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臺灣頂尖大學的制度環境與行為 : 以西元2000-2015年為例 - 政大學術集成


Academic year: 2021

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(1)2000 - 2015. 學. ‧ 國. 立. 政 治 大. ‧. The Institutional Environment and Behaviors of. y. sit. Nat. Taiwan's Top Universities. n. er. io. Take the year 2000 - 2015 as an example al v i n Ch engchi U. DOI:10.6814/THE.NCCU.SOC.003.2018.F04.

(2) R. 立. 政 治 大. ‧ 國. 學. -. ‧ y. Nat. n. al. er. io. sit. !. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. !. : !. !. DOI:10.6814/THE.NCCU.SOC.003.2018.F04.

(3) 2017/7/10. 立. 政 治 大. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. DOI:10.6814/THE.NCCU.SOC.003.2018.F04.

(4) 2000. 2005 2006. 立. 政 治 大. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. DOI:10.6814/THE.NCCU.SOC.003.2018.F04.

(5) Abstract This thesis examines the behavioral changes of Taiwan's top universities after year 2000. During this period, the global field was facing of internationalization, and Taiwan's universities were significantly changed under the policies proposed by the Ministry of Education (MOE) and the National Science Council (later the Ministry of Science and Technology). These changes reflected include industry-university cooperation programs, the emphasis on international rankings, and the pressure of selfgenerated finance. In addition, the Higher Education Evaluation and Accreditation. 治 政 大Aim for the Top University Council of Taiwan established in 2005 and the the MOE’s 立 ‧ 國. 學. Program launched in 2006, affected Taiwan’s universities behaviors. I agree that the. impact of the aforementioned factors on higher education has turned the field of. ‧. universities into one that is full of uncertainties. In this background, the behaviors of. sit. y. Nat. top universities converged significantly.. n. al. er. io. In this thesis, I apply the concept of new institutional isomorphism of new. i n U. v. institutionalism to explore the unexpected convergence under the liberalization that. Ch. engchi. seems the organization's system will be more diversified, but it will intensify the organization's similarity in the system. For research methodology, this thesis uses historical narrative inquiry and semi-structured interviews are applied to examine the institutional changes that took place in Taiwan's higher education over the last 20 years. This transformation reflected the organizational behavior at the beginning of the policy considerations, is from the government's regulations, but the reason why it will become institutionalized results, often because the organization takes the institution for granted, this lead the institutional isomorphism occurs.. DOI:10.6814/THE.NCCU.SOC.003.2018.F04.

(6) Key Words: higher education, Aim for the Top University Program, international ranking, new institutionalism, historical narrative inquiry. 立. 政 治 大. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. DOI:10.6814/THE.NCCU.SOC.003.2018.F04.

(7) ........................................................................................................................................................iv ..........................................................................................................................................................v . ................................................................................................................ 1 ........................................................................................ 1 ...................................................................................... ..............4 ... .....................................................................................................6. 政 治 大. ......................................................................................................6. 立................................................... .....................................10. ‧ 國. 學. ....................................................................................................16. ........................................................................................................20. ‧. ....................................................................................................20. y. Nat. er. io. sit. ....................................................................................................25 ....................................................................................................30. n. al. Ch. i n U. v. e n....................................................................33 gchi. 1948-1999. ..........................................................................33. 2000-2015. ..........................................................................38 ................................................................................47 ............................................................................................48 ............................................................................................54. ....................................................................................................65. ii. DOI:10.6814/THE.NCCU.SOC.003.2018.F04.

(8) ....................................................................................................65 ....................................................................................................67 ..........................................................................................................69. 立. 政 治 大. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. iii. DOI:10.6814/THE.NCCU.SOC.003.2018.F04.

(9) 1-1. 95-104. 2-1:Scott. :. ........................................................4. .................................................................................................19. 3-1:. ..................................................22. 3-2:. ..................................................23. 3-3:. ..............................................................23. 3-4:. ..............................................................23. 3-5:. ..........................................................................................................24. 立. 4-4:. .........................................................................................53. y. ..................................................................................59. io. sit. ..........................................................................................60. n. al. er. Nat. 5-3:. /. ‧. 5-2:. ‧ 國. 5-1:. ..........................................46. 學. 4-5:. 政 治 大 : ......................................................................45. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. iv. DOI:10.6814/THE.NCCU.SOC.003.2018.F04.

