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105 學年度第 2 學期第 2 次段考二年級英文科試題

二年 班 座號 姓名 一、 聽力測驗 30% (每題 2 分) A.看圖辨義:根據聽到的內容,與圖片相符的寫 T,不符的寫 F。每題播放兩次。 示例題: 你會看到… 然後你會聽到…(播音)。 依據所播放的內容,正確答案應該寫(T)。 1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) 5.( ) B.基本問答:每題均有三個選項,請根據所聽到的內容,選出一個最適合的回應。每題播放兩次。 示例題: 你會看到選項… (A) Amy (B) Andy (C) Joe 然後你會聽到…(播音)。 依據所播放的內容,正確答案應該寫(B)。

6. ( ) (A) I am really thirsty.

(B) How much is it?

(C) The apple tea, of course. 7. ( ) (A) It’s OK to stay here.

(B) That’s very dangerous. (C) Let’s go to the beach tomorrow.


※第 2 頁,共 4 頁※ 二英語 2 8. ( ) (A) Well, you cannot buy everything with money.

(B) Well, my parents really love each other. (C) Well, health is the most important. 9. ( ) (A) Sure, there is a lot of rain.

(B) Of course, people stop talking to each other. (C) Yes, we don’t have any food here.

10. ( )(A) Oh, yes. You should come to my house again. (B) That’s a point. You’re a great friend.

(C) Right. Besides, it is not expensive.

C.言談理解: 每題均有三個選項,請聽對話或短文,選出一個最適合的答案。每題播放兩次。 示例題: 你會看到選項…

(A) It’s jumping around. (B) It’s sleeping.

(C) It’s eating grass.

然後你會聽到…(播音)。 依據所播放的內容,正確答案應該寫(C)。 11. ( ) (A) Kate.

(B) Judy. (C) Nina.

12. ( ) (A) She felt the water coming into the boat. (B) She felt excited about the water.

(C) She felt terrible about the boat trip.

13. ( ) (A) The woman’s father works more than 10 hours a day.

(B) The man’s father seldom spends time with his family. spend 花費 (C) The woman’s father wishes to be rich.

14. ( ) (A) He is calling the police. (B) He is shouting at the man. (C) He is crying outside the house.

15. ( ) (A) People should stay inside their houses. (B) The woman saw something flying.

(C) It’s quite dangerous for Ken to stay there.

二、字彙測驗:20% (1~10 題,每題 1 分;11~15 題,每題 2 分)

A.文意選擇:5% (每題 1 分) 1-5 題為大說字彙。請依據前後文意,選出一個最適當的答案。 1. I like eating __________ on bread. It’s very delicious.

(A) honey (B) poison (C) castle (D) alarm 2. The sun __________ behind the clouds. We can’t see it now.

(A) organized (B) disappeared (C) produced (D) dropped

3. Children __________ on their parents for food and clothing. clothing 衣服 (A) move (B) doubt (C) depend (D) stick

4. His mother took him to the __________ because he had a toothache.

(A) stand (B) ground (C) match (D) dentist

5. The jacket is too tight and it’s not __________ . I don’t want to buy it.  tight 緊的 (A) national (B) whole (C) comfortable (D) aloud

B.單字:5%(每題 1 分)

6. 伸展臺 7. 昆蟲 8. 視力 9. 報導 10. 嚴重的 C.文意字彙:10% (每題 2 分)

11.At some schools, students don’t wear u ms. They wear their own clothes. 12.A: This math q n is difficult. Can you teach me?

B: Well, let’s ask our teacher to help us.


14.A: I didn’t order coffee. My order was milk tea.

B: Sorry for the m e. I’ll be back with your milk tea soon. 15.A: Why are you so e d?

B: Because I got 100 on my English test.

三、綜合選擇:20% (每題 2 分) 請依據前後文意,選出一個最適當的答案。 1. After Mrs. Wang __________ her dog, she slept in her room.

(A) came out of (B) went with (C) tied up (D) stood for 2. A:What __________ when we talk about scary animals ?


(A) thinks of you (B) puts on you (C) stays with you (D) comes to your mind

3. __________ people watched the dancing contest last night. It was very exciting.  contest 比賽 (A) Three millions of (B) Millions of (C) Millions (D) Three millions 4. A:Peter appeared __________ happy.

B:His basketball team won an important game today.

(A) to be (B) of being (C) to (D) being 5.Of all the students, Peter found __________ eggs, so he won the game.

(A) most (B) the more (C) many (D) the most 6. To me, playing basketball is __________ than hiking.

(A) much interesting (B) much more interesting (C) the more interesting (D) as interesting 7. The teacher __________ her students __________ noise in the classroom. He was very angry.

(A) heard; making (B) asked; make (C) tells; not make (D) had; to make 8. John got __________ grade in his class, and he was very sad.

(A) the baddest (B) worst (C) the worst (D) the worse

9. We could still see a few people __________ on the beach and __________ the waves last night. (A) stood; watching (B) to stand; to watch (C) were standing; watch (D) standing; watching


(A) Jim’s math grades are more better than his brother’s. (B) Vicky got the least food at dinner, so she wasn’t happy. (C) Help yourself to the fruit and desserts, kids.

(D) Could you feel the house was shaking last night?

四、克漏字選擇: 10% (每題 2 分) 請依據前後文意,選出一個最適當的答案。 Peter: Hi, Susan. How’s it going?

Susan: Not bad. Can you see anything different about me?

Peter: Well, you look (1) than before. How did you do it? Susan: Guess!

Peter: You use cosmetics now .

Susan: No, not really. I (2) tiny surgery on my face. I got rid of my wrinkles, made my eyes look bigger, and had a nose job.

