• 沒有找到結果。

Other vegetable textile fibres;

paper yarn and woven fabrics of paper yarn

53.01 生亞麻或已加工但未紡製之亞

麻;亞麻束及廢料(包括廢紗及 經拉鬆處理之回收纖維)

Flax, raw or processed but not spun; flax tow and waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock )

5301.10.00.00 - 生或已浸漬之亞麻 - Flax, raw or retted 0 A

5301.2 - 碎亞麻,打清亞麻,已梳亞麻及


- Flax, broken, scutched, hackled or otherwise processed, but not spun :

5301.21.00.00 -- 碎亞麻或打清亞麻 -- Broken or scutched 0 A

5301.29.00.00 -- 其他 -- Other 0 A

5301.30.00.00 -- 亞麻束及廢料 -- Flax tow and waste 0 A

53.02 生或已加工但未紡製之大麻;大

麻束及廢料(包括廢紗及經拉鬆 處理之回收纖維)

True hemp (Cannabis sativa L.), raw or processed but not spun; tow and waste of true hemp (including yarn waste and garnetted

5302.10.00.00 - 生或已浸漬之大麻 - True hemp, raw or retted 0 A

5302.90.00.00 - 其他 - Other 0 A

53.03 生或已加工但未紡製之黃麻及其

他紡織用 皮纖維(亞麻、大麻 及苧麻除外);此類纖維束及廢 料(包括廢紗及經拉鬆處理之回 收纖維)

Jute and other textile bast fibres (excluding flax, true hemp and ramie), raw or processed but not spun; tow and waste of these fibres (including yarn waste and garnetted stock)

5303.10 - 生或已浸漬之黃麻及其他供紡織

用 皮纖維

- Jute and other textile bast fibres, raw or retted

5303.10.10.00 -- 生或已浸漬之黃麻 -- Kenaf 0 A

5303.10.90.00 -- 其他 -- Other 0 A

5303.90.00.00 - 其他 - Other 0 A

53.04 生或已加工,但未紡製之瓊麻及

其他紡織用龍舌蘭屬麻纖維;此 類纖維束及廢料(包括廢紗及經 拉鬆處理之回收纖維)

Sisal and other textile fibres of the genus Agave, raw or processed but not spun; tow and waste of these fibres (including yarn waste and garnetted stock)

5304.10 - 生瓊麻及其他供紡織用之生龍舌


- Sisal and other textile fibres of the genus Agave, raw

5304.10.10.00 -- 龍舌蘭 -- Cabuya and henequen 0 A

5304.10.90.00 -- 其他 -- Other 0 A

5304.90.00.00 - 其他 -Other 0 A

53.05 生或已加工但未紡製之椰殼纖

維、麻蕉纖維(馬尼拉麻或麻蕉 纖維)、苧麻纖維及未列名之其 他供紡織用植物纖維;此類纖維 束、絨及廢料(包括廢紗及經拉 鬆處理之回收纖維)

Coconut, abaca (Manila hemp or Musa textilis Nee), ramie and other vegetable textile fibres, not elsewhere specified or included, raw or processed but not spun; tow, noils and waste of these fibres (including yarn waste and garnetted stock)

5305.1 - 椰殼纖維︰ - Of coconut (coir) :

5305.11.00.00 -- 生者 -- Raw 0 A

5305.19.00.00 -- 其他 -- Other 0 A

5305.2 - 麻蕉纖維︰ - Of abaca:

5305.21.00.00 -- 生者 -- Raw 0 A

5305.29.00.00 -- 其他 -- Other 0 A

5305.90.00 - 其他 - Other

5305.90.00.10 -- 生麻蕉纖維 -- Raw 0 A

5305.90.00.90 -- 其他 -- Other 0 A

53.06 亞麻紗 Flax yarn

5306.10.00.00 - 單股紗 - Single 5 C

5306.20.00.00 - 多股(合股)或粗股紗 - Multiple (folded) or cabled 5 C

53.07 第5303節之黃麻或其他紡織

用 皮纖維之紗

Yarn of jute or of other textile bast fibres of heading No.53.03

5307.10.00.00 - 單股紗 - Single 5 C

5307.20.00.00 - 多股(合股)或粗股紗 - Multiple (folded) or cabled 5 C

53.08 其他紡織用植物纖維紗;紙紗 Yarn of other vegetable textile fibres; paper

5308.10.00.00 - 椰殼纖維紗 - Coir yarn 5 C

5308.20.00.00 - 大麻紗 - True hemp yarn 5 C

5308.90 - 其他 - Other

5308.90.10.00 -- 苧麻紗 -- Ramie yarn 5 C

5308.90.90.00 -- 其他 -- Other 5 C

53.09 亞麻梭織物 Woven fabrics of flax

5309.1 - 含亞麻重量在85%及以上者︰ - Containing 85% or more by weight of flax:

5309.11.00.00 -- 未漂白或漂白者 -- Unbleached or bleached 5 C

5309.19.00.00 -- 其他 -- Other 5 C

5309.2 - 含亞麻重量未達85%者︰ - Containing less than 85% by weight of flax :

5309.21.00.00 -- 未漂白或漂白者 -- Unbleached or bleached 5 C

5309.29.00.00 -- 其他 -- Other 5 C

53.10 第5303節之黃麻或其他供紡

織用 皮纖維之梭織物

Woven fabrics of jute or of other textile bast fibres of heading No.5303

5310.10.00.00 - 未漂白者 - Unbleached 5 C

5310.90.00.00 - 其他 - Other 5 C

53.11 其他植物纖維梭織物;紙紗之梭


Woven fabrics of other vegetable textile fibres; woven fabrics of paper yarn

5311.00.10.00 - 紙紗之梭織物 - Woven fabrics of paper yarn 5 C

5311.00.90.00 - 其他 - Other 5 C


第五十四章 人造纖維絲 Chapter 54 Man-made filaments

54.01 人造纖維絲製之縫紉線,不論是


Sewing thread of man-made filaments, whether or not put up for retail sale 5401.10 - 合成纖維絲製 - Of synthetic filaments

5401.10.10.00 -- 非供零售用者 -- Not put up for retail sale 5 C

5401.10.20.00 -- 供零售用者 -- Put up for retail sale 5 B

5401.20 - 再生纖維絲製 - Of artificial filaments

5401.20.10.00 -- 非供零售用者 -- Not put up for retail sale 5 C

5401.20.20.00 -- 供零售用者 -- Put up for retail sale 5 C

54.02 合成纖維絲紗(縫紉線除外),


‧3丹尼)之合成纖維單絲,非 供零售用者

Synthetic filament yarn (other than sewing thread), not put up for retail sale, including synthetic monofilament of less than 67 decitex

5402.10.00.00 - 高強力尼龍或其他聚醯胺紗 - High tenacity yarn of nylon or other l id

0 A

5402.20.00.00 - 高強力聚酯紗 - High tenacity yarn of polyesters 0 A

5402.3 - 加工紗︰ - Textured yarn :

5402.31.00.00 -- 尼龍或其他聚醯胺製,每單股 紗支數不超過50德士(即45 0丹尼)者

-- Of nylon or other polyamides, measuring per single yarn not more than 50 tex

5 B

5402.32.00.00 -- 尼龍或其他聚醯胺製,每單股 紗支數超過50德士(即450 丹尼)者

-- Of nylon or other polyamides, measuring per single yarn more than 50 tex

5 C

5402.33.00.00 -- 聚酯製 -- Of polyesters 5 B

5402.39.00.00 -- 其他 -- Other 5 C

5402.4 - 其他未加撚或撚度每公尺不超過


- Other yarn, single, untwisted or with a twist not exceeding 50 turns per metre :

5402.41.00.00 -- 尼龍或其他聚醯胺製 -- Of nylon or other polyamides 0 A 5402.42.00.00 -- 聚酯製,半延伸者 -- Of polyesters, partially oriented 0 A

5402.43.00.00 -- 其他聚酯製 -- Of polyesters, other 5 C

5402.49.00.00 -- 其他 -- Other 5 C

5402.5 - 其他撚度每公尺超過50撚之單


- Other yarn, single, with a twist exceeding 50 turns per metre :

5402.51.00.00 -- 尼龍或其他聚醯胺製 -- Of nylon or other polyamides 5 C

5402.52.00.00 -- 聚酯製 -- Of polyesters 5 C

5402.59.00.00 -- 其他 -- Other 5 C

5402.6 - 其他多股(合股)或粗股紗︰ - Other yarn, multiple (folded) or cabled :

