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道明中學 100 學年度第一學期第一次段考國二英語科試題


Academic year: 2021

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道明中學 100 學年度第一學期第一次段考國二英語科試題




Ⅰ. 文意字彙: 20%

1. PE is the abbreviation(縮寫) of “physical e n.”

2. Alice f s her homework before going to bed, but Emma doesn’t.

3. A: Today is Wednesday. What’s the day after t w? B: It’s Friday.

4. A: Who n d off in math class this morning? B: Jennifer did. She stayed up late last night.

5. I can’t wait to c e the Moon Festival with my family and friends.

6. W s have ears! Be careful not to talk too loudly!

7. Students began to d e the classroom with pretty pictures at seven the next morning.

8. Lots of visitors f d the monkeys when they went mountain climbing.

9. I had a terrible s e because I ate ten moon cakes for breakfast today.

10. The doctor told me to take m e three times a day.

Ⅱ. 請填入括弧內的動詞,並做適當的變化 (一格不限填一個字) : 20%

1. “ (be) or not to be” is a famous quotation(引句) from Hamlet.

2. A: Who (jog) with you? B: My husband did.

3. Richard (have) any fun, but I did.

4. Mike (fly) a kite and had a great time at the park.

5. To David, science (be) interesting at all before.

6. Time (take) the test, class!

7. The Moon Festival is a time for families (get) together.

8. Children enjoy (take) a trip during the summer or winter vacation.

9. Why not (wear) a jacket? The weather is getting cold.

10. The boy students practiced (swim) this afternoon.

Ⅲ. 填充題: 10%

1. Thanks Mr. Wang, I started to like science this semester.

2. A: Where did you go the day before yesterday? B: the ocean park.

3. Bill read A Midsummer Night's Dream, but I . 4. fun to make pumpkin lanterns on Halloween.

5. Henry rode a bike to school, but Lily never .

6. Did you any pictures of your family during the trip?

7. It’s half ten. Go to bed now!

8. A: Happy birthday! This is you! B: Thanks so much!

9. I often get up late holidays.

10. A: What happened your car? B: I don’t know. I just can’t start it.

Ⅳ. 是非題: 10% (正確者寫 T,錯誤者寫 F)

1. Kids like to wear pomelos hats on the Mid-Autumn Festival.

2. It’s thirty after six. Let’s exercise at the gym!

3. Is there anything interesting happen to you?

4. What else can I do for you?

5. It’s nice for you to help me.

6. On my way to home, I met Mrs. Wang.

7. I didn’t go to work because rain.

8. Most of children like to listen to stories about Chang-e and the Moon Rabbit.

9. I played tennis with Leo for half an hour at the gym yesterday.

10. Ann exercises every day because she wants to thin.

Ⅴ. 請根據文意或對話內容選出最適當的選項: 20%

1. and whales look like fish, but they are not fish. They are mammals(哺乳類) like human beings(人類).

(A) Sharks (B) Penguins (C) Sea lions (D) Dolphins


2. Charlotte's Web is a lovely story between a pig Wilbur and a(n) Charlotte. To help her friend, Charlotte spins(織) some words into her web in an effort to convince(讓…相信) the farmer that Wilbur is “some pig” and worth(值得) saving.

(A) butterfly (B) ant (C) insect (D) spider 3. I when I studied in junior high school.

(A) really smoke (B) did smoke (C) do smoke (D) did smoking

4. A: I can’t go window shopping with you next Saturday. B: A: I have a piano lesson that day.

(A) Why? (B) Why not? (C) Guess what? (D) You can say that again.

5. A: you were not home yesterday evening? B: I went to the hospital with my mom.

(A) How come (B) Why (C) What (D) Where

6. At the beach, some children play or swim, and children just sit and enjoy the sunlight.

(A) other (B) others (C) the other (D) the others 7. 選出空格內介係詞答案不同者

(A) Thanks your help! Can you show me the way the station?

(B) Linda lives the second floor. He plans to go a trip to Korea this spring.

(C) Ms. Lee teaches Chinese a fun way. He started to like math his third year of junior high.

(D) Yo-yo Ma(馬友友) is popular millions of people. Alex helped me homework last night.

8. 選出空格內介係詞答案相同者

(A) My PE class is 10:10 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. I drank two glasses milk just now.

(B) The box full money is John’s. Betty just came back the hospital.

(C) Ben studied the math test all night. John didn’t do well the math test.

(D) It is time breakfast. I painted an hour and then went to bed.

9. A: Did you go to work yesterday? B: No. I in Yangmingshan(陽明山).

(A) went to a hot spring (B) had very fun (C) went a trip (D) happened something 10. Choose the Right one.

