• 沒有找到結果。

Mineral fuels, mineral oils and products of their distilation; bituminous


第二十七章 礦物燃料、礦油及 其蒸餾產品;含瀝青物質;礦蠟

Chapter 27 Mineral fuels, mineral oils and

2709.00.10.00 石油原油 - Crude petroleum oils 0 A

2709.00.90.00 其他 -Other 0 A

27.10 石油及提自瀝青礦物之油類,但

原油除外;以石油或瀝青質礦物 為基本成份之未列名製品,其含 石油或提自瀝青質礦物之油以重 量計達70%及以上者;廢油

Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals, other than crude;

preparations not elsewhere specified or included, containing by weight 70% or more of petroleum oils or of oils obtained from bituminous minerals, these oils being the basic constituents of the preparations; waste oils:

2710.1 -石油及提自瀝青礦物之油類(

原油除外)及以石油或瀝青質礦 物為基本成份之未列名製品,其 含石油或提自瀝青質礦物之油以 重量計達70%及以上者,但廢 油除外

-Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals, other than crude;

preparations not elsewhere specified or included, containing by weight 70 % or more of petroleum oils or of oils obtained from bituminous minerals, these oils being the basic constituents of the preparations; waste oils:

2710.11 輕油及其配製品 --Light oils and preparations

2710.11.10.00 石油醚 - - - Petroleum ether 5 C

2710.11.20 航空用油 - - - Aviation spirit

2710.11.20.10 渦輪引擎用油 ----Turbo 5 A

2710.11.20.20 飛機燃油 - - - - Av Gas 5 A

2710.11.30 其他馬達用油 - - - Other motor spirit

2710.11.30.10 抗震用 ----With anti-knock 5 A

2710.11.30.20 非抗震用 ----No anti-knock 5 A

2710.11.30.90 其他 ----Other 5 A

2710.11.40 無鉛汽油 ---White spirit

2710.11.40.10 --無機溶劑 ---Mineral Solvents 5 B

2710.11.40.20 溶劑 ----H.H.A. Solvent 5 B

2710.11.40.90 其他 ----Other 5 B

2710.11.50.00 其他 other oil for industrial use. 5 B

2710.11.90.00 其他 ---Other 5 B

2710.19 其他 --Other

2710.19.1 輕油及其配製品 ---Medium oils and preparations

2710.19.11.00 噴射機用煤油型燃油 ----Kerosene type jet fuel 10 B

2710.19.12 其他煤油 ----other kerosine

2710.19.12.10 噴射機用 ---Keroturbo 10 B

2710.19.12.90 其他 ---Other 10 B

2710.19.13.00 其他工業用油 - - - - Other oils for industrial use 10 B

2710.19.19.00 其他 ----Other 10 B

2710.19.2 重油及其配製品 - - - heavy Oils and preparations:

2710.19.21.00 柴油 ----diesel oil (gas oil) 10 B

2710.19.22.00 6號燃料油 - - - - Bunker C or oil Fuel no. 6 10 B

2710.19.23.00 燃料油 - - - - Fuel oil 10 B

2710.19.24.00 精煉石臘基礎油 ----Paraffinic or naphthenic base oils, refined 0 A

2710.19.29 其他 ----Other

2710.19.29.10 自石油提出之礦物油,無添加物 ---Mineral oil from petrolium, without additives.

5 A

2710.19.29.90 其他 ---Other 10 B

2710.19.9 其他 - - - Other

2710.19.91.00 潤滑用油 - - - - Lubricating oils and greases 10 B

2710.19.92.00 水壓糸統液體 - - - - Liquids for hydraulic brakes 10 B

2710.19.93.00 控制農業疫病用油 - - - - Oils for use in agriculture, of a kind used for pest control

10 B

2710.19.99.00 其他 ----Other 10 B

2710.9 -廢油 -Waste oils:

2710.91.00.00 含多氯聯苯、多氯聯三苯或多溴 聯苯者

--Containing polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polychlorinated terphenyls (PCTs) or polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs)

15 C

2710.99.00.00 其他 --Other 15 C

27.11 石油氣及其他氣態碳氫化合物 Petroleum gases and other gaseous

2711.1 -液化︰ -Liquefied:

2711.11.00.00 天然氣 --Natural gas 10 B

2711.12.00.00 丙烷 --Propane 10 B

2711.13.00 丁烷 --Butanes

2711.13.00.10 以容器呈現者,未超過25磅者 ---Presented in containers not more than 25 pounds.

10 B

2711.13.00.90 其他 ---Other 10 B

2711.14.00.00 乙烯、丙烯、丁烯及丁二烯 --Ethylene, propylene, butylene and butadiene 10 B

2711.19.00.00 其他 --Other 10 E

2711.2 -氣態︰ -In gaseous state:

2711.21.00.00 天然氣 --Natural gas 10 B

2711.29.00.00 其他 --Other 10 B

27.12 石油膠;石蠟、微結晶石油蠟、

含油石蠟、地石蠟、褐煤蠟、泥 煤蠟、其他礦物蠟,及以合成或 其他方法所得之類似品,不論是 否著色

Petroleum jelly; paraffin wax, microcrystalline petroleum wax, slack wax, ozokerite, lignite wax, peat wax, other mineral waxes, and similar products obtained by synthesis or by other processes, whether or not coloured

2712.10.00.00 石油膠 -Petroleum jelly 0 A

2712.20.00.00 含油重量少於0‧75%之石蠟 -Paraffin wax containint by weight less than 0.75% of oil

0 A

2712.90.00.00 其他 -Other 0 A

27.13 石油焦、石油瀝青及其他石油殘


Petroleum coke, petroleum bitumen and other residues of petroleum oils or of oils obtained from bituminous minerals

2713.1 -石油焦︰ -Petroleum coke :

2713.11.00.00 未 燒 --Not calcined 5 B

2713.12.00.00 已 燒 --Calcined 5 B

2713.20.00.00 石油瀝青(柏油) -Petroleum bitumen 5 C

2713.90.00.00 其他石油殘渣或得自瀝青質礦物 之殘渣

-Other residues of petroleum oils or of oils obtained from bituminous minerals

5 B

27.14 天然瀝青及天然柏油;瀝青或油

頁岩及瀝青砂;柏油質及瀝青質 岩石

Bitumen and asphalt, natural; bituminous or oil shale and tar sands; asphaltites and asphaltic rocks

2714.10.00.00 瀝青或油頁岩及瀝青砂 -Bituminous or oil shale and tar sands 5 B

2714.90.00.00 其他 -Other 5 B

2715.00.00.00 以天然柏油、天然瀝青、石油瀝 青、軟瀝青或礦物焦油瀝青為基 料之瀝青混合物(例如瀝青調和 物)

Bituminous mixtures based on natural asphalt, on natural bitumen, on petroleum bitumen, on mineral tar or on mineral tar pitch (for example, bituminous mastics, cut-backs)

5 B

2716.00.00.00 電力(選擇性之稅則號別) Electrical energy (optional heading) 0 A


第二十八章 無機化學品;貴金 屬;稀土金屬,放射性元素及其 同位素之有機及無機化合物

Chapter 28 Inorganic chemicals; organic