5402.61.00.00 -- 尼龍或其他聚醯胺製 -- Of nylon or other polyamides 5 C

5402.62.00.00 -- 聚酯製 -- Of polyesters 5 C

5402.69.00.00 -- 其他 -- Other 5 C

54.03 再生纖維絲紗(縫紉線除外),

包括支數未達67分德士(即6 0‧3丹尼)之再生纖維單絲,


Artificial filament yarn (other than sewing thread), not put up for retail sale, including artificial monofilament of less than 67 decitex

5403.10.00.00 - 高強力黏液嫘縈絲 - High tenacity yarn of viscose rayon 0 A

5403.20.00.00 - 加工紗 - Textured yarn 5 C

5403.3 - 其他單股紗︰ -Other yarn, single :

5403.31.00.00 -- 黏液嫘縈製,未加撚或撚度每 公尺不超過120撚者

-- Of viscose rayon, untwisted or with a twist not exceeding 120 turns per metre

5 C

5403.32.00.00 -- 黏液嫘縈製,撚度每公尺超過 120撚者

-- Of viscose rayon, with a twist exceeding 120 turns per metre

5 C

5403.33.00.00 -- 醋酸纖維製 -- Of cellulose acetate 0 A

5403.39.00.00 -- 其他 -- Other 5 C

5403.4 - 其他多股(合股)或粗股紗︰ -Other yarn, multiple (folded) or cabled :

5403.41.00.00 -- 黏液嫘縈製 -- Of viscose rayon 5 C

5403.42.00.00 -- 醋酸纖維製 -- Of cellulose acetate 5 C

5403.49.00.00 -- 其他 -- Other 5 C

54.04 合成纖維單絲,支數67分德士

(即60‧3丹尼)及以上,其 橫斷面不超過1公釐者;合成紡 織材料製扁條及類似品(例如人 造草),其寬度不超過5公釐者

Synthetic monofilament of 67 decitex or more and of which no cross-sectional dimension exceeds 1 mm; strip and the like (for example, artificial straw) of syn- hetic textile materials of an apparent width not exceeding 5 mm

5404.10 - 單絲 - Monofilament

5404.10.10.00 -- 聚醯胺製,長度不超過6公分,直 徑不超過0.31公釐 ,牙刷毛用

-- Of polyamides, of a length not exceeding 6 cm and a diameter not exceeding 0.31 mm for toothbrushes

0 A

5404.10.90.00 -- 其他 -- Other 5 C

5404.90.00.00 - 其他 - Other 5 C

5405.00.00.00 再生纖維單絲,支數在67分德 士(即60‧3丹尼)及以上,

其橫斷面不超過1公釐者;再生 紡織材料製扁條及類似品(例如 人造草),其寬度不超過5公釐 者

Artificial monofilament of 67 decitex or more and of which no cross-Sectional dimension exceeds 1 mm; strip and the like (for example, artificial straw) of artificial textile materials of an apparent width not exceeding 5 mm

5 C

54.06 人造纖維絲紗(縫紉線除外),


Man-made filament yarn (other than sewing thread), put up for retail sale

5406.10.00.00 - 合成纖維絲紗 - Synthetic filament yarn 5 C

5406.20.00.00 - 再生纖維絲紗 - Artificial filament yarn 5 C

54.07 合成纖維絲紗梭織物,包括以第


Woven fabrics of synthetic filament yarn, including woven fabrics obtained from materials of heading No. 5404

5407.10.00.00 - 高強力尼龍或其他聚醯胺或聚酯 紗製之梭織物

- Woven fabrics obtained from high tenacity yarn of nylon or other polyamides or of


0 A

5407.20.00.00 - 扁條或類似物之梭織物 - Woven fabrics obtained from strip or the like 5 C 5407.30.00.00 - 第十一類註九之織物 - Fabrics specified in Note 9 to Section XI 5 C

5407.4 - 其他梭織物,含尼龍或其他聚醯


- Other woven fabrics, containing 85% or more by weight of filaments of nylon or other polyamides :

5407.41 -- 未漂白或漂白者 -- Unbleached or bleached

5407.41.10.00 --- 每平方公分密度超過70條紗 --- Of a density exceeding 70 yarns per cm2 5 B

5407.41.90.00 --- 其他 --- Other 5 C

5407.42.00.00 -- 染色者 -- Dyed 5 B

5407.43.00.00 -- 異色紗織成者 -- Of yarns of different colours 5 C

5407.44.00.00 -- 印花者 -- Printed 5 C

5407.5 - 其他梭織物,含聚酯加工絲重量


- Other woven fabrics, containing 85% or more by weight of textured polyester filaments

