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Academic year: 2021

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An Examination on the Factors Affecting Upward

Communication Strategies

Shu-Chu Sarrina Li


Associate Professor

Institute of Communication Studies

National Chiao Tung University


Tel: (03) 5712121- 58211

Fax:(03) 5727143





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An Examination on the factors affecting upward communication strategies


This study examined the impacts of three variables, relationship quality, leadership style, and status, on the use of upward communication strategies. Based on the literature review, three hypotheses were developed in this study. Intensive interviews were used to collect data for this study and 135 valid interviews were obtained. Data analysis showed that leadership style and subordinate’s status both exerted important inlfuences on the use of upward communication strategies. However, the variable of relationship quality was found not to have any significant impacts on the use of upward communication strategies. More research findings were discussed in the study.

Key Words: relationship quality, leadership style, organizational status, upward communication strategies.



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mFbnopq'rstuv tuwx+y,'z{| }~z' €(Superior and subordinate communication)* € '‚P-ƒ„…'†‡ ˆƒwxDbm‰…Š‹Œ} D '01 Ž '€ ƒ'WXNW‘N' ()ˆ< '€ ƒJ4 ’“mp”•–'J—(Daniels & Spiker, 1991˜Jablin & Krone, 1994)*

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&(upward compliance- gaining strategies)<ã]­o%&=() 'RK‘ >?()%&ã]'ˆ¬ƒ­P%&\]'©ä Xaƒ­(Krone, 1992˜1994˜Waldron, 1991˜Chaco, 1990˜Wheeless et al.,1983˜ Schilit, 1987˜ Waldron et al., 1993˜Lamude et al., 1987˜Riccillo & Trenholm, 1983)* ¥Ã 'å| ¡pæ¾ !"#$%&çÃè ? ƒ ÌåéN'êëˆ<ì'íîN3Ÿ* @ADb-ï' ()WðÃ!"#$%&'ñòŽ‚šñò¡ @A‹Œ'óÊ' ôõñòJ/•ö/%&=() Ž¯°%&™p÷Ã\ øgéùN ¡ -ï €%&Db„…ˆ¬}µ() !"#$%&'\ ]Ìm ' '' €%&'\ ]Wúy()(Garko, 1993˜Lee, 1998A˜Lee, 1998B˜Lee & Jablin, 1995˜Lim & Bowers, 1991˜Li, 1995˜Krone, 1992˜Waldron & Hunt, 1992˜Waldron et al., 1993)*'û >?P G/ˆ¬ !"#$%&'()ƒ ­*

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yˆ<WŸ' žP¢1«‡=D !"Ìm‹Œ-§“ü#$ €%V”P&'Ì 'Ÿ‰¢()*+F=Fairhurst et al1987˜krone1992˜Graen & Scandura1987˜Lee1998 A˜Lee1998B˜Li1995˜Sias & Jablin1994˜ Waldron1991˜Waldron et al1993*


b‚hiwx Sias  Jablin1994ÌmDb  žP01R=1D YZm‹ŒŽŸj žP¢1«‡=Û2DÃ YZm'‹Œ* Waldron j DEF 51 / €%&+Ì,ƒ.3:P¯°%&\]=>?() | (Waldron1991) * ¯/m Db Ÿ'³4 £\]5rV€%&(personal strateqies)67V€%&(contractual strateqies)45€%&(Direct strateqies)vp8\]9:V€ %&(requlative strateqies) KÌ YZ Waldron m(Waldron 1991˜ Waldron & Hunt1992)5r%&;<Ã<3€%&LŸRYZNŽ €=>?@5r‹A‚P5r%&\]®B‰23C¹µKÌ  YZ67V%&?@D‹EF9‘Ž PG¦HIK ˆŽ¯3%& JÙz¦89'0K(politeness)(Hirqkawa et al1991˜Lim&Bowers1991)9 :V%&'\]j?@\]xLMNOI/rôø'®×PßàKU'Y ZˆŽ¯3%&'\]\K 5Pyyßà* ‚š45%&¡ \]x+Q{R45)ž ®×F=* à  €%&'bS'Db”PTUƒP ./'`üV (1) WŸ'Ùµ23Z)KÌ YZ:()Ì * ¯ °p\]¢V’WKÌ YZ (!)":\]nopqJ¢V


7 ’WKÌ €ˆƒK 'S'ŸRø‚P¯°:

pXYK YZˆŽ 'YZ'Zº3Ÿ(Hunt & Waldron 1994˜Krone1992˜Lee & Jablin1995˜Lee1998A˜Lee1998B˜Li 1995˜Waldron1991˜Waldron &Hunt1992˜Waldron et al1993)* (2) 45%&ƒíîŸ'%&ˆƒ¯°%& [-y1\éùÀ