(A) Because I was too busy I didn’t go to the party.

(B) Because I was too busy, so I didn’t go to the party.

(C) Amy did a great job because she studies vary hard.

(D) Kevin can’t go to the concert because he needs to study tonight.

Ⅵ. 閱讀測驗: 14%

(一) There are two telephone messages below. Read them and answer the following questions.

1. According to(根據) the messages, who’s calling Mary?

(A) Lisa (B) Mr. Baker (C) Mrs. Baker (D) Maggie 2. What can we infer(推論) from the messages?

From: Maggie Lee Tel: (02) 2278-2434 To: Mary Yang Time: 9:30 a.m.


She is calling sick for today. She would like to change the meeting for tomorrow.

□ Call back

■ Will call again about two hours later

□ Urgent(緊急) Message Taker: Lisa Su

From: Mr. Baker Tel: 0988-656-843 To: Mrs. Baker Time: 5:45 p.m.


Remember to pick up Lucy at 7:00 at Youth Dance Club and take her to the dentist(牙醫).

■ Call back

□ Will call again

□ Urgent

Message Taker: John Wu


(A) Maggie is sick today, but she will(將) come to work tomorrow.

(B) When Maggie called, Mary Yang was in the office.

(C) Mr. Baker will go to the dance club to pick up Lucy.

(D) John will call back again.

3. Who is the person that has a teeth problem?

(A) Mr. Baker (B) Mrs. Baker (C) Lucy (D) John 4. Who will get a call around 11:30 a.m.?

(A) Lisa (B) Mary (C) Maggie (D) Both Mary and Maggie 5. Which sentence is wrong?

(A) Mary doesn’t have to call back again. (B) Maggie will call in two hours.

(C) Lisa called Mary at around 9:30 in the morning. (D) Maggie and Mary will have a meeting tomorrow.

(二) This is from a Japanese tourist guidebook about saving life in an earthquake.

Earthquakes happens all the time, and can happen again. Nobody knows when it will come until it comes. To help you tourists, we prepare this guidebook for you. Please read it carefully and help yourself in case an earthquake should happen while you are here.

1. Stay calm and don't run.

2. Stay where you are. A lot of people get injured when they leave buildings.

3. If you are in a building, get under a desk or table. Stay away from glass or windows.

4. Don't use candles. This is to avoid fire.

5. If you are outdoors, stay away from buildings or walls.

6. If you are in a car, stop as soon as you can.

An earthquake may be just a few seconds or up to two minutes. The longer it lasts, the serious it gets. The important thing is to stop what you are doing and hide low when an earthquake happens.

tourist guidebook 遊客指南 earthquake 地震 calm 平靜 injured 受傷 avoid 避免 ( ) 6. The guidebook is for .

(A) tourists in Taiwan (B) tourists in Japan (C) people in New York (D) people in Tokyo ( ) 7. In an earthquake, what should a man do if he is outside of a building?

(A) Stop as soon as he can.

(B) Get under a desk or table.

(C) Get away from windows and glass.

(D) Keep away from the building and walls.


They keep telling me:

Make the correct plan;

Think the correct way;

Ask the right question;

Follow the right way.

Are things as simple as black or white?

Can we really find in life any clear line?

I’m not happy with what they say;

I believe there is another way.

Listen to me!

Can I have my own voice?

Can’t I tell my own stories?

I’ll know what I feel.

I’ll say what I think.

I’ll start my own trip.

Then I’ll make my own history.

8. What is the writer asking for?

(A) A safe way to take a trip. (B) A chance to go his own way.

(C) An idea for writing his stories. (D) A correct answer to his question.

9. What does black or white mean in the reading?


(A) Now or then. (B) Right or wrong. (C) Two broken lines. (D) The writer’s favorite colors.

(四) Most people can’t believe that a common man can run across the Sahara, an endless desert. However, Taiwanese marathon runner, Kevin Lin, has successfully crossed the Sahara Dessert. During the process of running, he had to fight with strong wind now and then, and endure very high temperature during the day, but quite low at night. He and two partners spent 111 days running 7300km from Senegal to Egypt. In addition to the terrible environment, his body was also in pain. He got a fever and hurt his foot. He was attacked by snakes and insects, but he never gave up. His success isn’t by chance. It is made of tears and pain. From Kevin Lin, we can learn that “No pain, no gain.”

common 普通 Sahara 撒哈拉 desert 沙漠 marathon 馬拉松 process 過程 endure 忍受 Senegal 賽內加爾 Egypt 埃及 in addition to 除了 environment 環境 pain 痛苦 attack 攻擊 10. How did Kevin Lin cross the Sahara Desert?

