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高雄市立鹽埕國中 108 學年度第一學期 一年級 英語科第三次段考 試題卷


Academic year: 2021

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一、聽力(單字選擇)-選出聽到的單字:每題 2 分,共 20 分 ( )1. (A) moon (B) rainbow (C) mountain

( )2. (A) even (B) also (C) dear ( )3. (A) desk (B) dance (C) danger

( )4. (A) meadow (B) rainbow (C) shoulder ( )5. (A) tea (B) ticket (C) artwork


( )6. (A) No, we can’t.

(B) No, we’re not.

(C) Let’s use hands.

( )7. (A) It’s on me.

(B) It’s yummy.

(C) It’s in trouble.

( )8. (A) Yes, it is.

(B) Yes, you are.

(C) Yes, you can.

( )9. (A) I am feeding my dog.

(B) It can’t move anything.

(C) Isn’t he sleeping under the table?

( )10. (A) No sweat!

(B) Yes, you can.

(C) I can freeze anything.

二、文意字彙選擇:每題2 分,共 20 分

( ) 11. Look! The boy in the river is in danger. Let’s go ________ him.

(A) save (B) feed (C) lose (D) attack

( ) 12. Many people are lining up to get the food from the new ________.

(A) rainbow (B) island (C) restaurant (D) bridge ( ) 13. Is there ________ I can do for you?

(A) snack (B) trouble (C) anything (D) problem ( ) 14. Don’t feed the tigers. It is not ________.

(A) yummy (B) safe (C) super (D) famous

( ) 15. There is a(n) ________ between the two islands.

(A) bridge (B) ticket (C) art (D) level

( ) 16. Kevin is my sister’s husband. He is a new ________ of our family.

(A) kid (B) member (C) star (D) fan

( ) 17. Get the ________ first, and then you can go inside the museum.

(A) ticket (B) joy (C) shop (D) place

( ) 18. It’s freezing. Don’t stand ________ the house. Come on in.

(A) even (B) into (C) inside (D) outside

( ) 19. This night market is very famous. Let me ________ you ________.

(A) give; back (B) show; around (C) try; on (D) move; up ( ) 20. A: Can you help clean the lake ? B: ________

(A) Just give it a shot ! (B) Take a bite !

高雄市立鹽埕國中 108 學年度第一學期 一年級 英語科第三次段考 試題卷

年 班 號 姓名


(C ) No problem ! (D) Bingo !

三、文法測驗:每題2 分,共 30 分

( ) 21. A: Who ________ in the kitchen?

B: Mom and Dad are.

(A) cook (B) are cooking

(C) is cooking (D) cooking

( ) 22. Look! Dad ________ cakes in the kitchen.

(A) make (B) makes

(C) making (D) is making

( ) 23. Under the tree, there is a boy ________ a book.

(A) is reading (B) reading (C) are reading (D) read ( ) 24. A: ________

B: No, I’m walking my dog.

(A) Are you playing with Tom?

(B) What are you doing?

(C) Are you walking your dog?

(D) What is the dog doing?

( ) 25. Ben can’t sing ________ dance, but he can tell jokes(玩笑).

(A) for (B) or

(C) but (D) then

( ) 26. A: ________

B: It can catch a ball.

(A) Can your dog swim?

(B) What can your brother do?

(C) What can your dog do?

(D) Let’s do the magic(魔術)!

( ) 27. A: Can’t she play tennis(網球)?

B: ________

(A) No, she can. (B) She can’t swim.

(C) Yes, she can’t. (D) No, she can’t.

( ) 28. Can Edward ________ a good teacher?

(A) be (B) is

(C) are (D) am

( ) 29. Julie ________ the door, not opening it.

(A) close (B) is closing

(C) are closing (D) is closeing

( ) 30. My family ________ over there. They are happy.

(A) is talking (B) are talk (C) is talk (D) are talking ( ) 31. The kids ________ snacks and milk tea now.

(A) is having (B) are having (C) have (D) are eating ( ) 32. A: Is Matt painting a rainbow ?

B: ________

(A) Yes, Matt is. (B) No, he isn’t.