5407.51.00.00 -- 未漂白或漂白者 -- Unbleached or bleached 5 C

5407.52.00.00 -- 染色者 -- Dyed 5 B

5407.53.00.00 -- 異色紗織成者 -- Of yarns of different colours 5 C

5407.54.00.00 -- 印花者 -- Printed 5 C

5407.6 - 其他梭織物,含聚酯絲重量在8 5%及以上者︰

-Other woven fabrics, containing 85% or more by weight of polyester filaments :

5407.61.00.00 -- 含非聚酯加工絲重量在85%


-- Containing 85% or more by weight of non-textured polyester filaments

5 C

5407.69.00.00 -- 其他 -- Other 5 C

5407.7 - 其他梭織物,含合成纖維絲重量


- Other woven fabrics, containing 85% or more by weight of synthetic filaments : 5407.71 -- 未漂白或漂白者 -- Unbleached or bleached

5407.71.10.00 --- 聚丙烯梭織物,每平方公分密度 不超過10條紗

--- Woven fabrics of polypropylene of a density not exceeding 10 yarns per cm2

5 C

5407.71.90.00 --- 其他 --- Other 5 C

5407.72 染色者 -- Dyed

5407.72.10.00 --- 聚丙烯梭織物,每平方公分密度 不超過10條紗

--- Woven fabrics of polypropylene of a density not exceeding 10 yarns per cm2

5 C

5407.72.90.00 --- 其他 --- Other 5 B

5407.73 -- 異色紗織成者 -- Of yarns of different colours 5407.73.10.00 --- 製輪胎用紡織物,每平方公尺重


--- Fabrics weighing 200 g/m2 or more, of a kind used in the manufacture of tyres

0 A

5407.73.90.00 --- 其他 --- Other 5 C

5407.74.00.00 -- 印花者 -- Printed 5 C

5407.8 - 主要或單獨與棉花混製成之其他

梭織物,含合成纖維絲重量未達 85%者︰

- Other woven fabrics, containing less than 85% by weight of synthetic filaments, mixed mainly or solely with cotton:

5407.81.00.00 -- 未漂白或漂白者 -- Unbleached or bleached 5 C

5407.82.00.00 -- 染色者 -- Dyed 5 C

5407.83.00.00 -- 異色紗織成者 -- Of yarns of different colours 5 C

5407.84.00.00 -- 印花者 -- Printed 5 C

5407.9 - 其他梭織物︰ - Other woven fabrics :

5407.91.00.00 -- 未漂白或漂白者 -- Unbleached or bleached 5 C

5407.92.00.00 -- 染色者 -- Dyed 5 B

5407.93.00.00 -- 異色紗織成者 -- Of yarns of different colours 5 C

5407.94.00.00 -- 印花者 -- Printed 5 C

54.08 再生纖維絲紗梭織物,包括以第


Woven fabrics of artificial filament yarn, including woven fabrics obtained from materials of heading No.5405

5408.10.00.00 - 高強力黏液嫘縈紗梭織物 - Woven fabrics obtained from high tenacity yarn, of viscose rayon

0 A

5408.2 - 含再生纖維絲、扁條或類似品重


- Other woven fabrics, containing 85% or more by weight of artificial filament or strip

h lik

5408.21.00.00 -- 未漂白或漂白者 -- Unbleached or bleached 5 C

5408.22.00.00 -- 染色者 -- Dyed 5 C

5408.23.00.00 -- 異色紗織成者 -- Of yarns of different colours 5 C

5408.24.00.00 -- 印花者 -- Printed 5 C

5408.3 - 其他梭織物︰ - Other woven fabrics :

5408.31.00.00 -- 未漂白或漂白者 -- Unbleached or bleached 5 C

5408.32 -- 染色者 -- Dyed

5408.32.10.00 --- 主要或單獨與棉花混製成之其 他梭織物,每平方公分密度超過 10條紗及以上,每平方公尺重量超 過200公克者

--- Plain weave, containing less than 85% by weight of artificial filaments, mixed solely or principally with cotton, of a density of 20 or more yarns per cm2, weighing more than 200 g/m2