(A) By jogging. (B) By horse riding. (C) By driving. (D) On the boat.

11. What wasn’t a problem for Kevin Lin when crossing the Sahara?

(A) Snakes and insects. (B) The pain of his body. (C) The temperature there. (D) His partners.

(五) On April 30, 2005, a very important thing happened for Taiwan. This is because Wang Chien-Ming pitched his first game as a professional Major League Baseball (MLB) player. At the age of only 25, Wang was already a big star in Taiwan. But on this day, Wang became a hero to millions of Taiwanese because of his accomplishments.

The New York Yankees is the most famous baseball team in America. Obviously, people in Taiwan are very proud that a Taiwanese player is on the team. Many fans stayed up all night to support Wang in his first game. Wang played very well, and the Yankees won 4-3. However, fans in Taiwan do have one big problem. When Wang plays in America in the afternoon, it is the middle of the night in Taiwan.

In America, Wang is known as Chien-Ming Wang, and he is becoming very famous. In 2006, Wang set a record for most wins by an Asian pitcher in one season. We’re looking forward to his performance in the baseball field.

pitch.投球 professional 職業的 obviously 明顯地 accomplishment 成就 performance 表現 12. Why are many Taiwanese proud?

(A) Wang hit a home run (B) Wang is not doing well.

(C) Wang plays for the Yankees. (D) Wang plays for the Angels.

13. How did Wang do in his first MLB game?

(A) He played well, but lost. (B) He played well and won.

(C) He played badly, but won. (D) He played badly and lost.

14. What is the problem that fans have in Taiwan?

(A) Wang doesn’t play in Taiwan. (B) The Yankees don’t play in Taiwan.

(C) Some MLB games are on when people are eating. (D) Some MLB games are on when most people are sleeping.

Ⅶ. 翻譯及改寫句子: 6%

1. A:你的胃現在怎樣? B:它仍然會痛,所以我打算今天待在床上。

2. 陳家人上星期日在花蓮搭船出遊。

3. It’s eight fifty-five. (改寫→先「分」再「時」

道明中學 100 學年度第一學期第一次段考國二英語科答案紙

國二_____組_____號 姓名


I.20% Ⅱ.20% Ⅲ.10% Ⅳ.10%

(正確寫 T,錯誤寫


1 1 1 1

2 2 2 2

3 3 3 3

4 4 4 4

5 5 5 5

6 6 6 6

7 7 7 7

8 8 8 8

9 9 9 9

1 0

1 0

1 0


Ⅴ. 20% 每題 2 分 (請於正確欄內打勾)

Ⅵ. 閱讀測驗: 14% 每題 1 分 (請於正確欄內打勾)

Ⅶ. 翻譯及改寫句子: 6% 每題 2 分

1. A:




道明中學 100 學年度第一學期第一次段考國二英語科答案紙

國二_____組_____號 姓名

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1

0 1

1 1

2 1

3 14



I.20% Ⅱ.20% Ⅲ.10% Ⅳ.10%

(正確寫 T,錯誤寫


1 education 1 To be 1 to 1 F

2 finishes 2 jogged 2 To 2 T

3 tomorrow 3 didn’t have 3 didn’t 3 F

4 nodded 4 flew 4 It’s 4 T

5 celebrate 5 wasn’t 5 did 5 F

6 Walls 6 to take 6 take 6 F

7 decorate 7 to get 7 past 7 F

8 fed 8 taking 8 for 8 F

9 stomachache 9 wear 9 on 9 T

1 0

medicine 1


swimming 1


to 10 F

Ⅴ. 20% 每題 2 分 (請於正確欄內打勾)

Ⅵ. 閱讀測驗: 14% 每題 1 分 (請於正確欄內打勾)

Ⅶ. 翻譯及改寫句子: 6% 每題 2 分

1. A: How ’ s your stomachache now? (1%)

B: It still hurts, so I plan to stay in bed today. (1%)

2. The Chen family(=The Chens) took a boat trip (1%) in Hualien last Sunday. (1%)

3. It ’ s five (1%) to nine. (1%)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

A ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓

B ▓ ▓


D ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1

0 1

1 1

2 1

3 14

A ▓ ▓

B ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓

C ▓ ▓ ▓

D ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓




Consider 37 your social media notifications off during meals with family and friends or important meetings at work?. Also, pay attention to what you do and how you feel




2.特色招生轉科總成績=﹝口試成績*35% + 術科測 驗平均成績*35% + (第一學期國文、英文、數學 學業成績平均值)


聯合招生管道招生校數最多、規模最大的入學管道,分為二階段 甄試,第一階段為統一入學測驗成績篩選、第二階段為各招生校 系之指定項目甄試 (