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108-2龍騰英文講義 B2 Choose Kind (林建宏師) - 高中教師教學檔案 - 英文科檔案下載 - 國立中科實驗高級中學教學單位網站


Academic year: 2021

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No Wonder


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The first months of school were awfull for Auggie. The

stares2 and whispers3 continued, and rude4 kids like Julian

kept teasing5 him. Some even purposefully6 avoided him,

thinking that ugliness was contagious*.

Note the Details Reading Strategy



Auggie wondered if he’d ever fit in but, fortunately, it

wasn’t all bad. He already had two close friends, Jack and


Think & Reflect

•Q1: What did other students do to Auggie at

the first day of the school? Why?



This was Auggie’s favorite time of the year because he could wear a mask and be just like the other children. Nobody would notice him, and nobody would stare.



This year he chose a Bleeding Scream* costume*.

With the scary7 mask on, he walked with his head held high



His good mood abruptly* changed, however, when he

overheard8 Jack talking to Julian. “I’m only friends with

Auggie,” Jack was saying, “because the principal asked me to do this.”



Auggie, shocked and sick to his stomach, ran all the way


Think & Reflect

•Q3: How does Auggie feel about Halloween

in the beginning?

•Q4: What happened on Halloween? How was

Auggie( explain the change of his emotion) ?


The incident9 was so heartbreaking that he hardly

spoke to Jack for a month. When Jack realized Auggie had

overheard his cruel10 words, he felt terrible.



It was true that the principal had asked him to befriend the

strange new kid and that he had only pretended11 to be his

friend at first. But now, after learning how cool and smart

Auggie was, he genuinely12 wanted to hang out with him



Jack, therefore, apologized13 to make peace. This move

saved their friendship. In fact, they became even better friends than before.


Think & Reflect

•Q5: What did Jack do?

Q6: Why would Jack want to hang out with

him/ be friend with him again?


Group Tasks

(15~20 min)

• 1. create a slogan for the Choose Kind Movement

(2 people)

• 2. complete Auggie’s empathy map (2 people)

• 3. write a letter / a XXX card (e.g. an invitation card)

to Auggie (2 people)


• “It's

what you've done with your time,

how you've chosen to spend your days, and whom you've touched this year.

That, to me, is the greatest measure of success.”




30 高雄市立國民中學兼行政職務教師減課標準表 國中教育科 31 高雄市國民中學教師及兼任行政職務人員每週授課節數編排要點 國中教育科 32 高雄市立國民中小學教師甄選暨介聘作業要點

A-1展現課程設計能力(教學檔案指標) A-2研擬適切的教學計畫(教學檔案指標) A-3精熟任教學科領域知識.. A-4清楚呈現教材內容

以 100 學年度為例,本校資深教師共進行 25 場正式教學觀察,新進教師 12 場。嘉義大學實習教 師參與音樂教學觀摩 2 場、英文教學觀摩

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丁兆齡 教師 國文科 國文科教學 孫素貞 教師 國文科 國文科教學 吳德漢 教師 國文科 國文科教學 李勻秋 教師 國文科 國文科教學 黃傑欽 教師 國文科 國文科教學 簡秀雯

高中部國文科 1 實缺 以臺中市政府教育局規定為準 備取 若干 高中部英文科 1 實缺 以臺中市政府教育局規定為準 備取 若干 高中部數學科 1 實缺 以臺中市政府教育局規定為準