(C) Yes, he’s. (D) No, Matt cannot.

( ) 33. The Earth is getting hot. What ________ we do to save it ? (A) are (B) is


(C) cannot (D) can

( ) 34. A: Can’t I take a picture of the statue ? B: ________

(A) No, you can.

(B) Yes, you can’t.

(C) Yes, you can’t do that.

(D) No, you can’t.

( ) 35. A: ________

B: She’s trying pig blood cake.

(A) What is Kathy doing?

(B) Is Kathy trying pig blood cake?

(C) What can Katy try?

(D) What is Kathy’s favorite food?

四、克漏字測驗:每題2 分,共 10 分

It is eleven p.m. now. Dad and Mom ____36.____ in their bedroom. I ____37.____ go to bed because(因為)I am studying for my English test(考試)tomorrow(明天). My sister is ____38.____ a video call with her classmate in the living room. My brother isn’t home. He is out with his friends. I hear(聽到)someone(有人)outside our house.

Who ____39.____ talking over there ? Let me ____40.____.

( ) 36. (A) can sleep (B) is sleeping (C) are sleeping (D) sleep

( ) 37. (A) can’t (B) can (C) am going to (D) am not ( ) 38. (A) in (B) at (C) on (D) around ( ) 39. (A) am (B) is (B) are (D) can

( ) 40. (A) take a bite (B) take pictures (C) take a look (D) take it home

五、閱讀測驗:每題2 分,共 20 分


BTS “Love Yourself” Concert(演唱會)in Taiwan The Best(最好的)Band(團)from South Korea

Place: Taoyuan International(國際的)Baseball Stadium(體育場)

Time: Day 1-Saturday Dec. 14, 2019 6:00 p.m.

Day 2-Sunday Dec. 15, 2019 6:00 p.m.

Ticket Price(價格): 1,000、1,500、2,000

( ) 41. Danny is at the concert now. What is he most likely(最有可能)doing?

(A) Playing baseball with his friends.


(B) Singing with the singers.

(C) Watching the baseball game.

(D) Driving(駕駛)a bus.

( ) 42. Mr. and Mrs. Lee want the best seats(座位)in the concert. How much will they pay(支付)?

(A) 2,000. (B) 3,000.

(C) 3,500. (D) 4,000.


Leo: Wow! It’s a nice box. What’s in it?

Hank: A gift for Mary.

Leo: Who’s Mary?

Hank: Mary is my friend. She is from the UK.

Leo: How old is she?

Hank: She’s eleven.

Leo: Eleven. She’s young.

Hank: She’s not young, but she is funny.

Leo: Really?

Hank: And she is smart. She can jump in the trees, too.

Leo: Jump in the trees? I’d like to meet her. Is chocolate her favorite? Girls like chocolate.

Hank: She likes bananas, not chocolate.

Leo: Aren’t they monkeys’ favorite?

Hank: Yes, they are.

Leo: Isn’t Mary your girlfriend?

Hank: No. She is a friend, but she’s a monkey!

Leo: No wonder(難怪)she likes bananas!

( ) 43. Which(哪一個)is true(正確的)about Mary?

(A) She’s an eleven-year-old girl.

(B) She’s from the USA.

(C) Chocolate is her favorite.

(D) She’s smart.

( ) 44. What’s the gift for Mary?

(A) Hot dogs. (B) Trees.

(C) Bananas. (D) Chocolate.

( ) 45. Which is true?

(A) There’s a gift for Mary from Leo.

(B) Mary is Hank’s friend.

(C) Leo and Hank are monkeys.

(D) The boys are talking about funny bananas.


(On the bus, Connie is texting(傳簡訊)her mom.)

Hi, Mom. We are in Tainan. Now we are on the way(路)to Gold Coast. Mr. Lin says that we can take a walk

(散步)along(沿著)the beach(海灘), but we can’t go swimming in the sea. After that, we will visit(參觀)Anping Old Street. I can’t wait to try the yummy snacks there. Send(傳送)you some pictures later(稍後). Love you.

( ) 46. What is Connie doing now?

(A) She’s talking to her mom.

(B) She’s playing in the water.

