• 沒有找到結果。

第三章 世紀初的華麗褻瀆與畸形肉身

第二節 肉身嘲諷-羅特列克

法國畫家羅特列克(Henri Raymond de Toulouse-Lautrec,1864~1901)

出生在一個貴族家庭中,就像其他脈脈相傳的貴族一般,他們幾乎是完全近 親聯姻。77先天發育有缺陷給他的一生蒙上了抹不去的陰影。庫柏(Douglas Cooper,1911~1984)有一段關於羅克列特的記敘:「……他不能再參與他 的父親及其他親人的生活,因此,他不能繼續做他們的同伴,阿方斯(Count Alphonse,1838~1913)不再對他兒子的作為感到興趣。」78 羅特列克注定 與貴族之途無緣,不能像父親一樣展示騎馬獵鷹的雄姿,身體狀況斷絕了他

75 Gustav Klimt, Tout l'œuvre peint de Klimt , introduction par René Passeron, documentation par Sergio Coradeschi(Paris : Flammarion, 1983), 7.

“ La peinture donne à Klimt les moyens d’une méditation critique sur le destin de voyeur. Tout voyeur artiste se fait voyeur du voyeur, et échappe à ce destin.”

76 克林姆在他頹廢派的作品中常看到貴氣逼人的金箔【如圖 26】,許多人聯想這也許跟他

參閱:Bernard Denvir, Toulouse-Lautrec(London: Thames and Hudson, 1991), 9.

“ The two accidents that happened to him when he was in his early teens had little or nothing to do with his basic deformity although they were seized on as a socially acceptable explanation of his condition by his parents, anxious to deny any hint of congenital disease in a family of such genealogical distinction, and all the more vehemently, no doubt, because of deeper, less conscious feelings of guilt.”

78 Douglas Cooper, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec(New York:Harry N.Abrams, 1982), 11.

“…he could no longer take part in the life of his father and his other relatives. And so, when he ceased to be a companion, Count Alphonse lost interest in his son’s doings.”

(Lepelletier)在 1899 年三月 28 日《巴黎迴響》(L’Echo de Paris)中傷他,


79 Douglas Cooper, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec(New York:Harry N.Abrams, 1982), 12.

“ Everywhere and always ugliness has its beautiful aspects;it is thrilling to discover them where nobody else has noticed them.”

80 Bernard Denvir, Toulouse-Lautrec(London: Thames and Hudson, 1991), 9.

“ …large nostrils, a receding chin, thick, protuberant and unusually red lips, an enlarged tongue which made him lisp and salivate excessively, accompanied by a persistent sniffle. Shirt- sighted, he wore pince-nez and, possibly because one of the, symptoms of pyknodysostosis is that the fontanelles-the soft membranous gaps between the bones of the front part of the skull

-do not knit together after birth, thus leaving a sensitive area above the forehead, he nearly always wore a hat, even indoors.”

81 Dominique Jarrassé, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec-Monfa:entre le mythe et la modernité

(Marseille : AGEP, 1991), 16.

“ On use d’autant plus de《nabot》que Lautrec pouvait aspirer au titre de comte.”

82 Douglas Cooper, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec(New York:Harry N.Abrams, 1982), 11.

“ Lautrec was as conscious of his abnormal appearance as any court dwarf, and his sensibility was quickly wounded by adverse comments.”

Renoir,1841 ~ 1919)把他看成「妓女的畫家」,86甚至在羅特列克死後三十 年,埃米爾•布蘭奇(Jacques-Emile Blanche,1861~1942)仍對他的「妓院 場景」餘怒難消。87他以娼妓做主題的動機不能否認有尋求精神寄託甚至滿 足情慾的因素,除了妓女之外沒有正常女人和他交往。庫柏認為:

83 第一次十字軍東征中,法國南部的隊伍由羅特列克的先人圖盧茲伯爵聖吉爾‧得‧

(Raymond de Saint Gilles)和阿德馬爾領軍。

84 Dominique Jarrassé, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec-Monfa:entre le mythe et la modernité

(Marseille: AGEP, 1991), 16.

“ …chétif, rabougri, contrefait, plus sembable à un de ces nains grotesques qui grimaçaient derrière le fauteuil ducal dans les châteaux seigneuriaux qu’à un descendant de Raymond conduisant la chrétienté à la déliverance de Saint-Sépulcre…”

85 Bernard Denvir, Toulouse-Lautrec(London: Thames and Hudson, 1991), 143.

“ …he was sensitive to his ugliness, and aware of his apparent undesirability. Writing to his mother in January 1885, he advised her to ‘wipe away a kiss as dirty as mine is’, and later refered to himself as ‘this horrible, abject creature’.”

86 Dominique Jarrassé, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec-Monfa:entre le mythe et la modernité

(Marseille : AGEP, 1991), 16.

“ Renoir voyait en lui《le peintre des femmes au bordel》…” 意即「專門描繪從事低賤職業


87 Ibid,

“ Jacques-Emile Blanche, trente ans aprè la mort de Lautrec, s’indigne encore de ses 《Scènes de boxon》.”

88 Douglas Cooper, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec(New York:Harry N.Abrams, 1982), 11.

“ To some extent, no doubt, this accounts for the fact that Lautrec developed a taste for

disreputable company-circus or music hall artistes, pimps, prostitutes, perverts, and the like-in which he felt less exceptional than in that aristocratic social world to which he belonged by upbringing.”

