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Learning Attitude and Learning Strategies among Vocational High School Students 李宜儒、翁淑緣


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Learning Attitude and Learning Strategies among Vocational High School Students 李宜儒、翁淑緣

E-mail: 389490@mail.dyu.edu.tw


This study aimed to investigate vocational high school students' learning attitudes and learning strategies. This study was conducted by questionnaires. Students from national and private vocational high schools in Changhua County in Taiwan were the population of this survey for convenient sampling. 720 questionnaires were sent; 665 valid samples were obtained, and the valid return rate is 92.36%. The data were analyzed with SPSS statistical software for descriptive statistics, independent sample t test, analysis of variance, Pearson correlation, canonical correlation and multiple regression analysis. Background variables and learning attitude’s impact on learning strategies were also examined. The results of this analysis show that: (1) Students from national vocational high schools performed better in both learning attitude and learning strategy than students from private vocational high school do. (2) Vocational high school students of industry major were more willing to review what they learned after class than students of business major do; however vocational high school students of business major were much easier to be influenced by teachers’ positive teaching attitude than students of industry major were. (3) When it came to learning method, concentration on class, strategy change and self-adjustment, female vocational high school students performed better than male students. (4) In learning attitude, second grade and third grade vocational high school students performed better than the students’ of freshman year (5) Vocational high school students whose parents were graduates of five year junior college had better learning methods, students whose parents were college graduates did better in reviewing what they learned after class. (6) Vocational high school students who live with their parents had better learning methods than students who did not live with their parents. (7) From canonical correlation results, we knew that vocational high school students’ learning attitudes were closely related to their learning strategies. (8) From multiple regression results, we knew that we could predict students’ learning strategies better by their learning attitude than by their background variables. Finally, based on the results of this research, conclusions and suggestions were presented for reference of the school education and researches in the future.

Keywords : vocational high students、learning attitude、learning strategies Table of Contents

內容目錄 中文摘要........................ iii 英文摘要...............

.......... iv 誌謝辭.......................... vi 內容目錄.......

.................. vii 表目錄.......................... ix 圖目錄

.......................... xi 第一章  緒論...................

.... 1 第一節  研究動機................... 1 第二節  研究目的..........

......... 4 第三節  研究問題................... 5 第四節  名詞解釋.....

................ 6 第五節  研究範圍與限制.................. 7 第二章   文獻探討..................... 8 第一節  學習態度之概念及相關研究..........

. 8 第二節  學習策略之概念及相關研究.......... 17 第三節  其他因素對學習態度與學習策略之影響

..... 29 第三章  研究方法.................... 37 第一節  研究架構.......

........... 37 第二節  研究假設.................... 39 第三節  研究取樣.

................. 40 第四節  研究工具.................. 42 第五節 資料處 理與分析............... 59 第六節  研究流程與步驟................. 60 第四 章  研究結果與討論................. 62 第一節  高職生之學習態度與學習策略......

... 62 第二節  不同背景變項的高職生學習態度之差異情形... 65 第三節  不同背景變項的高職生學習策略之差 異情形... 72 第四節  高職生學習態度與學習策略相關分析...... 78 第五節  高職生的背景變項及學習態 度預測學習策略之分析 81 第五章  結論與建議................... 83   第一節  結論與討 論................. 83 第二節  建議.................... 90 參考文獻 

........................ 95 一、中文部分.....................

95 二、英文部分.....................102 附錄.....................

...... 110 附錄A 「學習態度」平均數與標準差分析摘要表....110 附錄B 「學習策略」平均數與標準差分析


摘要表....111 附錄C 背景變項在學習態度與學習策略之差異分析彙整表112 附錄D 十三所公立與私立高職學校..

........113 附錄E 研究問卷..................115 表目錄 表 2-1 學習態度層面彙整表.

...............13 表 2-2 學習策略的定義..................18 表 3-1 就讀學校與 類科資料表...............41 表 3-2 性別與年級人數摘要表...............41 表 3-3 學習態度參考量表.................44 表 3-4 「學習態度」項目分析摘要表...........

.48 表 3-5 「學習態度」因素分析摘要表............49 表 3-6 「學習態度」量表信度分析表......

......50 表 3-7 學習策略參考量表.................52 表 3-8 「學習策略」項目分析摘要表.

...........56 表 3-9 「學習策略」因素分析摘要表............57 表 3-10 「學習策略」量表 信度分析表............58 表 4-1 樣本人數分配與百分比分析摘要表..........62 表 4-2 學習態 度t考驗分析摘要表............. 63 表 4-3 學習策略t考驗分析摘要表............. 64 表 4-4 就讀學校在學習態度差異之t考驗分析摘要表..... 65 表 4-5 就讀類科在學習態度差異之t考驗分析摘要表...

.. 66 表 4-6 性別在學習態度差異之t考驗分析摘要表....... 67 表 4-7 不同年級在學習態度的平均數、標準差.

.......67 表 4-8 年級在學習態度差異之變異數分析摘要表.......68 表 4-9 父母教育程度在學習態度的平 均數、標準差..... .69 表 4-10 父母教育程度在學習態度差異之變異數分析摘要表...70 表 4-11 家庭狀況在學 習態度差異之t考驗分析摘要表..... 71 表 4-12 父母管教方式在學習態度差異之變異數分析摘要表...71 表 4-13 就讀學校在學習策略差異之t考驗分析摘要表..... 72 表 4-14 就讀類科在學習策略差異之t考驗分析摘要表....

. 73 表 4-15 性別在學習策略差異之t考驗分析摘要表....... 73 表 4-16 年級在學習策略差異之變異數分析摘要表

.......74 表 4-17 父母教育程度在學習策略的平均數、標準差......75 表 4-18 父母教育程度在學習策略差 異之變異數分析摘要表...76 表 4-19 家庭狀況在學習策略差異之t考驗分析摘要表..... 77 表 4-20 父母管教方式 在學習策略差異之變異數分析摘要表...77 表 4-21 學習態度與學習策略之相關分析摘要表........79 表 4-22 學習態度與學習策略之典型相關分析摘要表......80 表 4-23 背景變項與學習態度預測學習策略之多元迴歸分析摘 要表82 圖目錄 圖 3- 1 研究架構圖....................38 圖 3- 2 研究流程圖.........

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A good game helps students to enhance their learning techniques, such as learning by doing, learning from mistakes, goal-oriented learning, discovery learning, task-based

The results revealed that the levels of both learning progress and willingness were medium, the feeling of the learning interesting was medium to high, the activities

This paper uses learning motivation, educational service quality, learning satisfaction and behavioral intention as scheme and uses one private university students as

Junior high school students and male students intend to have a negative money attitude.. Students who save money habitually intend to have positive attitude toward dimension

teachers and were significantly better than boys; parents and teachers for junior high school students agree to use LINE attitude and be guided by real

The purposes of this research was to investigate relations among learning motivation, learning strategies and satisfaction for junior high school students, as well as to identify

This study based on the computer attitudes, the digital learning attitude and the digital game attitude and tried to find out the factors affecting digital game-based

Keywords: Junior high students, Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL), English teaching and learning methods, perceived usefulness, perceived ease to use, willingness