Peter: I see. And you also become slim.

Susan: That’s right. I eat less meat. I eat meat only once a week. And I take (3) exercise than before. I play badminton every day.

Peter: No wonder I (4) with May last time. Although you are fifty-two, you still look like a young woman.

Susan: I hope I will always look (5) in our office. Peter: No problem! You will be young forever.

cosmetics 化妝品 tiny surgery 微整形 get rid of 去除 wrinkle 皺紋 nose job 隆鼻 office 辦公室 1. (A) beautiful (B) more beautiful (C) the most beautiful (D) very beautiful

2. (A) am having (B) will have (C) had (D) have 3. (A) fewer (B) much (C) little (D) more 4. (A) saw you play badminton (B) liked to play baseball

(C) heard you singing (D) watched him go hiking


※第 4 頁,共 4 頁※ 二英語 2 五、閱讀測驗: 8% (每題 2 分) 請依據選文,選出一個正確或最佳答案。


There are many department stores in Taiwan. They often have sales during summer or winter vacation. During sales seasons, there are always a lot of people there, and sometimes you can’t even move. Then why do

people go shopping during big sales? It is because they can spend less money buying good things.

But does it really save you money? In fact, you often spend more money if you go shopping during sales seasons. Why? Because of businessmen’s gimmicks. For example, department stores always give some coupons or free gifts to encourage you to buy more. Don’t you have this experience—you buy something on sale from the department store, but you never use it? Saving money or not? Think about it!

sale 特賣 spend 花費 coupon 折價券 encourage 鼓勵 experience 經驗

1. What does “it” refer to ? refer to 指

(A) Having a coupon. (B) Coming back home.

(C) Getting a free gift. (D) Shopping during sales seasons. 2. Which is a kind of “gimmick”? service 服務 free 免費的

(A) Great service. (B) Open twenty-four hours. (C) Buy one, get one free. (D) Use more money to buy expensive things. (二)


Gushan To Cijin Singuang to Cijin 05:00 – 24:00

Ferries depart every 10 – 15 minutes on weekdays and every 5-7 minutes on weekends and holidays.

Travel time: 5-7 minutes. Adults: NT$ 40

Children: NT$ 15

Sunday special: Only adults have to pay!

13:00 – 17:00

Ferries depart every 50-60 minutes on

weekdays and 20-30 minutes on weekends and holidays.

Travel time: 20-25 minutes Adults: NT$ 80

Children: NT$ 40

Ferry 渡輪 depart 出發 travel time 行進時間 adult 成人 special 特惠 3. It’s Sunday. Lily and her 7-year-old son plan to take the ferry from Gushan to Cijin. How much do they have to pay?  pay 付錢

(A) NT$ 65 (B) NT$ 80 (C) NT$ 40 (D) NT$ 120

4. Mr. Mu was in Singuang and he took the ferry to Cijin at two twenty on Wednesday. What time will he get there? (A) Around 14:45 (B) Around 15:00 (C) Around 14:25 (D) Around 15:20

六、中翻英: 12% (每題 3 分,分段給分) 1. 她穿著長褲,牛仔褲,或短褲看起來沒有像 Betty 一樣漂亮。(“穿著...”用介系詞表示) 2. 在地震來襲前,人們可以看到牠們到處飛而沒有休息。 3. 斑馬看起來比馬特別因為牠們的黑白顏色。 4. 至於你的狗,牠只是需要草使牠自己更健康。(用過去式) ※ 試題結束,請再詳細檢查答案 ※



105 學年度第 2 學期第 2 次段考二年級英語科答案卷

二年 班 座號 姓名 _______________ 〈請一律用藍、黑原子筆作答。用鉛筆作答,或用其他顏色筆作答一概不予計分〉 一、聽力測驗:30% (每題 2 分) A.看圖辨義: 根據聽到的內容,與圖片相符的寫 T,不符的寫 F。每題播放兩次。 1 2 3 4 5 B.基本問答: 每題均有三個選項,請根據所聽到的內容,選出一個最適合的回應。每題播放兩次。 6 7 8 9 10 C.言談理解: 每題均有三個選項,請聽對話或短文,選出一個最適合的答案。每題播放兩次。 11 12 13 14 15 二、字彙測驗:20% (1~10 題,每題 1 分;11~15 題,每題 2 分) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 三、綜合選擇: 20%(每題 2 分) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 四、克漏字選擇: 10% (每題 2 分) 1 2 3 4 5 五、閱讀測驗:8% (每題 2 分) 1 2 3 4 六、中翻英:12% (每題 3 分,分段給分) 1 2 3 4




105 學年度第 2 學期第 2 次段考二年級英文科解答

ㄧ T F T F T CBCAC ACBCB 二 1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.C

6. catwalk 7. insect 8. sight 9. report 10. serious 11.uniforms 12. question 13. several 14. mistake 15. excited 三 CDBAD BACDB


六 1. She doesn’t look as pretty(beautiful) as Betty in pants, jeans, or shorts. 2. Before the/an earthquake hits, people can see them fly/flying around without resting.

(People can see them fly/flying around without resting before the/an earthquake hits.)

3. Zebras look more special than horses because of their black and white colors. because they are black and white. 4. As for your dog, it just needed grass to make itself healthlier.



國立嘉義大學附設實驗國民小學 103 學年度第 2 學期 資源班(六)年級 數學 領域教學計畫(含期末課程檢核). 資料來源

臺北市大理高級中學 第32試場.

自 111 學年度開始,「身心障礙學生升學大專校院甄試數學考科」將依據 108 學年度 實施之「十二年國民基本教育課程綱要國民中小學暨普通型高級中等學校—數學領域」



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