ŽWŸÙLWK yˆ< ]Ÿ]ž\]45%&KÌ €(Lee1998A˜Lee1998B˜ Lee & Jablin1995˜Waldron et al1991˜Waldron1992)*

(3) 67V%&^_YZ`UPabcd'UVe<YZ¯3€%&3  Waldron m'5rV%&(Waldron1991˜Waldron & Hunt1992) Pwx Lee m openness strateqies (Lee & Jblin1995˜Lee1998A˜ Lee1998B) * 67V%&\]pv\$P±]J¢VUV=() Ì f\W¹µK ÓTJ·²M‹Œ* -.Db K67V%&WŸR¢M ]Ÿ]ž\ ]<3€%&KÌ YZ (Lee & Jablin, 1995˜Lee, 1998A˜Lee, 1998B˜ Waldron , 1991) *

(4) 89N%& (polite strategies) \]g„×g() qʙ ”+ 1\éùhgĝ* ã]89N%&ÙWi/ J j'ª¸kÌ 1\lm• jR+J/LéùNôõn o-ƒ åépLéùN'ôõ* <3%&3 Waldron (1991) m67V%&• Waldron ¾r 1993 pm compensation 


{rÌ 1\lmˆ<³ž\]89N'€%&P×g Ì (Waldron, 1991˜Waldron et al., 1993)*

@A €%&'BC+‚W €%&,ƒ./012 3 (activeness)Ò45 (directness)Ò67 (openness)89 (politeness)* ¥ s


8 'BC>t”P$u ' €%&LW‰y()ˆ <cJ/HI*+V  !" #$%* & '()* () €%&ˆ¬m f J/¦ˆ¬@A €%&Dbñò€%&P×g() óm µ+%& WXvwxyz{Ž¨wx Lee (1998A) Ìm¡D b|o€%&«}‘WXNK~o%&è\]'ZºWè }‘]WX%&è\]¹µ]ŸˆŽ€%&'WXNKÌè\]Z ºL¢1MN (Canary & Spitzbery, 1987˜Krone & Ludlum, 1990˜Lee,

1998A)* ÀŽ()€%&WXNW„…ˆ¬ÌmĦˆ¬ƒ 

§¨'‘P­o%&K €ÊÙÙ@AQ 'Û=‘­o%&WX­o%&€XŽ ÛmjP ' () €%&'ñòā (Chacko, 1990˜Cobb, 1986)* ³´wx

Chacko (1990) Ìm+ ';·²žrsž,ƒ.o À‚>?' €%& µˆƒ Žƒ„…Ì` ahiÌHIDb €%&(-†' Ž‡ §* ÌDb”P,ƒG‡=ˆ‰(1) ó ƒŸR·² žÊž\]¢1 €%&´PöŠ.A=‹“• Œq ‹JŽˆ (2) ó ƒŸR·²žŸRrsžÊ ³p8]01 €%&´‘ 0'%& (3)ó  ƒR·²žRrsžÊ}ƒÌ ƒ€Xºx: ž\]01 %&K̀´‘ 0’“%&*Žwx Deluga  DbfK Chacko DbJ” ¡ WXº•– '


9 ¢1YZŽ€Xº•\K —i˜á*Deluga D bKWX'YZ™³€Xºx'YZ=$Zš (Deluga, 1988)* ›ØCheng (1983) fÌmDbµ()\]“N  ()%&•œN ()%&ó ƒ€Xº Ê]œN€%&K YZ* @AP BC>t$uñò €%&ʵxy%&'W XN]WX%&\]Zº]ŸŽž“%&'WXNÊj P =²ƒž“%&WXN'Äy@Aˆ< €%&'ñ òµ; Žpq;<Ÿ DEFcO/HIV &"'()*#$%* +  ,- ›J/() €%&\]ˆ¬¡  (status)* „…M BCDbÃpq-¶Ì €%& W‰ypq* ³´ wx Kipnis  Schmidt (1980) ÌmDbmKÌ\]  €%&o3¡¡MÌmŸ³Ù\] “N%&’“%&ŽóÝ¢Ê (!)"4£\]45%& M) ;ð à* Žwx Schilit(1987)fDbpq,“ Ì ()%&fW£'pqË̝,“pm,“¤)23±]%& ª() Ž,“³pq{ª()íîŸÒ¦y'%¤Žà €¥%q{Z]Ì()|¯ ”½ ˆƒ,“Ì '~zàpq{ª¦§y'¨ˆŽ¦y'%¤ŽÐÌÜ|§yŽp q{ª()* q©)Waldron  Hunt (1992) fDbŸ'K xÌ ()%&W£''„…]ŸÌ\]45%&'Zº¡]Ÿ* ªP 'Db”PTUFi‡ €%&'()



