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108-2高一期末句型講義 (陳怡君師) - 高中教師教學檔案 - 英文科檔案下載 - 國立中科實驗高級中學教學單位網站


Academic year: 2021

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LT B2 L7 TED Talks: Spreading Ideas for a Better World

1. not… until


1. until 譯為「直到」,意思相當於 before,在寫作時要特別留意時間點。 2. 在否定句時可變化成這兩種句型:○1 It be not until…that-clause 強調句 ○2 Not until…+ aux/be + S + VR/adj 倒裝句 (否定副詞移至句首)

想一想:「她直到半夜才回來」該怎麼翻呢? 例 1: She didn’t come home until midnight. (原句) 例 2: Not until midnight did she come home. (倒裝句)

例 3: It was not until midnight that she came home. (強調句) 1. until 並不一定要用在否定句,也可用在肯定句。

2. 但在否定句 not…until 才可變換句型成倒裝句及強調句。

例 4: The photographs will be on exhibition until the end of the month. 例 5: The hunt for the lost child continued until she was found.


1. 改錯: Not until the boy was scolded that he finally told the truth. 2. 改錯: Carolyn went to the dentist until she had a toothache.

3. It was not until midnight ___________________________ asleep. (I/fall)

4. Not until I grew up ___________________________ how much my parents loved me. (I/realize)

2. one, another, still another / some, others, still others

在討論同一主題中的個別差異時,並沒有一一列出全部,而只列舉說明其中「三個」人/事/物 時,此時用 one, another, still another 來列舉(後面接單數名詞)。若是要列舉「三群」人/事/ 物時,使用 some, others, still others 來列舉(後面接複數名詞)。

例 1: Many friends of mine are lovers of outdoor activities. One likes to go camping. Another enjoys mountain climbing. Still another is into biking. (列舉三個,沒講全部)

例 2: Students feel very differently about the first day of school. Some feel excited, others feel nervous, and still others feel blue. (列舉三群,沒講全部)

1. another 意為「另一個、再一個」,表示其他眾多選擇中的其中一個,接單數名詞。若根據

前後語境 another 後面接的名詞不會造成混淆時,則可接 one 或把 another 當代名詞使用。 2. others 意為「另一些」,表示其他眾多選擇中的一些。other 為形容詞,後面接複數名詞,

若根據前後語境 other 後面接的名詞不會造成混淆時,則可將 other+Ns 簡寫為 others。 3. still 用以強調「(數量/程度)更加、還有」,常搭配比較級,表示「還更…」;搭配 another

或 others 時,強調尚未窮盡,表示「還有另一個或另一些」。 例 3: I don't like this dress; please show me another (one).

例 4: Some people are more likely to suffer from depression than others. 例 5: It's hot today, but it'll be still hotter tomorrow.

例 6: In the classroom, some students are studying, others are sleeping, and still others are chatting.

midnight didn’t come home came home



LT B2 L7 TED Talks: Spreading Ideas for a Better World

Class: _______

Number: _____ Name: _________________

Translation 1. 直到他們到了機場,航空公司才宣布取消班機,難怪這些乘客氣炸了。 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 2. 直到疫情的衝擊,人們才領悟到維持正常的生活有多美好。 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 3. 全國封城期間,有些人在家辦公,有些人進行線上學習,還有些人得邊照顧小孩邊料理三餐。 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 4. 根據這些評論,鄉民們對於這個廣告的效應有各式各樣的看法。有一人認為它有效替台灣發 聲,另一人覺得它只是浪費錢而已,也有一人認可它團結台灣人民的力量。 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Make your own sentences!

5. [not…until]

_____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 6. [one; another; still another / some; others; still others]

_____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________



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