• 沒有找到結果。


在文檔中 中 華 大 學 (頁 107-110)

According to statistics by National Fire Agency in 2009 , 235 people had been harmed and loss NT.147 million in the case of construction fire. The damage of construction fire is harmful for the life of people and properties; therefore, how to preserve the lives and properties safe has become an important issue to the citizens.

In recent years, the researches on the architectural disaster prevention have been increasing along with achievement on the fire prevention and emergency escape;

however, most of the researches are focusing on elderly caring problems and

medical treatment problems, and the study on the refuge weakling and care on them are far less. What is “refuge weakling”? Besides elders, children and pregnant ladies;

the disabled, the handicapped, visually impaired, hearing impaired, and intelligence handicapped are also included. According to the statistics by Minister of Interior in 2008, the population of physically and mentally handicapped has reached to

1,040,585, in which visually impaired population are 55,569. The percentage of the physically and mentally handicapped population is 5.14%. According to the

statistics, visually impaired population has been increasing year by year. The visual sense is an essential factor to influence emergency escape in the fire, so the more attention to the demand of emergency escape from the visually impaired need to be made.

In recent years, the studies focus on mostly visually impaired on space consciousness, guiding facilities and accessible environment, but there is none on emergency escape. During the fire, the key element is the visibility, but there will be in a very much different situation for visually impaired from other refugee

weaklings. The visually impaired can only depend on hearing and touching senses while they are visually handicap during emergency escape process, so the fire prevention program and refuge policy should be studied on the demand of special characteristics of visually impaired people to create a perfect concept of refuge space design and counter policy.

In conclusion, the research took the facilities and user of domestic visually impaired organization as subjects. The research firstly investigated and tried to understand the emergency escape space and shelter facility of the building. The characteristics of the visually impaired in emergency escape were also studied. The research also explored the correlation between shelter facility of building and refuge


characteristics of the visually impaired. It is hoped the results of the prevention calculation analysis could provide the researches on refuge of the visually impaired with basic data and improving refuge designs in future.

Keywords: visually impaired, refuge weakling, emergency escape, escape speed

1 Associate Professor, Graduate School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Chung Hua University Tel:0935-575728,E-mail:vincent@chu.edu.tw

2 Doctor student, Graduate School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Chung Hua University Tel:0918-260932,E-mail:amybears.tw@yahoo.com.tw

3 Master student, Graduate School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Chung Hua University Tel:0939-271223,E-mail:sep19lucky@hotmail.com


一、 緒論


依據內政部消防署 2009 年統計,該年度建築火災所造成傷亡人數為 235 人、財產損失為 1,474,895 千元。建築火災所造成的生命財產損失更是人民所無 法承受之痛,如何保障大眾生命財產安全,已成為國人必頇正視的課題。近年 來,有關建築防災的研究日與俱增,在建築物防火避難安全方陎雖有相當的成 果,但關於「避難弱者」的研究卻多偏向「老人安養」及「醫療院所」等相關 議題,相較之下其他避難弱者之相關研究則少之又少。而所謂的「避難弱者」,


聽障與智能障礙…等社會弱勢)。依據內政部 2009 年統計資料,身心障礙人口 數已高達 11,071,073 人,其中視障者為 56,928 人,占身心障礙人口數之 5.14%;

根據統計資料,視障人口有逐年增函之趨勢。而視覺的判斷為影響火場避難逃 生、攸關生命安危之重要因素,故視障者避難逃生之研究更應受到重視。


與「通行環境」等課題,而對於視障者教養機構建築物內部之空間型態、避難 設施、視障者步行速度、收容人員特性等影響避難逃生安全性之要素則無相關 研究。而在火災發生時,火場能見度往往成為避難逃生之重要關鍵,視障者在 缺乏視覺判斷的同時,僅能倚靠聽覺及觸覺等本能進行避難逃生,其避難行為 相較於其他避難弱者有明顯不同,故本研究探討視障者之避難逃生速度,建立 視障者避難逃生安全評估的基礎資料,以期作為日後該類型建築物於避難逃生 規劃設計之參考依據。


本研究乃針對視障者之相關文獻與避難逃生相關理論進行探討,並對視障者 在教養機構中對避難逃生的能力作一實證調查,建立視障者避難行動特性之本土 化基本資料。再藉由國內外避難逃生速度相關文獻整理,將本研究實測所得之視 障者步行速度與一般人步行速度進行比較分析,提出視障者於避難逃生之相關課 題,以期作為日後該類型建築物於避難逃生規劃設計之參考依據。因此本研究之 目的如下列三點:

4. 首先針對視障者水帄與垂直自由步行速度進行實證調查,建立視障者於 避難逃生上本土化之調查資料。

5. 藉由文獻整理,將視障者步行速度與一般人步行速度進行比較分析,並 提出有關視障者於避難逃生之相關課題。

6. 透過相關課題分析結果,提出有關視障者教養機構於避難安全逃生上之 具體建議及其對策,以作為日後視障者教養機構建築物於避難逃生設計 時之參考依據。



依據內政部 2009 年統計資料,身心障礙人口數已高達 1,071,073 人,其中視 障者為 56,928 人,占身心障礙人口數之 5.14%。本研究以視障者教養機構中內部 收容之視障者為主要研究對象,探討視障人員屬性、避難步行速度等人員行動特 性。而全盲者由於完全沒有視力,行進過程必需依賴摸索來探索與確認方向,弱 視者則可藉由局部視力判定方向,兩者在移動能力上截然不同,故本研究以弱視 者為主要調查對象。




1. 理論與文獻回顧法

首先蒐集國內外研究單位相關文獻資料,探討視障者之行為特徵、避 難逃生相關理論與步行速度相關研究,作為本研究之參考依據。

2. 實地勘查法

本方法之目的在於調查視障者教養機構內部視障人員屬性、視障者之 避難步行速度等影響人員避難逃生安全性之相關要素,其調查方法如下:


再藉由實地的觀察及量測,調查視障者教養機構內部視障者之水帄與垂直 移動的步行速度,以提供國內有關視障者避難逃生研究之基礎資料。

3. 比較分析法

將實證調查所得的視障者步行速度以視障等級進行分類,並與一般人步 行速度進行比較分析,提出有關視障者於避難逃生研究之相關課題,以作為 該類型教養機構建築物於避難逃生設計時之參考依據。

在文檔中 中 華 大 學 (頁 107-110)