(C) She’s eating snacks.

(D) She’s taking a tour bus.

( ) 47. What CAN’T Connie do?

(A) Swim in the sea. (B) Take pictures.

(C) Try some snacks. (D) Walk along the beach.


( ) 48. I can’t wait to means(意指)________.

(A) I don’t like to (B) I don’t want to (C) I really want to (D) I join to ( ) 49. Connie: What are you eating?

Teddy: It is from animals’ blood.

Question: What is Teddy eating?

(A) Bubble milk tea.

(B) Fried chicken.

(C) Stinky Tofu.

(D) Pig blood cake.

( ) 50. Which picture might(可能)Connie send to her mom later?

(A) (B)

(C) (D)


Mrs. Su: Welcome to the Chimei Museum. I’m your guide. Look all you want, but do not touch(摸), please.

Cindy: There are so many artworks in the showroom.

Mrs. Su: That’s right. They are from all over the world.

Bill: What is this?

Mrs. Su: It’s a 19th-century(世紀)Italian painting.

Cindy: Wow! It’s beautiful.

Mrs. Su: In the picture, the queen is inviting people to her garden.

Cindy: Great! And what’s that over there?

Mrs. Su: That’s the souvenir shop. You guys can go there before(在…之前)you leave(離開).

Bill: Yeah! I can buy some postcards for my grandma. And you?

Cindy: A notebook for myself(我自己), I think(認為).

( ) 51. Who is Mrs. Su?

(A) She’s Bill’s mom.

(B) She’s Cindy and Bill’s school teacher.

(C) She’s a member of the museum.

(D) She’s the queen.

( ) 52. What CAN’T Bill and Cindy touch?

(A) The notebooks. (B) The postcards.

(C) The souvenir shop. (D) The paintings.

( ) 53. What are Cindy and Bill doing in the museum?

(A) They’re looking at the paintings.

(B) They’re buying gifts.

(C) They’re inviting their friends.

(D) They’re leaving.

( ) 54. Where are the artworks from?


(A) Taiwan. (B) Japan.

(C) The USA. (D) Different countries.

( ) 55. What is a souvenir shop?

(A) A place where visitors(遊客)can take pictures.

(B) A place where visitors can enjoy artworks.

(C) A place where visitors can get gifts.

(D) A place where visitors can invite their friends.


April(四月)22 is my birthday.

It is also Earth Day.

People throw(丟棄)out everything.

Our mother land(土地)is crying(哭泣).

What can we do to save our land ? Just give it a helping ________.

Follow(遵循)the 3R, reduce, reuse(重複使用), and recycle(回收).

Making a better(較好的)home is not a miracle(奇蹟).

( ) 56. Is the writer’s birthday also Earth Day?

(A) Yes. (B) No.

(C) It can be. (D) We don’t know.

( ) 57. Why(為什麼)is our mother land crying?

(A) The mountains are rising.

(B) The ice is melting.

(C) The Earth is getting dirty.

(D) The lake is freezing.

( ) 58. What is the better word for ________?

(A) place (B) hand (C) call (D) shop ( ) 59. What does reduce mean?

(A) Take the food that you can finish(完成)eating.

(B) Use the shopping bag again.

(C) Put the cup in the recycling bin(桶;箱).

(D) Throw away snacks.

( ) 60. What can we do to help the Earth?

(A) We can save water.

(B) We can buy snacks at the night market.

(C) We can eat in the restaurant.

(D) We can move to the mountains.




Consider 37 your social media notifications off during meals with family and friends or important meetings at work?. Also, pay attention to what you do and how you feel



御者對曰:「臣聞河洛 之神,名曰宓妃。然則 君王所見,無乃是乎? 其狀若何?臣願


第六屆國際小學數學及自然科學奧林匹亞(International Mathematics and Science Olympiad for Primary School) 英文試題英文作答 主辦單位:印尼教育部;日期:2009 年

686 張弘熹 臺中市私立嶺東高級中學附設國中部 九年級 687 古展龍 臺中市私立嶺東高級中學附設國中部 九年級 688 紀全睿 臺中市私立嶺東高級中學附設國中部