5 C

5408.32.90.00 --- 其他 --- Other 5 C 5408.33 -- 異色紗織成者 -- Of yarns of different colours

5408.33.10.00 --- 主要或單獨與棉花混製成之其 他梭織物,每平方公分密度超過 10條紗及以上,每平方公尺重量超 過200公克者

--- Plain weave, containing less than 85% by weight of artificial filaments, mixed solely or principally with cotton, of a density of 20 or more yarns per cm2, weighing more than 200 g/m2

5 C

5408.33.90.00 --- 其他 --- Other 5 C

5408.34.00.00 -- 印花者 -- Printed 5 B


第五十五章 人造纖維棉 Chapter 55 Man-made staple fibres

55.01 合成纖維絲束 Synthetic filament tow

5501.10.00.00 - 尼龍或其他聚醯胺製 - Of nylon or other polyamides 0 A

5501.20.00.00 - 聚酯製 - Of polyesters 0 A

5501.30.00.00 - 聚丙烯 或改質聚丙烯 製 - Acrylic or modacrylic 0 A

5501.90.00.00 - 其他 - Other 0 A

5502.00.00.00 再生纖維絲束 Artificial filament tow 0 A

55.03 未初梳、未精梳或未另行處理以


Synthetic staple fibres, not carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinning

5503.10.00.00 - 尼龍或其他聚醯胺製 - Of nylon or other polyamides 0 A

5503.20.00.00 - 聚酯製 - Of polyesters 0 A

5503.30.00.00 - 聚丙烯 或改質聚丙烯 製 - Acrylic or modacrylic 0 A

5503.40.00.00 - 聚丙烯製 - Of polypropylene 0 A

5503.90.00.00 - 其他 - Other 0 A

55.04 未初梳、未精梳或未另行處理以


Artificial staple fibres, not carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinning

5504.10.00.00 - 黏液嫘縈製 - Of viscose rayon 0 A

5504.90.00.00 - 其他 - Other 0 A

55.05 人造纖維廢料(包括下腳、廢料


Waste (including noils, yarn waste and garnetted stock) of man-made fibres

5505.10.00.00 - 合成纖維製 - Of synthetic fibres 0 A

5505.20.00.00 - 再生纖維製 - Of artificial fibres 0 A

55.06 已初梳、已精梳或已另行處理以


Synthetic staple fibres, carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinning

5506.10.00.00 - 尼龍或其他聚醯胺製 - Of nylon or other polyamides 0 A

5506.20.00.00 - 聚酯製 - Of polyesters 0 A

5506.30.00.00 - 聚丙烯 或改質聚丙烯 製 - Acrylic or modacrylic 0 A

5506.90.00.00 - 其他 - Other 0 A

5507.00.00.00 已初梳、已精梳或已另行處理以 供紡製用之再生纖維棉

Artificial staple fibres, carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinning

0 A

55.08 不論是否供零售用之人造纖維棉


Sewing thread of man-made staple fibres, whether or not put up for retail sale 5508.10 - 合成纖維棉製 - Of synthetic staple fibres

5508.10.10.00 -- 非供零售用 -- Not put up for retail sale 5 B

5508.10.20.00 -- 供零售用 -- Put up for retail sale 5 C

5508.20 - 再生纖維棉製 - Of artificial staple fibres

5508.20.10.00 -- 非供零售用 -- Not put up for retail sale 5 C

5508.20.20.00 -- 供零售用 -- Put up for retail sale 5 C

55.09 非供零售用之合成纖維棉紗(縫


Yarn (other than sewing thread) of synthetic staple fibres, not put up for retail sale

5509.1 - 含尼龍或其他聚醯胺纖維棉重量


- Containing 85% or more by weight of staple fibres of nylon or other polyamides :

5509.11.00.00 -- 單股紗 -- Single yarn 5 C

5509.12.00.00 -- 多股(合股)或粗股紗 -- Multiple (folded) or cabled yarn 5 C

5509.2 - 含聚酯纖維棉重量在85%及以


- Containing 85% or more by weight of polyester staple fibres:

5509.21.00.00 -- 單股紗 -- Single yarn 5 C

5509.22.00.00 -- 多股(合股)或粗股紗 -- Multiple (folded) or cabled yarn 5 C