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A Performance Study on Information Service Industry Technology Innovation Strategy 黃敏慧、諶家蘭


Academic year: 2022

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A Performance Study on Information Service Industry Technology Innovation Strategy 黃敏慧、諶家蘭

E-mail: 9417962@mail.dyu.edu.tw


The high-tech industries with technology as the main production factor bring the great economic growth around the world.

Information service industry is one of the high-tech industries and there is potential profit in every market segment with the fast developing Internet application. Technology innovation strategy is the key strategy to gain the competitive advantage. In this research, we explore the relationship between the technology innovation strategy and performance and the moderating role of external environment. The technology innovation strategy construct contains R&D spending level, product upgrade, intellectual property right, radical innovations, and external technology sources. The environment construct contains heterogeneity, dynamism, hostility. The performance construct contains return on investment, market share, and sales revenue. The result shows that

technology innovation strategy affect the performance. Companies with the pioneer technology innovation posture have better performance than the follower. The pioneer technology innovation posture fit with uncertain environment will have the best performance.

Keywords : Information Service Industry ; Technology Innovation Strategy ; Environment ; Performance Table of Contents

壹、 緒論 1 一、 研究動機...1 二、 研究目的...2 貳、 文獻探

討...4 一、 高科技產業...4 二、 資訊服務業...6 三、 創 新...17 四、 技術創新策略...19 五、 產業環境...26 六、

技術創新策略與環境...29 七、 技術創新績效...33 參、 研究方

法...37 一、 研究流程...37 二、 研究流程細部架構...38 三、

研究架構...39 四、 變數操作性定義...39 五、 研究假說...41 六、 問卷設計及說明...41 七、 資料蒐集與分析...43 肆、 實證分

析...45 一、 基本資料輪廓...45 二、 技術創新策略...47 三、

產業環境...49 四、 績效...51 五、 主要構面之因素分析及集群分 析...51 六、 技術創新策略與績效之關係...56 七、 產業環境對技術創新策略與績效關連性之影 響...57 八、 假說檢定結果...60 伍、 結論與建議...61 一、 研究發

現...61 二、 研究貢獻...63 三、 管理意涵...63 四、 對後 續研究的建議...64 參考文獻...65 附錄 A. 調查問卷...71 附 錄 B. 樣本資料...75


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