(10) 2-1:John. Meyer 2-2:DiMaggio. ...................................................................................18 Powell. .......................................................18. 3-1:. .......................................................................................................22. 3-1:. .......................................................................................................32. 4-1:. ...................................................................................37. 5-1:. ..................................................................................53. 5-2:. ..................................................................................58. 立. 政 治 大. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. v. DOI:10.6814/THE.NCCU.SOC.003.2018.F04.

(11) . 2006. (. 政 治 大 I. 立. Nat 103. 1856. n. al. Ch. SCI. SSCI. SSCI. 94. 2003. er. io. 1126. SCI. y. 1. sit. ‧ 國. A&HCI. ‧. 2015. SSCI. 學. SCI. engchi. i n U. SCI. v. SSCI. 2003 SCI. SSCI. . 1. 2015 : http://secretary.web.nthu.edu.tw/ezfiles/160/1160/img/1896/283854450.pdf. 1. DOI:10.6814/THE.NCCU.SOC.003.2018.F04.

(12) 2008. 2008. 立. 2012. ‧. n. al. er. io. sit. y. Nat. (. 學. ‧ 國. 2005. 政 治 大. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. : 92. 97. : 2. . 2. 2010 http://www.nccu.edu.tw/zh_tw/news/%E9%83%AD%E7%AB%8B%E6%B0%91%E5%89%AF%E6 %95%99%E6%8E%88%E4%B8%8D%E7%BA%8C%E8%81%98%E6%A1%88%E8%AA%AA%E6 %98%8E-9040599. 2. DOI:10.6814/THE.NCCU.SOC.003.2018.F04.

(13) 103. 104. 立. 政 治 大 :. 學 ‧. I. n. al. er. io. sit. y. Nat (. 1-1. :. ‧ 國. 95. 3. Ch. e n(g c h i. i n U. v. (. . 3. 2016 b951-eb1879dd7bb5?. : https://www.most.gov.tw/most/attachments/8ee1b02d-c9df-4ab73. DOI:10.6814/THE.NCCU.SOC.003.2018.F04.

(14) 1-1. 95-104. :. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 17776. 17749. 18295 19706 20635. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 20398. 20487. 19483. 19460. 19318. :. 104. 立. 政 治 大. ‧. ‧ 國. 學 y. Nat SCI SSCI. n. al. A&HCI. Ch. (. engchi. er. io. sit. (. i n U. v. SCI SSCI (. 4. DOI:10.6814/THE.NCCU.SOC.003.2018.F04.

(15) (. 立. 政 治 大. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. 5. DOI:10.6814/THE.NCCU.SOC.003.2018.F04.

(16) 2010. 立. 政 治 大 QS. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. SCI SSCI. Ch. engchi. 2016. i n U. v. Times Higher Education 2000. 6. DOI:10.6814/THE.NCCU.SOC.003.2018.F04.

(17) Times Higher Education. 立. 政 治 大. ‧. ‧ 國. 學 sit. n. al. er. io. y. Nat 2008. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. 7. DOI:10.6814/THE.NCCU.SOC.003.2018.F04.

(18) 2012. :. 立. 政 治 大 2015. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. Ch. i n U 2011. engchi. v. 8. DOI:10.6814/THE.NCCU.SOC.003.2018.F04.

(19) 立. 政 治 大. ‧. ‧ 國. 學 sit. y. Nat. 94. io. n. al. er. 4. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. . 4. : https://lis.ly.gov.tw/lglawc/lawsingle?000D4D478F08000000000000000000A000000002FFFFFD^017 11094121300^0008C001001. 9. DOI:10.6814/THE.NCCU.SOC.003.2018.F04.

(20) 20. 政 治 大 March & Olsen 立 1983 ‧. ‧ 國. 學. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. Lowndes. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. 2002. rational choice agent. transaction costs. principle-. collective action. 10. DOI:10.6814/THE.NCCU.SOC.003.2018.F04.

(21) 1950. 2001 Ostrom 1991. 立. 政 治 大. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. n. a l 2-1 Ch. er. io. sit. y. Nat. Meyer. engchi. i n U. v. (. :. Scott 1975. Olsen & March 1976. 11. DOI:10.6814/THE.NCCU.SOC.003.2018.F04.

(22) 立. 政 治 大. ‧. ‧ 國. 學 y. sit. io. n. al. er. 1977. Nat. Meyer. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. Hirsch 1975. DiMaggio. Powell. 1983. 12. DOI:10.6814/THE.NCCU.SOC.003.2018.F04.

