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A Study on Mainland Chinese University Students’ Decision and Intention of Selecting Universities in Taiwan 林益豐、姚惠忠


Academic year: 2022

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A Study on Mainland Chinese University Students’ Decision and Intention of Selecting Universities in Taiwan


E-mail: 9605046@mail.dyu.edu.tw


Since the birthrate in Taiwan is decreasing, the population of students is also decreasing progressively. Besides, the strong competition pressure from universities all over the world after Taiwan joined the WTO, the machnisam of education market in taiwan shows a pattern that the strong will stay in the business but the weak will be screened out. For example, in August of 2002, after implementing the latest requlations of university entence, there is a serious phenomena appeared in some universities that they could not enrole enough new students; this problem is going to be more serious in the future, and it may jeopardize the operation or even the existence of universities. As a result, it is important for the universities and colleges in Taiwan to improve their

competitiveness to attract new students both nationally and internationally. This research aims to study the motivation from mainland students who may come to study in Taiwan, and the findings can help to be the blueprint for us to predict the factors that can attract the mainland students to come to study in Taiwan; moreover, by interviewing some mainland students studying in Taiwan at present, it is to observe the factors that may affect their decision while selecting a university. In August of 2005, by employing the method of snowballing and sampling, the researcher interviewed some mainland students studying a short-term course in Taiwan. The main purpose of this research is attempting to provide a reference for the maindland students who are willing to come to study in Taiwan for their higher education when the gates of education from both sides are open in the future. Moreover, the findings from the research may provides the universities and colleges in Taiwan with tactics of enrolling new students, thus, the universities can develop good preparations and stratagies to attract students from Mainland to study in Taiwan.

Keywords : Mainland students ; will of coming to Taiwan ; desicion of selecting schools Table of Contents

授權書 ...iii 中文摘要 ...iv 英文摘要 ...v 誌謝 ...vii 目錄 ...viii 圖目錄 ...x 表目錄 ...xi 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究動機 ...1 第二節 研究目的 ...4 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 兩岸教育文化交流 現況 ...6 第二節 兩岸學生赴對岸就學 ...16 第三節 留學與選校決策 ...18 第四節 大陸學生來台的目的 或對台灣的印象 .29 第三章 研究方法 第一節 概念架構 ...32 第二節 研究方法 ...34 第三節 研究預 期結果 ...38 第四章 研究分析與討論 第一節 出國留學及來台意願 ...40 第二節 大陸學生選校因素

...58 第三節 對台灣學校與學術之感受 ...77 第四節 學校訊息來源管道 ...97 第五章 結論與建議 第一節 結論 ...115 第二節 建議 ...119 參考文獻 ...125


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