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A Study of Knowledge Sharing Behavior:The Decomposed Theory of Planned Behavior 吳春樹、吳孟玲


Academic year: 2022

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A Study of Knowledge Sharing Behavior:The Decomposed Theory of Planned Behavior 吳春樹、吳孟玲

E-mail: 9403231@mail.dyu.edu.tw


Using The Decomposed Theory of Planned Behavior basis, this paper looks at individual knowledge sharing willingness and behavior from the perspective of belief towards individual knowledge sharing, subjective, and perceived behavioral control. To do that, we use convenience sampling to administer 2,210 questionnaires to graduate students receiving their master's degree or Ph.D.

in 2003. A total of 830 valid responses were received. We then tested our hypothesis using AMOS 4.0 statistical software. Our findings supported our hypothesis on the influence of contribution, extrinsic reward, altruism, and irreversibility on an individual's willingness to share knowledge; Individual's he knowledge sharing behavior would be affected by the resources of subjective; The higher the emerges and times individuals need to pay for sharing their dissertation or related materials to others, the lower the knowledge sharing would be behaved by individuals: hence, it also examines that the cause-effect relationship among the internal variables on the The Theory of Planned Behavior model is positive, From this we can see that of the 13 predictions made, 11 were supported by our findings, while two failed to be established.

Keywords : Knowledge Sharing ; The Decomposed Theory of Planned Behavior Table of Contents

第一章 緒論 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 研究目的 2 1.3 研究流程 2 第二章 文獻探討 2.1 知識分享行為 5 2.1.1 知識的定義 5 2.1.2 知識分享 6 2.1.3 小結 9 2.2 計畫行為理論 10 2.2.1 理性行為理論 10 2.2.2 計畫行為理論 11 2.2.3 小結 13 2.3 計畫行為 理論之解構 14 2.3.1 態度之解構 14 2.3.2 主觀規範之解構 17 2.3.3 知覺行為控制之解構 18 2.3.4 模式架構之解構 18 第三章  研究方法 3.1 研究架構 21 3.2 研究對象 22 3.3 操作性定義 23 3.4 統計方法 26 第四章 結果分析 4.1 信度分析 28 4.2 效度分 析 29 4.3 研究假說檢測 29 第五章 結論與建議 5.1 研究結論 33 5.2 研究限制 36 5.3 後續研究建議 36 參考文獻 中文部分 38 英文部分 40 附錄 47


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