(23) Coercive. Mimetic. Normative. 立. 政( 治 大. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. n. al. er. io. sit. y. Nat. 1930. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. 13. DOI:10.6814/THE.NCCU.SOC.003.2018.F04.

(24) DiMaggio. Powell. 立. 政 治 大. 2-2. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. DiMaggio & Powell. er. io. sit. y. Nat. n. a l Weber 1978 v i n Ch engchi U. Scott. 2008. cultural-cognitive. 2-1. 14. DOI:10.6814/THE.NCCU.SOC.003.2018.F04.

(25) DiMaggio. 立. 治 政 大 Powell Scott. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. Ch. Espeland. engchi. i n U. v. Sauder. 2007. USN. 15. DOI:10.6814/THE.NCCU.SOC.003.2018.F04.

(26) 立. 政 治 大. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. (. :. 2000. 16. DOI:10.6814/THE.NCCU.SOC.003.2018.F04.

(27) 立. 政 治 大. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. 17. DOI:10.6814/THE.NCCU.SOC.003.2018.F04.

(28) 2-1. John. Meyer. 2-2. DiMaggio. Powell. 政 治 大. 立. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. DiMaggio. Ch. Powell. engchi. i n U. v. 1983. 18. DOI:10.6814/THE.NCCU.SOC.003.2018.F04.

(29) . al. n. io. y. Nat. ‧. sit. 學. 政 治 大 Richard Scott 2008 立. er. Scott. ‧ 國. 2-1. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. 19. DOI:10.6814/THE.NCCU.SOC.003.2018.F04.

(30) 3-1. 3-2. 3-3. 3-4. 立. 政 治 大 3-5. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. 2006. 20. DOI:10.6814/THE.NCCU.SOC.003.2018.F04.

(31) 2006 5. 學 ‧. ‧ 國. 立. 政 治 大. 94. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. Ch. engchi. 2012. i n U. v. 6. 2005 2015. . 5 6. 102. https://ws.moe.edu.tw 20150116. 3-1. 21. DOI:10.6814/THE.NCCU.SOC.003.2018.F04.

(32) 2003 2016. 3-1. 立. 政 治 大. ‧ 國. 學. 3-1. ‧ y. Nat. 30. n. Ch. i n U5 8. engchi. er. io. al. 10. sit. 17. v. 3. 2007. 22. DOI:10.6814/THE.NCCU.SOC.003.2018.F04.

(33) 3-2. 30 17 12 9 5 2 2007. 3-3. 立. 政 治 大. ‧ 國. 學 31. ‧. 16. y. Nat. 12. 2. n. al. Ch. 2014. engchi. er. io. 5. sit. 10. i n U. v. 3-4. 60 31 24.6 20.6 10 3.8 2016. 23. DOI:10.6814/THE.NCCU.SOC.003.2018.F04.

(34) 3-5 2016. 立. 29985. 1000. 2063. 15. 15945. 956. 659. 25.6. 1008. 13.4. 政 治 大 904. 20280. 1394. 16.1. 597. 1201. 14.1. 248. 398. 10.2. sit. io. n. Ch. e n g16338 chi. 4084. 1345. er. Nat. al. y. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. 12620. i n U. v. 24. DOI:10.6814/THE.NCCU.SOC.003.2018.F04.

(35) Robert Alford(1998). Paul. (. 政 治 大. Pierson 2011. 立. :. y. Nat. io. (. sit. 1982. :. n. al. :. er. Abrams. (. Ch :. 2005. :. :. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. :. engchi. i n U. v. 2001. : : timing 2003. 25. DOI:10.6814/THE.NCCU.SOC.003.2018.F04.

(36) (. 1950 1970. 1970. 1980. 立. 政 治 大. :. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. n. al. er. io. sit. y. 2012) Somers 1997. Nat. (. :. :. Ch. :. engchi. i n U. Sewell 1996. v. :. : : Abrams. : :. : 2005. :. 26. DOI:10.6814/THE.NCCU.SOC.003.2018.F04.

(37) counterfactual reasoning. 2003 .... What if. 2012. Mahoney 2001. self-reinforcing. (. reactive sequence :. ‧ 2006. n. al. er. io. sit. y. Nat. Mahoney. 學. ‧ 國. 立. 政 治 大. Ch. e n g c(h i. i n U. 2011. v. I (. 27. DOI:10.6814/THE.NCCU.SOC.003.2018.F04.

