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The Effect of Meditation in Class Management: a Case Study with Elementary School Senior Students 劉惠美、李維靈


Academic year: 2022

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The Effect of Meditation in Class Management: a Case Study with Elementary School Senior Students


E-mail: 9509662@mail.dyu.edu.tw


The purposes of this study focused on the effects of meditation on class management with senior students in the elementary school.

The subjects were 33 5th grade elementary school students. The action research method was adopted. There were five kinds of data collected after meditation. They were individual’s introspection, questionnaire, interview, observation and the experiment group

’s and the control group’s achievements. The data was regarding students’ react after meditation and learning behavior. The subjects practiced meditation 20 minutes every day except Wednesday from 3:00p.m. to 3:20p.m. and 3 minutes at the beginning of every class. The total practicing period was six weeks. Results were as follows: 1. Attention aspect: Meditation can centralize student

’s attention and promote memory and thinking ability. They enhance student’s achievement and ability of dealing with affairs. 2.

Emotion management aspect: The students feel the mood to be relaxed, comfort, calm, and happy. They have abilities to control and manage their emotions better. 3. Class management aspect: The students can be more concentrated and finish the jobs assigned by teachers and classmates on time. In accordance with the findings of this research, suggestions are provided for the instructors, researchers and policy makers.

Keywords : meditation, attention, emotion management, ; class management Table of Contents

封面內頁 簽名頁 授權書……….iii 中文摘要………

………iv 英文摘要……….…v 誌謝……….………

………vi 目錄……….vii 圖目錄………

……….ix 表目錄……….x 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機 與背景 1 第二節 研究目的 3 第三節 解釋名詞 4 第四節 研究對象及限制 5 第二章 文獻探討 6 第一節 靜坐概念及其相關實證 研究 6 第二節 兒童學習行為相關理論 17 第三節 行動研究法的概念 25 第三章 研究方法 27 第一節 樣本情境描述 27 第二節 靜坐實施步驟 28 第三節 研究者的角色 28 第四節 研究工具 30 第六節 資料的分析 34 第四章 研究結果 36 第一節 學生靜坐 心得 36 第二節 靜坐前後兩次自評問卷 41 第三節 靜坐前後紙筆測驗成績 50 第四節 學生訪談及教師訪談 52 第五節 綜合省 思 58 第五章 討論與建議 60 第一節 綜合討論 60 第二節 研究建議 64 參考文獻 67 一、中文部分 67 二、西文部分 74 附錄 76 圖目錄 圖3-4-1實驗組與對照組的實施流程 32 圖3-5-1靜坐研究實施流程步驟架構 33 表目錄 表2-1-1靜坐相關實證研究 14 表4-2-1靜坐前後自我評量統計量表 42 表4-2-2譯碼次數表 45 表4-2-3譯碼歸類表 46 表4-3-1前測組內迴歸係數同質性考驗 摘要表 48 表4-3-2靜坐前後測的平均數及共變數分析摘要 48


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