89 Gale Murray, Toulouse-Lautrec: Un peintre, Une Vie, Une Oeuvre(Paris:Belfond, 1992), 188.

“ Il était leur ami; leur conseiller parfois; jamais leur juge; leur consolateur; bien plutôt leur frère de miséricorde: Quand il parlait de ces pauvres femmes; par minutes; l’emotion de sa voix trahissait la pitié si chaude de son coeur…”

90 Douglas Cooper, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec(New York:Harry N.Abrams, 1982), 11-12.

“ Lautrec succeeded in getting himself accepted in this other world on terms of equality.”

粗野的人!》(Au Moulin-Rouge: un rude! Un vrai rude!)的畫中【圖 28】,


91 Marcus Verhagen, “All the World's Backstage,” Modern Painters (September 2005):76-77.

“ Lautrec presented his social circle and the entertainment business as overlapping spheres. In a couple of images, the artist, who was stunted, put in cameo appearances, accompanied for humorous effect by his beanpole of a cousin; more often he showed stars in the company of his friends. He pictured the performer as a faintly grotesque figure, but insisting as he did on his own involvement in the performer's world, some of the ridicule attached to him too.”

92 Douglas Cooper, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec(New York:Harry N.Abrams, 1982), 11.

“ But he was equally remorseless in portraying himself, as we can see from the many drawings and lithographs which contain half-cruel, half-witty self-caricatures. Sometimes too his mockery was directed against his father-for whom in fact he had a considerable respect-as in the drawing of 1889 where he appears naked except for a bowler-hat, or in the lithograph of 1893 called At the Moulin Rouge:A Boor! A Real Boor!, where Count Alphonse, again wearing a bowler-hat, is seen gobbling a sandwich. Lautrec cultivated his sense of fun in public for practical reasons. Chief among these was a desire to compensate for and distract attention from his deformed and unlovely appearance, which should perhaps be described as grotesque rather than ugly.”

蟲工作》(Submersion des vignes à Celeyran)的畫冊中,以圍成大圓圈的人 們作為畫冊的結尾,他則再次以坐在草地上旁觀者出現,但是在遊戲之外,


【圖36】在他所描繪的色情素描中(很多其他的色情作品在他去世後都被 他的母親撕毀),95有一幅存留下來,描繪格蘭尼(Lili Grenier,1834~1917)


93 Dominique Jarrassé, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec-Monfa:entre le mythe et la modernité

(Marseille : AGEP, 1991), 21

“ Devançant la dérision que réflètent l’atitude et les paroles des autres, il s’acharne à se croquer en nain armé de sa canne, son《crochet à bottines》…”

94 Ibid,

“ Certes il a aussi caricaturé ses amis; mais sans l’acharnement qu’il eut contre lui-même.”

95 參閱:Dominique Jarrassé, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec-Monfa:entre le mythe et la modernité

(Marseille : AGEP, 1991), 16

“ …sa famille avait ‘épuré’ l’oeuvre du peintre;car on trouve chez ses contemporains des allusions à des dessins érotiques très libres…”

「因為在他同伴家中發現十分大膽的色情漫畫,他的家人已經淨化過他的作品。」這也是 羅列克的母親為了保護自己與離世的孩子,以及貴族尊嚴的最後激烈手段。

96 莉莉.格蘭尼(Lili Grenier,1834~1917)是雷內·格蘭尼的太太(René Grenier),她是 竇加及羅特列克的模特兒。

Bernard Denvir, Toulouse-Lautrec(London: Thames and Hudson, 1991), 145.

“ Lautrec became a favoured lodger, known to its inmates as M. Henri, or sometimes-in tribute to his Sexual prowess—as ‘The Coffee Pot’.”

99 Götz Adriani, Toulouse-Lautrec(London: Thames and Hudson, 1987), 238.

“ In 1899 Lautrec was merciless in his self-criticism, and this is the most relentless of the caricatures of himself. It is a precise record of his condition; by this time he was showing symptoms that made his friends increasingly concerned. Deep depressions hallucinations alternated in ever more rapid succession in 1898~1899. His alcoholism was disastrously combined with symptoms he had been neglecting for years …”

100 Alexandre Hepp, “La Vraie Force, ” Le Journal , 20 mars 1899.

“ Toulouse Lautrec avait la vocation de la maison de santé: On l’a enfermé hier; et c’est maintenant la folie qui à masque découvert signer officiellement ces tableaux, ces dessins, ces affiches, ou elle était anonyme, si longtemps.”

轉錄自Gale Murray, Toulouse-Lautrec: Un peintre, Une Vie, Une Oeuvre(Paris:Belfond, 1992), 283.

101 Bernard Denvir, Toulouse-Lautrec(London: Thames and Hudson, 1991), 189.

“ And now in that strange paradise of human degeneracy, in the curious Valhalla which is a place of terror only to those mortals still burdened with sanity, he is as happy as is possible to be.”

102 Dominique Jarrassé, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec-Monfa:entre le mythe et la modernité

(Marseille: AGEP, 1991), 16.

“ Ainsi le peintre, dernier rejeton d’une race épuisée … sombrerait sans descendance, achevé par alcool, la syphilis et la folie!Car la mort à trente-six ans, dans laquelle on a vu un suicide sciemment opéré-《Je creuse, disait-il, ma tombe avec ma queue》-, vient donner la touché finale d’éternité au maudit.”

103 John Richardson avec la collaboration de Marilyn McCully, trans. by William O. Desmond.

Vie de Picasso(Paris : Chêne, 1992), 253

“ La faim semble également avoir foueté son ardeur. De nombreux autres dessins, exécutés au cours de ce qui fut la période la plus misérable de ses débuts, débordent d’une sexualité