(38) ( ). 立. 政 治 大 (. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. Ch. engchi. i n U. (. v. 2000. 28. DOI:10.6814/THE.NCCU.SOC.003.2018.F04.

(39) 91. 95. 立. 政 治 大. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. 29. DOI:10.6814/THE.NCCU.SOC.003.2018.F04.

(40) 立. 政 治 大. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. 3-1. i 2000 n Ch engchi U. v. 30. DOI:10.6814/THE.NCCU.SOC.003.2018.F04.

(41) 立. 政 治 大. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. 31. DOI:10.6814/THE.NCCU.SOC.003.2018.F04.

(42) 3-1. 立. 政 治 大. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. 32. DOI:10.6814/THE.NCCU.SOC.003.2018.F04.

(43) 1899 2001. 95. 1918. 2004. 立. 政 治 大. n. a37l. ). sit er. io. (. y. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. Nat. 1948-1999. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. 33. DOI:10.6814/THE.NCCU.SOC.003.2018.F04.

(44) 71. 7. 7. 20. 71. 83. 立. 88. 77. 政 治 大. 86 87. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. n. al. er. io. sit. y. Nat. 82. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. . 7. 71 7 20 https://lis.ly.gov.tw/lglawc/lawsingle?001401605CC3000000000000000000A000000002000000^0171 1071072000^000A4001001. 34. DOI:10.6814/THE.NCCU.SOC.003.2018.F04.

(45) 88. 1. 14. 8. 立. 政 治 大. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. 88 . 8. 88 1 14 https://lis.ly.gov.tw/lglawc/lawsingle?00014BAED858000000000000000000A000000002000000^017 44088011400^000A4002001. 35. DOI:10.6814/THE.NCCU.SOC.003.2018.F04.

(46) 89. 94 99 103. 立. ‧. ‧ 國. 20. 政 治 大. 學. 1. 105. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. 37. Meyer. 36. DOI:10.6814/THE.NCCU.SOC.003.2018.F04.

(47) ( 71. 4-1. 立. 政 治 大. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. n. al. er. io. sit. y. Nat. 82. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. 37. DOI:10.6814/THE.NCCU.SOC.003.2018.F04.

(48) 2000-2015 50. 90 9. 1995-2000 SCI. EI. 立. 15%. Nat. n. al. sit. 91. er. io. 10. y. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. 49. 政 治 大2004. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. 91. (. . 9. https://www.most.gov.tw/most/attachments/5dd3c7e5-e79147ae-a376-26130a9660e1 10. 91 1 5 http://host.cc.ntu.edu.tw/sec/administration/%E6%A0%A1%E5%8B%99%E6%9C%83%E8%AD%B0 /90-1-2.html. 38. DOI:10.6814/THE.NCCU.SOC.003.2018.F04.

(49) Thompson. 1967. 90. 2000. 政 治 大. 11. ‧. 95. sit. n. er. io. :. al. 12. :. y. 4-5. Nat. 4-4. 92. 學. ‧ 國. 立. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. 95. SCI SSCI A&HCI. EI. TSSCI. SSCI. SCI. A&HCI. . 11. 12. 95 1 5 http://secrt.nccu.edu.tw/MeetingInfo/meeting_2/137.pdf. 39. DOI:10.6814/THE.NCCU.SOC.003.2018.F04.

(50) 94 12. 13. 立. 政 治 大. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. 95. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. (. 40. DOI:10.6814/THE.NCCU.SOC.003.2018.F04.

(51) 95. 95. 100. 100. 105 91. 88. 94. 立. 95. ‧. ‧ 國. 學 sit. n. al. er. io. y. Nat (. 21. 政13.2 治 大 BK21. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. (. 41. DOI:10.6814/THE.NCCU.SOC.003.2018.F04.

(52) 立. 政 治 大. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. n. al. er. io. sit. y. Nat. (. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. 42. DOI:10.6814/THE.NCCU.SOC.003.2018.F04.

(53) 2000. 立. 政 治 大. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. Selznick 1996. 43. DOI:10.6814/THE.NCCU.SOC.003.2018.F04.

(54) ( ( (. ( (. SSCI. 立. (. 學 ‧. ‧ 國. SCI. 治 政 大 TSSCI. y. sit. io. n. al. er. Nat. 2000. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. 88. 44. DOI:10.6814/THE.NCCU.SOC.003.2018.F04.

