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醫 療 志 工 的 性 別 差 異 與 社 會 資 本

對 其 幸 福 感 的 影 響 :

以 花 蓮 市 慈 濟 醫 院 為 例






本研究的目的是探討兩性參與慈濟醫療志工所累積的社會資本,對其幸 福感的影響。以社會資本理論為架構,採用問卷調查法以立意取樣,共得 445名慈濟花蓮院區的醫療志工參與研究,男性160名,女性285名。所得資料 以線性迴歸與費雪的Z轉換來檢驗性別作為社會資本與幸福感關聯的調節變 項。研究結果顯示,慈濟醫療志工的社會資本與幸福感呈現正相關,社會資 本對幸福感各層面(生活滿意、人際關係、自我肯定及身心健康)皆呈顯著 正向的影響,但是卻不存在性別差異。研究結果驗證了社會資本理論、需求 層級理論與符號互動論在醫療志工情境的適用性。 關鍵詞:社會資本、幸福感、性別角色、慈濟醫療志工 健康促進與衛生教育學報 第 45 期,頁 31-65,2016 年 6 月

Journal of Health Promotion and Health Education No. 45, pp. 31-65, June 2016 * 慈濟大學傳播研究所研究生 ** 慈濟大學傳播學系副教授(通訊作者),E-mail: chengchuan@mail.tcu.edu.tw 通訊地址:花蓮市中央路三段701號,聯絡電話:03-8565301轉2818 投稿日期:104年10月1日;修改日期:104年12月23日;接受日期:105年1月4日 DOI: 10.3966/207010632016060045002 04-2_鄭嫥嫥_p031-066.indd 31 2016/8/25 下午 01:33:40


謝汶廷、鄭嫥嫥 醫療志工的性別差異與社會資本對其幸福感的影響:以花蓮市慈濟醫院為例


參 考 文 獻


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謝汶廷、鄭嫥嫥 醫療志工的性別差異與社會資本對其幸福感的影響:以花蓮市慈濟醫院為例


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學報 第 45 期

The Effects of Gender Differences on the

Relationship of Social Capital and Well-Being:

The Study of Medical Volunteers in Hualien Tzu

Chi Medical Center

Wen-Ting Hsieh


Chuan-Chuan Cheng



Based on the social capital theory, this study investigated the effects of gender differences on the relationship of social capital and well-being among medical volunteers in Tzu Chi Medical Center. Self-report questionnaires were used in this study. Purposive samplings were chosen to recruit respondents in Hualien, Taiwan. The valid data for this study were provided by 445 medical volunteers including 160 males and 285 females. Linear regression analysis and Fisher’s Z Transformation were used to testify the moderation of gender on the relationship between social capital and well-being. The results indicated that medical volunteers’ social capital was positively associated with their general well-being. Although there were positive effects of social capital on four dimensions of well-being (life satisfaction, interpersonal relationship, self-affirmation and physical-mental health), there was no significant gender differences was found. In general, the results of this study provided direct evidences to support theories of social capital, need-hierarchy and symbolic interaction in the context of medical

* Graduate Student, Institute of Communication Studies, Tzu Chi University

** Associate Professor, Department of Communication Studies, Tzu Chi University (Corresponding author), E-mail: chengchuan@mail.tcu.edu.tw


謝汶廷、鄭嫥嫥 醫療志工的性別差異與社會資本對其幸福感的影響:以花蓮市慈濟醫院為例


volunteering. Finally, the theoretical and practical implications of the findings were discussed.

Key words: social capital, well-being, gender role, Tzu Chi medical volunteers



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