(1) ó]Ÿ‚W^Öå|¡]ŸÌ'~z¡]Ÿ

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 1 23456 ' >? Ò '  !"#$%&'()‡®¯W./b,°ˆ‰´ V (1)  L‡®ƒ !"#$%&:+‚W !"#$%&;./ 0123Ò45Ò6789±P,3÷ï./01´­²³´ 1%&01ʵ±Pˆ‰bˆ‰´­DEF 19 / !"#$%&* ¶·¡bSBCm¸“Fnopq !"#$%&'3µ±P³ TUF 19 / !"#$%&¯°%&Æ,-.>/:Æ.‰ -smÊÙ\]' €%&* ø“ 19 / !"#$%& 'qÊ:BCmCF¹ºJ/%&'‘»¼®ºJ/%&'ö/{\ (Kellerman & Cole, 1994˜Kipnis & Schmidt, 1980˜Schilit, 1987˜Weeless et al, 1983˜Yukl & Falbe, 1990)* @Awx Kellermann  Cole (1994) '«‡© ª'mp’ P½¾•QRST'UV=– } WJ¿'%&³´


11 ÄÀƒã]'%& Marwell  Schmitt (1967) ' 16 /%&g„Ò45mÒ

Õ mÒÁÂҟ mÒ01ÃÄÒWŐmÒÆǐm¾¾ºJ/%& '‚µvF‘»{\\ÈSx (´]½¾) •Éʶ (´]ST) ËÛºJ %&ƒ­* ¯©ÌͽÎF%&‘»ÙK{\ pMÏЧ¨'¡ conceptualization KѲ‘» (operationalization) pMÒ (Kellemann & Cole, 1994)* ƒÓ¢©ª ‚Fb‘»KѲ‘»pÒ'–‡ÃB Cm¸“F 19 /%&º/%&'‘»ö/¼®º/%&'{\‚·– J/Á+* +¯ 19 /%&̑»{\DÐÔÕÖJ/5×yw tuMwØ 100 /wm (!) "¡ºJ/%&'‘»ËÛ'‚> ?̂Ù'ö/{\¡º/{\Ì ½¼®~%&'‘»ÐÚ,öÛ 9 ,¼®deҍ̑»÷ 1 ,¼®deK̑»pÒ,°Ð,À‚Ü ݺ/{\,ö¡ºJ/%&—´,öğ'{\‚W藴 =' {\ÌMÒ,ö}ŸÃ 7y,} 8 ,P ,<JÁ+j'Ý ¢‘»KѲ‘»'MÒäR* (2) !"  @A-§“ü‚DEF= Scale =±P +N< scale ¯Þß 8 /ή+Ni/01,° e<' €< 8 /ήÆ,,©…K+jÌ=RÆ×MóJ” (Liden & Graen, 1980˜Krone, 1994)* < 8 /ήmÈjx¡ºJήm‚às‹Œ ®‰Ìq{äR* á/ή‚±Ž=,ö]Ÿ®BÌK4 ']£* Ãâã^_d-‚– R'+j< 8 /ή'=J”N3Ÿˆ ƒ Cronbach’s Alpha × 0.88* m' ,ö„˜úyÛ Ä' 10 ,÷ğ' 55 ,äæ,öƒ 37.47 (SD=8.96)* ;äæö+ ‚WÈjx,ƒŸiÈ+x* ƒ(‘Päæö=,  “>?Ÿi'rö:P t-test =>?i'


12 ,ö W£'„…* ,PåÜ,[‚DbŸi'rö

„p…Ž t-test '`a  3£'„… (t=15.12, N=133, p=.000)* (3) "7'()*


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reliability measure) 3R,[ (Categorizing reliability measure) =,[É Ê'R* ‚š÷R,[ ÜÝpqiÉʶ¡JBŠm‚ÉÊF =÷ ×g”R¡Ž¨JkST^_mÉʶ”½ÉÊg J/ÒO/•9÷G/P pq'%&÷R,[”P$uiÉʶ< k Æ×gJ”N* Ž3R,[j ÜÝ&ÉÊgq©ö'%& ØiÉʶ ÉÊq©'3 * ',[3=>,[vÌ - YZ,[ (Interaction Analysis)ˆ<– ÷R,[P3R,[ : (Guetzkow, 1950)* ã]Ÿ' 1%$g÷RÛ 92%÷ 100%p¾ äæöƒ 97.6%* 3Rj Û 73%÷ 100%äæöƒ


