would help if a colleague at work told me

that he/she needed money to pay utility bills.

3 If a colleague lends a helping hand, one needs to return the favor.

4 There is everything to gain and nothing to lose for co-workers to group themselves to help each other.

5 Colleagues’ assistance is indispensable to good performance at work.

6 I like to live close to my good friends.

7 It is a personal matter whether I worship money or not. Therefore it is not necessary for my friends to give any counsel.

8 To go on a trip with friends makes one less free and mobile. As a result, there is less fun.

9 I would not let my parents use my car (if I have one). Whether they are good drivers or not.

10 I would not let my needy mother use the money that I have saved by living a less than luxurious life.

11 I would not share my ideas and newly acquired knowledge with my parents.

12 Teenagers should listen to their parents’

advice on dating.

13 Young people should take into consideration their parents’ advice when making

education/career plans.

14 Each family has its own problems unique to itself. It does not help to tell relatives about one’s problem.


Strongly Disagree 1 Very Disagree Disagree Agree Very agree Strongly agree

1 2 3 4 5 6 15 Whether one spends an income extravagantly

or stingily is of no concern to one’s relatives(cousins, uncles)

16 One need not worry about what the neighbors say about whom one should marry.

17 When deciding what kind of education to have, I would pay absolutely no attention to my uncles’ advice.

18 If possible, I would like co-owning a car with my close friends, so that it wouldn’t be necessary for them to spend much money to buy their own cars.

19 I can count on my relatives for help if I find myself in any kind of trouble.

20 When deciding what kind of education to have, I would definitely pay attention to the views of relatives of my generation.

21 I am often influenced by the moods of my neighbors.

22 My neighbors always tell me interesting stories that have happened around them.

23 Even if the child won the Nobel prize, the parents should not feel honored in any way.

24 Children should not feel honored even if that father were highly praised and given an award by a government official for his contribution and service to the community.

25 In these days parents are too stringent with their kids. Stunting the development of initiative.


Strongly Disagree 1 Very Disagree Disagree Agree Very agree Strongly agree

1 2 3 4 5 6 26 The decision of where one is to work should be

jointly made with one’s spouse, if one is married.

27 If a husband is a sports fan, a wife should also cultivate an interest in sports. If the husband is a stock broker, the wife should also be aware of the current market situation.

28 I don’t really know how to befriend my neighbors.

29 My neighbors have never borrowed anything from me or my family.

30 I am not interested in knowing what my neighbors are really like.

31 I have never chatted with my neighbors about the political future of this state.

32 One needs to be cautious when talking with neighbors, otherwise others might think you are nosy.

33 On the average, my friends’ ideal number of children differs from my own ideal by[0/1/2/3/4 or more /I don’t know my friends’ preference]

34 I have never loaned my camera to any colleagues.

35 When I am among my colleagues, I do my own thing without minding about them.

36 I enjoy meeting and talking to my neighbors every day.


【PART 2】

There are ten statements provided below. Please answer by using the five-point scales from 1(Strongly Disagree) to

5(Strongly Agree). Please mark the most appropriate answer.

Very Disagree 1 Disagree Normal Agree Very agree

1 2 3 4 5 1 When it comes to achieving things that are

important to me, I find that I don’t perform as well as I would ideally like to do.

2 I feel like I have made progress toward being successful in my life.

3 When I see an opportunity for something I like, I get excited right away.

4 I frequently imagine how I will achieve my hopes and aspirations.

5 I see myself as someone who is primarily striving to reach my “ideal self”—to fulfill my hopes, wishes, and aspirations.

6 I usually obeyed rules and regulations that were established by my parents.

7 Not being careful enough has gotten me into trouble at times.

8 I worry about making mistakes.

9 I frequently think about how I can prevent failures in my life.

10 I see myself as someone who is primarily striving to become the self I “ought” to be—fulfill my duties, responsibilities and obligations.


【PART 3】

Take your class as an example. Please read each question below, and list your classmates’ names down in the space provided below each respective question. Please list three to five names


(Names are for data analysis of your social network only, and it is strictly confidential. In order to be able to analyze the data, each name must be distinguishable from others. Thus you may choose to provide the full name, or the last name with the first name initial only, as long as it is distinguishable from other names.)

1. Who do you usually group with doing assignments and discussing homework? List their name in the spaces below.

1) ____________________________________________

2) ___________________________________________

3) ___________________________________________

4) ____________________________________________

5) ____________________________________________

2. With whom do you usually spend time in participating class activities and other leisure activities? List their name in the spaces below.

1) ____________________________________________

2) ___________________________________________

3) ___________________________________________

4) ____________________________________________

5) ____________________________________________


3. Whom would you consider to be important personal friends in class?

List their name in the spaces below.

1) ____________________________________________

2) ___________________________________________

3) ___________________________________________

4) ____________________________________________

5) ____________________________________________

4. Whom would you trust in class? List their name in the spaces below.

1) ____________________________________________

2) ___________________________________________

3) ___________________________________________

4) ____________________________________________

5) ____________________________________________


【PART 4】

This last part is your basic demographic information. Please fill out each question below.

1. Your Name ___________________________________

(This is for data analysis purpose only, and it is strictly confidential.) 2. Sex


Female 3. Age






□ over 40

Thank you very much!


附錄三 自我構念─中文問卷



這是一份以了解「個人特質與人際往來問題」為研究目的的學術問卷。所 有資料僅供學術研究,絕不對外公開,請您放心填寫。

填寫這份問卷大約需要 10 分鐘左右的時間依照指令填答。答案沒有好壞 或對錯的分別,只需選擇最符合您實際情形的選項即可。




國立臺灣師範大學管理所 指導教授:沈永正 老師 研究生:方辛榕



題 目 代號 1 代號 2 代號 3 代號 4 代號 5 範


最常連絡的? 13 2 19 27 40 1 對您來說,班上哪些同學是值


2 我和班上哪些同學經常同組作 業,或是討論課業問題?


我最常和班上哪些同學一起參 加班上的活動、出去遊玩或相 約吃飯?

4 你認為在班上誰是你重要的朋 友?



並依附錄資料,寫下目前和您同班同學的代號,至少三位,至多五位。(不同 問項可重複填寫同一人名代號)

本部份採以代號記名方式填答,您所提供自己或他人的姓名資訊僅供社會 網絡學術分析之用,不會出現在任何公開場合,此問卷資訊會妥善處理並嚴加 保密,再次感謝您的協助!





請依照下列指示,填上您的個人基本資料 。

1. 您的姓名代號 ___________________________________

(此代號為資料分析之必要資訊,缺少此資料則無法進行分析,務請填寫您 的真實姓名代號。代號目的只為學術用途,不會公開並嚴加保密)

(此代號為資料分析之必要資訊,缺少此資料則無法進行分析,務請填寫您 的真實姓名代號。代號目的只為學術用途,不會公開並嚴加保密)