(55) 4-4. :. 95. 10334. 711. 714. 96. 8745. 554. 567. 97. 7410. 98. 7977. 458. 504. 826. 8216. 441. 505. 812. 8329. 445. 509. 846. ‧ 國. 289. 275. 239. 225. 238. 188. 242. 164. 296. 197. ‧. 100. 927 治 政 大754 423 468 立. 學. 99. 1164. Nat. 308. 182. 278. 231. 308. 217. 265. 207. 431. 497. 856. 102. 8292. 445. 465. 878. 103. 8232. 484. i n U. 104. 8282. 456. 466. 885. 281. 217. 105. 8236. 510. 483. 876. 260. 201. Ch. 446. engchi. sit. er. n. al. y. 8500. io. 101. 838. v. 2017. 45. DOI:10.6814/THE.NCCU.SOC.003.2018.F04.

(56) 4-5. 95. 2,699.61. 1,055.58. 875.16. 1,197.25. 186.24. 396.39. 96. 2,533.50. 859.62. 752.57. 989.79. 172.39. 336.75. 97. 2,085.29. 682.16. 604.47. 891.62. 155.22. 272.84. 98. 2,315.52. 769.55 1,113.06 政 治 大 2,172.59 立743.18 739.70 1,028.93. 163.44. 250.09. 232.10. 282.08. 2,233.21. 716.46. 791.17. 1,080.64. 180.20. 270.34. 2,310.06. 812.79. 836.53. 1,148.65. 169.12. 337.57. 2,413.23. 869.40. 824.62. 1,229.47. Nat. 103. 2,408.40. 933.66. 813.97. 1,243.30. y. 171.74. 325.80. 104. 2,418.96. io. 939.02. 766.14. 1,269.63. 209.51. 328.90. 105. 2,402.68. Ch. 888.12. 1,311.61. 183.14. 293.26. 102. n. al. 2017. 1,023.81. engchi. sit. ‧. 386.36. er. 101. 學. 100. ‧ 國. 99. 891.96. i n U. v. 194.23. 46. DOI:10.6814/THE.NCCU.SOC.003.2018.F04.

(57) . 立. 政 治 大 Filgstein 1997. ‧ 國. 學 :. ‧. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. 47. DOI:10.6814/THE.NCCU.SOC.003.2018.F04.

(58) . 87. 1. 10. 13. 立. 政 治 大. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. n. al. er. io. sit. y. Nat. 95. 14. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. . 13. http://host.cc.ntu.edu.tw/sec/administration/%E6%A0%A1%E5%8B%99%E6%9C%83%E8%AD%B0 /86-1-2.html 14. 18 http://host.cc.ntu.edu.tw/sec/administration/%E6%A0%A1%E5%8B%99%E6%9C%83%E8%AD%B0 /94-2-1.html. 48. DOI:10.6814/THE.NCCU.SOC.003.2018.F04.

(59) :. 96. 89. :. 立. 政 治 大. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. n. al. er. io. sit. y. Nat. 93. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. 88 :. 49. DOI:10.6814/THE.NCCU.SOC.003.2018.F04.

(60) 學. ‧ 國. 立. 政 治 大. ‧. n. al. er. io. sit. y. Nat. 2001. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. Meyer & Rowan 1978 89 15. 15. 89 http://secretary.web.nthu.edu.tw/ezfiles/160/1160/img/1896/960804935.htm http://secr.ncku.edu.tw/ezfiles/2/1002/img/99/n89-2.pdf. 50. DOI:10.6814/THE.NCCU.SOC.003.2018.F04.

(61) . 91. 16. 17. 政 治 大. 立. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. Nat. er. io. sit. y. 94. n. al. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. Meyer & Scott. 1983. 96. . 16. http://secr.ncku.edu.tw/ezfiles/2/1002/img/99/n91-1.pdf 17. http://secrt.nccu.edu.tw/MeetingInfo/meeting_2/117.pdf. 51. DOI:10.6814/THE.NCCU.SOC.003.2018.F04.

(62) 18. 立. ‧ 國. 5-1. n. al. er. io. sit. y. Nat 2000. ‧. DiMaggio. 學. 政 治 大. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. 5-1. (. 18. 91 http://secretary.web.nthu.edu.tw/ezfiles/160/1160/img/1896/196744237.pdf. 52. DOI:10.6814/THE.NCCU.SOC.003.2018.F04.

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