15 89%ix'RúŸ”;ÉʶÆ×MóJ”'¯6* B CD ¡BCmTUF !"#$%&'./0123Ò45Ò67 89* P v'UV=²³ 20 /%&mº/%&Ì./01'$ ,ö* ¡2301Ž¨P½¾UVJ6¡ˆ‰­š23€% & ›\]¯°%&ÊÈjx”P…<=J‡¹µKUW5P>'Ê À‚mÈjx¡' 20 /%&ÛJ‡ p23 (0) ÷JÙ23 (9) %&Ð,* Ì G/%&0145Ò6789f q©'½Í +<J½¾,Ð 99 /ywª?ðÀ‚ÜÝFº/%&./01'äæö* ¡º/01+ 20 /%&'äæö@Aˆ<äæöğx 20ÌKƒ 19µ = 18P<3B;K+ 20 /%&'./01',öÝF*  ,©YZ,[‚Æ+ºÈSx‚\] €%&ÉÊF=À‚µ+¯ °%&en§-23Ò45Ò6789,öˆƒºÈSx‚\] %&öpJW]io%&WG/ƒp\%&ö()./%&0 1,ö+./%&01',öµ&PºÈSx‚\]%&'ö ‚$',öû ºÈSx./%&01',ö*


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Joƒrsž·²ž' (LL) cOoƒŸrsž·² ž' (HL)cGoƒŸrsžŸ·²ž' (HH)c.o rsžŸ·²ž' (LH)* – One-way ANOVA =>/pq 'Ì'%&01 µ£'pq* One-way ANOVA '`aDb i / £ ' N ¯ i /£ ' N, ° F b 6 7 (F=2.724, P=0.048) 8 9 (F=3.997, P=0.0096) i/%&01 * ƒX–JEÛ K%& 01m'6789',°™– ‹‚,[* ® 2 ® 3 ƒ‹‚ ,['`a* G 2 '()*CD(JK)7LMNO '()* JK7PQR 1.rs / ·² 10.634 K 2 £'pq 2.Ÿrs / ·² 13.781 K 1,3 £'pq 3.Ÿrs / Ÿ·² 10.154 K 1 £'pq 4.rs / Ÿ·² 12.424 Û® 2 ^_$u.pqmPcOoŸrs/ ·²žÌ67'%&01 $,ğÌKjƒc.o rs/Ÿ·²ž67'$,öĝjƒcJors/·² žcGoŸrs/Ÿ·²* cJof BCmè?ƒ ĀXº'ŽBCmfDb<o€Xº''³4£ 01' €%& ( chacko, 1990; Deluga, 1988; cheng, 1983) * m‚š 67€%& ›ó\]¯°%&Êj'\`UabM:\`Uq {…U€ˆ<67,ö]Ÿ'%&ƒ]¢1'€%&,ö]j 01%&* Db€Xº''4£\]p67'% &KBC'DbMҍ* ® 2 '^_£Brs/·²''


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cG/HI*+KÌ €%&LMN* +,ƒJ’“x’“xm’“xŸ’“x: *+¯.opq'Ì\]%&'231451671891µ£ 'pq* P./ One-way ANOVA =>/Ì£'N One-way ANOVA ' ` a D b W G / £ ' N  ¯ G / £ ' N , ° F b  2 3 (F=3.332  P=0.0223) 45 (F=3.29P=0.0235) 67 (F=2.651P=0.0524)  ÷Ã8 9¯/01åÜDb./'Ì8901 (F=0.4344P=0.7288) :fW£'pq* ƒXû[Û.o'Ì234567 01 W­„…– ‹‚,[,[`ajvî 4 'm* ® 4 '^_£BmŸ’“0K’“0J’“xÌ% &\] (W‰y'pq¶·¡2301Ž¨0ñ]ŸÌ%&'23 1]Ÿ<KBCm'DbMÒ* Schilit (1987) ÌmDb]Ÿ' Ì]23() '%ŽxÌ() '{q¡‰£h* ® 4'cO/01ƒ45<k'DbK2301ú3mŸ0³

'Ì%&'45äR‰£)ŸF„…´<'DbK Waldron \ Hunt (1992)  Kipns  Schmidt (1980) 'DbMq* ©ªDb]Ÿ' Ì\]'%&]45* ® 4 'cG/Dbƒ67'01* KÁ1i/D b3]Ÿ'Ì%&'67N]Ÿˆ<Db (-K €%&'\]W‰£MN]Ÿ‚\]'%&] 2345:67‚Plj 'cG/HIK € %&'\]LMN$gDb'hi* G 4 ./,-CD7LMNO


20 UVCD ./,- UV7PQR 1.J’“0 7.259 K 3,4 £'pq 2.’“0 7.984 3.m’“0 11.657 K 1 £'pq 4.Ÿ’“0 13.625 K 1 £'pq WXCD ./,- WX7PQR 1.J’“0 7.560 K 3 £'pq 2.’“0 8.095 K 3 £'pq 3.m’“0 12.294 K 1,2 £'pq 4.Ÿ’“0 11.750 JKCD ./,- JK7PQR 1.J’“0 10.316 K 3,4 £'pq 2.’“0 11.262 3.m’“0 13.814 K 1 £'pq 4.Ÿ’“0 14.375


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